America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day is a U.S. celebration that occurs annually on November 15th.

The National Recycling Coalition founded this day in 1997. In 2009, Keep America Beautiful began coordinating the program with sponsorship from the EPA and other organizations. Local event organizers can contact Keep America Beautiful for help with getting the word out about their events.

The goal of the day is to encourage Americans to make more sustainable choices (buying more products made of recycled materials) and to commit to recycling on a personal and community level.

Efforts to encourage recycling over the past 50 years have made a difference. Today, Americans recycle more than one third of their waste. This percentage is expected to grow as local collection is made available in more communities.

Make the Pledge!
On America Recycles Day, people are asked to take a simple pledge to do three things: find out what materials are collected for recycling in their community, reduce their personal waste in the coming month by recycling more, and encouraging one friend or family member to take the pledge as well. The pledge is the same each year- because that's what recycling is all about!
