Adjunct Instructional Faculty

Sharon Judge

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Education; concentration in Special Education, University of California, Santa Barbara, (1993)

M.Ed. in Special Education, North Texas State University, (1976)

B.A. in Education, The University of Arizona, (1973)

Certified Trainer
Sponsoring Organization: The Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers
Date Obtained:
Specialist Credential K-12: Special Education (California and Texas)
Sponsoring Organization:
Date Obtained:
Sponsoring Organization: Tennessee Division of Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children
Date Obtained: 1996-01-01

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Fleener, C. E., Judge, S., Graves, W., Hinton (Johnson), K., Dickerson, D. L., Reed, P. A., McKinney, S. E., Butler, C. M. and Starling, C. I.. "Teacher Quality Partnership Grants: Teacher Immersion Residency" $720,000. Federal. -
Osgood, C. J. and Judge, S. "Teacher Immersion Residency Program" $1,700,000. October 2009 - September 2014
Judge, S., Butler, C. M., Butler, L. L., Dickerson, D. L., Hinton (Johnson), K., Katsioloudis, P., Robinson, J. E., McKinney, S. E., Starling, I. and Fleener, C. E. "Â鶹´«Ã½ Teacher Immersion Residency" $6,054,007. Federal. October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2014
Judge, S. "Square One @ Â鶹´«Ã½" $101,284. State. September 2008 - June 2009
Judge, S. "Spencer Foundation Research Grant" $37,650. 2005 - 2007
Judge, S., Davis, J., Bell, S. and Chihak, D. "Differentiating Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms with Technology." $15,000. State. January 2006 - December 2006
Judge, S. "" $20,000. State. 2003 - 2005
Judge, S. "" $25,000. 2002 - 2004
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. "Project ImPACT: Implementing Partnerships Across the Curriculum with Technology PT3 Grant" $1,323,774. Federal. 2001 - 2004
Judge, S. and McLaughlin, G. "Improving Multicultural Teacher Preparation through Technology" $8,000. 2002 - 2003
Judge, S. "Professional Development Grant" $2,500. State. 2000 - 2002
Judge, S. "Project Prepare: Preparing Early Childhood Special Educators for Inclusive Settings" $367,889. Federal. 1998 - 2001
Judge, S. " Scholarly Activities Research Incentive Fund" $3,000. State. - 1999
Judge, S. "University of Tennessee Faculty Research Grant" $2,100. State. - 1999
Judge, S. and Phillips, M. "Administration for Children and Families" $29,992. 1996 - 1998
Judge, S. and Benner, S. M. "Project Include: A Training Program for Elementary Education Students working in Inclusive Settings" $286,740. Federal. 1995 - 1998
Judge, S. and Benner, S. M. "" $15,000. State. 1996 - 1997
Judge, S. "" $2,500. State. - 1996
Judge, S. "BERS Mini-grant" $3,421. State. 1995 - 1996
Judge, S. "University of Tennessee Faculty Research Grant" $4,500. State. - 1995
Judge, S. "" $8,000. State. - 1994


Advocacy and Special Education Law
Assistive Technology
Teacher Preparation
Early Childhood
Families of Children with Disabilities


Britt, M., Donohue, T. and Judge, S. (2016). A Teacher Immersion Residency Program That Prepares Highly Effective Educators: An Innovative Model. The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum 23 (3) , pp. 13-24.
Watson, S. R., Judge, S., Lopes, J., Oliveira, C. and Jesus, A. C.. (2016). Number knowledge and error types of elementary Portuguese students: What does it mean for instruction?. Clinical and Experimental Psychology 2 (1) , pp. 1-6.
Wood-Fields, C., Judge, S. and Watson, S. R. (2015). Instructional methods that foster the reading development of students with significant intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability-Diagnosis and Treatment 3 (1) , pp. 13-20.
Judge, S. and Izuzquiza, D. (2015). Inclusion in the workforce for students with intellectual disabilities: A case study of a Spanish postsecondary education program. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 28 (1) , pp. 121-127.
Bobzien, J. and Judge, S. (2014). Characteristics of peer models at a summer camp for children with autism . Journal for Multicultural Education 8 (4) , pp. 237-248.
Judge, S., Bobzien, J., Maydosz, A., Lynch, S. Gear. and Katsioloudis, P. (2013). The use of visual-based simulated environments in teacher preparation. Journal of Education and Training Studies 1 (1).
Judge, S. (2013). Longitudinal predictors of reading achievement among at-risk children. Journal of Children and Proverty.
Floyd, K. and Judge, S. (2012). The efficacy of assistiave technology on reading comprehension for postsecondary students with learning disabilities. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits 8 (1) , pp. 66-76.
Oreshkina, M., Lester, J. and Judge, S. (2012). Education of children with disabilities as constructed within a Russian newspaper for teachers. Review of Disability Studies 8 (2) , pp. 45-55.
Lynch, S. Gear., Bobzien, J., Judge, S. and Raver-Lampman, S. (2011). Teaching social skills to enhance work performance in a child care setting. Education and Training in Autism & Developmental Disabilities 46 (1) , pp. 40-51.
Judge, S. and Watson, S. R. (2011). Longitudinal outcomes for mathematics achievement for students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Educational Research 104 , pp. 147-157.
Judge, S. and Bell, S. (2011). Reading acheivement trajectories for students with learning disabilities during the elemetnary school years. Reading & Writing Quarterly 27 , pp. 153-178.
Judge, S., Floyd, K. and Wood-Fields, C. (2010). Creating a technology-rich learning environment for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Infants and Young Children 23 (2) , pp. 84-92.
Bell, S. M.., Cihak, D. F.. and Judge, S. (2010). A preliminary study: Do alternative certification route programs develop the necessary skills and knowledge in assistive technology?. International Journal of Special Education 25 (3) , pp. 110-118.
Puckett, K., Judge, S. and Brozo, W. (2009). Integrating content area literacy and assistive technology: A teacher development institute. Southeastern Teacher Education Journal 2 (2) , pp. 27-38.
Judge, S. and Simms, K. (2009). Assistive technology training at the pre-service level: A national snapshot of teacher preparation programs. Teacher Education and Special Education 32 (1) , pp. 33-44.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. (2008). Faculty Integration of Technology in Teacher Preparation:. Technology, Pedogogy, and Education 17 , pp. 17-28.
Floyd, K., Jeffs, T., Smith Cantor, L. and Judge, S. (2008). Assistive technology and emergent literacy for prechoolers: A literature review. Assitive Technology Outcomes and Benefits 5 , pp. 94-104.
Judge, S., Floyd, K. and Jeffs, T. (2008). Using an assistive technology toolkit to promote inclusion. Early Childhod Education Journal 36 , pp. 121-126.
Bartley, S., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Judge, S. (2007). Antecedents of marital happiness and career satisfaction: An empirical study of dual-career managers. Journal of Business and Public Affairs 1 (1) , pp. 124-134.
Judge, S. and Jahns, L. (2007). Association of overweight with academic performance and social and behavioral problems: An update from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Journal of School Health 77 (10).
Judge, S. (2007). Integrating Technology into Field-Based Experiences: A Model that Fosters Change. Computers in Human Behavior 23 (1) , pp. 286-302.
Judge, S. (2006). Constructing an assistive technology toolkit for young children: Views from the field. Journal of Special Education Technology 21 (4) , pp. 17-24.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. (2006). Integrating Technology into Field-Based Experiences: A Model that Fosters Change Computers in Human Behavior. Computers in Human Behavior 23 (1) , pp. 286-302.
Judge, S. (2005). Impact of computer technology on academic achievement of young African American children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education 20 (2) , pp. 97-107.
Judge, S. (2005). Resilient and vulnerable at-risk children: Protective factors affecting early school competence. Journal of Children and Poverty 11 (2) , pp. 149-168.
Judge, S., Puckett, K. and Cabuk, B. (2004). Digital Equity: New Findings from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 36 (4) , pp. 383-396.
Judge, S. (2004). impact of early institutionalization on child and family outcomes. Adoption Quarterly 7 (3) , pp. 31-48.
O'Bannon, B. and Judge, S. (2004). Implementing Partnerships Across the Curriculum with Technology. 37 (2) , pp. 197-216.
Judge, S. and Oreshkina, M. (2004). Special education teacher training in Belgium, Russia, and United States: A comparative study. Teacher Education and Special Education 27 (3) , pp. 240-250.
Judge, S. (2004). The effects of early relational deprivation in children adopted from Eastern European orphanages. Journal of Family Nursing 10 (3) , pp. 338-356.
Judge, S. (2003). Child and family outcomes for children adopted from Eastern Europe. Adoption Today 5 (4) , pp. 19-21.
Judge, S. (2003). Determinants of parental stress in families adopting children from Eastern Europe. Family Relations. Family Relations 52 (3) , pp. 241-248.
Judge, S. (2003). Developmental recovery and deficit in children adopted from Eastern European orphanages. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 34 (1) , pp. 49-62.
Judge, S. (2002). Family-centered assistive technology assessment and intervention practices for early intervention. Infants and Young Children 15 (1) , pp. 60-68.
Judge, S. (2002). Selecting developmentally appropriate software. Children and Families 16 (3) , pp. 19-21.
Judge, S. (2001). Computer applications in programs for young children with disabilities: Current status and future directions. Journal of Special Education Technology 16 (1) , pp. 29-40.
Judge, S. (2001). Integrating computer technology within early childhood classrooms. Young Exceptional Children 5 (1) , pp. 20-26.
Judge, S. (2000). Accessing and funding assistive technology for young children with disabilities. Early Childhood Education Journal 28 (2) , pp. 125-131.
Judge, S. (2000). Ask NHSA Dialog. NHSA Dialog 3 , pp. 444-445.
Benner, S. M. and Judge, S. (2000). Teacher preparation for inclusive settings: A talent development model. Teacher Education Quarterly 27 (3) , pp. 23-38.
Judge, S. (1999). Eastern European adoption: Current status and implications for intervention. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 19 (4) , pp. 244-252.
Judge, S. and Parette, H. P. (1998). Family-centered assistive technology decision making. Infant-Toddler Intervention 8 (2) , pp. 185-206.
Judge, S. (1998). Parental coping strategies and strengths in families of young children with disabilities. Family Relations 47 (3) , pp. 1-6.
Judge, S. (1998). Use of assistive technology with young children with disabilities: Current status and training needs. Journal of Early Intervention 21 (2) , pp. 146-159.
Judge, S., Espinoas, L. and Diaz, R. (1997). Maternal teaching behaviors of preschool children in Hispanic families: Does a home intervention program make a difference? . Journal of Research in Childhood Education 11 (2) , pp. 163-170.
Judge, S. (1997). Parental perceptions of helpgiving practices and control appraisals in early intervention programs. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 17 (4) , pp. 457-476.
Judge, S., Benner, S. M., Habel, J. and Coleman, L. (1997). Preparing general education teachers for inclusive settings: A constructivist teacher education program. Teacher Education and Special Education 20 (3) , pp. 204-220.
Judge, S. and Maldonado, Y. A. (1997). The impact of children with HIV-infection on the family system. Families in Society 78 (3) , pp. 272-279.
Judge, S., Espinosa, L. and Diaz, R. (1996). Family focus for school success: An early intervention program for language minority children at risk. The Journal of At-Risk Issues 3 (1) , pp. 19-28.
Judge, S., Trivette, C. M. and Dunst, C. J. (1995). Families of children and adolescents with special needs across the life-span. Exceptional Children 62 (3) , pp. 197-199.
Judge, S., Gerber, M. and Semmel, M. I. (1995). HIV infection in children: Family stress, social support and adaptation. Exceptional Children 62 (3) , pp. 224-236.
Judge, S. (1995). Parental Coping Strategies in Families with HIV-Infected Children. Children's Health Care 25 (1) , pp. 19-35.
Judge, S. and Maldonado, Y. (1994). Infants and young children with HIV infection: Service delivery considerations for family support. Infants and Young Children 6 (4) , pp. 70-81.
Judge, S. and Espinosa, L. (1993). Increasing language-minority family and child competencies for school success: An educology of early intervention. International Journal of Educology 7 , pp. 14-36.
Espinosa, L. and Judge, S. (1993). Family focus for school success. Thrust for Educational Leadership , pp. 12-15.
Judge, S. (1992). Prenatal cocaine exposure: The challenge to education. Infant-Toddler Intervention 2 (1) , pp. 37-52.
Semmel, M., Abemathy, T., Butera, G. and Judge, S. (1991). Teacher perceptions of the regular education initiative. Exceptional Children 58 (1) , pp. 9-24.
Judge, S. (1990). Sexual differences among learning disabled students: Are they more in the eye of the rater than the doer?. B.C. Journal of Special Education 14 , pp. 73-89.


Judge, S. and Parette, H. P.. (1998). Assistive technology for young children with disabilities: A guide to providing family-centered services. Brookline.
Judge, S. and Espinosa, L. (1993). Family Focus for School Success Home Education Curriculum. Unpublished curriculum.

Book Chapters

Judge, S., Floyd, K. and Jeffs, T. (2014). Using mobile media devices and apps to promote young children's learnng (pp. 117-131) New York: Springer.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. (2011). Integrating technology into field-based experiences: A model that fosters change London: Sage.
Floyd, K., Judge, S. and Galyon-Keramidas, C. (2011). Beginning to begin Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Judge, S. (2011). Individual with disabilities education act (pp. 804-806) New York, NY: In S. Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds.). Encyclopedia of child behavior and development.
Judge, S. (2007). Developmental delay (pp. 273-275) Westport, CT: In R. S. New & M. Cochran (Eds.), Early childhood education: An international encyclopedia .
Judge, S. (2007). Individuals with disabilities education act (pp. 440-442) In R. S. New & M. Cochran (Eds.), Early childhood education: An international encyclopedia .
Judge, S. and Lahm, E. A. (1998). Assistive technology applications for play, mobility, communication, and learning for young children with disabilities (pp. 16-44) Cambridge, MA: In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.), Assistive technology for young children with disabilities/ Brookline.
Judge, S. and Parette, H. P. (1998). Assistive technology decision-making strategies. (pp. 127-147) Cambridge, MA: In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.) Assistive technology for young children with disabilities/Brookilne .
Parette, H. P. and Judge, S. (1998). Expanding the vision of assistive technology with young children and families: Future directions and continuing challenges (pp. 233-252) Cambridge, MA: In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.) Assistive technology for young children with disabilities/Brookline .
Judge, S. (1998). Expanding the vision of assistive technology with young children and families: Future directions and continuing challenges. In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.) (pp. 233-252) Assistive technology for young children with disabilities/Brookline .
Judge, S. (1998). Providing access to assistive technology for young children and families. In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.) (pp. 1-15) Cambridge, MA: Assistive technology for young children with disabilities/Brookline .
Judge, S. (1992). Prenatal cocaine exposure: The challenge to education (pp. 37-52) San Diego, CA : In L. M. Rossetti (Ed.), Developmental Problems of Drug-Exposed Infants/Singular Publishing.

Conference Proceeding

Judge, S. and Floyd, K. (2011). Making web enhanced learning accessible for all students (pp. 3477-3483) Chesapeake, VA: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications.
Judge, S. and Katsioloudis, P. (2011). The Use of Virtual Environments in Teacher Preparation (pp. 5) Lisbon: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA.


Judge, S. (November 29, 2016). Research on Technology and Tots Oral Presentation Center on Technology and Disability Washington, DC.
Judge, S. and Watson, S. R. (November 15, 2016). Error patterns in Portuguese students’ number knowledge tasks: Implications for instruction Paper International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain.
Britt, M., Judge, S. and Donohue, T. (April , 2016). Strengthening public education through research: Closing teacher quality gap via a residency model Paper AERA Annual Conference Washington, DC.
Judge, S. (March , 2016). Inclusion in the workforce for students with intellectual disabilities: A Spanish postsecondary education program Paper International Association of Technology, Education, and Development Conference Valencia, Spain.
Judge, S., Floyd, K. and Wood-Fields, C. (November 5, 2015). Online Teaching and Flipped Classrooms: New Modes for Learning with Technology Oral Presentation TED National Conference Phoenix, AZ.
Judge, S. (July , 2015). An Urban Teacher Residency That Prepares and Retains Quality Teachers for High Needs Schools Oral Presentation 22nd International Conference on Learning Madrid, Spain.
Britt, M., Judge, S. and Donohue, T. (April , 2015). Quality educators for all: An urban teacher residency program that prepares and retains highly effective educators Oral Presentation AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Judge, S. (April , 2015). A Spanish postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities Oral Presentation CEC Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. (March , 2015). Early evidence from an urban teacher residency program Oral Presentation International Association of Technology, Education, and Development Conference Madrid, Spain.
Judge, S. (November , 2014). An urban teacher residency that closes the teacher quality gap Oral Presentation International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain.
Judge, S. (July 15, 2014). Using media devices and apps to promote young children's learning Paper Embracing Inclusive Approaches Conference Braga Portugal.
Judge, S. (March 10, 2014). An innovative teacher immersion residency program that prepares highly effective teachers Paper International Association of Technology, Education, and Development Conference Valencia, Spain.
Wood-Fields, C. and Judge, S. (April 30, 2013). The impact of computer-assisted sight word instruction on the reading skills of students with significant intellectual disabilities Paper AERA Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
Judge, S. (March 4, 2013). An innovative simulated environment for enhancing the use of evidence-based strategies in teacher education Paper International Association of Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, Spain.
Judge, S. (February 28, 2013). Using virtual technology for preparing teacher candidates in the use of evidence-based strategies Paper AACTE Annual Conference Orlando, FL.
Judge, S. (November 6, 2012). Assistive technology- Facilitated child participation in everyday learning activities Oral Presentation 3rd World Biennial on Early Childhood Education and Child Development Havana, Cuba.
Katsioloudis, P. and Judge, S. (May 21, 2012). Using virtual environments to promote teacher preparation 14th Annual International Conference on Education Athens, Greece.
Floyd, K. and Judge, S. (April 16, 2012). The efficacy of assistive technology on reading comprehension for postsecondary students with learning disabilities AERA Annual Conference Vancouver, BC.
Judge, S., Goodwin, A., Garza, R., Pankratz, R. and Robinson, J. (February 18, 2012). Lessons learned about teacher residency models: Views from five Teacher Quality Partnership Grantees AACTE Annual Conference Chicago, IL.
Judge, S., Bobzien, J., Lynch, S. Gear., Maydosz, A., Floyd, K. and Gable, R. A. (November 11, 2011). Improving behavioral interventions through the use of virtual environments TED National Conference Austin, TX.
Maydosz, A., Judge, S., Lynch, S. Gear., Floyd, K., Bobzien, J. and Katsioloudis, P. (November 10, 2011). Behavior Management Strategies for General Educators: Trial in a Simulated Classroom 2011 TED Conference Austin, TX.
Maydosz, A., Judge, S., Lynch, S. Gear., Floyd, K., Bobzien, J. and Katsioloudis, P. (September 23, 2011). Behavior Management Strategies for General Educators: Trial in a Simulated Classroom 2011 CCBD International Conference New Orleans, LA.
Judge, S. and Floyd, K. (June , 2011). Making web enhanced learning accessible for all students Ed-Media 2011 Conference Lisbon, Portugal.
Judge, S. and Katsioloudis, P. (June , 2011). The use of virtual environments in teacher education Ed-Media 2011 Conference Lisbon, Portugal.
Floyd, K. and Judge, S. (April 26, 2011). Postsecondary students with learning disabilities: Can we do more? CEC Annual Conference National Harbor, MD.
Judge, S., Goodwin, L., Guajardo, M., Pankratz, R. and Robinson, J. (February 25, 2011). Launching a Teacher Residency Program: Views from Five Teacher Quality Partnership Grantees AACTE Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. (February 24, 2011). A Teacher Immersion Residency Program That Prepares Highly Effective Educators: An Innovative Model AACTE Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Floyd, K., Judge, S. and Keramidas, C. (November 5, 2010). Beginning to begin the world of on-line Instruction TED National Conference St. Louis, MO.
Lopez, A., Dieker, L., Lignugaris-Kraft, B. and Judge, S. (November 4, 2010). The role of vrtual technologies in special education teacher preparation: Lessons learned from virtual students TED National Conference St. Louis, MO.
Oreshkina, M., Lester, J. and Judge, S. (May 3, 2010). Perception and representation of children with disabilities in Russian mass media AERA Denver, CO.
Kirk, E., Bell, S., Judge, S. and Coleman, M. (April 24, 2010). Using surveys to further the research on effectiveness of alternative route preparation CEC Annual Conference Nashville, TN.
Judge, S., Floyd, K. and Wood-Fields, C. (April 23, 2010). Creating a technology-rich learning environment for young children withdisabilities CEC Annual Conference Nashville, TN.
Fleener, C. E., Judge, S. and Alberti, D. (April 15, 2010). Teacher Immersion Residency 3rd Annual Great Teachers for Our City Schools Summit Denver, Colorado.
Judge, S. and Bell, S. (February 20, 2010). Preparing alternative certification route candidates to develop the necessary knowledge and skills in assistive technology AACTE Annual Conference Atlanta, GA.
Floyd, K. and Judge, S. (November 14, 2009). How does the use of assistive technology influence reading comprehension performance of postsecondary students with learning disabilities? TED National Conference Charlotte, NC.
Judge, S. (July 15, 2009). Constructing an assistive technology toolkit for young children with disabilities International Association of Special Education Biennial Conference Alicante, Spain.
Judge, S. (April 3, 2009). Special education technology: Strategies for enhancing academic performance CEC 2009 Conference Seattle, WA.
Judge, S. and Floyd, K. (April 3, 2009). Using an assistive technology toolkit to promote inclusion for young children CEC 2009 Conference Seattle, WA.
Judge, S. (April 2, 2009). Longitudinal outcomes for reading achievement for students with learning disabilities CEC 2009 Conference Seattle, WA.
Judge, S. and Butler, L. L. (February 7, 2009). High school and beyond: A university/school partnership for recruiting high school students into the teaching profession American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Conference Chicago, IL.
Judge, S. (November 6, 2008). Assistive technology: Do alternative route programs develop the necessary skills and knowledge? TED National Conference Dallas, TX.
Judge, S. (March , 2008). Longitudinal outcomes for mathematics achievement for students with learning disabilities: Evidence from the ECLS-K AERA Annual Conference New York, NY.
Judge, S. and Bell, S. (March , 2008). Reading achievement trajectories for students with learning disabilities during the elementary school years AERA Annual Conference New York, NY.
Judge, S. (March , 2008). Assistive technology training at the preservice level: Current status and training needs Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference Las Vegas, NV.
Judge, S. ( 2007). Longitudinal predictors of reading achievement among at-risk children: Findings from the ECLS-K†AERA Annual Conference Chicago, IL..
Judge, S. ( 2007). “Children’s overweight status on academic performance and social and behavioral problems: An update from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study†AERA Annual Conference Chicago, IL..
Judge, S. ( 2007). “The changing Russia and early childhood special education: An international perspective†CEC Annual Convention Louisville, KY..
Judge, S. (November , 2007). Assistive technology training at the pre-service level: A national snaphot TED National Conference Milwaukee, WI.
Judge, S. ( 2006). “The effects of early institutionalization in adopted children†2nd International Conference on Adoption Research, Norwich, UK..
Judge, S. and Carillo, S. ( 2006). “Childhood obesity and educational outcomes during the first four years of school†AERA Annual Conference San Francisco, CA..
Judge, S., Puckett, K. and Bell, S. ( 2006). “Closing the digital divide: An update from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study†AERA Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
Judge, S. ( 2006). “Does looping make a difference? The impact of preschool looping on child outcomes†Head Start’s 8th National Research Conference Washington, DC..
Judge, S. ( 2006). “Creating an assistive technology toolkit for young children†TED/TAM National Conference San Diego, CA..
Puckett, K. and Judge, S. ( 2006). “Integrating content area literacy and assistive technology: Implementation strategies†TED/TAM National Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. ( 2006). “Selecting software to enhance learning for young children with disabilities†Tennessee Special Education Conference Nashville, TN..
Bartley, S., Judge, W. and Judge, S. ( 2005). The antecedents of marital happiness and career satisfaction: An empirical study of dual-career managers within the United States Academy of Management Conference Honolulu, HI.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Bartley, S. and Judge, S. ( 2005). Antecedents of marital happiness and career satisfaction: An empirical study of dual-career managers Paper Academy of Management Meetings Honolulu, Hawaii.
Judge, S. ( 2005). The relationship between computer use and academic achievement of African American children AERA Annual Conference Montreal, Canada.
Judge, S. ( 2005). “Early childhood special education in the new Russia: An international perspective†DEC International Early Childhood Conference Portland, OR..
O'Bannon, B. and Judge, S. ( 2005). “Integrating technology and curriculum: Developing new teachers who meet the challenge†Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference Phoenix, AZ.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. ( 2005). “Merging technology in teacher education through mini-grants†Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference Phoenix, AZ.
Judge, S. ( 2005). “Resilience and competence: New findings from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study†SRCD Biennial Meeting Atlanta, GA.
Judge, S. and Allen, E. ( 2005). “The impact of computer technology on African American children’s academic achievement†SRCD Biennial Meeting Atlanta, GA.
Judge, S. and Cabuk, B. ( 2004). “Digital equity: New findings fro ECLS-K.†AERA Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. ( 2004). “Implementing partnerships across the curriculum with technology.†AERA Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. ( 2004). “Resilient and vulnerable at-risk children: Protective factors affecting school readiness.†AERA Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. ( 2004). “Infusing technology use in higher education through faculty mini-grants.†Ed-Media 2004 Conference Lugano, Switzerland.
O'Bannon, B. and Judge, S. ( 2004). “Model yields technology using teachers.†Ed-Media 2004 Conference Lugano, Switzerland.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. ( 2004). “Faculty development models for technology integration.†Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference Atlanta, GA.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. ( 2004). “Technology in teacher education: Evaluating a model that fosters change.†Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference Atlanta, GA.
Puckett, K., Judge, S. and Bell, S. ( 2004). “Technology integration in teacher preparation: Project ImPACT as a catalyst for change.†TED Annual Conference Albuquerque, NM.
Judge, S., Puckett, K. and Bennner, S. ( 2003). “Electronic portfolio development in preservice special education programs,†Annual Meeting of the Teacher Education Division Biloxi, MS.
Judge, S. and O'Bannon, B. ( 2003). “Faculty Development in the Integration of Technology in Pre-service Teacher Education.†Ed-Media 2003 Conference , Honolulu, HI..
O'Bannon, B. and Judge, S. ( 2003). “Online lesson Library Provides Rich Resource for Training of New Teachers.†Ed-Media Conference Honolulu, HI..
Judge, S. ( 2003). Integrating Computer Technology in Preschool Settings for Children with Disabilities Okalahoma City, OK.
Judge, S. ( 2003). “Determinants of Parental Well-Being in Families Adopting Children from Eastern Europe,†Society for Research in Child Development Conference Tampa, FL.
Judge, S. ( 2003). “The Effects of Early Relational Deprivation in Children Adopted from Eastern European Orphanages,†Society for Research in Child Development Conference Tampa, FL..
Judge, S. and Oreshkina, M. ( 2002). . “Special Education Teacher Training in Belgium, Russia, and United States: A Comparative Study,†AERA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA..
Judge, S. ( 2002). “Developmental Recovery and Deficit in Children Exposed to Early Severe Deprivation,†AERA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA.
Judge, S. ( 2001). Special Education in the United States Annual Conference of Educational and Methodological Committee in Special Education Moscow, Russia.
Judge, S. ( 2001). Integrating Computer Technology in Preschool Settings for Children with Disabilities Conference for Individuals Working with Preschool Children with Disabilities Columbia, SC.
Judge, S. ( 2001). . “Eastern European Adoptions: Current Status and Implications for Intervention,†DEC International Early Childhood Conference Boston, MA.
Judge, S. ( 2001). “Integrating Computer Technology in Early Childhood Settings,†NAEYC Annual Conference Anaheim, CA..
Judge, S. ( 2000). “Integrating Assistive Technology into Early Childhood Classrooms,†CEC Annual Convention Vancouver, BC.
Judge, S. ( 2000). “Integrating Computer Technology in Early Intervention,†DEC International Early Childhood Conference Albuquerque, NM.
Judge, S. ( 2000). “Child and Family Outcomes for Children Adopted from Eastern Europe,†National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference Minneapolis, MN.
Judge, S. and Pearce, V. ( 1999). “Facilitating Successful Inclusion: An Activity-Based Approach for Young Children,†CEC Annual Convention Charlotte, NC.
Judge, S. and Parette, H. P. ( 1999). “Providing Access to Assistive Technology for Young Children and Their Families,†DEC International Early Childhood Conference Washington, DC..
Judge, S. ( 1998). . “Integrating Instructional Technology in Teacher Education,†21st Annual TED Conference Dallas, TX.
Phillips, M. and Judge, S. ( 1998). “Maternal Factors that Impact Intervention with Hard-to-Manage Preschool Children,†AERA Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S., Benner, S. and Watson, J. ( 1998). “Teacher Preparation for Inclusive Settings: New Approaches for Teaching and Evaluation,†AERA Annual Conference San Diego, CA.
Judge, S. and Pearce, V. ( 1998). . “Facilitating Successful Inclusion: An Activity-Based Approach for Young Children,†Joint Conference on Children and Youth with Disabilities Nashville, TN.
Judge, S. ( 1998). Redesigning Early Childhood Teacher Education Programs: Addressing NAEYC’s Professional Standards NAEYC’s National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development Miami, FL.
Judge, S. ( 1998). The Second Linkage Meeting of Early Childhood Teacher Educators: The Significance of Our Professional Contexts NAEYC’s National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development Miami, FL.
Judge, S. and Benner, S. ( 1997). “Preparing Teachers for More Inclusive Settings: A Constructivist Teacher Education Program,†CEC Annual Convention Salt Lake City, UT..
Judge, S. ( 1997). “Assistive Technology in Early Intervention: Current Status and Training Needs,†DEC International Early Childhood Conference New Orleans, LA..
Judge, S. ( 1997). Facilitating Successful Inclusion: A Model Program of Collaboration East Tennessee Preschool Special Education Conference Pigeon Forge, TN .
Benner, S., Blank, K., Cagle, L., Coleman, L., Hatch, A. and Judge, S. ( 1997). “Building a Teacher Education Program from Scratch: A Story of Professional Renewal†Reforming Teacher Education: Innovations in Curriculum and Partnership Wrexham, Wales.
Judge, S. and Pearce, V. ( 1997). “Strategies for Addressing the Needs of Children with Developmental Delays in Early Childhood Settings,†TAEYC Annual Conference Gatlinburg, TN.
Judge, S. ( 1996). “Providing Family-Centered Assistive Technology with Young Children and their Families,†,†4th Annual Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families Nashville, TN.
Judge, S. ( 1996). “Assistive Technology for Young Children with Disabilities: Current Status and Training Needs,†19th Annual TED Conference Washington, DC.
Judge, S. ( 1996). “Providing Family-Centered Assistive Technology with Young Children and their Families,†4th Annual Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families Nashville, TN..
Judge, S., Benner, S. and Habel, J. ( 1996). . “Preparing Elementary Education Teachers for Inclusive Settings: A Constructivist Teacher Education Program,†AERA Annual Conference New York, NY.
Judge, S. ( 1996). “Family-Centered Early Intervention: Program Practices Affecting Family Involvement,†AERA Annual Conference New York, NY..
Judge, S., Phillips, M. and Hall, J. ( 1996). “Program Practices Affecting Family, Parent, and Child Functioning in Families of Children with Disabilities,†Head Start’s Third National Research Conference Washington, DC..
Judge, S. ( 1995). “Building the Essential Connection: Working with Culturally Diverse Families,†3rd Annual Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families Nashville, TN.
Judge, S. ( 1995). “Providing Family-Centered Assistive Technology Assessment and Intervention,†4th Biennial International Association of Special Education Conference Brighton, UK.
Judge, S. ( 1995). “Parental Coping Strategies in Families with HIV-Infected Children,†AERA Annual Conference San Francisco, CA..
Judge, S. and Trivette, C. M. ( 1995). “Promoting Mother-Child Interactional Styles in Teenage Mothers,†AERA Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
Judge, S. and Lowe, L. W. ( 1995). “Parent/Professional Partnerships: The Essential Ingredient for Family-Centered Assistive Technology Services,†DEC International Early Childhood Conference Orlando, FL..
Judge, S. ( 1994). “The Impact of Children with HIV Infection on the Family System,†2nd Annual Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families Nashville, TN..
Judge, S. and Espinosa, L. ( 1994). “Increasing Language-Minority Family and Child Competencies for School Success,†AERA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA.
Judge, S. ( 1994). “Collaborative Approaches for Family-Community-School Partnerships,†Association for Children Education International Annual Study Conference New Orleans, LA..
Judge, S. ( 1994). . “Children with HIV Infection and Developmental Disabilities,†Conference on Research and Theory in Mental Retardation and Development Disabilities Gatlinburg, TN..
Judge, S., Lowe, L. W. and Bartholomew, P. ( 1994). “Expanding the Vision of Assistive Technology with Young Children and Families,†DEC International Early Childhood Conference St. Louis, MO..
Judge, S. ( 1994). “Infants and young children with HIV infection: Service delivery considerations for family support,†NAEYC Annual Conference Atlanta, GA..
Judge, S. ( 1994). Reaching Out to Culturally Diverse Families: Nurturing a Crucial Environment Smoky Mountain Winter Institute Asheville, NC.
Judge, S. and Espinosa, L. ( 1993). . “Collaborative Efforts for Improving Family/School Partnerships for Language-Minority Preschool Children,†,†2nd National Head Start Research Conference Washington, DC..
Judge, S. ( 1993). “Restructuring Early Intervention Efforts for Language-Minority Preschool Children,†42nd Annual Conference California Council for Exceptional Children San Jose, CA..
Judge, S. and Henry, K. ( 1993). “Teaching Study Skills Through Science at the Secondary Level,†CEC Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Judge, S. ( 1993). “Early Intervention with Culturally Diverse Families,†North Carolina Division of Early Intervention 4th Annual Conference California Council for Exceptional Children Greensboro, NC..
Judge, S. ( 1992). Family Focus for School Success,†Conference on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Children Minneapolis, MN.
Judge, S. ( 1992). Research and Study: How Do We Know That What We Do Works Life Cycle of the Family Conference San Francisco, CA.
Judge, S. ( 1990). “The Communication Process between Preschool Program for Handicapped Children and Bilingual Families,†National Association for Bilingual Education Conference Tucson, AZ.
Abernthy, T., Butera, G. and Judge, S. ( 1989). “Regular Classroom Teachers’ Perceptions of the ‘Regular Education Initiative’ in the Delivery of Special Education Services to Mildly Handicapped Students,†11th Inernational Conference on Learning Disabilities Denver, CO.
Judge, S. ( 1989). “The Consultation Process Between Preschool Programs for Handicapped Children and Parents,†38th Annual California CEC Conference Costa Mesa, CA..
Lawson, K. and Judge, S. ( 1989). . “Social Skills Training: What they don’t know can hurt them,†California Association of Bilingual Educators Anaheim, CA..
  • 2004: Program Chair, AERA Special Education Research Special Interest Group
  • 2002: AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy,
  • 2001: Fulbright Scholar Award, Mowcow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia
  • 1998: Chancellor’s Award for Professional Promise in Research and Creative Achievement,
  • 1992: Who’s Who in American Education,
  • 1991: Stanford University Matt E. Goldstein Award , Stanford University
  • 1988: University of California Regents Fellowship, Graduate School of Education