Donata Worrell (CCL Cohort 20) has been named Director of Planning and Evaluation at Patrick and Henry Community College in Martinsville, VA. And Chuck Bowling (CCL Cohort 18) has been named Dean of Students at McDowell Technical Community College in Marion, North Carolina.

Dr. Milan Hayward was recently named the President of Pierpont Community & Technical College

Dr. Mitchell R. Williams Awarded a 2023 Broderick Diversity Champion Award

Dr. Stacy Waters-Bailey has been named a 2023-2024 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellow

Six Community College Leadership students were awarded their Ph.D. at the May 5, 2023 Graduation Ceremony

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Stacy Water-Bailey (CCL Program Ph.D. in 2016) was recently promoted to Vice President of Transfer Excellence and Success at Forsyth Technical College in Winston-Salem, Nort Carolina. Dr. Waters-Bailey said she is very excited about this promotion and looking forward to 鈥渆nsuring students are well prepared and able to successfully transition to our four-year partners鈥.

Students and Faculty from the Community College Leadership and Higher Education programs visited Washington D.C. on December 1 and 2, 2022. They engaged with policy makers both on Capital Hill but also with professional associations such as the American Association of Community Colleges.

On November 30, 2022, alumni, current students, prospective students, and faculty of the Community College Leadership Program and Higher Education Program gathered at the Virginia Community College System offices in Richmond, Virginia.

Dr. Mitchell Williams traveled to Middletown, New York to hood two CCL alumni on the SUNY Orange Campus. Dr.s Anne Prial and Josh Lavorgna graduated from the Community College Leadership Ph.D. program.

Students and Faculty from the Community College Leadership Program and the Higher Education Program visited Washington DC on December 1 and 2, 2022 for the annual DC Policy Trip.

Two alumni of the Ph.D. Program in Community College Leadership Program were recently hooded at a ceremony at SUNY Orange in Middletown, New York.

The faculty of the Community College Leadership Program are pleased to announce that CCL doctoral student Gerome Bell (Cohort 19) is the first recipient of a new CCL Program Scholarship.

CCL Program students and alumni who are leaders of community colleges in Virginia recently participated in the 2022 Virginia Community College System鈥檚 New Horizons Conference in Roanoke.

Dr. Gregory was selected to give the inaugural Constitution Day Address at Virginia Tech. Sponsored by the Office of University Scholarships and Financial Aid, Dr. Gregory will be talking about the role of higher education in protecting democracy.

Dr. Ellen Davenport Receives Dana B. Hamel Award

Dr. Josh Lavorgna named Associate Vice President for the Business, Math, Science, and Technology Division at SUNY-Orange in Middletown, New York.

CCL Program alumnus Page Moore (Ph.D. 2021) is the lead author of Factors Encouraging Student Enrollment Following Dual Enrollment Participation.

Dr. Christopher Wikstrom (Ph.D. 2018) has been named the Vice President of Academic & Student Success Services at Patrick & Henry Community College in Martinsville, Virginia.