High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRETM)


Transmission Electron Microscope

The JEM-2100F is an advanced Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope featuring ultrahigh resolution and rapid data acquisition. The JEM-2100F is a next generation TEM that simplifies atomic level structural analyses in biology, medicine, and materials sciences as well as the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries.

The JEM-2100F has been developed to achieve the highest image quality and the highest analytical performance in the 200kV class analytical TEM with a probe size under 0.5 nm. The new side-entry goniometer stage provide ease of use tilt, rotation, heating and cooling, programmable multi-point settings--all without mechanical drift. The JEM-2100F at Â鶹´«Ã½-ARC is equipped with an Oxford Xplore SDD detector, a 11-megapixel Gatan SC1000 ORIUS CCD camera, and a Gatan 626 single tilt liquid nitrogen cryo transfer holder.

Item Value
Accelerating Voltage 200 kV
Electron Gun ZrO/W (100) field emission
Imaging Mode
  • High resolution
  • Bright field
  • Dark field
  • STEM
  • 0.23 nm (point-to-point)
  • 0.10 nm (lattice)
  • 0.20 nm (STEM)
  • MAG mode: 2,000x - 1,500,000x
  • Low MAG mode: 50x - 6,000x
  • SA MAG mode: 8,000x - 800,000x
Spot Size
  • 2-5 nm (TEM mode)
  • 0.5-2.4 nm (analytical mode)
CCD Camera Gatan SC1000 ORIUS CCD camera (11 megapixel)
EDS Unit Oxford Xplore SDD detector
EDS Modes
  • Point analysis
  • Line Scan
  • Elemental mapping
  • Spectral imaging

Image Description

Cryo-TEM technical equipment for the Applied Research Center.

The JEM-2100F has the capability of characterizing radiation-sensitive, frozen-hydrated specimens. The cryo transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) facilities at ARC include aÌýGatan 626 single tilt liquid nitrogen cryo transfer holder, aÌýGatan Model 655 Dry Pumping Station, and a programmableÌýGatan 900 SmartSet temperature controller.

The TEM specimen preparation laboratory is equipped with various tools including polisher, diamond saw, dimpler, and ion miller for preparing specimens for TEM observation.






FEI Helios NanoLab 450S DualBeam FIB/SEM

Focused ion beam machine

The Helios NanoLab 450S DualBeam FIB/SEM combines the most advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) technologies with innovative gas chemistries, detectors and manipulators. Featuring unsurpassed SEM resolution, image quality and stunning Tomahawkâ„¢ FIB performance, imaging, milling or preparing samples is fast and easy for semiconductor and data storage labs, research facilities and industrial applications.

The Helios NanoLab 450S is ideally suited for high throughput, high-resolution S/TEM sample preparation, imaging and analysis. Its exclusive FlipStage and in-situ STEM detector can flip from sample preparation to STEM imaging in seconds without breaking vacuum or exposing the sample to the environment.


  • Exclusive FlipStageâ„¢ for integrated sample preparation and STEM imaging
  • New high-performance Elstarâ„¢ electron column with UC monochromator technology for sub-nanometer SEM and STEM image resolution
  • Tomahawkâ„¢ ion column for highspeed, highresolution milling and cross sectioning
  • Low kV ion beam clean-up minimizes TEM sample damage
  • Five-axis piezo-driven stage with loadlock provides full coverage of 80 mm sample
  • Advanced design provides unprecedented stability and immunity to environmental interference
  • Automated setup and operation for ease-of-use and reduced training
  • Comprehensive preparation, imaging and analysis capabilities maximize utilization and reduce cost-of-ownership
Sample from FEI Helios NanoLab 450S DualBeam FIB/SEM



ItemÌý Specification
Electron Source Schottky thermal field emitter
Ion Source Gallium liquid metal
Landing Voltage

50 V - 30 kV SEM

500 V - 30 kV FIB

SEM ResolutionÌý

0.8 nm @ 15 kV

0.8 nm @ 2 kV

0.9 nm @ 1 kV

1.5 nm @ 200 V with beam decleration

Ion Beam Resolution

4.5 nm @ 30 kV using preferred statistical method

2.5 nm @ 30 kV using selective edge method


FlipStage with in-situ STEM detector and Omniprobe sample extractor

5 axis all piezo motorized

100 mm XY motion

Loadlock (80 mm max. diameter)

Max Sample Size 80 mm diameter with full travel
User InterfaceÌý Windows GUI with integrated SEM, FIB, GIS, simultaneous patterning and imaging mode


Scanning Electron Microscope


  • JEOL JSM-6060LV has resolution of 3.5 nm in the high vacuum SEM mode and 4.0nm in the lowvacuum SEM mode.

  • The newly developed electron optics has a lowest magnification of 5X.

  • The specimen chamber is tall enough for a 50mm high specimen and is equipped with a eucentricspecimen stage.

  • The operation graphic user interface (GUI) has automatic functions, recipe (customapplications settings), a simple Desk Top Publisher and a browseable image database forcomfortable operation from observation to report creation.

  • The low vacuum SEM mode enables one to observe and analyze non-conductive, wet, or high-vacuum incompatible specimens.

Item Specification
Accelerating Voltage 5-30 kV
Imaging Mode
  • High vacuum (HV) for regular samples
  • Low vacuum (LV) for biological samples
  • 3.5 nm (HV mode)
  • 4.0 nm (LV mode)
Magnification 5X - 300,000X
EDS Unit Thermo Scientific UltraDry Premium EDS Detector
EDS Modes
  • Point & Shoot
  • Line Scan
  • Elemental mapping
  • Spectral imaging

X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

MiniFlex II Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer (Rigaku)

Rigaku MiniFlex II Desktop X-ray Diffractometer

The Rigaku Miniflex II can be used for a variety of applications from diffraction pattern comparison of polycrystalline materials such as powder samples and metal plates to qualitative and quantitative analyses and quality management of raw materials and products. The bench top instrument uses CuKα radiation and is ideal for quick data collections of both powder and thin-film samples ranging from simple oxides to complex compounds.

  • Phase identification
  • Phase quantification (phase ID)
  • Percent (%) crystallinity
  • Crystallite size and strain
  • Lattice parameter refinement
  • Rietveld refinement
  • Molecular structure


Scanning Probe Microscope / Atomic Force Microscope (SPM/AFM)

Bruker Dimension Edge

Bruker Dimension Edge atomic force microscope

Dimension Edge incorporates Bruker's PeakForce Tapping technology to provide the highest levels of atomic force microscope (AFM) performance, functionality, and accessibility in its class. Based on the Dimension Icon platform, the Edge system has been designed from top to bottom to deliver the low drift and low noise necessary to achieve publication-ready data in minutes instead of hours, all at price points well below expectations for such performance. Integrated visual feedback and preconfigured settings enable expert-level results simply and consistently, making the most advanced large-sample AFM capabilities and techniques available to every facility and user.

  • Closed-Loop Accuracy
  • Large Sample Stage
  • Automatic Image Optimization
AFM Modes:
  • Tapping Mode
  • Contact Mode
  • Conductive AFM (C-AFM)
  • Surface Potential Microscopy (SPoM)
  • Lateral Force Microscopy
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy
  • Electric Force Microscopy
  • ScanAsyst
  • Dark Lift
  • Force Spectroscopy
  • Nanoindentation,
  • Nanolithography
  • Adhesion
  • PhaseImaging
  • LiftMode

VEECO Dimension 3100

AFM - Dimension 3100 (Veeco)

The Dimension 3100 AFM is an instrument capable of imaging specimens with a horizontal and vertical resolution down to a fraction of a nanometer. The instrument works by measuring the deflection produced by a sharp tip on micron-sized cantilever as it scans across the surface of the specimen, which provides users the ability to characterize the surface roughness of materials and nanofabricated structures. Sample sizes that can be handled by the instrument range from small pieces to 4-inch diameter wafers.

Scanning Modes:
  • Tapping mode
  • Contact mode


UV-Vis Spectrometer

LAMBDA 45 UV/Vis System (PerkinElmer)

LAMBDA 45 UV/Vis System (PerkinElmer)

LAMBDA 45 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer from PerkinElmer can be used for measurements on liquids, solids, pastes, powders samples and regulatory tests requiring variable bandwidths and highly scattering light samples. The additional pre-monochromator reduces stray light by a factor of 2, providing optimum performance for turbid and light-scattering liquid samples, such as biological solutions and suspensions.

  • True double beam operation for very high stability, higher accuracy and reproducibility
  • 1 nm resolution and low stray-light design easily passes all pharmacopoeia and regulatory performance tests
  • Widest range of reproducible and robust sampling accessories to simplify and speed your analysis, whatever your sample
  • Pre-aligned Deuterium and Tungsten-halogen lamps for increased uptime
  • Choice of UV WinLab software to simplify analysis from sample entry to report generation