Public health professionals focus on social determinants of health, which are factors that impact individual and community health. Graduates in Public Health will possess knowledge and skills necessary to prevent disease, prolong life and promote health through the organized efforts of society.

Environmental Health provides career preparation for positions in the environmental and occupational health fields, which is the evaluation and management of factors that impact the environmental health of the community and the safety and health of people in the workplace.

Graduates of the Bachelors of Science in Public Health with a major in Health Services Administration will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance the administration and the delivery of health services through healthcare management and policy education.

This minor helps students explore societal inequities, focusing on barriers like race, gender, and economics. It covers social determinants of health (SDOH), including culture, socioeconomic status, and policies, which influence health equity and quality of life.

The certificate program in occupational safety is designed to prepare students to meet safety standards and guidelines in such areas as business, education and industry with the goal of managing operations to minimize financial losses resulting from accidents, health claims, legal actions and property damage.