I was born and raised in Recife, Brazil, where I earned a bachelor's degree in Letters (Portuguese language and literature). I taught language arts at a high school. I came to the U.S. with my American husband in 1978. We lived in Cambridge, MA where I worked as a bilingual counselor, assistance, and teacher. We moved to Albuquerque, NM where my husband's family lived. I earned my master's and doctoral degrees from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, in special education with an emphasis on bilingual education and learning disabilities.
Ph.D. in Learning Disabilities, University of New Mexico, (1994)
M.A. in Learning Disabilities (K-12), University of New Mexico, (1984)
B.A. in Portuguese Language and Literature, Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco, (1978)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Xu, L. D., Watson, S. R., Gillis, C., Li, L. X., He, W. and Greene, L. Hope. "An Online Tacit Knowledge-Transferring Tool for Novice Science Teachers Who Teach Students with Disabilities" $200,000. Federal. -
- Watson, S. Maria., Judge, S. and Zareva, A. "Creating Teams of Educators to Build the Literacy Skills of English Learners with and without Disabilities" $2,243,899. Federal. September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2026
- Watson, S. R., Judge, S. and Zareva, A. "Preparing Teams of Educators to Assess and Instruct English Learners with and without Disabilities" $2,143,221. Federal. September 01, 2016 - August 31, 2021
- He, W., Watson, S. Russo., Pribesh, S., Major, D. and Xu, L. "Investigating the Effectiveness of Pair Programming for Students with Learning Disabilities" $299,999. Federal. August 2017 - August 2020
- Watson, S. R., Judge, S. and Zareva, A. "Preparing Teams of Educators To Assess And Instruct English Learners With And Without Disabilities" $130,295. Federal. September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2017
- Raymer, A. and Watson, S. R. "Culturally responsive reading comprehension instruction for urban students with disabilities" $15,000. January 2005 - December 2005
- Watson, S. R. "Reading Comprehension Instruction for Urban Students with Learning Disabilities" $15,000. - 2005
- Raymer, A. and Watson, S. R. "Culturally responsive reading instruction for urban students with disabilities" $500. January 2004 - December 2004
- Watson, S. R. "Culturally Responsive Reading Instruction for Urban Students with Disabilities" $10,000. 2003 - 2004
- Watson, S. R. "Reading Patterns of Students with Reading Disabilities" $5,000. 2002 - 2003
- Watson, S. R. and Frazier, W. "Science for All" $5,000. 2002 - 2003
- Watson, S. R. and Frazier, W. "Science for All" $35,000. -
- Watson, S. R. "Content of Teacher Preparation Programs: Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure" $6,000. 2001 - 2002
- Watson, S. R. "Pre-Service and In-Service Training to Teach Science in Inclusive Classrooms" $45,250. 2001 - 2002
- Watson, S. R., Raver-Lampman, S. and Frazier, W. "Science for All Students: Early Learning of Foundation Skills" $457,630. -
- Watson, S. R. "Training of Pre-service and In-service Teachers to Work with K-12 Culturally and/or Linguistically Diverse Students" $58,559. 1999 - 2000
- Watson, S. R. and MacDonald, M. "Training of Pre-service and In-service Teachers to Work with K-12 Culturally and/or Linguistically Diverse Students" $37,328. 1998 - 1999
- Watson, S. R. "Learning Strategies" $2,100. - 1998
- Watson, S. R. "Influences of Culture in Education" $500. 1996 - 1997
- Watson, S. R. " Influences of Culture in Education" $2,400. 1995 - 1996
Research Interests
Strategies for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and English learners with and without disabilities.
- Watson, S. R., Lopes, J., Oliveira, C., Judge, S. and Jesus, A. C.. (2018). Error patterns of Portuguese students' addition and subtraction calculation tasks: Implications for Practice. Journal of Multicultural Education , pp. 36 pages.
- Morin, L. L.., Watson, S. R., Hester, P. P. and Raver-Lampman, S. (2017). The use of a bar model drawing to teach word problem solving to students with mathematics difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly 40 (2) , pp. 91-104.
- Watson, S. R., Gillis, C., Perrotti, A. and Raymer, A. (2015). Psychosocial treatments for ADHD: A systematic appraisal of the evidence. Journal of Attention Disorders 19 (1) , pp. 3-10.
- Judge, S. and Watson, S. R. (2011). Longitudinal outcomes for mathematics achievement for students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Educational Research 104 , pp. 147-157.
- Watson, S. R. and Kamps, D. (2010). Introduction to the special issue: Research to Practice: Evidence for classroom-based intervention in urban early childhood and elementary school settings. Preventing School Failure.
- Skinner, M., Gurganus, S. and Watson, S. R. (2009). Principles of Ethical Practices: Cases for Illustrations and Dialog.. Intervention in School and Clinic 45 (1).
- Watson, S. R., Raver, S., Bobzien, J. and Gear, S. B.. (2009). Techniques for teaching young children with mild learning and behavior problems. Pearson/Merrill , pp. 225-254.
Book Chapters
- Westby, C. E.. and Watson, S. R. (2010). ADHD and Communication Diosrders (pp. 529-555) Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
- Watson, S. R., Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J. and Gear, S. B. (2009). Techniques for teaching young children with mild learning and behavior problems. In Raver, S. A. (Ed.). Early childhood special education (0-8 years): Strategies for positive outcomes Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill.
- Gurganus, S., Skinner, M. and Watson, S. R. (2008). Principles of ethical practices for the International Council for Learning Disabilities.
- Bianco, M. and Watson, S. R. (2008). Reading Comprehensive Instructions for English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities; Validated Instructional Practices.
- Watson, S. R., Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J. and Lynch, S. Gear. (2008). Techniques for teaching infants, preschoolers, and primary-aged children with mild learning and behavior problems (pp. 225-253) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson Publishing Co. .
- Watson, S. R., Hester, P. P. and Sandler, A. (2003). Reforming teacher preparation programs to include all students: A look into the future. (pp. 294-307) Hong Kong & Macau: Inclusive education in the new millennium . The Association for Childhood Education International.
- Watson, S. R., Gillis, C., Perrotti, A. and Raymer, A. (October , 2011). Psychosical treatments for ADHD: A systematic appraisal of the evidence 33rd International Conference on Learning Disabilities Austin, TX.
- Perrotti, A., Gillis, C., Raymer, A. and Watson, S. R. (February , 2011). Psychosocial Treatments for ADHD: A systematic appraisal of the evidence Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Boston, MA.
- Watson, S. R. (February 3, 2011). Designing Instruction Based on Students' Cognition Rome, Italy.
- Watson, S. R. (October 9, 2010). Teaching Students with LD who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse 32nd International Conference on Learning Disabilities Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Watson, S. R., Gable, R. A. and Michalek, A. (September , 2010). The Role of Attention and Working Memory in Learning 2nd International Conference on Education Research New Orleans.
- Watson, S. R. and Michaleck, A. (February , 2010). ADHD Portsmouth, VA.
- Watson, S. R. and Michaleck, A. (February , 2010). Learning Disabilities Portsmouth, VA.
- Watson, S. R., Rinaldi, C. and Agrawal, J. (October , 2009). Confronting and Resolving the Challenges of Teaching ELL Students with LD The 31st International Conference on Learning Disabilities Dallas, TX.
- Houtz, L. E.., Watson, S. R. and Doyle, B. (October , 2008). Effective science teaching strategies for students with learning disabilities The 30th International Conference on Learning Disabilities Kansas City, MO.
- Watson, S. R. (May , 2008). Misguided Assumptions and the wrong direction: Where we must go to better serve students with Learning Disabilities Kansas City, KS.
- Watson, S. R., Houtz, L. and Doyle, B. (October , 2007). Effective inquiry-based science strategies for students with learning disabilities 29th International Conference on Learning Disabilities Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Watson, S. R., Navarrete, L., Bianco, M., Prigge, D. and Sampson, J. (October , 2006). English language learners with disabilities: What is important for teachers to know? 28th International Conference on Learning Disabilities McLean, Virginia.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. (August , 2006). Teaching science to culturally and linguistically diverse students with and without disabilities Houston Public Schools Professional Development Houston, Texas.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (February , 2006). Effective strategies for inquiry-based science with diverse learners National Science Teacher Association Conference California.
- Watson, S. R., Raymer, A. and Westby, C. E. (October , 2005). Culturally responsive reading instruction for students with learning disabilities 27th International Conference on Learning Disabilities Fort Lauderdale, Miami.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. (April , 2005). Teaching science to culturally and linguistically diverse students with and without learning disabilities Texas Science Education Leadership Association Dallas, Texas.
- Watson, S. R., Abrahamsen, E. and Raymer, A. (November , 2004). Patterns of phonological processing skill deficits among phonological processing skill deficits among students with and without disabilities American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s 2004 Annual Convention Philadelphia, PA.
- Watson, S. R., Abrahamsen, E., Raymer, A., Harper, L. and Pagel, A. (November , 2004). Patterns of phonological processing skill deficits in school-aged children International Neuropsychological Society Conference Baltimore, Maryland.
- Watson, S. R., Abrahamsen, E. and Raymer, A. (October , 2004). Patterns of phonological processing skill deficits among students with and without disabilities 26th International Conference on Learning Disabilities Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Watson, S. R. (October , 2004). Research-based strategies for culturally and linguistically diverse students with learning disabilities 26th International Conference on Learning Disabilities Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Watson, S. R. (October , 2003). Culturally responsive science instruction for students with learning disabilities 25th International Conference on Learning Disabilities .
- Watson, S. R. (June , 2003). Patterns of Reading Problems LASER Research Think Tank IV Waikiki, Hawaii.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (March , 2002). Build-a-human in inclusive classrooms National Science Teachers Association Convention San Diego, California.
- Watson, S. R. and Westby, C. E. (October , 2001). What teacher should know about students prenatally exposed to drugs and alcohol 23rd International Conference on Learning Disabilities- Quaility Interventions Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Watson, S. R. and Abrahamsen, E. (March , 2001). Mother on drugs, kids on drugs: Language implications 43rd Annual Conference Fredericksburg, Virginia.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (October , 2000). Successful science strategies for diverse classroom communities 2000 Annual Meeting Celebrating Diversity Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Watson, S. R. and Oyinlade, A. O. (October , 2000). Classroom ecology and academic performance: A study of the relationship between seating arrangement and selected academic variables Bismarck, North Dakota.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (April , 2000). Collaborating to make earth science work for children with special needs Orlando, Florida.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (October , 1999). Collaborating to make science work for children with challenging behaviors Third International Conference on Children and Youth with Challenging Behaviors –Linking Yesterday and Today with Tomorrow: Making It Work for Children and Youth with Challenging Behaviors Dallas, TX.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (November , 1998). Excellence and equity in the education of culturally linguistically diverse exceptional learners CEC/DDEL Symposium on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners Washington, DC.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (October , 1998). Teaching math and science to culturally and linguistically diverse students Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science Conference Calvin Crest, Nebraska.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (January , 1998). Modifying hands-on science lessons for students with special needs Conference Association of Educators of Teachers of Science Annual International Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (October , 1997). Dracula’s dilemma Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science Conference Calvin Crest, Nebraska.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (October , 1997). Modifying science instruction: One strategy for motivating kids with problem behaviors to stay in school Second International Conference on Behavioral Disorders - - Creating Positive School Communities for the 21st Century: Strategies for Keeping Kids with Problem Behaviors in School Dallas (Irving), Texas.
- Watson, S. R. (November , 1996). Creating and adapting science and math lessons for students with learning disabilities 18th International Conference on Learning Disabilities - Focus on Abilities: Keys to Empowerment Nashville, Tennessee.
- Watson, S. R. (November , 1996). Teachers’ knowledge of children prenatally exposed to drugs and/or alcohol: Implications for teacher preparation 18th International Conference on Learning Disabilities - Focus on Abilities: Keys to Empowerment Nashville, Tennessee.
- Watson, S. R. and Adison, M. (October , 1996). Preparing professionals to successfully educate students with emotional/behavioral disorders 1996 International Adolescent Conference: Programming for the Needs of Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders VIII Aspen, Colorado.
- Watson, S. R. and Houtz, L. E. (February , 1996). Math and science lessons for the culturally diverse classroom 1996 Elementary Curriculum Conference - - Setting Directions for the Elementary School Curriculum Lincoln, Nebraska.
- Watson, S. R. and Navarette, L. (February , 1992). Cultural and linguistic issues: Implications for effective instruction The Fifth Collaborative Conference - - Courage to Risk Colorado Springs, Colorado.
- Watson, S. R. (November , 1987). Teaching social skills to behavioral disordered adolescents: Advice from the trenches Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- 2018: Largest college grant, U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition