Sharon Raver-Lampman
NORFOLK, 23529
Sharon Raver-Lampman has expertise in Early Childhood Special Education (birth-8 years) focusing across disability areas. She has written books, instrumental materials, developed assessment tools and published research extensively as well as receiving numerous research/teaching awards.
Ph.D. in Special Education, University of South Florida, (1985)
Ed.S. in Special Education, Vanderbilt University, (1974)
M.A. in Special Education, Vanderbilt University, (1973)
B.A. in Advanced Liberal Arts, University of South Florida, (1972)
- Early Childhood Special Education (0-8 years)
- Sponsoring Organization: Virginia Department of Education
- Date Obtained:
- K-12 Mental Retardation
- Sponsoring Organization: Virginia Department of Education
- Date Obtained:
- K-12 Special Education, Noncategorical (Mild and Severly Disabled)
- Sponsoring Organization: Virginia Department of Education
- Date Obtained:
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Collaborative Â鶹´«Ã½ and Norfolk Public Schools Oral Preschool" $35,000. State. October 2013 - September 2014
- Raver-Lampman, S. "A Collaborative Oral Preschool Between Â鶹´«Ã½ and NPS" $37,000. State. October 2012 - October 2013
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Â鶹´«Ã½ and Norfolk Public Schools Oral Preschool Program" $40,000. State. September 2012 - July 2013
- "An Oral Preschool for Children with Hearing Loss" $112,000. State. October 2011 - October 2012
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Â鶹´«Ã½'s Oral Preschool Program" $111,552. State. October 2011 - October 2012
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Â鶹´«Ã½'s Oral Preschool Program" $111,552. State. October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012
- Raver-Lampman, S. "A comparison of perceptions regarding university life and inclusion between students with disabilities in the United States and Ukraine" $5,500. Â鶹´«Ã½. - August 2006
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. "Improving employment opportunities for university students with disabilities" $7,055. Federal. August 2005 - August 2006
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Developing a collaborative web-based recertification course (Distance Education)" $3,500. - 2002
- Watson, S. R., Raver-Lampman, S. and Frazier, W. "Science for All Students: Early Learning of Foundation Skills" $457,630. -
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Preparing Infant-Toddler Interventionists to Serve Children with Disabilities" $200,000. Federal. -
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Preparation of personnel for infant-family services" $295,000. Federal. -
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Training gaze direction in young visually impaired: Attitude effects on informed observers" $2,950. Â鶹´«Ã½. - August 1986
- Raver-Lampman, S. "Preparing special education aides for handicapped children" $90,000. Federal. May 1979 - August 1981
- Raver-Lampman, S. "The Development of an Early Stimulation Project in Manchester County, Jamaica" $600. Private. - January 1980
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Issac, T. "Preparation of aides to work with handicapped children" $100,000. Federal. August 1974 - July 1977
Research Interests
evidence-based methodology for teaching young children with special needs; fostering family participation ; effective inclusion practices
- Morin, L. L.., Watson, S. R. and Raver-Lampman, S. (2017). The use of a bar model drawing to teach word problems to students with mathematics difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly 40 (2) , pp. 91-104.
- Gillis, C., Bobzien, J., Schwartz, K. and Raver-Lampman, S. (2016). Structured instruction with modified storybooks to teach morphosyntax and vocabulary to preschoolers who are deaf/hard of hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 21 (4) , pp. 352-361.
- Gillis, C. (2016). Teachers and peers as communication models to teach grammatical forms to preschoolers with hearing loss. Communication Disorders Quarterly 37 (3) , pp. 130-140.
- Bobzien, J., Gillis, C., Schwartz, K., Raver-Lampman, S., Hester, P. P., Morin, L. L.., deMik, A. and McIntosh, A. (2015). Using repeated reading and explicit instruction to teach vocabulary to preschoolers who are deaf and have hearing loss. Infants & Young Children 28 (3) , pp. 262-280.
- Gillis, C., Bobzien, J., Raver-Lampman, S., Schwartz, K., Hester, P. P. and Lauren (2014). Teaching emotion words using social stories and created experiences in group instruction with preschoolers with hearing loss: An exploratory study. Deafness and Education International 16 (1) , pp. 37-58.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Hester, P. P., Maydosz, A., Perrotti, A. and Gillis, C. (2013). Using a child-specific social story to improve communication and social skills in two preschoolers with cochlear implants: An exploratory classroom case study. Deafness & Education International 15 (2) , pp. 117-125.
- Bobzien, J., Gillis, C., Raver-Lampman, S., Hester, P. P., Browning, E. and Morin, L. L.. (2013). An Observational study of social communication skills in eight preschoolers with and without hearing loss during cooperative play. Early Childhood Education Journal 41 (5) , pp. 339-346.
- Raver-Lampman, G., Hester, P. P., Perrotti, A., Cho, D. and Anthony, N. (2013). Impact of an Activity Mini-Schedule on the Inattention of Preschoolers with Cochlear Implants during a Group Activity. Education and Treatment of Children 36 (2) , pp. 15-32.
- Childress, D., Raver-Lampman, S., Perrotti, A. and Wilson, C. (2013). Enhancing Service Coordination Knowledge through Professional Development. Infants and Young Children 26 (2) , pp. 164-176.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Gillis, C., Hester, P. P. and Anthony, N. (2013). Using dyad-specific social stories to increase communicative and social skills of preschoolers with hearing loss in self-contained and inclusive settings. International Journal of Inclusive Education 1 , pp. 1--18.
- McFelea, J. and Raver-Lampman, S. (2012). Quality of life of families with children who have severe developmental disabilities: A comparison based on child residence. Physical Disabilities: Education and Related Services 30 (2) , pp. 3-17.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Gillis, C., Hester, P. P., Perrotti, A. and Anthony, N. (2012). Effect of parallel talk on the language and interactional skills of preschoolers with cochlear implants and hearing aids. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal 3 (1) , pp. 630-638.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Perrotti, A. (2012). Gains, losses, and life goals of individuals with disabilities in the United States. Social Welfare: An Interdisciplinary Approach 1 (1) , pp. 78-84.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2011). Designing acoustic features of general education classrooms for preschoolers with hearing loss: Strategies for cochlear implant users. Design Principles and Practices: An international journal 5 (5) , pp. 599-608.
- Lynch, S. Gear., Bobzien, J., Judge, S. and Raver-Lampman, S. (2011). Teaching social skills to enhance work performance in a child care setting. Education and Training in Autism & Developmental Disabilities 46 (1) , pp. 40-51.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Gillespie, A. and Perrotti, A. (2011). Stressors and Life Goals of Caregivers of Individuals With Disabilities. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation 10 (2) , pp. 115-128.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Shenglin, L. (2011). The emergence of early intervention for children with hearing loss in China. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education 12 (1) , pp. 59-64.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Maydosz, A. (2010). Impact of the provision and timing of instructor-provided notes on university students' learning . Active Learning in Higher Education 11 (3) , pp. 189-200.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Maydosz, A. (2010). Note-taking and university students with learning difficulties: What supports are needed?. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Perrotti, A., Michalik, J. and Valenta, M. (2010). Comparison of quality of life perceptions of caregivers of individuals with intellectual disabilities in the United States and the Czech Republic. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education 11 (1) , pp. 22-30.
- Raver-Lampman, S. Teaching social skills to enhance work performance in a daycare setting case study . Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (2007). Comparison of perceptions of inclusion between university instructors and students with disabilities in Ukraine. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education 8 (1) , pp. 43-53.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (2007). Inclusion of school-aged children with disabilities In Ukraine. Childhood Education 83 (6) , pp. 370-373.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2007). The emergence of inclusion for students with disabilities in Ukraine. International Journal of Special Education 22 (1) , pp. 32-38.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2006). The debate over integration of students with disabilities in Ukraine. Journal of Global Awareness 7 (4) , pp. 47-56.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2006). Using embedded learning opportunities during cooking for preschoolers with special needs. Focus on Inclusive Education 3 (4) , pp. 1-8.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2005). Using family-based practices for young children with special . Childhood Education 82 , pp. 9-13.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2004). Monitoring child progress in early childhood special education. TEACHING Exceptional Children 36 (6) , pp. 52-57.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2003). Keeping track: Routine-based instruction and monitoring. Young Exceptional Children 6 (3) , pp. 12-20.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2001). Education of children with mental retardation in India: Hope for the new millennium. Journal of the International Association of Special Education 3 (2) , pp. 17-30.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2001). India: Training Teachers of Children with Mental Retardation. International Journal of Special Education 16 (1) , pp. 54-66.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2000). Growing pains in India: Education for children with mental retardation. Journal of Global Awareness 1 (1) , pp. 48-56.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1998). Programs for children with multiple handicaps in the United . Specialni Pedagogika 8 (1) , pp. 37-42.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1997). Special Education in the Czech Republic. The International Journal of Special Education 12 (1) , pp. 16-23.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Valenta, M. and Kysucan, J. (1997). Special education in the Czech Republic: Where it is and where it would like to go. The Journal of the International 1 (1) , pp. 47-56.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Gable, R. A., Tonelson, S. W., Hendrickson, J. M. and Korinek, L. (1993). "Where does the time go?" Task/time demands of teachers of preschool children. Teachers Educators Journal 3 (2) , pp. 39-49.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Gable, R. A., Tonelson, S. W., Hendrickson, J. and Korinek, L. (1993). Where does the time go? Task/time demands of teachers of preschool children with disabilities. Teacher Educators Journal 3 (2) , pp. 39-49.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kilgo, J. (1991). Effective family-centered services: Supporting family choices and rights.. Infant-Toddler Intervention 1 (3) , pp. 169-176.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1990). Effect of gaze direction on evaluation of visually impaired children . Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 84 , pp. 67-70.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1989). American public school ideologies: A need for reform? . Education 110 , pp. 209-215.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1989). Comparison of teacher estimates and direct observation of spontaneous language in preschool handicapped children. Child Study Journal 18 , pp. 277-284.
- Drash, P., Raver-Lampman, S., Murrin, M. and Tudor, R. (1989). Three procedures for increasing vocal response to therapist prompt in infants and children with Down Syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation 94 , pp. 64-73.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Drash, P. (1988). Increasing social skills training for visually impaired children. Education of the Visually Handicapped 19 , pp. 147-155.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1987). Philosophical perspectives for serving handicapped persons. Journal of Social Work Education 23 , pp. 64-67.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1987). Practical procedures for increasing spontaneous language in language delayed preschoolers. Journal of the Division for Early Childhood 11 , pp. 226-232.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1987). Professional exchange: Questions and responses. The Developmental Language Instruction Facilitator 1 (6-7) , pp. 9.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Drash, P. and Murrin, M. (1987). Total habilitation as a major goal of intervention in mental retardation. Mental Retardation 25 , pp. 67-69.
- Drash, P. and Raver-Lampman, S. (1987). Total habilitation: A concept whose time has come--Reactions to four responses. Mental Retardation 25 , pp. 87-89.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1987). Training blind children to employ appropriate gaze direction and sitting behavior during conversation. Education and Treatment of Children 10 , pp. 237-246.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Dwyer, R. (1986). Teaching handicapped preschoolers to sight read using language training procedures. The Reading Teacher 40 , pp. 314-321.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Dwyer, R. (1986). Teaching resistant readers: A new paradigm for instruction. Reading Psychology: An International Quarterly 7 , pp. 101-110.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1986). Training gaze direction in blind children--Effects on the sighted. University of South Florida.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Dwyer, R. (1986). Using a substitute activity to eliminate eye poking in a 3-year-old visually impaired child in the classroom. The Exceptional Child 33 , pp. 65-72.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1984). Modification of head drooping during conversation in a 3-year-old visually impaired child: A case study. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 78 , pp. 307-310.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Lampman, G. (1981). Special Olympics: Mainstreaming Tool of the 1980s. Education Unlimited 3 , pp. 27-28.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1980). Placing the handicapped preschool child: A teacher examines the options. PTA Today 1 , pp. 12-14.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1980). Ten rules for success in preschool mainstreaming. Education Unlimited 2 , pp. 47-52.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1980). The effect of antecedent vestibular stimulation on the receptive language learning of retarded toddlers. Child Study Journal 10 , pp. 77-86.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1979). Preschool integration: Experiences from the classroom. TEACHING Exceptional Children 12 , pp. 22-26.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Cooke, T. P. and Apolloni, T. (1978). Developing nonretarded toddlers as verbal model for retarded classmates. Child Study Journal 8 , pp. 1-8.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Apolloni, T. and Cooke, T. P. (1978). Generalization effects from intratherapy articulation training: A case study. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 11 , pp. 436.
- Peck, C. A., Apolloni, T., Cooke, T. P. and Raver-Lampman, S. (1978). Teaching retarded preschoolers to imitate the free-play behavior of nonretarded classmates: Trained and generalized effects. The Journal of Special Education 12 , pp. 195-207.
- Apolloni, T., Raver-Lampman, S. and Cooke, T. (1977). Establishing a normal peer as behavioral model for developmentally delayed toddlers. Perceptual and Motor Skills 44 , pp. 231-241.
- Cooke, T., Apolloni, T. and Raver-Lampman, S. (1977). Normal preschool children as behavioral models for retarded peers. Exceptional Children 43 , pp. 531-532.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Cooke, T. and Apolloni, A. (1976). Generalization of language training with the mentally retarded. The Journal of Special Education 10 , pp. 299-304.
- Cooke, T. P., Raver-Lampman, S., Wirtz, P. and Apolloni, T. (1975). Modifying a child's level of social interaction through social reinforcement paired with tonal stimulus. School Application of Learning Theory 7 , pp. 5-19.
- Cooke, T. and Raver-Lampman, S. (1974). Behavior modification: Answers to some ethical issues. Psychology in the Schools 11 , pp. 5-10.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Cooke, T. (1974). Infant curriculums: Are they needed?. Dimensions 2 (56) , pp. 34-35; 56.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1974). Parent training for the early education of the handicapped. Reading Improvement 11 , pp. 62-64.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1973). A special educator speaks: More on Moore and Moore. Dimensions 1 , pp. 20-21; 27.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Childress, D. (2015). Family-Centered Early Intervention: Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Natural Environments . Brookes Publishing.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2009). Early childhood special education (0-8): Strategies for positive outcomes. Merrill/Pearson Publishing Co.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Chowdhury, S., Bhattacharya, L. and Chatterjee, A. (2001). Getting an early start: Promoting the development of children with special needs. MRIH.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1999). Intervention strategies for infants and toddlers with special needs: A team approach. Merrill/Prentice-Hall Publishing Co.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1991). Strategies for teaching at-risk and handicapped infants and toddlers: A transdisciplinary approach. Charles E. Merrill/MacMillan Publishing Company.
Book Chapters
- Watson, S. R., Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J. and Gear, S. B. (2009). Techniques for teaching young children with mild learning and behavior problems. In Raver, S. A. (Ed.). Early childhood special education (0-8 years): Strategies for positive outcomes Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill.
- Watson, S. R., Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J. and Lynch, S. Gear. (2008). Techniques for teaching infants, preschoolers, and primary-aged children with mild learning and behavior problems (pp. 225-253) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson Publishing Co. .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2003). Early intervention for individuals with special needs: A rationale (pp. 95-97) Kyiv, Ukraine: Ukrainian Ministry of Sciences and Education.
- Bergen, D. and Raver-Lampman, S. (1994). Implementing and evaluating transdisciplinary assessment (pp. 243-254) NY: Teachers College Press: Assessment methods for infants and toddlers: Transdisciplinary team approaches.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1987). Implications of etiological research on language intervention with autistic children. In S. Breuning & R. Gable (Eds.) Advances in metal retardation on developmental disabilities (pp. 115-133) Advances in mental retardation and developmental disabilities, Vol. III: Greenwich, CN: JAI Press.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Apolloni, T. and Cooke, T. (1976). Nature-Nurture: A contemporary issue in language development theory. In M. Poulsen, J. Magary, & G. Lubin (Eds.) Piagetian theory and the helping professions: Proceedings fifth international conference (pp. 99-102) Piagetian theory and the helping professions: LA: University of Southern California Press.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (1973). The education of exceptional child development theories for preschool programming. In R. Dentler & B. Shapiro (Eds.) (1976). Readings in Educational Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives (pp. 35-38) Readings in Educational Psychology: Contemporary perspectives: NY: Harper and Row.
Conference Proceeding
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Gillis, C., Hester, P. P., Perrotti, A. and Anthony, N. (2011). Parallel talk: Effects on language and interactional skills of preschoolers with deafness (pp. 89-96) Dublin, Ireland: Ireland International Conference Press.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Maydosz, A. (2010). Does providing instructors' lecture notes increase performance in university students? (pp. 53-54) Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech University.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2007). Comparison of perceptions regarding university inclusion among students with disabilities in the United States and Ukraine (pp. 116-18) University of Ukraina and the Ministry of Educational Research: Proceedings for People with Special Needs Symposium .
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (2005). Improving university integration of students with disabilities (pp. 144; 226) International conference proceedings for women in education and sciences: kyiv, Ukraine: Ministry of Research in Sciences.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2004). Supporting the development of young children with disabilities (pp. 214-215) Kiev: Scientific-Practical Proceedings for People with Special Needs.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2004). Teaching in natural environments in Early Intervention (pp. 48-52) Calcutta: Biwako Millennium 2002-2012: 17th National Conference on Mental Retardation Proceedings, : National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped; Government of India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2003). Early intervention for children with special needs: A rationale (pp. 95-97) Kyiv,Ukraine: Ministry of Sciences and Education and University of Ukraine Press: International Conference for Individuals with Special Needs Proceedings.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2001). Early intervention: Rationale, assessment, and intervention (pp. 54-56) Calcutta, India: United States Educational Foundation in India: All India Special Education Conference Proceedings .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (2001). Teaming in Special Education (pp. 76-77) Calcutta: All India Special Education Conference Proceedings; US Educational Foundation in India.
- Wynant, L., Perrotti, A., Gillis, C. and Raver-Lampman, S. (November 11, 2017). Small pieces, Bigger Picture: Update on Evidence-Based language Interventions for Preschoolers with Hearing Impairment Poster International Conference for the American Speech & Hearing Association Los Angeles, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Michalek, A. and Gillis, C. (October 6, 2017). Using shape coding to teach phonological awareness to preschoolers with hearing loss Paper International Conference for Young Children with Special Needs and their Families Portland, OR.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 16, 2017). Improving syntax and vocabulary in preschoolers with hearing loss Oral Presentation International Conference on Education Athens, Greece.
- (October 19, 2016). Teaching syntactical structures with modified storybook reading to preschoolers with hearing loss Oral Presentation International Conference for Young Children with Special Needs and their Families (DEC) Louisville, KY.
- (July 25, 2016). Using modified repeated reading and explicit instruction to teach grammatical structure and vocabulary to preschoolers with hearing loss Oral Presentation International Academy of Education of Young Children Paris, France.
- Gillis, C., Bobzien, J. and Swartz, K. (October 8, 2015). Teaching grammatical structure and vocabulary with modified storybooks to preschoolers with hearing loss Oral Presentation International Conference for Young Children and their Families Atlanta GA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 7, 2015). Teaching preschoolers with communication delays: Recommendations from the research Oral Presentation Early Childhood Symposium--Responsive Pedagogy Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Gillis, C. and Schwartz, K. (October 9, 2014). Using repeated reading and explicit instruction to teach vocabulary to preschoolers with hearing loss Oral Presentation International Conf for Young Children with Spec Needs & Families (DEC) St. Louis MO.
- (March , 2014). Providing instructor notes: Impact on university student learning Oral Presentation International Journal of Arts & Sciences in the Academic Disciplines Conference Valletta, Malta.
- (January , 2014). Teaching grammatical structure to preschoolers with hearing loss using a hearing peer Oral Presentation International Conference on Education Honolulu, Hawaii.
- (October , 2013). Using a peer to teach grammatical form to preschoolers with hearing loss Oral Presentation Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families San Francisco, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Gillis, C., Bobzien, J. and Schwartz, K. (April 5, 2013). Using social stories to teach emotion words to preschoolers with hearing loss Paper Council for Exceptional Children San Antonio, TX.
- Bobzien, J., Gillis, C. and Hester, P. P. (December 28, 2012). Using dyad-specific social stories to increase communicative and interactional skills in preschoolers with hearing loss in self-contained & inclusive settings Paper International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference Paris, France.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Gillis, C., Bobzien, J. and Hester, P. P. (October 30, 2012). Increasing communication in multiple settings in preschoolers with hearing loss Paper International Conference for Young Children with Special Needs Minneapolis, MN.
- Lynch, S. Gear., Bobzien, J., Baker, C., Raver-Lampman, S. and DeBruin-Parecki, A. (April 13, 2012). Teaching parents dialogic reading to increase phonological awareness with their preschool children Paper International Conference for Exceptional Children Denver, CO.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Gillis, C. and Hester, P. P. (April 12, 2012). Effects of parallel talk on the language and interactional skills of preschoolers with hearing loss Paper Council for Exceptional Children Denver, CO.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Bobzien, J., Gillis, C., Hester, P. P., Michalek, A. and Anthony, N. (October 5, 2011). Parallel Talk: Effects on Language and Interactional Skills of Preschoolers with Deafness Ireland International Conference on Education Dublin, Ireland.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Perrotti, A. (April 26, 2011). Caregivers perceptions in the United States and the Czech Republic International Council for Exceptional Children Conference (CEC) National Harbor, MD.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 4, 2011). Designing acoustic features of classrooms for preschoolers with cochlear implants International Conference on Design and Education Rome, Italy.
- Raver-Lampman, S. A.. and Maydosz, A. (November , 2010). Preparing special educators: To give class notes or not? International Conference for Teacher Education (TED) St. Louis, MO.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Hester, P. and Michalich, A. (April , 2010). Impact of Activity Mini-schedules on the Communication Skills of Preschoolers with Hearing Loss National Conference for Individuals with Special Needs Nashville, TN.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Maydosz, A. (March , 2010). University students and lecture classes: Should instructors provide notes? American Institute of Higher Education International Conference Williamsburg, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Maydosz, A. (February 18, 2010). Does providing the instructors' lecture notes result in increased performance in university settings? Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy Blacksburg, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 25, 2009). Identified significant stressors of caregivers of individuals with disabilities International Scientific-Practical Conference Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Michalek, A. (October 17, 2009). Major stressors and life objectives of caregivers of individuals with special needs Virginia Council for Exceptional Children (VACEC) Virginia Beach, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (July 15, 2009). University students with disabilities: A comparison between the United States and Ukraine International Association of Special Education Alicante, Spain.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 22, 2008). Early intervention: Infant and preschool services Palasky University Fulbright Seminar Series Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 22, 2008). Services for students with special needs in the United States: Autism and hearing impairments Palasky University Fulbright Seminar Series Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 21, 2008). Selecting dissertation topics and conducting research Palasky University Fulbright Seminar Series Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 14, 2008). Mental retardation in the United States: Birth to death options. Palasky University Fulbright Seminar Series Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- McFelea, J., Plicta, S., Hourseman, C., Maihafer, G. and Raver-Lampman, S. (April 21, 2007). Quality of life of families with children who have severe developmental disabilities Louisville, KY.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 19, 2007). University students with disabilities: Perceptions between Ukraine and the United States Louisville, KY.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 21, 2006). Strategies for embedding monitoring into classroom routines Little Rock, AK.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 16, 2006). Perceptions of accommodations between university students with disabilities in Ukraine and the United States Charlottesville, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 24, 2005). Teaching students with disabilities in integrated university classes in Ukraine Sixth International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Problems of Education and Upbringing of People with Special Needs Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (July 4, 2005). Observations and Recommendations for University “Ukraina†regarding integration of students with special needs Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (June 17, 2005). Problems of Disabled Students in Integrated University Environments Donesk, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 19, 2005). Seminar 3: Providing Equal Access for Students with Disabilities--Faculty Training University Ukraina Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (May 18, 2005). Establishing Academic and Social Supports For University Students with Disabilities in Ukraine Vinnystra, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (May 2, 2005). Improving Teaching of University Students with Disabilities in Ukraine Yevpatoria, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Kolchenko, K. (May 2, 2005). Improving teaching of university students with disabilities in Ukraine International conference for Women in Science, Education and Business Yevpatoria, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 12, 2005). Seminar 3: Technology for Providing Equal Access for Students with Disabilities--Student Training University Ukraina Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 7, 2005). Seminar 2: Academic Methods for Teaching Students with Disabilities--Faculty Training University Ukraina Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 7, 2005). Seminar 2: Academic methods for teaching students with disabilities--Student Training University Ukraina Kyiv, Ukraine .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 17, 2005). Seminar l: Introducing a New Policy for Teaching Students with Disabilities in the University--Student Information Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 17, 2005). Seminar l: Introducing a New Policy for Teaching Students with Disabilities in the University--Student Training University Ukraina Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 25, 2004). Supporting the development of young children with disabilities Fifth International Scientific-Practical Conference for People with Special Needs Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 2, 2004). Developing Family-Centered Individual Educational Plans Williamsburg, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 21, 2004). Practical strategies for supporting the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities Encuentro: Fourth International Conference for Preschool Education Monterrey, Mexico.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 21, 2004). Routine-based instruction and monitoring in the Early Childhood Special Education classroom Charlottesville, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 15, 2003). Using natural environments in Early Intervention 17th National Conference on Mental Retardation Kolkata, India.
- Harvey, J., Lambert, K., Raver-Lampman, S., Wilds, M., Lowman, D. and Reed-Victor, E. (October 13, 2003). A Collaborative Web Course: Triumphs Plus a Few Trials and Tribulations Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Washington, DC.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 6, 2002). Establishing an Early Intervention Program in India Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) San Diego, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (July 29, 2002). Best Assessment Practices in Early Childhood Special Education Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 9, 2001). Infusing Teaming into Early Childhood Special Education Personnel Training International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs (DEC) Boston, MA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 24, 2001). Individualizing Intervention within Thematic Planning DAC Center Portsmouth, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 24, 2001). Growing pains in India: Education of children with mental retardation Darden College of Education Professorial Lecture Series Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 11, 2001). Using Play-Based Assessment Techniques for Monitoring Child Progress Tapestry for Learning: Focus on Literacy Conference Williamsburg, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (August 20, 2000). Early education of Children with Disabilties in the United States Kitakyushu, Japan.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 15, 2000). Special Education in India: Experiences of a Fulbright Scholar Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Regional and Global Issues Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 28, 2000). Tips for Becoming Better Students Rogers Hall.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 31, 2000). Experiences of a Fulbright Scholar in Calcutta, India Rogers Hall.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 22, 1999). Facilitating communication and Adapting Instruction Salt Lake, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 16, 1999). Family responsibilities and issues Manovikas Kendra Rehabilitation and Research Institute Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 12, 1999). Strategies for facilitating communication in students with mental retardation Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 9, 1999). Early intervention strategies Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 6, 1999). Instructional practices with young children with mental retardation Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 5, 1999). Skills needed for early intervention: State of the art Early Childhood Special Education in the United States REACH Institute for Village and Urban Training Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 26, 1999). Make it and take it workshop Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 15, 1999). Communication and instructional strategies Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 13, 1999). The value of early intervention with children with mental retardation Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 11, 1999). Developing activity-based instruction for teaching across domains in early intervention Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 5, 1999). Skills needed for early intervention: State of the art ECSE in the United States Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 20, 1999). Developing instructional materials without a budget West Bengal Teachers Training Institute Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 19, 1999). Curriculum-based and community-referenced assessment and instruction Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 18, 1999). Integrated instruction with students with mental retardation Calcutta, India.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (September 30, 1998). Family-centered practices in early childhood special education: Myth or reality? Tidewater Technical Assistance Center’s Parenting Series Darden College of Education, Child Study Parenting Center.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Lovell, C., McAuliffe, G. J., Colston, L., Kum-Walks, D., Larson, S., Taylor, G. S. and Turner, J. (August 27, 1998). Reaching All Students Diversity Training Workshop Norfok, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 21, 1997). Teaming and collaboration: Foundations in preparing Early Childhood Special Education professionals International Conference on Children with Special Needs New Orleans, LA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 11, 1997). Teaming and collaboration: Foundations in preparing early childhood special education professionals Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 30, 1996). Emotional aspects of special needs Second Annual Joint Services EFMP Committee Forum Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 2, 1996). Innovations in preservice/inservice infant and family specialist training National Conference on Exceptional Children (CEC) Orlando, FL.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 10, 1995). Working with infants using a transdisciplinary model of service delivery Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 26, 1994). The American special education service delivery system: Current issues National Conference on Handicapped Children and their Families Mersin, Turkish Republic of Cyprus.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 23, 1994). Using psychotherapeutic approaches with adults with mental retardation Ioannou International Conference on Adults with Mental Retardation Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 22, 1994). Aging and the adult with mental retardation Ioannou International Conference on Adults with Mental Retardation Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 5, 1994). Current challenges in the American system of serving students with special needs National Conference for the Advancement of Individuals with Disabilties Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 13, 1994). Working with Families Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 23, 1993). Guidelines for working with deaf/blind students National Conference on Preparing Professionals to work with Multihandicapped Students Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 15, 1993). Diagnostic methods for students with mental disabilties National Conference on Students with Mental Deficiencies Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 5, 1993). Updating naturalistic data collection techniques in classrooms for children with disabilities Hampton, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 6, 1992). Cross-disciplinary preparation of early intervention/family specialists International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs (DEC) Washington, DC.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 15, 1992). Transdisciplinary Infant-Family Personnel Preparation: Perspectives on Practices Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) National Convention Baltimore, MD.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 22, 1992). Preparation of Early Interventionists: Birth to 5 Years Virginia State CEC Federation Richmond, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 27, 1992). Naturalistic Data collection techniques in preschool handicapped classrooms .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 12, 1991). Integrating domain instruction for preschool handicapped children .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 11, 1991). Developing and selecting instructional goals for preschool handicapped children .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 16, 1991). Improving transdisciplinary teamwork in early intervention services Technical Assistance Center Workshop Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (July 3, 1991). Techniques for transdisciplinary teamwork in serving at-risk and disabled infants and their families Kephart Institute Training Vail, CO.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 22, 1991). Using the Battelle Developmental Assessment Tool for classroom programming .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 19, 1991). The future of infant/toddler services in Virginia .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 22, 1991). Organizing positive home visits for families with children with disabilities .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 8, 1990). Using the Carolina Curriculum for At-Risk and Handicapped Infants and Preschoolers: Linking Assessment and Curriculum Planning Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 27, 1990). Increasing vocal responding and initial imitation in Down Syndrome young children Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) National Convention Toronto, Canada.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (July 12, 1989). Techniques for working with Down syndrome children .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 19, 1988). Social skills training for visually handicapped and blind youth Virginia Rehabilitation Association Conference Virginia Beach, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 3, 1988). Continuous language training strategies for preschool handicapped children Spring Workshop of the Virginia Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 29, 1988). Effective strategies for providing social-communicative skills in preschool handicapped children Washington, DC.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 23, 1988). Enhancing communicative-cognitive development in Down Syndrome infants Norfolk Infant Stimulation Program Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 5, 1988). Informed respondents' evaluation of gaze direction skills in visually impaired children Virginia State Council for Exceptional Children (VACEC) Conference Virginia Beach, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 18, 1987). Social skills training for visually impaired and blind young children Virginia Statewide Conference on Visual Disabilities Charlottesville, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 24, 1987). Procedures for increasing vocal responding and imitations in young Down Syndrome children Conference on Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Virginia Beach, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 11, 1986). An organized approach to cross-categorical preschool handicapped programming Virginia Early Childhood Special Educators Conference Lynchburg, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (September 24, 1986). Battelle Assessment training workshop Fall workshop for the Technical Assistance Center .
- Raver-Lampman, S. (June 18, 1986). Trends and issues in social training for the visually impaired child and adolescent Norfolk, VA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 2, 1986). Effects of gaze direction training in visually impaired children on attitudes of the sighted National Conference for Exceptional Children (CEC) New Orleans, LA.
- Raver-Lampman, S., Drash, P. and Murrin, M. (September 4, 1985). Three procedures for increasing vocal response to prompt and initial imitation in Down's Syndrome children: A comparison Florida Association for Behavior Analysis--Fifth Annual Conference Tampa, FL.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (June 1, 1985). Developmental language training University of South Florida Parent Conference for the 1985 Special Olympics Tampa, FL.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (May 5, 1984). The visually impaired child in a varying exceptionalities preschool class: Needs and implications Florida Conference of Educators and Volunteers Serving the Visually Impaired Tampa, FL.
- Raver-Lampman, S. and Broida, S. (April 3, 1983). Preschool in the high schools: Why? Chicago, IL.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 12, 1982). Placing a preschool special class in a high school Florida State Council for Exceptional Children Conference Daytona, FL.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (February 10, 1981). Madre a Madre: Educacion Temprana (Mother to Mother: Early Education/Stimulation) Educators of the Handicapped Association Conference Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 5, 1981). Los Padres Son Los Profesores Primeros de Los Ciegos (Parents are the first teachers for he blind) Sociedad Nacional de Los Ciegos Annual Meeting Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 20, 1980). Ensenar A Escuchar (Teaching Listening Skills) Conference for the Educators of the Blind Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 16, 1980). Ensenar La Memoria (Teaching Memory Skills) Conference for Educators of the Blind Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (October 13, 1980). Algunas Ideitas Acerca de la Ensenanza a Los Ciegos: Ver o No Ver (Some ideas about teaching the blind: To see or not to see) ASDELA Quito, Ecuador.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 15, 1980). Early Stimulation for the Handicapped in Jamaica Manchester Medical Association Annual Meeting Mandeville, Jamaica.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (June 12, 1979). Management skills for respite settings Sonoma County Respite Care Workers Annual Meeting Santa Rosa, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 20, 1979). Positive classroom management Professional Development Series: Education and the Contemporary Scene Santa Rosa, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (December 10, 1978). Ideas for better incorporating children with "special needs" into Headstart Programs Sonoma County Headstart Programs Santa Rosa, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (November 12, 1978). Training teacher aides in Special Education Paraprofessional Programs Directors Conference Shawnee, PA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 15, 1978). Tricks of the trade for classroom management Rincon County School District Inservice Workshops Santa Rosa, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 9, 1978). Practical language training techniques for severely handicapped adults Workshop for Sonoma State Hospital for Mental Retardation Training Series Eldridge, CA.
- Apolloni, T., Cooke, T. and Raver-Lampman, S. (April 3, 1977). Normal toddlers as behavior models for retarded children in integrated preschool settings: Myth or reality? National Council for Exceptional Children Conference (CEC) Atlanta, GA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 12, 1977). Establishing a paraprofessional program for special educators at the community college level National Utilization and Training of Paraprofessionals in Special Education Conference Portland, OR.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (March 2, 1977). Language training with adult delayed individuals Sonoma County Organization for the Retarded (SCOR) and Sonoma State University Special Education Department Rohnert Park, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (January 19, 1977). Establishing special education paraprofessional programs in junior college California Community College Early Childhood Educators Conference Cupertino, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (April 13, 1975). Language activities in integrated settings Regional Conference of the National Association on the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Santa Rosa, CA.
- Raver-Lampman, S. (August 22, 1974). Operant articulation training with a 3-year-old child using the mother as therapist: A case study in acquisition and generalization George Peabody Research Institute of Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN.
- 2016: Shining Star Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2015: Shining Star Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2013: Instructional Publications Award, Darden College of Education
- 2013: Top 20 Online Education Professors in Virginia, StateStats,org
- 2012: Editorial Board, The Journal of Exceptional People
- 2010: University Professor Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2008: Publications Award, Darden College of Education, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2008: Tonelson Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research & Service, Darden College of Education, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2008: Senior Specialist Fulbright Scholar Award, Fulbright Commission, Czech Republic
- 2006: Virginia Council of Higher Education Outstanding University Faculty Award Finalist, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2006: Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award , State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV)
- 2005: International Distinguished Scholar Award, University of Ukraine
- 2005: Virginia Council of Higher Education Outstanding University Faculty Award Finalist, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2005: Fulbright Lecturer/Research Scholar, University of Ukraine
- 2004: Instructional Publications Award, Darden College of Education, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2004: Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2004: Certificate of Appreciation, Virginia Council for Exceptional Children
- 2003: Teaching Excellence Award, Darden College of Educaton, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2001: Nancy Fallen Award for Outstanding Professional in Early Childhood Special Education, Virginia Division of Early Childhood for the Council for Exceptional Children
- 2001: Nominated, Nancy Fallen Award, Virginia Council for Exceptional Children
- 2000: Faculty Exchange, Kitakyushu University, Kitakyushu, Japan
- 1999: Fulbright Scholar, Manovikas Kendra Rehabilitation and Research Institute for the Handicapped
- 1997: Outstanding Faculty Member "Most Inspirational Faculty", Who's Who in American Colleges Honoree, Office of Student Services, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 1995: Tonelson Award for Excellence in Teaching, Service, and Research , Â鶹´«Ã½, Darden College of Education
- 1995: Teaching/Cultural Faculty Exchange, University of Allepo; Allepo, Syria
- 1994: Fulbright Research Scholar, Palasky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- 1993: Certificate of Appreciation, Council for Exceptional Children
- 1992: Faculty Scholar Award, Â鶹´«Ã½, Darden College of Education
- 1991: Faculty Scholar Award, Â鶹´«Ã½, Darden College of Education
- 1990: Faculty Scholar Award, Darden College of Education, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 1989: Participant in East Asian Faculty Development and Travel Seminar, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 1988: Faculty Scholar Award, Darden College of Education, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 1987: Distinguished Research in Education Award, Virginia Educational Research Association
- 1984: Certificate of Appreciation, Department of Education for Exceptional Students
- 1983: Teacher of the Year Award (finalist), Pinellas County School Board
- 1983: Special Educator of the Year Award (finalist), Pinellas County School Board
- 1983: Outstanding Educator Award, School Board of Pinellas County and Pinellas Suncoast Chamber of Commerce
- 1978: Prototypical Project Award, Bureau for the Education of the Handicapped
- 1977: Teacher of the Handicapped International Scholarship Award, Rotary Club
- 1974: Kappa Delta Pi Honorary Organization in Education, University of South Florida
- 1974: Public Law 91-230 Fellow, George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University