
We, the administrators of Â鶹´«Ã½, concerned with the growth and development of the university, the broad scope of educational issues confronting the administration, the professional development of this administrative staff, and the responsibilities delegated to the administrative staff by the Board of Visitors and the Senior Administration of Â鶹´«Ã½, do hereby establish the Association of University Administrators.

The general purpose of the Association of University Administrators is to promote and enhance the profession of university administration and, specifically, the profession at Â鶹´«Ã½. Through this process, the Association of University Administrators will work to promote and enhance the image of Â鶹´«Ã½. The Association of University Administrators will be committed to representing the common concerns of those having administrative responsibilities in the conduct of the educational mission of the university.

The Association of University Administrators supports the mission and integrity of Â鶹´«Ã½ and it holds the conviction that it can assist in the further growth and development of Â鶹´«Ã½ through its own growth, development and operation.

(Revised June 2010)

Article I - Name

Section 1

The name of this Association shall be the Association of University Administrators (AUA), hereinafter referred to as the Association.

(Revised June 2010)

Article II - Purpose

The general purpose of this Association shall be:

  • To provide an opportunity for Â鶹´«Ã½ administrators to share the considered experience, ideas and discussions basic to the growth of the University, specifically:
  • To work toward the enhancement of the image of Â鶹´«Ã½ within the institution and within the community.
  • To serve as an advisory council to the University President and other appropriate individuals and bodies.
  • To provide an information network for administrators through which they can be kept informed on University issues.
  • To provide Administrators a forum for the exchange of ideas and a focus for professional development.
  • To provide Administrators with the opportunity for professional and social collegiality.
  • To work in conjunction with the University community to identify problems and initiate solutions for vital university issues.

(Revised June 2010)

Article III - Membership

Membership in this Association shall be open to all persons designated by the University to be full-time or adjunct Faculty Administrators (FA), Faculty Professionals (FP), General Administrators (GA), General Professionals (GP), now collectively designated as AP Faculty, and Classified Pay Bands 4 and above, referred to as Administrators throughout this document. Payment of annual dues constitutes official membership in the Association. Associate membership shall be open to all other persons subscribing to the mission and purposes of the Association.

(Revised June 2010)

Article IV - Elected Officers

Section 1
The elected officers of this Association shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2
The elected officers shall serve a one-year term which shall coincide with the fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The officers elected in 1990, the initial year of the Association, shall serve from the date of election through June 30, 1991.

Section 3
The President-Elect shall automatically become President of this Association upon expiration of his/her term as President-Elect or upon the resignation, termination at the University, or death of the President.

Section 4
If a vacancy occurs among the elected officers, other than the President and the President-Elect, the President shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, a person to complete the vacated term of office

(Revised June 2010)

Article V - Duties of Elected Officers

Section 1
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all business meetings and all other general meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee of the Association; to consider all motions regularly made; and to call special meetings. The President shall also appoint the chairs of the standing committees and all committees not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws, taking into consideration an equitable representation of membership on the basis of administrative reporting lines, race and gender. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President or his/her designee shall also be the representative of this Association on appropriate university committees, task forces, and boards.

Section 2
In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President. The President-Elect shall become familiar with the work of this Association in preparation for the term as President. The President-Elect shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 3
The Secretary shall record all official proceedings of the meetings of this Association and the Executive Committee of this Association and transmit the proceedings in writing to the President and Executive Committee.

Section 4
The Treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to this Association; keep an account of all receipts and expenditures; pay all approved bills charged against the Association; present in writing a financial report at the end of each fiscal year and/or at any other time upon request of the Executive Committee.

(Revised June 2010)

Article VI - Executive Committee

Section 1
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the immediate Past-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Chairs of all Standing Committees.

Section 2
The Executive Committee shall conduct, manage, and control the business of this Association during the periods between the business meetings of this Association.

Section 3
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month at a time to be determined by the committee at its first meeting following annual elections. Other meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or at the request of a simple majority of the Executive Committee membership. The Executive Committee shall approve all committee memberships. All Executive Committee meetings shall be open to the membership.

(Revised June 2010)

Article VII - Elections

Section 1
The President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer of this Association shall be elected by a majority by all dues-paying members of the Association. Election shall be determined by plurality of votes cast.

(Revised June 2010)

Article VIII - Committees

Section 1
The Association may include the following standing Committees: Program, Communications, Membership, Work Life Issues, and Nominations. Each committee chair shall recommend committee membership, taking into consideration an equitable representation of membership on the basis of administrative reporting lines, race and gender, to the Executive Committee for approval.

Section 2
The Nominations Committee shall consist of not more than three (3) persons representing the university-wide divisional membership of the Association and shall be chaired by the Immediate Past- President. This Committee shall conduct the election under the direction of the President and provisions will be made for soliciting nominations from the membership. The Committee shall prepare a slate of at least one candidate for each of the offices of President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, and should consider an equitable representation of membership on the basis of administrative reporting lines, race and gender.

Section 3
The Program Committee shall be responsible for the format, content and implementation of the professional development, social and community programs, and workshops related to Association membership.

Section 4
The Communications Committee shall be responsible for advertising and promoting Association events and information.

Section 5
The Membership Development Committee shall be responsible for educating the University about the purpose of the AUA, encouraging all eligible Administrators (per Article II) to become active dues-paying members of the Association, and maintaining the current membership roster.

Section 6
The Work Life Issues Committee shall address concerns involving personnel issues faced by Â鶹´«Ã½ administrators.

(Revised June 2010)

Article IX - Dues

The dues of this Association shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and voted on at a meeting open to all Association members. Approval of dues will require a majority vote of members present at that meeting. All elected officers, committee chairs and committee members must be dues-paying members at the time of their election/appointment.

(Revised June 2010)

Article X - Fiscal Matters

Section 1
The fiscal year of this Association shall be from July 1 to June 30.

Section 2
Annual income and expense budgets shall be drafted by the Treasurer and submitted to the Executive Committee for its formal approval at its first meeting of the fiscal year.

Section 3
Income and expense reports shall be drafted by the Treasurer and submitted to the Executive Committee for its formal approval at monthly meetings.

Section 4
A Committee will be appointed by the President to conduct an annual audit.

(Revised June 2010)

Article XI - Meetings

Section 1
There shall be at least one business meeting annually, that will be open to all Association members.

Section 2
Notices of each meeting shall be announced at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of such meeting.

Section 3
The members present at any Association meeting for which notice has been given shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business

(Revised June 2010)

Article XII - Dissolution of the Association

Section 1 - Disposal Upon Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Association, none of its property shall be distributed to any members, and all of such property shall be transferred to such other organization or organizations as the Executive Committee shall determine to have purpose and activities most nearly consistent with those of the Association, provided that such other organizations shall be exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding provisions of the Internal Revenue Laws.

(Revised June 2010)

Article XIII - Amendments

Section 1
Except as is provided in Section 2 below, amendments to the By-Laws may be acted upon only at a meeting of the Association. If presented to all members of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to a business meeting at which the proposed change is to be considered, such an amendment may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the membership present. Any amendments to such proposed amendments NOT presented to all members of the Association thirty (30) days in advance of a business meeting may be adopted by at least four-fifths of the members present.

Section 2
If, in the judgment of the Executive Committee, action upon a proposed amendment is desirable before the next business meeting, it may be taken through email following presentation of the amendment to all members of the Association. If two-thirds of the members who voted within the succeeding thirty (30) days vote affirmatively, the amendment shall be adopted.

Section 3 - Date of Effect
These By-Laws and any amendments thereto become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the membership, as specified in Article XIII, Section 1 and 2.

(Revised June 2010)

Article XIV - Rules of Order

Section 1
Robert's Rules of Order Revised (by Henry Martin Robert) shall govern the proceedings of the Association not otherwise specified by the By-Laws.

(Revised June 2010)
