GPIS Professional Development Program (PDP)

The courses you take during your time in GPIS will help you become familiar with important theories, research agendas, policy debates, and historical facts in your chosen area of study. Yet your professional success upon leaving GPIS will also depend critically on skills that your courses do not cover. The GPIS Professional Development Program (PDP) aims to connect GPIS students with resources that will assist in the development of these professional skills. This page compiles a variety of resources related to conferences, internships, methodological training, and job preparation. The PDP also runs a series of workshops led by GPIS faculty and other professionals in academia and the policy world.

Topics include:

  •               Academic Conferences and Presentations
  •               Early Steps to Prepare for the Job Market
  •               Making the Most of Coursework
  •               Academic Publishing


Teaching Resources

Graduate Program in International Studies (GPIS)