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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`Vu GUIDELINES[BUDGETJ ASSUMPTIONS. DEFINITIONS  ;  ;3  ;D8 RName Of Business:Owner:Type Of Business: Prepared By:Date:Address:Pre-Start-up Position@1. CASH ON HAND (Beginning Of Month),ActualEstimateTotal Columns 1-121. 2. (a) X7. CASH POSITION (End of month) (4 minus 6)>ESSENTIAL OPERATING DATA (Non-cash flow information) A. Sales Volume (Dollars)%B. Accounts Receivable (End of month)C. Bad Debt (End of month)#D. Inventory on hand (End of month)"E. Accounts Payable (End of month)(b)(c)3.4. 5. (a) (d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)(o)(p)(q)(r)N4. TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE (Before cash out) (1 + 3) 4G3. TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (2a + 2b + 2c = 3)5(s)(t)(u)(v)(w)6.7.A.B.C.D.E.F.Year:Month:F. Depreciation85. CASH PAID OUT ASSUMPTIONSSBA Monthly CashFlow SheetDAll cash sales. Omit credit sales unless cash is actually received./Amount to be expected from all credit accounts.YIndicate here all cash injections not shown in 2(a) or 2(b) above. See "A" of "Analysis"Self-ExplanatoryHMerchandise for resale or for use in product (paid for in current month)base pay plus overtime (if any)vInclude paid vacations, paid sick leave, health insurance, unemployment insurance, etc. (this might be 10-45% of 5(b)cThis could include labor and/or material for specialized or overflow work, including subcontracting8Items purchased for use in the business (not for resale)BInclude periodic large expenditures such as painting or decoratingathis amount should be adequate to maintain sales volume - include telephone book yellow page cost=If personal car used, charge in this column - include parking5Outside services, including, for example, bookkeeping-Real estate only (See 5(p) for other rentals)Water, heat, light and/or powerCoverages on business property and products, e.g. fire, liability. Also Worker's Compensation, fidelity, etc. Exclude "executive life" (include in 5(w)).:Plus inventory tax - sales tax - excise tax, if applicableCRemember to add interest on loan as it is injected (See 2(c) above)?Unexpected expenditures may be included here as a safety factor DEFINITIONSESmall expenditures for which separate accounts would not be practicalSubtotal4This subtotal indicates cash out for operating costsWInclude payment on all loans, including vehicle and equipment purchases on time paymentrNon-expensed (depreciable) expenditures such as equipment, building, vehicle purchases, and leasehold improvements`Expenses incurred prior to the first month projection and paid for after the "start-up" positionXExample: insurance, tax, or equipment escrow to reduce impact of large periodic paymentsShould include payment for such things as owner's income tax, social security, health insurance, "executive" life insurance premiums, etc.EThis amount will carry over to the next month to Row 1 - Cash on HandThis is basic information necessary for proper planning and cash flow projections. Using this data and the above, cash flow can be evolved and shown on the above form.gESSENTIAL OPERATING DATA (Non-cash flow information) A. Sales Volume (Dollars)Important! Take into account the size of the facility and employee output as well as realistic anticipated sales (actual sales performed, not orders received)Previous unpaid credit sales plus current month's credit sales, less amounts received in the current month (deduct "C - Bad Debts" below)@Bad debts should be subtracted from (B) in the month anticipatedLast month's inventory plus merchandise received and/or manufactured in the current month minus the amount sold in the current month^Previous month's payables plus current month's payables minus the amount paid during the monthwEstablished by your accountant, or value of all your equipment divided by useful life (in months) as allowed by the IRSSBA FORM 1100 (3-93)L2. CASH RECEIPTS Owner: Prepared by: Date: Address: Name Of Business: SBA FORM 1100 (3-93)@1. CASH ON HAND (Beginning Of Month)G3. TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (2a + 2b + 2c = 3)N4. TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE (Before cash out) (1 + 3) X7. CASH POSITION (End of month) (4 minus 6) GuidelinesGENERALDefinition: A cash flow projection is a forecast of cash funds a business anticipates receiving, on the one hand, and disbursing, on the other hand, throughout the course of a given span of time, and the anticipated cash projection at specific times during the period being projected. 8apply to every business, and some entries may not be included which would be pertinent to specific businesses. It is sugested, therefore, that the form be adapted to the particular business for which the projection is being made, with appropriate changes in the entries as may be required. Before the cash flowprojection can be completed and pricing structure established, it is necessary to know or to estimate various important factors of the business, for example:? What are the direct costs of the product or service per unit?8 What are the monthly or yearly costs of the operation?= What is the sales price per unit of the product or service?)Determine that the pricing structure provides this business with reasonable breakeven goals (including a reasonable net profit) when conservative sales goals are met. What are the available sources of cash, other than income from sales; for example, loans, equity capital, rent, or other sources?3The Form: the cash flow projection form provides a systematic method of recording estimates of cash receipts and expenditures, which can be compared with actual receipts and expenditures as they become known - hence the two columns, Estimate and Actual. The entries listed on the form will not necessarily Objective: The purpose of preparing a cash flow projection is to determine deficiencies or excesses in cash from that necessary to operate the business during the time for which the projection is prepared. If deficiencies are revealed in Dthe cash flow, financial plans must be altered either to provide more cash by, for example, more equity capital, loans, or increased selling prices of products, or to reduce expenditures including inventory, or allow less credit sales until a proper cash flow balance is obtained. If excesses of cash are revealed, it mightindicate excessive borrowing or idle money that could be "put to work." The objective is to finally develop a plan which, if followed, will provide a well-managed flow of cash./(A) Use even dollars rather than showing cents.9(B) If this is a new business, or an existing business undergoing significant changes or alterations, the cash flow part of the column marked "Pre-Start-up Position" should be completed. (Fill in the appropriate blanks only.) Costs involved here are, for example, rent, telephone and utility deposits before the business actually opens. Other items might include equipment purchases, alterations, the owner's cash injection, and cash from loans received before actual operations begin.y(C) Next fill in the pre-start-up position of the essential operating data (non-cash flow information), where applicable.Procedure: Most of the entries for the form are self-explanatory. However, the following suggestions are offered to simplify the procedure: CHECKINGIn order to ensure that the figures are properly calculated and balanced, they must be checked. Several method may be used, but the following four checks are suggested as a minimum:CHECK #1: Item #1 (Beginning Cash on Hand-1st Month)< plus Item #3 (Total Cash Receipts - Total Column) minus Item #6 (Total Cash Paid Out - Total Column) should be equal to Item #7 (Cash Position at End of 12th Month).7CHECK #2: Item A (Sales Volume-Total Column) plus Item B (Accoutns Receivable-Pre-Start-Up Position) minus Item 2(a) (Cash Sales-Total Column) minus Item 2(b) (Accounts Receivable Collection-Total Column) minus Item C (Bad Debt-Total Column) should be equal to Item B (Accounts Receivable at End of 12th Month).CHECK #4: The horizontal total of Item #3 (Total Cash Receipts) is equal to the vertical total of all items under #2 [2(a) through 2(c)] in the total column at the right of the form.ANALYZE the correlation between the cash flow and the projected profit during the period in question. The estimated profit is the difference between the estimated change in assets and the estimated change in liabilities before such things as an owner withdrawal, appreciation of assets, change in investments, etc. (The change may be positive or negative.) This can be obtained as follows:o(1) Item #7 (Cash Position-End of Last Month) minus Item #1 (Cash on Hand at the Beginning of the First Month).QRl(3) Item B (Accounts Receivable-End of 12th Month) minus Item B (Accounts Receivable-Pre-start-up Position).h(4) Item D (Inventory on Hand-End of 12th Month) minus Item D (Inventory on Hand-Pre-start-up Position).mThe change in liabilities (before items noted in "change in assets") can be computed by adding the following:c(2) Item E (Accounts Payable - End of 12th Month) minus E (Accounts Payable-Pre-start-up Position).The change in assets before owner's withdrawal, appreciation of assets, change in investments, etc., can be computed by adding the following:R(D) Complete the form using the suggestions in the DEFINITIONS tab for each entry.ANALYSIS,A. The cash position at the end of each month should be adequate to meet the cash requirements for the following month. If too little cash, then additional cash will have to be injected or cash paid out must be reduced. If there is too much cash on hand, the money is not working for your business.B. The cash flow projection, the profit and loss projection, the breakeven analysis, and good cost control information are tools which, if used properly, will be useful in making decisions that can increase profits to ensure success.KC. The projection becomes more useful when the estimated information can be compared with actual information as it develops. It is important to follow through and complete the actual columns as the information becomes available. Use the cash flow projection to assist in setting new goals and planning operations for more profit.Please Note: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to:3Chief, Administrative Information Branch, Room 5000"U.S. Small Business Administration+409 3rd Street, S.W., Washington, DC 204168and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs,Office of Management and BudgetWashington, DC 20503OtherPurchases (Merchandise)"Gross Wages (Excludes withdrawals)Loan Principal Payment6. TOTAL CASH PAID OUT Payroll Expenses (Taxes, etc.)Outside ServicesSupplies (Office and Operating)Repairs and Maintenance AdvertisingCar, Delivery, and TravelAccounting and LegalRent Telephone Utilities InsuranceTaxes (Real Estate, etc.)InterestMiscellaneous (Unspecified)Capital Purchases (Specify)Other Start-up CostsReserve and/or Escrow (Specify)Owner's Withdrawal+6. TOTAL CASH PAID OUT 06. TOTAL CASH PAID OUT CHECK #3: The horizontal total of Item #6 (Total Cash Paid Out) is equal to the vertical total of all items under Item #5 in the total column at the right of the form. O(1) Item 2(c) (Loans-Total Column) minus 5-Loan Proncipal Payment-Total ColumnT(2) Item #5-Capital Purchases-Total Column minus Item F (Depreciation-Total Column).i(5) Item #5-Owner's Withdrawal-Total Column or dividends, minus such things as an increase in investment.0(6) Item #5-Reserve and/or Escrow - Total Column(a)W2. CASH RECEIPTS Cash SalesM Collections From Credit Accounts(c )&Loan or Other Cash injection (Specify)(r )(x)(y) Cash Salesy6Cash on Hand same as (7), Cash Position Previous Month@ AB}CCCDD8FJ{HJ L DPV/RASX_ein foTpps sccB g2ɀ  cp{4f֌  dMbP?_*+%'&?'333333?(zG?)Q?M\\vrprinters1\Polk RSB Clericap d,,A4,RPCSRCA8E170.ini01.0001.00RCOMMON`? privLdq,, 22 22,@ddArial 2   $$$$UNAUTHORIZED COPYArialFFp "X,,??&cU} e} $e} Ee} e} Ce} e} $ ech@h@hh@,@@,@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ f< ec fof p q        y      zggg { g  g g  g x g  g g  g r g  g g  g s g   g t  Dl >,*,**,,*,,*,,*,!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@@@!g !u! ! !"g "v"#g #w# # #$g %g % %&g'g(g (( ( ( )g ) )*g *|*+g +}+,g-g .g . ./g /~/01 22 2 23 4456 7 8 899:: ;;<<== > >? ?@ @D`l>*>,>,**,*4  A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^@_@`@A AB BC C DjEFDl a@b@(>*<deb ;=>B23458:+./1#&()    !"#$268=%&),.07 Sheet1gg g2ɀ 9FM  dMbP?_*+%1.&C&"Arial,Bold"&16Monthly Cash Flow Projection&?'?(ףp= ?)ffffff?M\\vrprinters1\Polk RSB Clerica pd,,A4,RPCSRCA8E170.ini01.0001.00RCOMMON`? privLdqXX$dd$dd,@ddArial 2   $$$$UNAUTHORIZED COPYArialFF p"C,,??&cU} mB}  M}  M}  M}  M} M} !$ M9""c"""""""" " " " " "" "! !@!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!! b bbb b bbb b bbb b bbb b bbb bb F F KKK ~ ?~ @ ~  @ ~  @ ~ @~ @~ @~  @~ "@~ $@~ &@~ (@   d7 d8BK @L    B B F C B  B  B  B  B  B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B F C  CB! 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