
Peter Sedwick

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa, (1991)

B.S. in Chemistry (High Honors), University of Hawaii at Manoa, (1983)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Resing, J. and Sedwick, P. "Collaborative Research: Are Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Vents an Important but Overlooked Source of Stabilized Dissolved Iron into the Ocean?" $242,855. Federal. 2018 - 2021
Sedwick, P., Schmidt, M., Chappell, P. Dreux. and Cutter, G. A. "Major Research Instrumentation: Acquisition of a High Resolution Plasma Source Mass Spectrometer and Sample Introduction System for Multidisciplinary Geosciences Research and Education" $644,466. Federal. 2016 - 2019
Sedwick, P. "Impact of Convective Processes and Sea Ice Formation on the Distribution of Iron in the Ross Sea: Closing the Seasonal Cycle" $394,174. Federal. 2015 - 2018
Resing, J. and Sedwick, P. "Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES Pacific Section – Shipboard Al, Mn and Fe" $172,982. September 1, 2012 - August 31, 2017
Najjar, R., Mulholland, M. R. and Sedwick, P. "Collaborative Research: Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on the Biogeochemistry of Oligotrophic Coastal Waters" $432,513. March 15, 2013 - February 28, 2017
Sedwick, P., Dinniman, M., Klinck, J. and Hofmann, E. "Impact of Mesoscale Processes on Iron Supply and Phytoplankton Dynamics in the Ross Sea" $704,035. July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014
Sedwick, P. and Cutter, G. A. "A New Approach to Quantifying the Release of Bioactive Trace Elements from Coal Combustion Products to Natural Waters" $298,924. May 1, 2010 - April 30, 2013
Sedwick, P. "US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: Dissolved Iron and Iron(II)" $350,000. March 1, 2010 - February 28, 2013
Sedwick, P. "Collaborative Research: Quantifying the Effects of Iron and Light on the Growth of Diatoms from the Ross Sea, Antarctica" $280,429. June 1, 2008 - May 31, 2012
Ussher, S., Sedwick, P. and Knap, A. "Solubility of Aerosol Iron in Open-ocean Seawater. 2009 - 2011
Peters, A., Sedwick, P. and Knap, A. "Operation of a Community Marine-Atmospheric Sampling Facility At Tudor Hill, Bermuda" $225,694. September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2011
Sedwick, P. and Johnson, R. "Collaborative Research: Impact of Atmospheric Deposition on the Distribution and Speciation of Trace Elements in the Upper Ocean - Focus on Iron in the Sargasso Sea" $427,354. February 1, 2006 - January 31, 2010
Sedwick, P. and Keene, W. "Collaborative Research: The Processing and Radiative Properties of Aerosols over Western North Atlantic Ocean at Bermuda" $237,930. April 1, 2006 - June 30, 2009
Sedwick, P. and DiTullio, G. "Collaborative Research: Interactive Effects of Iron, Light and CO2 on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics in the Ross Sea" $377,179. February 1, 2005 - January 31, 2009
Sedwick, P. "Operation of a Marine Atmospheric Sampling Facility at Tudor Hill, Bermuda" $129,249. September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2008
DiTullio, G. and Sedwick, P. "Collaborative Research: Iron and Light Effects on Phaeocystis antarctica Isolates from the Ross Sea" $140,054. July 01, 2003 - December 31, 2006
Domack, E. and Sedwick, P. "Collaborative Research: Constraining the Temporal Resolution and Geochronology of Holocene Sediment Records from the Antarctic Continental Shelf" $93,341. May 15, 2003 - December 31, 2005
Sedwick, P. and Johnson, K. "Collaborative Research: Sampling and Analysis of Iron, an International Collaboration" $26,686. October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2005
Sedwick, P. and Knap, A. "Upgrade and Operation of a Marine Atmospheric Sampling Facility at Tudor Hill, Bermuda" $181,903. September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2005
Sedwick, P. "Atmospheric Iron Inputs to the Sargasso Sea: Temporal Variability and Impact on Iron Distribution in the Upper Ocean" $288,552. October 1, 2002 - September 30, 2003
Knap, A. and Sedwick, P. "Bermuda Contribution to a North Atlantic Aerobiology Study" $30,147. October 1, 2002 - September 30, 2003
Sedwick, P. "Trace Metals in Recent Antarctic Snow, logistics support for laboratory phase of project and field sampling. 1996 - 1998


chemical, biogeochemical, marine geochemistry, trace elements, Antarctica

Research Interests

Chemical Oceanography, Marine Biogeochemistry, Antarctic Science


Schlitzer, R. and Sedwick, P. (2018). The GEOTRACES intermediate data product 2017. Chemical Geology 493 , pp. 10-223.
Sedwick, P., Bernhardt, P. W., Mulholland, M. R., Najjar, R. G., Blumen, L. M., Sohst, B. M., Sookhdeo, C. and Widner, B. (2018). Assessing Phytoplankton Nutritional Status and Potential Impact of Wet Deposition in Seasonally Oligotrophic Waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Geophysical Research Letters 45 (7) , pp. 3203-3211.
Marsay, C. M., Barrett, P. M., McGillicuddy, Jr., D. J. and Sedwick, P. (2017). Distributions, sources, and transformations of dissolved and particulate iron on the Ross Sea continental shelf during summer . Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (8) , pp. 6371-6393.
Buck, K. N., Sedwick, P., Sohst, B. and Carlson, C. A. (2017). Organic complexation of iron in the eastern tropical South Pacific: Results from US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect (GEOTRACES Cruise GP16). Marine Chemistry 201 , pp. 229-241.
Boiteau, R. M., Mende, D. R., Hawco, N. J., McIlvin, M. R., Fitzsimmons, J. N., Saito, M. A., Sedwick, P., DeLong, E. F. and Repeta, D. J. (2016). Siderophore-based microbial adaptations to iron scarcity across the eastern Pacific Ocean. PNAS 113 (50) , pp. 14237-14242.
Sedwick, P., Sohst, B. M., Ussher, S. J. and Bowie, A. R. (2015). A zonal picture of the water column distribution of dissolved iron(II) during the U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect cruise (GEOTRACES GA03). Deep Sea Research II 116 , pp. 166-175.
McGillicuddy, Jr, D. J., Sedwick, P., Dinniman, M. S., Arrigo, K. R., Bibby, T. S., Greenan, B. W., Hofmann, E., Klinck, J., Smith, Jr, W. O., Mack, S. L., Marsay, C. M., Sohst, B. M. and van Dijken, G. L. (2015). Iron supply and demand in an Antarctic shelf ecosystem. Geophysical Research Letters 42 (19) , pp. 8088-8097.
Resing, J., Sedwick, P., German, C., Jenkins, W., Moffett, J., Sohst, B. and Tagliabue, A. (2015). Basin-scale transport of hydrothermal dissolved metals across the South Pacific Ocean. Nature 523 (7559) , pp. 200-203.
Shelley, R. U., Sedwick, P. and et al. (2012). Controls on dissolved cobalt in surface waters of the Sargasso Sea: Comparisons with iron and aluminum. Global Biogeochemical Cycles .
Sedwick, P., Marsay, C. M., Sohst, B. M., Aguilar-Islas, A. M., Lohan, M. C., Long, M. C., Arrigo, K. R., Dunbar, R. B., Saito, M. A., Smith Jr, W. O. and DiTullio, G. R. (2011). Early-season depletion of dissolved iron in the Ross Sea polynya: Implications for iron dynamics on the Antarctic continental shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans.
Bertrand, E. M., Saito, M. A., Lee, P. A., Dunbar, R. B., Sedwick, P. and DiTullio, G. R. (2011). Iron limitation of springtime bacterial and phytoplankton communities in the Ross Sea; interactive effects of iron and vitamin B12 nutrition. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology.
Saito, M. A., Goepfert, T. J., Noble, A. E., Bertrand, E. M., Sedwick, P. and DiTullio, G. R. (2010). A seasonal study of dissolved cobalt in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: micronutrient behavior, absence of scavenging, and relationships with Zn, Cd, and P. Biogeosciences 7 , pp. 4059-4082.
Shelley, R. U., Zachhuber, B., Sedwick, P., Worsfold, P. J. and Lohan, M. C. (2010). Determination of total dissolved cobalt in UV-irradiated seawater using flow injection with chemiluminescence detection. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 8 , pp. 352-362.
Sholkovitz, E. R., Sedwick, P. and Church, T. M. (2010). On the fractional solubility of copper in marine aerosols: Toxicity of aeolian copper revisited. Geophysical Research Letters 37 , pp. L20601.
Twining, B. S., Nuñez-Milland, D., Vogt, S., Johnson, R. S. and Sedwick, P. (2010). Variations in Synechococcus cell quotas of phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, iron, nickel, and zinc within mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso Sea. Limnology and Oceanography 55 , pp. 492-506.
Chen, C., Sedwick, P. and Sharma, M. (2009). Anthropogenic osmium in rain and snow reveals global-scale atmospheric contamination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 , pp. 7724-7728.
Sholkovitz, E. R., Sedwick, P. and Church, T. M. (2009). Influence of anthropogenic combustion emissions on the deposition of soluble aerosol iron to the ocean: Empirical estimates for island sites in the North Atlantic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 , pp. 3981-4003.
Garcia, N. S., Sedwick, P. and DiTullio, G. R. (2009). Influence of irradiance and iron on the growth of colonial Phaeocystis antarctica: implications for seasonal bloom dynamics in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Aquatic Microbial Ecology (203-220).
Tortell, P. D., Payne, C. D., Li, Y., Trimborn, S., Rost, B., Smith, W. O., Riesselman, C., Dunbar, R. B., Sedwick, P. and DiTullio, G. R. (2008). CO2 sensitivity of Southern Ocean phytoplankton. Geophysical Research Letters 35 , pp. L04605.
Sedwick, P., Bowie, A. R. and Trull, T. W. (2008). Dissolved iron in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean (CLIVAR-SR3 section): meridional and seasonal trends. Deep-Sea Research I 55 , pp. 911-925.
McMurtry, G. M., Tappin, D. R., Sedwick, P., Wilkinson, I., Fietzke, J. and Sellwood, B. (2008). Reply to “Mega-highstand or megatsunami? Discussion of McMurtry et al. “Elevated marine deposits in Bermuda record a late Quaternary megatsunami”: Sed. Geol., 200 (2007) 155-165” by Paul J. Hearty and Storrs L. Olson. Sedimentary Geology 203 , pp. 313-319.
Johnson, K. S., Boyle, E., Bruland, K., Coale, K., Measures, C., Moffett, J., Aguilar-Islas, A., Barbeau, K., Bergquist, B., Bowie, A., Buck, K., Cai, Y., Chase, Z., Cullen, J., Doi, T., Elrod, V., Fitzwater, S., Gordon, M., King, A., Laan, P., Laglera-Baquer, L., Landing, W., Lohan, M., Mendez, J., Milne, A., Obata, H., Ossiander, L., Plant, J., Sarthou, G., Sedwick, P., Smith, G., Sohst, D., Tanner, S., Van den Berg, S. and Wu, J. (2007). Developing standards for dissolved iron in seawater. Eos 88 , pp. 131-132.
Hare, C. E., DiTullio, G. R., Riseman, S. F., Crossley, A. C., Popels, L. C., Sedwick, P. and Hutchins, D. A. (2007). Effects of changing continuous iron input rates on a Southern Ocean algal assemblage. Deep Sea Research Part I 54 , pp. 732-746.
DiTullio, G. R., Garcia, N. S., Riseman, S. F. and Sedwick, P. (2007). Effects of iron concentration on the pigment composition of Phaeocystis antarctica in the Ross Sea at low irradiance. Biogeochemistry.
McMurtry, G. M., Tappin, D. R., Sedwick, P., Wilkinson, I., Fietzke, J. and Sellwood, B. (2007). Elevated marine deposits in Bermuda record a late Quaternary megatsunami. Sedimentary Geology.
Sedwick, P., Garcia, N., Riseman, S. F., Marsay, C. M. and DiTullio, G. R. (2007). High iron requirements of colonial Phaeocystis antarctica under low irradiance. Biogeochemistry.
Sedwick, P., Sholkovitz, E. R. and Church, T. M. (2007). Impact of anthropogenic combustion emissions on the fractional solubility of aerosol iron: Evidence from the Sargasso Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 , pp. Q10Q06.
Edwards, R., Sedwick, P., Morgan, V. and Boutron, C. (2006). Iron in ice cores from Law Dome: A record of atmospheric iron deposition for maritime East Antarctica during the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7.
Sholkovitz, E. R. and Sedwick, P. (2006). Open-ocean deployment of a buoy-mounted aerosol sampler on the Bermuda Testbed Mooring: Aerosol iron and sea salt over the Sargasso Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I 53 , pp. 547-560.
Sedwick, P., Church, T. M., Bowie, A. R., Marsay, C. M., Ussher, S. J., Achilles, K. M., Lethaby, P. J., Johnson, R. J., Sarin, M. M. and McGillicuddy, D. J. (2005). Iron in the Sargasso Sea (Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study region) during summer: Eolian imprint, spatiotemporal variability, and ecological implications. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19.
Bowie, A. R., Sedwick, P. and Worsfold, P. J. (2004). Analytical intercomparison between flow injection- chemiluminescence and flow injection-spectrophotometry for the determination of picomolar concentrations of iron in seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 2 , pp. 42-54.
Blain, S., Sedwick, P., Griffiths, F. B., Quéguiner, B., Bucciarelli, E., Fiala, M., Pondaven, P. and Tréguer, P. (2002). Quantification of algal iron requirements in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. II 49 , pp. 3255-3273.
Bowie, A. R., Achterberg, E. P., Sedwick, P., Ussher, S. and Worsfold, P. J. (2002). Real-time monitoring of picomolar concentrations of iron(II) in marine waters using automated flow injection - chemiluminescence instrumentation. Environmental Science and Technology 36 , pp. 4600-4607.
Sedwick, P., Blain, S., Quéguiner, B., Griffiths, F. B., Fiala, M., Bucciarelli, E. and Denis, M. (2002). Resource limitation of phytoplankton growth in the Crozet Basin, Subantarctic Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. II 49 , pp. 3327-3349.
Hutchins, D. A., Sedwick, P., DiTullio, G. R., Boyd, P. W., Quéguiner, B., Griffiths, F. B. and Crossley, A. C. (2001). Control of phytoplankton growth by iron and silicic acid availability in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean: Experimental results from the SAZ project. Journal of Geophysical Research 106 (31) , pp. 559-573.
Boyd, P. W., Crossley, A. C., DiTullio, G. R., Griffiths, F. B., Hutchins, D. A., Queguiner, B., Sedwick, P. and Trull, T. W. (2001). Control of phytoplankton growth by iron supply and irradiance in the subantarctic Southern Ocean: Experimental results from the SAZ Project. Journal of Geophysical Research 106 (31) , pp. 573-585.
DiTullio, G. R., Sedwick, P., Jones, D. R., Boyd, P., Crossley, A. C. and Hutchins, D. A. (2001). Effects of iron, silicate and light on dimethylsulfoniopropionate production in the Australian Subantarctic Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research 106 (31) , pp. 585-597.
Sedwick, P., Harris, P. T., Robertson, L. G., McMurtry, G. M., Cremer, M. D. and Robinson, P. (2001). Holocene sediment records from the continental shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica. Paleoceanography 16 , pp. 212-226.
Trull, T. W., Sedwick, P., Griffiths, F. B. and Rintoul, S. R. (2001). Introduction to special section: SAZ Project. Journal of Geophysical Research 106 (31) , pp. 425-431.
Edwards, R. and Sedwick, P. (2001). Iron in East Antarctic snow: Implications for atmospheric iron deposition and algal production in Antarctic waters. Geophysical Research Letters 28 , pp. 3907-3910.
Sedwick, P., DiTullio, G. R. and Mackey, D. J. (2000). Iron and manganese in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Seasonal iron limitation in Antarctic shelf waters. Journal of Geophysical Research 105 (C5) , pp. 11,321-11,336.
Sedwick, P., DiTullio, G. R., Hutchins, D. A., Boyd, P. W., Griffiths, F. B., Crossley, A. C., Trull, T. W. and Quéguiner, B. (1999). Limitation of algal growth by iron deficiency in the Australian Subantarctic region. Geophysical Research Letters 26 , pp. 2865-2868.
Sedwick, P., Harris, P. T., Robertson, L. G., McCurtry, G. M., Cremer, M. D. and Robinson, P. (1998). A geochemical study of marine sediments from the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica: Initial results and paleoenvironmental implications. Annals of Glaciology 27 , pp. 268-274.
Edwards, P. R., Sedwick, P., Morgan, V. I., Boutron, C. F. and Hong, S. (1998). Iron in ice cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica: Implications for past deposition of aerosol iron. Annals of Glaceology 27 , pp. 365-370.
Rosman, K. J.R., Chisolm, W., Boutron, C. F., Hong, S., Edwards, R., Morgan, V. I. and Sedwick, P. (1998). Lead isotopes and selected metals in snow and ice cores from Law Dome, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology 27 , pp. 349-354.
Sedwick, P., Edwards, P. R., Mackey, D. J., Griffiths, F. B. and Parslow, J. S. (1997). Iron and manganese in surface waters of the Australian subantarctic region. Deep Sea Research I 44 , pp. 1239-1253.
Sedwick, P. and DiTullio, G. R. (1997). Regulation of algal blooms in Antarctic shelf waters by the release of iron from melting sea ice. Geophysical Research Letters 24 , pp. 2515-2518.
Sedwick, P. and Stüben, D. (1996). Chemistry of shallow submarine warm springs in an arc-volcanic setting: Vulcano Island, Aeolian Archipelago, Italy. Marine Chemistry 53 , pp. 147-161.
Stüben, D., Sedwick, P. and Colantoni, P. (1996). Geochemistry of submarine warm springs in the limestone cavern of Grotta Azzurra, Capo Palinuro, Italy: Evidence for mixing-zone dolomitisation. Chemical Geology 131 , pp. 113-125.
Harris, P. T., O'Brien, P. E., Sedwick, P. and Truswell, e. M. (1996). Late Quaternary history of sedimentation on the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica: Problems with 14C-dating of marine sediment cores. Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 130 , pp. 47-53.
Sedwick, P., McMurtry, G. M., Hilton, D. R. and Goff, F. (1994). Carbon dioxide and helium in hydrothermal fluids from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, USA: Temporal variability and implications for the release of mantle volatiles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 , pp. 1219-1227.
McMurtry, G. M., Sedwick, P., Fryer, P., Vonderhaar, D. L. and Yeh, H. W. (1993). Unusual geochemistry of hydrothermal vents on submarine arc volcanoes: Kasuga Seamounts, northern Mariana Arc. Earth Planet Sci. Letters 114 , pp. 517-528.
Sedwick, P., McMurtry, G. M. and Macdougall, J. D. (1992). Chemistry of hydrothermal solutions from Pele's Vents, Loihi Seamount, Hawaii. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 , pp. 3643-3667.
Sedwick, P., McCurtry, G. M. and Tribble, G. W. (1991). Chemical alteration of seawater by lava from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Marine Geology 96 , pp. 151-158.
Cheminée, J. L., Stoffers, P., McCurtry, G. M., Richnow, H., Puteanus, D. and Sedwick, P. (1991). Gas-rich submarine exhalations during the 1989 eruption of Macdonald Seamount. Earth Planet Sci. Letters 107 , pp. 318-327.
Sansone, F. J., Resing, J. A., Tribble, G. W., Sedwick, P., Kelly, K. M. and Hon, K. (1991). Lava seawater interactions at shallow-water submarine lava flows. Geophysical Research Letters 18 , pp. 1731-1734.
Stoffers, P., Hékinian, R., Ackermand, D., Binard, N., Botz, R., Hansen, D., Hodkinson, R., Jeschke, G., Lange, J., vd Perre, E., Scholten, J., Schmitt, M., Sedwick, P. and Woodhead, J. D. (1990). Active Pitcairn hotspot found. Marine Geology 95 , pp. 51-55.
Sedwick, P., Gamo, T. and McCurthy, G. M. (1990). Manganese and methane anomalies in the North Fiji Basin. Deep Sea Research 5 , pp. 891-896.
Shinn, D. W., Sedwick, P. and Zeitlin, H. (1984). Controlling factors in the high-temperature sulfation of deep-ocean ferromanganese nodules. Marine Mining 1 , pp. 33-55.
Shinn, D. W., Sedwick, P. and Zeitlin, H. (1984). The hydrometallurgical behavior of sulfated ferromanganese nodules. Marine Mining 1 , pp. 57-73.
Sedwick, P., Shinn, D. W. and Zeitlin, H. (1984). The separation of metals from treated deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorptive bubble techniques using salicylaldoxime and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate as organic precipitating reagents. Separation Science & Technology 2&3 (183-190).


Sedwick, P. ( 2018). Observations of winter convective processes in the Ross Sea polynyas: implications for the vertical resupply of dissolved iron. Oral Presentation 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2016). Assessing the roles of iron, macronutrients and wet deposition in controlling phytoplankton growth in seasonally oligotrophic waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Oral Presentation 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2015). Biological impact of wet deposition to seasonally oligotrophic waters off the U.S. eastern seaboard. Oral Presentation 2015 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2015). Biological impact of wet deposition to seasonally oligotrophic waters: experimental results from the U.S. eastern seaboard. Poster 2015 OCB Summer Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2014). Basin-scale transport of hydrothermal iron, manganese and aluminum across the eastern South Pacific. Oral Presentation Fall AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Sedwick, P. ( 2014). Importance of sea-ice derived iron for primary production in the Ross Sea polynya: results from the PRISM project. Oral Presentation International Glaciological Society Sea Ice Symposium Hobart, Australia.
Sedwick, P. ( 2014). Dissolved iron(II) along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section. Poster Ocean Sciences Meeting Honolulu, HI.
( 2013). An assessment of iron sources on the Ross Sea continental shelf: initial results from the PRISM project. Oral Presentation Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
(November , 2012). Human impact on the atmospheric input of iron to the surface ocean. Fort Johnson Marine Science Seminar Series .
(October , 2012). Human impact on the atmospheric input of bioactive trace metals to the surface ocean. Symposium on Iron in the Oceans .
(September , 2012). Human impact on the atmospheric input of bioactive trace metals to the surface ocean. Institute of Marine and Coastal Science Fall Seminar Series .
Sedwick, P. ( 2011). Atmospheric input of bioactive trace metals to the surface ocean: evidence for importance of human emissions and wet deposition. Oral Presentation ASLO 2011 Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2010). Dissolved iron: a biogeochemical wild card in the Antarctic marine system. Oral Presentation 2010 SCAR Open Science Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 2008). Early and pervasive iron limitation in the Ross Sea polynya. Oral Presentation 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2008). Dynamics and speciation of dissolved iron in the Sargasso Sea (BATS Region). Oral Presentation AGU 2008 Fall Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2006). Solubility of aerosol iron in the surface ocean: a new paradigm based on field observations in the Sargasso Sea. Oral Presentation 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2005). Iron in the Sargasso Sea during summer: aeolian imprint, spatiotemporal variability, and ecological implications. Oral Presentation ASLO 2005 Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2005). Seasonal-scale variability of iron in the Sargasso Sea. Oral Presentation TOS-UNESCO/IOC 2005 Ocean Research Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 2004). Land-to-ocean transport of microbes and iron in soil dust: the airborne fungal siderophore hypothesis. Oral Presentation ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean Research Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 2004). Land-to-ocean transport of microbes and iron in soil dust: the airborne fungal siderophore hypothesis. Oral Presentation ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean Research Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 2002). Iron distribution and phytoplankton growth in Subantarctic waters: A synthesis of results from the Australian and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. Oral Presentation 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2002). Dissolved iron in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean during spring: Implications for the seasonal cycle of iron in Antarctic surface waters. Poster AGU 2002 Fall Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 2000). Iron and silicate limitation of phytoplankton growth in the subantarctic Southern Ocean. Oral Presentation Southern Ocean JGOFS Symposium .
Sedwick, P. ( 1999). Holocene sediment record from the continental shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica. Oral Presentation 1999 Fourth Australian Marine Geoscience Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 1999). The release of iron from melting sea ice and ice-edge algal blooms in the Southern Ocean. Oral Presentation 30th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics .
Sedwick, P. ( 1997). A paleoenvironmental study of marine sediments from the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica. Oral Presentation 1997 International Symposium on Antarctica and Global Change .
Sedwick, P. ( 1997). Geochemistry of marine sediments from the East Antarctic continental shelf: A paleoenvironmental study. Oral Presentation 1997 Third Australian Marine Geoscience Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 1997). Evidence for the regulation of phytoplankton blooms in the southern Ross Sea by the release of iron from melting sea ice. Oral Presentation ASLO 1997 Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 1996). Evidence for regulation of algal blooms in Antarctic shelf waters by the release of iron from melting sea ice. Oral Presentation 1996 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Conference .
Sedwick, P. ( 1992). Temporal Variability of hydrothermal activity in an off-ridge setting: Loihi Seamount, Hawaii. Oral Presentation 1992 AGU Fall Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 1991). Compositional history of hydrothermal fluids from Pele's Vents, Loihi Seamount. Oral Presentation 1991 AGU Fall Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 1988). Hydrothermal effluent over the North Fiji Basin Spreading Axis. Oral Presentation 1988 AGU Fall Meeting .
Sedwick, P. ( 1987). Transition metals in Loihi Seamount hydrothermal solutions. Oral Presentation 1987 AGU Fall Meeting .
  • 2018: Distinguished Research Award, 鶹ý College of Sciences
  • 2017: Research paper of the year award, 2017 (with co-authors of Resing et al., 2015), NOAA-Office of Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research
  • 2017: Visiting Scholarship, University of Tasmania
  • 1999: Australian Academy of Science Bede Morris Commonwealth Fellowship,
  • 1993: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship,
  • 1983: Arthur Lyman Dean Research Prize, University of Hawaii
  • 1983: O.C. Magistad Award, Hawaii Section of the American Chemical Society