Associate Professor
Department of Management

Ryan Klinger

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Management, University of Florida, (2012)

B.S. in Psychology, University of Florida, (2004)

M.S. in Management, University of Florida, (2004)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Klinger, R., Gordon, S., Mengistu, B. and Henley, T. "Stakeholder perspectives of the needed and actual competencies, values, and attitudes of city and county government procurement officials" $10,000. Other. October 2015 - June 2016


Organizational Behavior / Human Resource Management / Leadership / Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Training / Leadership Development / Change Management

Research Interests

Personality Testing in the Workplace
Identity-Reputation Incongruence
Employee Recruitment and Selection
Job Attitudes
Career Success
Research Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Multilevel Modeling, & Meta-analysis


Klinger, R. and Siangchokyoo, N. (2024). Finding better raters: The role of observer personality on the validity of observer-reported personality in predicting job performance.. Journal of Research in Personality 108.
Siangchokyoo, N. and Klinger, R. (2021). Shared leadership and team performance: The joint effect of team dispositional composition and collective identification. Group & Organization Management 47 (1) , pp. 109-140.
Siangchokyoo, N., Klinger, R. and Campion, E. (2019). Follower transformation as the linchpin of transformational leadership theory: A systematic review and future research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly 31 (1).
Mallon, M. R., Lanivich, S. and Klinger, R. (2018). Resource configurations for new family venture growth. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research 24 , pp. 521-537.
Frazier, M. Lance., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R., Vracheva, V. and Pezeshkan, A. (2017). Psychological safety: A meta-analytic review and extension. Personnel Psychology 70 (1) , pp. 113-165.
Zheng, Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R. and Hinrichs, A. T.. (2016). Curvilinear relationships between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology 31 (1) , pp. 110-126.
Judge, T. A., Rodell, J. B., Klinger, R., Simon, L. S. and Crawford, E. A. (2013). Hierarchical representations of the Five-Factor Model of personality in predicting job performance: Integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives.. Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (6) , pp. 875-925.
Podsakoff, N. P., Podsakoff, P. P., MacKenzie, S. B. and Klinger, R. (2013). Are we really measuring what we say we’re measuring? Using video techniques to supplement traditional construct validation procedures.. Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (1) , pp. 99-113.
Judge, T. A., Klinger, R. and Simon, L. S. (2010). Time is on my side: Time, general mental ability, human capital, and extrinsic career success. Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (1) , pp. 92-107.
Judge, T. A., Klinger, R., Simon, L. S. and Yang, I. W F. (2008). The contributions of personality to organizational behavior and psychology: findings, criticisms, and future research directions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 2 (5) , pp. 1982-2000.
Judge, T. A., Heller, D. and Klinger, R. (2008). The dispositional sources of job satisfaction: A comparative test. Applied Psychology: An International Review 57 (3) , pp. 361-372.

Book Chapters

Judge, T. A., Klinger, R. and Li, M. (2023). Promote job satisfaction through mental challenge Principles of Organizational Behavior: The Handbook of Evidence-Based Management (pp. 161-179) New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. (2015). Personality and values at work International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 821-826) Oxford: Elsevier.
Judge, T. A. and Klinger, R. (2009). Promote job satisfaction through mental challenge Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior (pp. 107-121) Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Judge, T. A. and Klinger, R. (2008). Job satisfaction: Subjective well-being at work The Science of Subjective Well-Being (pp. 92-107) New York: Guilford Publications.

Conference Proceeding

Siangchokyoo, N. and Klinger, R. (2022). Perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on empowerment and outcomes Academy of Management Proceedings.
Oksoy, A., Bennett, A. A., Nair, A. and Klinger, R. (2019). Dealing with angels: The anchoring effect Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Zheng, X., Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R. and Hinrichs, A. T.. (2018). The curious case of the curvilinear relationship between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction Academy of Management Proceedings.
Mallon, M., Klinger, R. and Lanivich, S. (2017). Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new family firm success Academy of Management Proceedings.
Klinger, R. (2013). Examining the role of observer personality on the predictive validity of personality ratings (pp. 6) Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.


Yusuf, J., Klinger, R., Escobales, N. and Igloria, L. A. (March 15, 2024). Teaching for the First Time: A Workshop for Future Faculty Oral Presentation Career Pathways: Professional development to bridge graduate school and career success Â鶹´«Ã½.
Klinger, R. (November , 2023). 2023 Hampton Roads Regional Trends and Workforce Challenges Oral Presentation Strome/SHRM Hampton Roads Regional Workforce Conference Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R. (August , 2022). Career shocks, worries, and plateaus Oral Presentation Academy of Management Seattle, WA.
Klinger, R. (August , 2022). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Seattle, Washington.
Siangchokyoo, N. and Klinger, R. (August , 2022). Perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on empowerment and outcomes Oral Presentation Academy of Management Seattle, Washington.
Currant, P., Burnett, R., Klinger, R., Hawkins, K. and Wojtowicz, R. (February 25, 2022). Leadership and Trust Oral Presentation Provost's Leadership Development Series Virtual Webinar.
Klinger, R. (August , 2021). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Virtual Conference.
Klinger, R. (May , 2021). 2021 Comprehensive Regional Workforce Analysis and Study: Strategic Recommendations for Organizations Oral Presentation Strome/SHRM Hampton Roads Regional Workforce Conference Norfolk, VA.
Currant, P., Reynolds, S., Nair, A. and Klinger, R. (October 12, 2020). Leadership and Trust Oral Presentation Provost's Leadership Development Series Virtual Webinar.
Klinger, R. (August , 2020). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Virtual Conference.
Klinger, R., Ermilina, V., Farrell, M. and Siangchokyoo, N. (February , 2020). Exploring the equifinality of career success: Using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to investigate the links between personality, cognitive ability, and career success Oral Presentation Academy of Management Careers Division Conference Vienna, Austria.
Klinger, R. (January , 2020). 2020 Comprehensive Regional Workforce Analysis and Study: Strategic Recommendations for Organizations Oral Presentation Strome/SHRM Hampton Roads Regional Workforce Conference Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R., Siangchokyoo, N. and Farrell, M. (October , 2019). Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA): A methodological primer and experiential learning workshop Oral Presentation Southern Management Association Norfolk, VA.
Oksoy, A., Bennett, A. A., Nair, A. and Klinger, R. (August , 2019). Dealing with angels: The anchoring effect Oral Presentation Academy of Management Boston, MA.
Klinger, R. (August , 2019). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Boston, MA.
Klinger, R. (August , 2019). Navigating Human Capital Development in the New World of Work Oral Presentation Academy of Management Boston, MA.
Klinger, R. (February 22, 2019). Tips for Managing Comprehensive Exams Oral Presentation CBPA Dean's Research Seminar .
Klinger, R. (January 16, 2019). Other Preparing for Tenure .
Klinger, R. (November , 2018). Interviewing Strategies Oral Presentation .
Klinger, R. (October 12, 2018). Advising with Emotional Intelligence Oral Presentation 2018 ODAN Conference .
Klinger, R. (September 29, 2018). Leading with Emotional Intelligence Oral Presentation Student Leadership Academy .
Klinger, R. (September 28, 2018). Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Oral Presentation National Newspaper Association's Annual Convention .
Klinger, R. (September 28, 2018). Motivation 101: Simplifying the Motivation Process at Work Oral Presentation National Newspaper Association's Annual Convention .
Klinger, R. (August , 2018). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Chicago, IL.
Klinger, R. (August , 2018). Managing and Sustaining Talent Across Different Occupational Contexts Oral Presentation Academy of Management Chicago, IL.
Klinger, R. (October , 2017). Lecture Employee Training Workshop: Teamwork and Team Building Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R. (October , 2017). Decluttering the front page: A method for organizing blackboard websites Demonstration Strome College of Business Teaching Moments .
Klinger, R. (September 20, 2017). Other Preparing for Tenure .
Klinger, R. and Bennett, A. A. (August , 2017). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Atlanta, GA.
Klinger, R. (August , 2017). Occupational mobility, pay, and satisfaction Oral Presentation Academy of Management Atlanta, GA.
Klinger, R. (October 5, 2016). Other Online Teaching Workshop .
Klinger, R. (September 14, 2016). Other Preparing for Tenure .
Klinger, R. (August , 2016). Five shades of grey: Exploring the lighter side of the dark triad Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. R. (August , 2016). Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in careers research: A methodological primer (Professional Development Workshop) Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
Mallon, M., Lanivich, S. and Klinger, R. (August , 2016). The right stuff: Resources for new venture performance in the start-up and growth stages Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
Amini Sedeh, A., Moeini Gharagozloo, M. and Klinger, R. (August , 2016). When it pays to be shady: The dark triad and susceptibility to decision making heuristics Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
Gordon, S., Klinger, R., Mengistu, B. and Henley, T. (August , 2016). The values and traits that lead to success Oral Presentation National Institute for Public Procurement Forum National Harbor, MD.
Klinger, R. (May , 2016). Lecture Employee Training Workshop: Emotional Intelligence Development Norfolk, VA.
Mallon, M., Lanivich, S. and Klinger, R. (October , 2015). Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new venture success Oral Presentation Strategic Management Society Denver, CO.
Klinger, R. (September , 2015). Lecture Executive Training Workshop: Emotional Intelligence Development Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. (August , 2015). A fuzzy-set examination of the equifinality of career success Oral Presentation Academy of Management Vancouver, BC Canada.
Mallon, M., Klinger, R. and Lanivich, S. (August , 2015). Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new family firm success Oral Presentation Academy of Management Vancouver, BC Canada.
Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. (August , 2015). Understanding antecedents, processes, and contextual forces that shape career success Oral Presentation Academy of Management : Showcase Symposium / Award Finalist for Best Symposium in the Careers Division Vancouver, BC Canada.
Klinger, R. (May , 2015). Lecture Management Training Workshop: Leadership Development Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R. (March 20, 2015). Other Teaching Workshop .
Klinger, R. (February , 2015). Lecture Employee Training Workshop: Teamwork and Team Building Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R. (August , 2014). Lecture Management Training Workshop: Leadership Development Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
Klinger, R. (February 07, 2014). Personality in the Workplace Oral Presentation CBPA Dean's Research Seminar .
Klinger, R. (September , 2013). Careers in Human Resource Management Oral Presentation .
Klinger, R. (August , 2013). Examining the Role of Observer Personality on the Predictive Validity of Personality Ratings Oral Presentation Academy of Management Orlando, FL.
Zheng, X., Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R. and Hinrichs, A. T. (August , 2013). The Curious Case of the Curvilinear Relationship Between Role Clarity and Supervisor Satisfaction Oral Presentation Academy of Management Orlando, FL.
Thundiyil, T. and Klinger, R. (April , 2013). Mediating effects of engagement between Machiavellianism and job satisfaction Poster Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Houston, TX.
Frazier, M. Lance., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R., Vracheva, V. and Pezeshkan, A. (August , 2012). A Meta-analytic Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Psychological Safety Paper Academy of Management Boston, MA.
Nichols, A. L., Judge, T. A. and Klinger, R. (August , 2011). Core Self-evaluations: A Multilevel Perspective Paper Academy of Management San Antonio, TX.
Podsakoff, N. P. and Klinger, R. (August , 2011). Using Video Technology to Validate Management Constructs Paper Academy of Management San Antonio, TX.
Klinger, R. and Judge, T. A. (August , 2010). Do Core Self-evaluations Moderate the Relationship between Pay and Job and Life Attitudes? Paper Academy of Management Montreal, QC.
Klinger, R., Judge, T. A., Mueller, J. B., Simon, L. S. and Crawford, E. A. (August , 2008). Broad and Narrow Traits as Predictors of Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance: A Meta-analysis Paper Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
Klinger, R. and Piccolo, R. F. (April , 2007). The Employment Interview: Constructs, Questions, and Directions for Improvement Other Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology New York, NY.
Klinger, R. L. and Judge, T. A. (April , 2007). Examining the Incremental Validity of the Employment Interview: Beyond Conscientiousness and Cognitive Ability Paper Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology New York, NY.
  • 2022: EV Williams Fellowship for Teaching, Research, and Service, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2022: Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
  • 2018: Â鶹´«Ã½ Nominee for Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2017: EV Williams Fellowship for Teaching and Service, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2017: MBA Professor of the Year, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2017: SHRM Student ChapterMerit Award (Faculty Advisor), Society for Human Resource Management
  • 2016: Conference Submission awarded "Best Paper" Designation, Academy of Management: Entrepreneurship Division
  • 2016: Department Nominee for Tonelson Teaching Award, Â鶹´«Ã½ Department of Management
  • 2016: Game Day Professor (Nominated by Â鶹´«Ã½ Football Student-Athletes, Â鶹´«Ã½ - Athletic Academic Advising
  • 2016: Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2016: Shining Star Recognition, Division of Student Engagement and Enrollment Services
  • 2016: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management: Careers Division
  • 2016: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior Division
  • 2015: Best Symposium Finalist Award - Careers Division, Academy of Management
  • 2015: College Nominee for SCHEV Rising Star Award, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2015: Shining Star Recognition, Division of Student Engagement and Enrollment Services
  • 2015: SHRM Student Chapter Honorable Mention Award (Faculty Advisor), Society for Human Resource Management
  • 2014: MBA Professor of the Year, Â鶹´«Ã½ Strome College of Business
  • 2014: Scholarly Achievement Award for "Most Significant Article in Human Resource Management Published in 2013", Academy of Management Human Resource Division
  • 2014: SHRM Student Chapter Honorable Mention Award (Faculty Advisor), Society for Human Resource Management
  • 2013: Conference Submission awarded "Best Paper" Designation, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior Division
  • 2010: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior Division