Company Physical Training (PT)
Physical Training helps to establish Navy standards for maintaining optimal health, physical, and mental stamina.All Companies train on Mondays and Wednesdays from 0545 to 0700. Midshipmen that require extra physical training also PT on Fridays from 0545 to 0700 (as needed).
Company Training Programs are developed and led by Student Physical Training Instructors (PTIs). Emphasis is on cardiovascular and strength training within ability level groups.
HRNROTC Physical Requirements
Our physical requirements are based on the program you are applying for. Our College Program application requires a self-assessed PRT and a sports physical, whereas the scholarship program has its own AFA and DoDMERB physical, both of which are part of their respective application processes.
Interested in joining NROTC?
Naval ROTC offers opportunities for scholarships and benefits, as well demanding unique requirements of participants.Â