Clinical Assistant Professor
Ellmer School of Nursing
Pamela Bishop
Ph.D. in Nursing, Virginia Commonwealth University, (2008)
M.S.N. in Nursing, Hampton University, (2002)
B.S. in Nursing, Hampton University, (1999)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Sponsoring Organization: American Nurse Credentialing Center
- Date Obtained: 2010-06-01
- Basic Life Support
- Sponsoring Organization: American Heart Association
- Date Obtained: 2010-10-01
- Registered Nurse
- Sponsoring Organization: Virginia Board of Nursing
- Date Obtained: 1996-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Bishop, P. "Self-efficacy and barriers to health-promoting behavior in cardiac rehabilitation participants and non-participants" $1,000. Local. - November 2006
- Gustin, T., Bishop, P., Nesbitt, C. and Poston, R. R. (2017). Innovative intraprofessional clinical training for clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioner students. Journal of Nursing Education 56 (12) , pp. 748-751.
- Mellott, K. G.., Bishop, P. and Anderson, L. M.. (2008). Biobehavioral Measures of Patients’ Experience in a Critical Care Healing Environment. Journal of Holistic Nursing 26 (2) , pp. 128-135.
- Bishop, P., Salyer, J. and Best, A. (November , 2009). Self-efficacy and barriers to health-promoting behavior in cardiac rehabilitation participants and non-participants [Abstract; Poster Presentation] National Scientific Sessions Conference Orlando, Fl.
- Bishop, P. and Salyer, J. (February , 2008). Self-efficacy and Barriers to Health-promoting Behavior in Cardiac Rehabilitation Participants and Non-participants: A Research Proposal [Abstract; Poster Presentation] Southern Nursing Research Society Conference Birmingham, Al.
- Bishop, P., Baker, K., Flattery, M. and Salyer, J. (February , 2007). Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy and Steroid Therapy: Impact on Perceived Health Status and Functional Capacity in Heart Transplant Recipients [Abstract; Poster Presentation] Southern Nursing Research Society Conference Galveston, Texas.
- Bishop, P., Baker, K., Flattery, M. and Salyer, J. (July , 2006). Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy and Steroid Therapy: Impact on Perceived Health Status and Functional Capacity in Heart Transplant Recipients [Abstract; Poster Presentation]. Sigma Theta Tau International, 17th International Nursing Research Congress Montreal, Canada.
- Baker, K. and Bishop, P. (April , 2006). A Concept Analysis and Case Study for Nurse Leaders. [Abstract; Poster Presentation]. American Organization of Nurse Executives Meetings .
- Salyer, J., Flattery, M., Bishop, P., Baker, K. and Allen, A. (April , 2006). Psychosocial and Biological Factors Influencing Perceptions of Health Status [Abstract; Poster Presentation] International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation annual meeting and Scientific sessions Madrid, Spain.
- 2008: Martha M. Borlick Research Award Recipient, Virginia Commonwealth University