Mathematics & Statistics
Yuesheng Xu
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Computational Applied Math, Â鶹´«Ã½, (1989)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Xu, Y. "Collaborative Research: Sparse Optimization for Machine Learning and Image/Signal Processing" $171,089. Federal. 2022 - 2025
- "Advanced Planar Image Reconstruction for Targeted Alpha Therapy" $145,173. Federal. 2022 - 2024
- "Collaborative Research: Sparse Optimization in Large Scale Data Processing: A Multiscale Proximity Approach" $125,000. Federal. 2019 - 2023
- "International Conference of Mathematics on Data Science" $15,000. Federal. 2018 - 2019
- Li, Z., Song, G. H. and Xu, Y. (2018). A fixed-point proximity approach to solving the support vector regression with the group lasso regularization. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 15 (1-2) , pp. 154-169.
- Long, W., Lu, Y., Shen, L. and Xu, Y. (2017). High-resolution image reconstruction: An env l1/TV model and a xed-point proximity. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 14 , pp. 255-282.
- Feiglin, D., Krol, A., Li, S., Schmidtlein, C. Ross., Zhang, J. and Xu, Y. (2017). Preconditioned alternating projection algorithm for solving the penalized-likelihodd SPECT reconstruction problem. Physica Medica 38 , pp. 23-35.
- Liu, Y., Shen, L., Xu, Y. and Yang, H. (2016). A collocation method solving integral equation models for image restoration. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 28 (2) , pp. 263-307.
- Krol, A., Li, S., Wu, Z., Zeng, X. and Xu, Y. (2016). Reducing staircasing artifacts in SPECT reconstruction by an inmal convolution regularization. Journal of Computational Mathematics 34 , pp. 626-647.
- Ma, Y. and Xu, Y. (2015). Computing oscillatory integrals: Partition of the integration interval based on the singularity and the wave number of the integrand. Science in China Mathematics 45 (8) , pp. 1133-1152.
- Xu, Y. and Zheng, T. (2011). Optimal H2 model reduction for large scale MIMO systems via tangential interpolation. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 8 , pp. 174-188.
- Micchelli, C. A. ., Shen, L. and Xu, Y. (2011). Proximity algorithms for image models: Denosing. Inverse Problems 27 (4) , pp. 30 pp.
- Song, G. and Xu, Y. (2010). Approximation of high dimensional kernel matrices by multilevel circulant matrices. J. Complexity 26 (4) , pp. 375-405.
- Song, G. and Xu, Y. (2010). Approximation of kernel matrices by circulant matrices and its application in kernel selection methods. Front. Math. China 5 , pp. 123-160.
- Wang, B., Wang, R. and Xu, Y. (2010). Fast Fourier-Galerkin methods for first-kind logarithmic-kernel integral equations on open arcs. Science in China 53 , pp. 1-22.
- Jiang, Y. and Xu, Y. (2010). Fast Fourier-Galerkin methods for solving singular boundary integral equations: Numerical integration and precondition. J. Comput. Appl. Math. (234).
- Qian, T., Wang, R., Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2010). Orthonormal bases with nonlinear phases . Advances in Computational Mathematics 33 , pp. 75-95.
- Lu, Y., Shen, L. and Xu, Y. (2010). Integral equation models for image restoration: High accuracy methods and fast algorithms. Inverse Problems 26 (4) , pp. 32pp.
- Jiang, Y. and Xu, Y. (2010). Fast discrete algorithms for sparse Fourier expansions of high dimensional functions . J. Complexity 26 (1) , pp. 51-81.
- Cao, Y., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2009). A fast collocation method for solving stochastic integral equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 , pp. 3744-3767.
- Chen, Z., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2009). Fast multilevel augmentation methods for solving Hammerstein equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 , pp. 2321-2346.
- Wang, R., Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2009). Fast nonlinear Fourier expansions . Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 1 , pp. 373-405.
- Qian, T., Xu, Y., Yan, D., Yan, L. and Yu, B. (2009). Fourier spectrum characterization of Hardy spaces and applications. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137.
- Brenner, M., Jiang, Y. and Xu, Y. (2009). Multiparameter regularization for Volterra kernel identification via multiscale collocation methods. Adv. Comput. Math. 31 , pp. 421-455.
- Micchelli, C., Zhang, H. and Xu, Y. (2009). Optimal learning of bandlimited functions from localized sampling. Journal of Complexity 25 (2) , pp. 85-114.
- Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2009). Recent mathematical development on empirical mode decomposition . Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 1 , pp. 681-702.
- Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2009). Refinement of reproducing kernels . Journal of Machine Learning Research 10 (Jan) , pp. 107-140.
- Zhang, H., Xu, Y. and Zhang, J. (2009). Reproducing kernel Banach spaces in machine learning. J. Machine Learning Research 10 , pp. 2741-2775.
- Chen, Z., Nelakanti, G., Xu, Y. and Zhang, Y. (2009). A fast collocation method for eigen-problems of weakly singular integral operators . J. Scientific Computing 41 , pp. 256-272.
- Cai, H. and Xu, Y. (2008). A fast Fourier-Galerkin method for solving singular boundary integral equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 , pp. 1965-1984.
- Chen, Z., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2008). Fast collocation methods for high dimensional weakly singular integral equations. J. Integral Equations Appl. 20.
- Chen, Z., Xu, Y. and Yang, H. (2008). Fast collocation methods for solving ill-posed integral equations of the rst kind. Inverse Problems 24.
- Chen, Z., Lu, Y., Xu, Y. and Yang, H. (2008). Multi-parameter Tikhonov regularization for linear ill-posed operator equations. J. Comput. Math. 26 , pp. 37-55.
- Micchelli, C. A.., Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2008). On translation invariant operators which preserve the B-spline recurrence. 28 (2) , pp. 157-169.
- Chen, Z., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2007). Fast numerical collocation solutions of integral equations. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 6 , pp. 643-666.
- Cao, Y., Huang, M., Liu, L. and Xu, Y. (2007). Hybrid collocation methods for Fredholm integral equatioins with weakly singular kernels. Appl. Numer. Math. 57 , pp. 549-561.
- Lu, Y., Shen, L. and Xu, Y. (2007). Multi-parameter regularization methods for high-resolution image reconstruction with displacement errors. IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems 54 , pp. 1788-1799.
- Chen, Q., Micchelli, C. and Xu, Y. (2007). On the matrix completion problem for multivariate lter bank construction. Advances in Computational Mathematics 26 , pp. 173-204.
- Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2007). Refinable kernels . J. Mach. Learn. Res. 8 , pp. 2083-2120.
- Chen, Z., Xu, Y. and Yang, H. (2006). A multilevel augmentation method for solving ill-posed operator equations. Inverse Problems 22 , pp. 155-174.
- Schneider, R., Xu, Y. and Zhou, A. (2006). An analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems. Advances in Computational Mathematics 25 , pp. 259-286.
- Liu, S. and Xu, Y. (2006). Galerkin methods based on Hermite splines for singular perturbation problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 43 , pp. 2607-2623.
- Liu, B., Riemenschneider, S. and Xu, Y. (2006). Gearbox fault diagnosis using empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert spectrum. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 , pp. 718-734.
- Chen, Z., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2006). Multilevel augmentation methods for dierential equations. Advances in Computational Mathematics 24 , pp. 213-238.
- Huang, M. and Xu, Y. (2006). Superconvergence of the iterated hybrid collocation method for weakly singular Volterra integral equations. J. Integral Equations 18 , pp. 83-116.
- Xu, Y. and Yan, D. (2006). The Bedrosian identity for the Hilbert transform of product functions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 , pp. 2719-2728.
- Xu, Y., Liu, B., Liu, J. and Riemenschneider, S. (2006). Two-dimensional empirical mode decomposition by nite elements. Proc. R. Soc. A- 462 , pp. 3081-3096.
- Micchelli, C., Xu, Y. and Zhang, H. (2006). Universal kernels. J. Machine Learning Research 7 , pp. 2651-2667.
- Chen, Q., Huang, N., Riemenschneider, S. and Xu, Y. (2006). A B-spline approach for empirical mode decompositions. Advances in Computational Mathematics 24 (1-4) , pp. 171-195.
- Wang, Y. and Xu, Y. (2005). A fast wavelet collocation method for integral equations on polygons . J. Integral Equations Appl. 17 , pp. 277-330.
- Wu, W., Feng, G., Li, Z. and Xu, Y. (2005). Deterministic convergence of an online gradient method for BP neural networks. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks 16 , pp. 533-540.
- Chen, Z., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2005). Error control strategies for numerical integrations in fast collocation methods . Northeastern Mathematics Journal 21 , pp. 233-252.
- Chen, Z., Wu, B. and Xu, Y. (2005). Multilevel augmentation methods for operator equations. Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities (English Series) 14 , pp. 31-55.
- Liu, Y. and Xu, Y. (2005). Piecewise linear spectral sequences . Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 , pp. 2297-2308.
- Lu, Y., Shen, L. and Xu, Y. (2005). Shadow block iteration for solving linear systems obtained from wavelet transforms. Appl. Comp. Harmonic Anal. 19 , pp. 359-385.
- Xu, Y. and Zou, Q. (2005). Tree wavelet approximations with applications . Sciences in China Ser. A Math 48 , pp. 680-702.
- Chen, Q., Micchelli, C. A,. and Xu, Y. (2005). Biorthogonal multivariate filter banks from centrally symmetric matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications 402 , pp. 111-125.
- Xu, Y. and Zhou, A. (2004). Fast Boolean approximation methods for solving integral equations in High dimensions. J. Integral Equations Appl. 16 , pp. 83-110.
- Xu, Y., Chen, H. and Zou, Q. (2004). Limit values of derivatives of the Cauchy integrals and computation of the logarithmic potential. Computing 73 , pp. 237-295.
- Chen, Q. and Xu, Y. (2004). The Cascade algorithms for the numerical computation of refinable functions. Advances in Computational Mathematics 20 , pp. 17-24.
- Fang, W., Wang, Y. and Xu, Y. (2004). An implementation of fast wavelet Galerkin methods for integral equations of the second kind. Journal of Scientific Computing 20 (2) , pp. 277-302.
- Cao, Y., Herdman, T. and Xu, Y. (2003). A hybrid collocation method for Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernels. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 41 , pp. 264-281.
- Xu, Y. and Zhou, Q. (2003). AdaptiveWavelet Methods for Elliptic Operator Equations with Nonlinear Terms . Advances in Computational Mathematics 19 , pp. 99-146.
- Chen, Q., Micchelli, C., Peng, S. and Xu, Y. (2003). Multivariate lter banks having a matrix factorization . SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Its Applications 25 , pp. 517-531.
- Wu, W. and Xu, Y. (2002). Deterministic convergence of an online gradient method for neural networks. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 144 , pp. 335-347.
- Chen, Z., Micchelli, C. and Xu, Y. (2002). Fast collocation methods for second kind integral equations . SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 , pp. 344-375.
- Brenner, M. and Xu, Y. (2002). A factorization method for identification of Volterra systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 144 (1-2) , pp. 105-117.
- Chen, Z., Micchelli, C. A.. and Xu, Y. (2002). Discrete wavelet Petrov-Galerkin methods . Advances in Computational Mathematics 16 (1) , pp. 1-28.
- Fang, W., Ma, F. and Xu, Y. (2002). Multilevel iteration methods for solving integral equations of the second kind. Journal of Integral Equations Applications 14 (4) , pp. 355-376.
- Chen, Z., Micchelli, C. and Xu, Y. (2001). A multilevel method for solving operator equations . Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 262 , pp. 688-699.
- Micchelli, C. A.., Sauer, T. and Xu, Y. (2001). Subdivision schemes for iterated function systems. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (no. 6) , pp. 186-1872.
- Kaneko, H., Padilla, P. and Xu, Y. (2001). Superconvergence of the iterated degenerate kernel method. Applicable Analysis 80 , pp. 331-351.
- Ford, W. F.., Pennline, J. A.., Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (2000). Asymptotic error analysis of a quadrature method for integral equations with Greens function kernels. Journal of Integral Equations Applications 12 , pp. 349-384.
- Dahmen, W., Schneider, R. and Xu, Y. (2000). Nonlinear Functionals of Wavelet Expansions - Adaptive Reconstruction and Fast Evaluation. Numerische Mathematik 86 (1) , pp. 49-101.
- Chen, Z., Micchelli, C. and Xu, Y. (1999). A Construction of Interpolating Wavelets on Invariant Sets. Math. Comp. 68 , pp. 1569-1587.
- Chen, G., Chen, Z. and Xu, Y. (1999). Numerical Computation of a Heavily Loaded Flexible-beam Model. Comm. Numer. Methods Engineering 15 , pp. 249-261.
- Chen, Z., Xu, Y. and Zhao, J. (1999). The Discrete Petrov-Galerkin Method for Second Kind Integral Equations. Journal of Integral Equations Applications 11 , pp. 1-35.
- Micchelli, C., Sauer, T. and Xu, Y. (1998). A construction of refinable sets for interpolating wavelets . Results in Mathematics 34 , pp. 359-372.
- Xu, Y. (1998). Numerical Treatments for Boundary Integral Equations. Advances in Computational Mathematical.
- Chen, Z. and Xu, Y. (1998). The Petrov-Galerkin and Iterated Petrov-Galerkin Methods for Second Kind Integral Equations . SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 35 , pp. 406-434.
- Bogacki, P., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1997). Distance between oriented curves in geometric modeling. Advances in Computational Math. 7 , pp. 593-621.
- Chen, Z., Micchelli, C. and Xu, Y. (1997). The Petrov-Galerkin Methods for Second Kind Integral Equations II: Multiwavelet Scheme. Advances in Computational Mathematics 7 , pp. 199-233.
- Micchelli, C., Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (1997). Wavelet Galerkin Methods for Systems of Multivariate Integral Equations. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 86 , pp. 251-270.
- Micchelli, C. A.. and Xu, Y. (1997). Reconstruction and Decomposition Algorithms for Biorthogonal Multiwavelets . Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 8 (1-2) , pp. 31-69.
- Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (1996). An extrapolation method for a class of boundary integral equations. Mathematics of Computation 65 , pp. 587-610.
- Deutsch, F., Ubhaya, V., Ward, J. D.. and Xu, Y. (1996). Constrained best approximation in Hilbert space III: Applications to n-convex functions. Constructive Approximation 12 , pp. 361-384.
- Ford, W. F.., Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (1996). Derivative Correction for Quadrature Formulas . Advances in Computational Mathematics 6 , pp. 139-157.
- Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (1996). Quadratures for boundary integral equations of the rst kind with logarithmic kernels,. Journal of Integral Equations Applications 8 , pp. 239-268.
- Kaneko, H. and Xu, Y. (1996). Superconvergence of the iterated Galerkin methods for Hammerstein equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 33 , pp. 1048-1064.
- Ubhaya, V. and Xu, Y. (1995). Constrained Lp-approximation by generalized n-convex functions induced by ECT systems. Journal of Approximation Theory 80 , pp. 423-449.
- Shen, Z. and Xu, Y. (1995). Degenerate kernel schemes by wavelets for nonlinear integral equations on the real line. Applicable Analysis 59 , pp. 163-184.
- Bogacki, P., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1995). Degree reduction of Bezier curves by uniform approximation with endpoint interpolation. Computer-Aided Design 27 , pp. 651-661.
- Deutsch, F., Ubhaya, V. A.. and Xu, Y. (1995). Dual cones, constrained n-convex Lp-approximation and perfect splines. Journal of Approximation Theory 80 , pp. 180-203.
- Xu, Y. (1995). Recursions for Tchebyche B-splines and their jumps. NATO ASI Series 454.
- Micchelli, C. A.. and Xu, Y. (1995). Using the matrix renement equation for the construction of wavelets II: Smooth wavelets. Approximation and Computation A Festschrift in Honor of Walter Gautschi , pp. 435-457.
- Hu, R., Micchelli, C. and Xu, Y. (1995). Weakly singular Fredholm integral equations II: Singularity preserving wavelet collocation methods. Approximation Theory VIII: Wavelet and Multilevel Approximation , pp. 167-178.
- Xu, Y. (1995). Weakly singular Fredholm integral equations I: Singularity preserving wavelet Galerkin methods. 2 , pp. 283-300.
- Ford, W. F.., Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (1994). Extrapolation methods for nonlinear boundary integral equations. Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics , pp. 1249-1252.
- Kaneko, H. and Xu, Y. (1994). Gaussian-type quadratures for weakly singular integrals and their applications to the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Mathematics of Computation 62 , pp. 739-753.
- Xu, Y. and Zhao, Y. (1994). Quadratures for improper integrals and their applications in integral equations. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 48 , pp. 409-413.
- Hu, R., Kaneko, H. and Xu, Y. (1994). Singularity preserving collocation method for weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics , pp. 1311-1314.
- Cao, Y. and Xu, Y. (1994). Singularity preserving Galerkin methods for weakly singular Fredholm integral equations. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 6 , pp. 303-334.
- Micchelli, C. A.. and Xu, Y. (1994). Using the matrix refinement equation for the construction of wavelets on invariant sets. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 , pp. 391-401.
- Kaneko, H. and Xu, Y. (1992). Degenerate kernel method for multi-variable Hammerstein equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics 10 , pp. 473-479.
- Weistein, S. and Xu, Y. (1992). Degree reduction of Bezier curves by approximation and interpolation. The Proceedings of 6th South Eastern Approximation Theorists International , pp. 503-512.
- Kaneko, H., Noren, R. and Xu, Y. (1992). Numerical solutions for weakly singular Hammerstein equations and their superconvergence. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 4 , pp. 391-407.
- Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1991). A duality approach to best uniform convex approximation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 160 , pp. 314-322.
- Swetits, J., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1991). Best Lp approximation by multiple constraints for 1 p Journal of Approximation Theory 65 , pp. 90-108.
- Kaneko, H. and Xu, Y. (1991). Degenerate kernel method for Hammerstein equations . Mathematical of Computation 65 , pp. 141-148.
- Kaneko, H. and Xu, Y. (1991). Numerical solutions for weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. Applied Numerical Mathematics 7 , pp. 167-177.
- Kaneko, H., Noren, R. and Xu, Y. (1990). A characterization of the solution of a Fredholm integral equation with L1 forcing term. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 2 , pp. 581-594.
- Swetits, J., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1990). Approximation in Lp[0, 1] by n-Convex Functions, . Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 11 , pp. 167-179.
- Ubhaya, V., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1990). Best piecewise monotone uniform approximation . Journal of Approximation Theory 63 , pp. 375-383.
- Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1990). Best quasi-convex uniform approximation . Journal of Mathemat--cal Analysis and Applications 152 , pp. 240-251.
- Swetits, J., Weistein, S. and Xu, Y. (1990). On the characterization and computation of best monotone approximation in Lp[0; 1]. Journal of Approximation Theory 60 , pp. 58-69.
- Swetits, J. J., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1990). The computation of a best monotone Lp approximation for 1 p Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 11 (7-8) , pp. 811-822.
- Kaneko, H., Noren, R. and Xu, Y. (1990). Regularity of the solution of Hammerstein equations with weakly singular kernel,. Integral Equation and Operator Theory 13 (5) , pp. 660-670.
- Swetits, J., Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1989). The characterization of best n-convex approximation in Lp[0; 1] for 1 p Approximation Theory VI , pp. 651-654.
- Weinstein, S. and Xu, Y. (1989). Uniform approximation by piecewise monotone functions with free knots. Approximation Theory VI , pp. 671-674.
- 2020: Distinguished Research Award, College of Sciences, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2010: Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award, Syracuse University
- 2001: Eberly Chair Professor of Mathematics, West Virginia University
- 1999: Fred Waldron Award for Excellence in Research, North Dakota State University
- 1998: Best Researcher Award of Science and Mathematics, North Dakota State University
- 1996: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation