ࡱ> 9C( P/ 0|DTimes New Romanll20DArialNew Romanll20 DWingdingsRomanll200DArial Blackmanll20"@DBradley Hand ITCl20Bc0.  @n?" dd@  @@`` u! " FH !#$%&     DGJLMNOPSTV\]^ 0e0e A@A5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E?@8YZ*g4YdYd\? 0>ppp@ <4!d!d8A10l2 <4BdBd8c20lg4=d=ddn 0^p@ ppL ʚ;xum8ʚ;<4dddd810880___PPT10 ? %O =76Avoiding Plagiarism5 College of Arts and Letters 鶹ý6Z6 6 I-O2Training in ethical behavior QThis Powerpoint is designed to inform you about research ethics and plagiarism. More and more students are reporting knowledge of incidents of plagiarism. Plagiarism is unethical. If you plagiarize, you are: Lying to your professor. Lying to yourself. Cheating yourself by failing to gain a truer knowledge of your own unique abilities.@PP C<!Plagiarism includes: Making use of another s work (words or ideas) without acknowledgement Leading your audience to believe that another s work is your ownP1Examples of PlagiarismvSubmitting a research paper obtained from a commercial service, the Internet or another student Submitting a research paper prepared for you or with unacknowledged assistance of another individual Making simple grammatical or word-order changes to borrowed material and representing it as one s own work Leaving out quotation marks when they are necessary Taking any credit for work that you did not create yourself  work belonging to othersZL0@How Faculty  Catch PlagiarizerspFaculty are voracious readers.  Professional or uncharacteristic writing in student papers can tip off faculty to plagiarism. Simple phrase and key word searching on the Internet can reveal plagiarism. Sophisticated software programs, such as  Safe Assign can be linked electronically to your paper submission.99*.Avoiding Plagiarism  IlBecome familiar with the academic practice and the style guide in your discipline; strive to become a diligent and conscientious scholar. Use appropriate language and avoid jargon. Learn to use quotation marks correctly. Learn when and how to cite sources; follow proper citation formatting. Be thorough and generous in acknowledging intellectual debts to others. mZm= 0Avoiding Plagiarism  II Take careful notes. Carefully mark direct quotations. Avoid  cutting and pasting and  dragging and dropping from electronic sources. RThe Ambrose Case: A Scholar s Plagiarism Stephen Ambrose, a well-known historian and senior scholar, was accused of plagiarizing the work of a junior scholar published by a lesser-known press.-The Ambrose Case: The Works Under ExaminationThomas Childers, Wings of Morning: The Story of the Last American Bomber Shot Down over Germany in World War II (Perseus, 1995). Stephen Ambrose, The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s over Germany (Simon & Schuster, 2001). R^#@qudThe Ambrose Case: Passage in Question  Example I Childers, Wings, 83.  Up, up, up, groping through the clouds for what seemed like an eternity & No amount of practice could have prepared them for what they encountered B-24s, glittering like mice, were popping up out of the clouds all over the sky. @   Ambrose, Wild, 164.  Up, up, up he went, until he got above the clouds. No amount of practice could have prepared the pilot and crew for what they encountered --- B24 s, glittering like mice, were popping up out of the clouds over here, over there, everywhere. @ dThe Ambrose Case: Passage in Question  Example IIDChilders, Wings, 11.  Howard struggled to master the internal electronics of the radio, building generators, studying vacuum tubes and amplifiers, transformers and transmitters. He disassembled the sets, examined the intricate ganglia of tubes and wires, and reassembled them blindfolded. DZZ  Ambrose, Wild, 64.  He mastered the internal electronics of the radio, built generators, studied vacuum tubes and amplifiers, transformers and transmitters. He learned to disassemble a set, then reassemble it blindfolded. @  HThe Ambrose Case: Childer s Evidence  VHis story was based on several factual sources His uncle s experience on a B-24 crew out of England with Eighth Air Force A cache of private letters stored in Childer s grandmother s house in Tennessee that had been sent home by radio operator Howard Goodner Interviews with one surviving crew member and letters from family of another U.S. military records of the period His book was published six years earlier than Ambrose sB/ZEZ8Z/E8, S HThe Ambrose Case: Ambrose s EvidenceHis book was based on some factual sources Senator George McGovern s experiences as a bomber pilot in Italy with the Fifteenth Air Force; McGovern is quoted extensively and is Ambrose s good friend Childer s Wings of Morning: The Story of the Last American Bomber Shot Down over Germany in World War II; Childer s book is mentioned in four footnotes, and it is listed in Ambrose s bibliography.f+P`P+^!;, a RV8+The Ambrose Case: Why did plagiarism occur?In the passages already discussed (and in several others), Ambrose copied and/or paraphrased closely without using quotation marks appropriately. He also did not cite his sources fully. Thus he presented work that was not his as his own.6 W9HThe Ambrose Case: Ambrose s ReactionAdmitted to  copying without adequate attribution but not to plagiarism Apologized for minor errors Reworked text for paperback edition to provide better attribution (at least 20 pages of 263 totally reworked)[;The Ambrose Case: The FalloutXScholars undertook an extensive examination of Ambrose s published work One critic uncovered nine other problematic passages in The Wild Blue. Other scholars uncovered a pattern of plagiarism that stretched back to Ambrose s Ph.D. dissertation, as well as citation problems in six of his other books:HH7Q3,The Ohio University Case: Student PlagiarismtIn 2005, The Ohio University became concerned about student cheating and conducted a thorough review of its recent graduate theses and dissertations.  I don t know of any other school that has gone to such great lengths to identify cheating, said Donald McCabe who was involved in the review of student materials.;;R4!The Ohio University Case: ResultsBy 2008, one alumnus of the University s college of engineering had had his degree revoked because of plagiarism and twenty-two other alumni were being ordered to rewrite their graduate theses and/or dissertations. X:!What happens when you plagiarize?You steal from someone else You cheat the system and put others at a disadvantage You show a lack of confidence in yourself You embarrass yourself, your family, and your friends You lose the respect of those around you You risk your academic career and jeopardize your future successPS5-What happens to you at 鶹ý if you plagiarize?dYou break the ODU Honor Code A formal investigation may occur conducted by a University hearing officer If found guilty, you may receive a grade of F in the class and have  academic dishonesty stamped on your transcript If a second offense, disciplinary sanctions may include dismissal from the University33T6<Don t Plagiarize! Never, Ever!/ , - . /07Z 0` fff33` 3KI3ff` 33ff` /p` 3%*3|` Jy3fff3f` 3ff3̙` 33ff33` DDyq3f` ̙3n` w3ff` }ff>?" dd@,?nKd@ P nA@F`d n?" dd@   @@``PR"   @ ` `2p>> ~ v  (    6ܝ #" ``   H*0   6 #" `` `  H*0 T X  "X  Ntd#" `P (  6\d#" `U   S |"UY 4 0  c $4"YW 4 0   c $"YU 4 0   c $" 4 0v   S #" `SV    S p"Y 4 0   c $HÖ"X 4 0  <|Ŗ #" `  `  T Click to edit Master title style! !$  0Ȗ " `p  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  6Ζ #" `^ `  F*0 H  0޽h ? }ff80___PPT10. 07  Pixelo  0   o (  T   "  Tʶd #"   (v  c $,϶ "9)e  b e  # "e p  S Ҷ"ie  p  S dն"9) p  S ض"0 p   S  ܶ"?e  p   S ") p   S "?G p   S 0"oG p   S x"9G p  S "iA p  S "A?   6 #" `` `  F*0   6 #" ``   H*0   6 #" `` `  H*0   0 "P    T Click to edit Master title style! !  0 " P   W#Click to edit Master subtitle style$ $H  0޽h ? }ff80___PPT10. 070 zrP (    0G P    P*    0K     R*  d  c $ ?    0O  @  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Dr. Phil Langlais, VP for Graduate Studies, ODU >TT DH d 0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.@+D=' = @B + 0N0 0(  x  c $8  `   x  c $ `p  H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.l_+D=' = @B + 0N0 `0(  x  c $P `   x  c $ `p  H  0޽h ? 3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 |0(  |x | c $¹ `   x | c $¹ `p  H | 0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.lPJ+D=' = @B + 0N0 pp0(  px p c $\  `   x p c $< `p  H p 0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i. >+D=' = @B + 0N0 0(  H x  c $<` `  ` x  c $>` `p ` H  0޽h ? 3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 0(  x  c $I` `  ` x  c $J` `p ` H  0޽h ? 3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +  0N0 l0( x lx l c $lU`  `  ` x l c $0V` `p ` H l 0޽h ? 3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +\ 0N0  \(   x  c $ S`  `  `   c $\` `p<$0 ` H  0޽h ? ̙33 ___PPT10.+} <D' = @B DS' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<* %(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<* %(+8+0+ 0 +i  0N0 xp$(  $x $ c $i`  `  `  $ c $Ll`  p<$0 `  $ c $8m`s `p<$0 ` H $ 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +i  0N0 xp (   x  c $`  `  `   c $d`  p<$0 `   c $P`s `p<$0 ` H  0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 (\(  (x ( c $`  `  `  ( c $t` `p<$0 ` H ( 0޽h ? ̙33 | ___PPT10\ .+FD ' = @B D ' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(DM' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*(/%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*(/z%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*(z%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*(P%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*(Pt%(DA' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*(t%(+8+0+(0 +E  0N0 0\(  0x 0 c $,`  `  `  0 c $$` `p<$0 ` H 0 0޽h ? ̙33 ___PPT10.+FD' = @B D<' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +Ds' =%(D' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*0+%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*0+%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*0%(+8+0+00 + 0N0 00(  x  c $H`  `  ` x  c $|` `p ` H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.lk +D=' = @B + 0N0 @0(  x  c $H`  `  ` x  c $ ` `p ` H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.l+y+D=' = @B + 0N0 $(  r  S ;  `   r  S l? `p  H  0޽h ? }ff___PPT10i.+D=' = @B + 0N0 0(  x  c $H`  `  ` x  c $ ` `p ` H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.m]+D=' = @B + 0N0 0(  x  c $Hw  `  w x  c $ w `p w H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.m +D=' = @B + 0N0 `0(  x  c $( w  `  w x  c $ w `p w H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.n_+D=' = @B + 0N0 0(  x  c $w  `  w x  c $w `p w H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.nx+D=' = @B +0N0 0(  x  c $/wP   w x  c $t2w P  w H  0޽h ? 3f3f___PPT10i.o`6<+D=' = @B +K0   (  X  C    w  S l9w @  w  Sources include: Stephen Ambrose, CopycatEXCLUSIVE from the January 14, 2002 issue: The latest work of a bestselling historian isn't all his.by Fred Barnes, accessed 27 October 2003 at http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/000/738lfddv.asp V d-P"H  0޽h ? ̙330 @hR( II@ hR h 3     h C j @   `*Booth, Colomb, Williams, Craft of ResearchH h 0޽h ? ̙33 0 |(  R  3    w  C Pw @  w " H  0޽h ? ̙330 |0(  R  3    w  C HVw @  w " H  0޽h ? ̙330 |@( * R  3    w  C [w @  w " H  0޽h ? ̙330 |P(  R  3    w  C `w @  w " H  0޽h ? ̙330 |`( C0 R  3    w  C xfw @  w " H  0޽h ? ̙330 jb(  R  3    wh  C kw @  w Art of scholarship comes from ucdavis s website on plagiazism Also from AHA conduct guide (2005),  $H  0޽h ? ̙33r ` f@y[ #|}*Jx,P m97< _pzIhLuO`mr_ZV`pACS¬[1Oh+'0 hp   PlagiarismAdmin13Pixel 鶹ý User43Microsoft PowerPoint@sJ/B@8Ϝ@`xXGg   0  y--$xx--'---$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$x x ----$ x x ----$ x x ----$ x x ----$ xx ----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$xx----$x x ----$ x!x! ----$!!x"x"!----$""x#x#"----$##x$x$#----$$$x%x%$----$%%x&x&%----$&&x'x'&----$''x(x('----$((x)x)(----$))x*x*)----$**x+x+*----$++x,x,+----$,,x-x-,----$--x.x.-----$..x/x/.----$//x1x1/----$11x2x21----$22x3x32----$33x4x43----$44x7x74----$77x;x;7----$;;x>x>;---'}--$II--'--$ > II> >--'--$((((--'--$''22'--'}--$>II>>--'--$''(2(2'--'--$(33((--'}--$(3 3 ((--'--$(3(3(((--'--$ 3 >>3 3--'--$3>>33--'@Arial-. $2 @6Avoiding Plagiarisms."System-@Arial-. 02 \6College of Arts and Letters.-@Arial-. *2 o6鶹ý.-՜.+,0(    On-screen Show鶹ýb' Times New RomanArial Wingdings Arial BlackBradley Hand ITCPixelAvoiding PlagiarismSlide 2Training in ethical behavior Plagiarism includes:Examples of Plagiarism!How Faculty Catch PlagiarizersAvoiding Plagiarism IAvoiding Plagiarism II*The Ambrose Case: A Scholars Plagiarism .The Ambrose Case: The Works Under Examination3The Ambrose Case: Passage in Question Example I 3The Ambrose Case: Passage in Question Example II%The Ambrose Case: Childers Evidence%The Ambrose Case: Ambroses Evidence,The Ambrose Case: Why did plagiarism occur?%The Ambrose Case: Ambroses ReactionThe Ambrose Case: The Fallout-The Ohio University Case: Student Plagiarism"The Ohio University Case: Results"What happens when you plagiarize?.What happens to you at 鶹ý if you plagiarize?Dont Plagiarize! Never, Ever!  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles _n鶹ý UserODU User  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgijklmnopqrstvwxyz{|~Root EntrydO)Current User}SummaryInformation(hPowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8u