Ted Rogers
NORFOLK, 23529
Born in Columbus, Ohio. Lived 17 years in southern Ohio. 2000 - Kenyon College, BA; 2006 Pennsylvania State University, PhD.
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Pennsylvania State University, (2006)
B.A. in Mathematics and Physics, Kenyon College, (2000)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Rogers, T. Conant ., Velasco , B. and Marino , J. "An open system for assessing scientific predictive power – A case study in March Madness predictions" $10,000. June 2022 - May 2023
- Rogers, T. "Coordinated Theoretical Approach to Transverse Momentum Dependent Hadron" $50,000. Federal. June 21, 2017 - September 30, 2018
- Rogers, T. "Fundamental QCD Theory and Transverse Momentum Dependent Physics" $68,145. Higher Education. September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2018
Research Interests
Quantum Chromodynamics, Theoretical Hadronic and Nuclear Theory. Partons and quantum field theory.
- Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. O.., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2022). Combining nonperturbative transverse momentum dependence with TMD evolution. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 106 (3).
- Collins, J., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2022). Positivity and renormalization of parton densities. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 105 (7).
- Moffat, E., Melnitchouk, W., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2021). Simultaneous Monte Carlo analysis of parton densities and fragmentation functions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104 (1).
- Qiu, J., Rogers, T. and Wang, B. (2020). Intrinsic transverse momentum and evolution in weighted spin asymmetries. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 101 (11).
- Cammarota, J., Gamberg, L., Kang, Z., Miller, J. A.., Pitonyak, D., Prokudin, A., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2020). Origin of single transverse-spin asymmetries in high-energy collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102 (5).
- Moffat, E., Rogers, T., Sato, N. and Signori, A. (2019). Collinear factorization in wide-angle hadron pair production in e(+)e(-) annihilation. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100 (9).
- Wang, B., Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. O.., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2019). Large transverse momentum in semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering beyond lowest order. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99 (9).
- Boglione, M., Dotson, A., Gamberg, L., Gordon, S., Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. O.., Prokudin, A., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2019). Mapping the kinematical regimes of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (10).
- Moffat, E., Rogers, T., Melnitchouk, W., Sato, N. and Steffens, F. (2019). What does kinematical target mass sensitivity in DIS reveal about hadron structure?. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99 (9).
- Gonzalez, J. Osvaldo., Rogers, T., Sato, N. and Wang, B. Challenges with Large Transverse Momentum in Semi-Inclusive Deeply Inelastic Scattering. Physical Review D 98 (11) , pp. 114005.
- Collins, J. and Rogers, T. (2017). Connecting different TMD factorization formalisms in QCD. Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology 96 (5) , pp. 1.
- Moffat, E., Melnitchouk, W., Rogers, T. and Sato, N. (2017). What are the low-Q and large-x boundaries of collinear QCD factorization theorems?. Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology 95 (9) , pp. 1-1.
- Rogers, T. (2016). An Overview of Transverse Momentum DependentFactorization and Evolution. Eur. Phys. J. A52 (6) , pp. 153.
- Collins, J., Gamberg, L., Prokudin, A., Rogers, T., Sato, N. and Wang, B. (2016). Relating Transverse Momentum Dependent and CollinearFactorization Theorems in a Generalized Formalism. Phys. Rev. D94 (3) , pp. 034014.
- Rogers, T. and Collins, J. (2016). TMD Evolution at Moderate Hard Scales. PoS QCDEV2015 , pp. 028.
- Collins, J. and Rogers, T. (2015). TMD factorization and evolution at large b_T. PoS DIS2015 , pp. 189.
- Collins, J. and Rogers, T. (2015). Understanding the large-distance behavior oftransverse-momentum-dependent parton densities and theCollins-Soper evolution kernel. Phys. Rev. D91 (7) , pp. 074020.
- Collins, J. and Rogers, T. (2015). Understanding the large-distance behavior of transverse-momentum momentum dependent parton densities and the Collins-Soper evolution kernel. Phys Rev D 91 (074020).
- Aidala, C. A.., Field, B., Gamberg, L. P.. and Rogers, T. (2014). Limits on transverse momentum dependent evolution fromsemi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering at moderate Q. Phys. Rev. D89 (9) , pp. 094002.
- Rogers, T. (2014). Overview of transverse momentum dependent factorizationbreaking. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 25 , pp. 1460007.
- Hautmann, F., Jung, H., Krämer, M., Mulders, P. J.., Nocera, E. R.., Rogers, T. and Signori, A. (2014). TMDlib and TMDplotter: library and plotting tools fortransverse-momentum-dependent parton distributions. Eur. Phys. J. C74 , pp. 3220.
- Collins, J. C.. and Rogers, T. (2013). Equality of Two Definitions for Transverse MomentumDependent Parton Distribution Functions. Phys. Rev. D87 (3) , pp. 034018.
- Rogers, T. (2013). Extra spin asymmetries from the breakdown oftransverse-momentum-dependent factorization inhadron-hadron collisions. Phys. Rev. D88 (1) , pp. 014002.
- Abramowicz, H. and Rogers, T. (2013). Summary of the Workshop on Multi-Parton Interactions(MPI@LHC 2012).
- Aybat, S. Mert. and Rogers, T. (2012). Universality and Evolution of TMDs. Nuovo Cim. C035N2 , pp. 29-32.
- Mulders, P. J.. and Rogers, T. (2011). Gauge Links, TMD-Factorization, and TMD-FactorizationBreaking.
- Boer, D. and Rogers, T. (2011). Gluons and the quark sea at high energies:Distributions, polarization, tomography.
- Mert Aybat, S. and Rogers, T. (2011). TMD factorization and evolution for TMD correlationfunctions. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 04 , pp. 97-105.
- Aybat, S. Mert. and Rogers, T. (2011). TMD Parton Distribution and Fragmentation Functions withQCD Evolution. Phys. Rev. D83 , pp. 114042.
- Rogers, T. and Strikman, M. (2010). Multiple Hard Partonic Collisions with Correlations in Proton-Proton Scattering. Phys Rev D 81 (016013).
- Rogers, T. and Mulders, P. J.. (2010). No Generalized TMD-Factorization in Hadro-Production ofHigh Transverse Momentum Hadrons. Phys. Rev. D81 , pp. 094006.
- Rogers, T. and Strikman, M. (2009). Comment on ‘Coherent rho0 Photoproduction in Bulk Matterat High Energies’. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 , pp. 259201.
- Rogers, T. (2008). Fully unintegrated parton correlation functions. Acta Phys. Polon. B39 , pp. 1715-1724.
- Collins, J. C.., Rogers, T. and Stasto, A. M.. (2008). Fully unintegrated parton correlation functions andfactorization in lowest-order hard scattering. Phys. Rev. D77 , pp. 085009.
- Rogers, T. (2008). Next-to-Leading Order Hard Scattering Using FullyUnintegrated Parton Distribution Functions. Phys. Rev. D78 , pp. 074018.
- Collins, J. C.. and Rogers, T. (2008). The Gluon Distribution Function and Factorization inFeynman Gauge. Phys. Rev. D78 , pp. 054012.
- Rogers, T., Stasto, A. M.. and Strikman, M. I.. (2008). Unitarity Constraints on Semi-hard Jet Production inImpact Parameter Space. Phys. Rev. D77 , pp. 114009.
- Rogers, T. (2007). Parton correlation functions and factorization in deepinelastic scattering. PoS RADCOR2007 , pp. 031.
- Rogers, T., Sargsian, M. M.. and Strikman, M. I.. (2006). Coherent vector meson photo-production from deuterium atintermediate energies. Phys. Rev. C73 , pp. 045202.
- Rogers, T. and Strikman, M. I.. (2006). Hadronic interactions of ultra-high energy photons withprotons and light nuclei in the dipole picture. J. Phys. G32 , pp. 2041-2063.
- Rogers, T., Guzey, V., Strikman, M. and Zu, X. (2004). Determining the proximity of gamma* N scattering to theblack body limit using DIS and J / psi production. Phys. Rev. D69 , pp. 074011.
Conference Proceeding
- Rogers, T. and Strikman, M. (2012). Unitarity and consistency in multiple hard collisions Proceedings, 3rd International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC (MPI@LHC 2011): Hamburg,Germany, 21-25 Nov 2011 (pp. 215-220).
- Aybat, S. M.. and Rogers, T. (2011). TMD-Factorization, Factorization Breaking andEvolution 19th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scatteringand Related Subjects (DIS 2011) Newport News, Virginia,April 11-15, 2011.
- Rogers, T., Stasto, A. M.. and Strikman, M. I.. (2009). Consistency in impact parameter descriptions of multiplehard partonic collisions Proceedings, 1st International Workshop on MultiplePartonic Interactions at the LHC (MPI08): Perugia, Italy,October 27-31, 2008 (pp. 63-68).
- Bunyatyan, A. and Rogers, T. (2009). Experimental results Proceedings, workshop: HERA and the LHC workshop serieson the implications of HERA for LHC physics (pp. 582-610).
- Bunyatyan, A. and Rogers, T. (2009). Introduction Proceedings, workshop: HERA and the LHC workshop serieson the implications of HERA for LHC physics (pp. 567-581).
- Bunyatyan, A. and Rogers, T. (2009). Model predictions for HERA, LHC and cosmic rays Proceedings, workshop: HERA and the LHC workshop serieson the implications of HERA for LHC physics (pp. 611-627).
- Rogers, T. and Strikman, M. I.. (2004). The Black body limit in deep inelastic scattering Deep inelastic scattering. Proceedings, 12thInternational Workshop, DIS 2004, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia,April 14-18, 2004. Vol. 1 + 2 (pp. 392-396).
- 2018: College of Sciences Early Career Distinguished Research Award, Â鶹´«Ã½ College of Sciences