Lucinda Wittkower
NORFOLK, 23529
Lucinda joined the Â鶹´«Ã½ Libraries in 2012 as the Education Reference Librarian and moved into her current position in 2017. Prior to coming to Â鶹´«Ã½ she was a librarian at Coastal Carolina University. Lucinda previously taught public school music for ten years and holds a Masters in Music Education as well as a Masters in Library and Information Science. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Â鶹´«Ã½'s Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation program.
M.S. in Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, (2010)
M.Ed. in Music Education, Shenandoah University, (2003)
B.A. in Music Education, Longwood University, (1998)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Wittkower, L., Kimmel, S. and Hillery, L. B.. "Future Information Professionals" $219,982. Federal. July 19, 2022 - July 31, 2025
- Wittkower, L. and Brown, L. "Culturally Competent Curriculum Course Redesign Grant" $1,000. Higher Education. March 1, 2021 - May 15, 2021
- Wittkower, D., Wittkower, L. and Nelson, M. L. "Information Literacy for Cybersecurity" $20,000. State. September 14, 2020 - December 15, 2020
- Wittkower, L. and Weather, R. A. "Faculty Training for Incorporating the Information Literacy Student Outcomes into Courses" $5,000. Â鶹´«Ã½. January 30, 2019 - June 30, 2019
- Wittkower, D., Sparkman, N. and Wittkower, L. "Integrating and Scaffolding Student Training Across in-Discipline Writing-Intensive Courses and Information Literacy to Improve Writing Student Learning Outcomes" $7,000. Â鶹´«Ã½. July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
- Wittkower, L., Alvarez, T. B. and Jones, A. "Laying the Groundwork for Research Success with an Augmented Reality Treasure Hunt" $800. Â鶹´«Ã½. January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018
Research Interests
information literacy, educational psychology, assessment in libraries, program assessment, teaching, undergraduate internships
- Wittkower, L., McInnis, J. and Pope, D. R.. (2022). An Examination of Relationships Between Library Instruction and Student Academic Achievement. Journal of Library Administration 62 (7) , pp. 887-898.
- Rush Wittkower, L. and Wittkower, D. (2020). Shorts Circuits in the Information Cycle: Addressing Information Breakdowns Using the Information Literacy Framework. The Journal of Sociotechnical Critique 1 (1).
- Rush Wittkower, L. and Lo, L. S.. (2020). Undergraduate Student Perspectives on Textbook Costs and Implications for Academic Success. Open Praxis 12 (1) , pp. 115-130.
- Wittkower, L. (2018). Examining Student Perceptions of Their Knowledge, Roles, and Power in the Information Cycle: Findings from a 'fake news' Event. Journal of Information Literacy 12 (2) , pp. 121-130.
- Wittkower, L. (2016). Use of social networking site consumer training to teach information literacy threshold concepts. Journal of Creative Library Practice.
- Wittkower, L. and Stott, R. (2015). Minute to learn it: Integrating one-minute videos into information literacy programming. Internet Reference Services Quarterly/Routledge 19 (3/4) , pp. 219-232.
- Wittkower, L. (2014). Learning Through Play, the Old School Way: Teaching Information Ethics to Millennials. Journal of Library Innovation 5 (2) , pp. 1-14.
- Wittkower, D. and Wittkower, L. (2014). Educational Expropriation of SNS Consumer Training. Digital Culture in Education 4 (3) , pp. 13-29.
- Wittkower, D., Selinger, E. and Wittkower, L. (2013). Public Philosophy of Technology: Motivations, Barriers, and Reforms. Techne: Research in Philosophy of Technology 17 (2) , pp. 179-200.
- Wittkower, D. and Wittkower, L. (2013). Ender's Game and Philosophy. Open Court.
Book Chapters
- Wittkower, L., Lo, L., Amason (Draper), D. and M'Hammed, A. (2018). All Hands on Deck: How One University Pooled Resources to Educate and Advocate for Affordable Course Content The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
- Wittkower, L. (2016). LibGuides Two Ways: Teaching Information Literacy In and Out of the Classroom Integrating LibGuides into Library Websites: A LITA Guide Rowan and Littlefield.
- Wittkower, L. (2013). Playing by the Rules Ender's Game and Philosophy (pp. 153-160) Chicago, IL: Open Court.
- Wittkower, L., Hillery, L. B.., Roy, M. and Villagran, M. (April 2, 2025). Approaches to Demystifying Librarianship to BIPOC Undergraduates Through Mentorship and Internships Oral Presentation Association of College and Research Libraries Conference Minneapolis, MN.
- Wittkower, L., Hillery, L. B.., Canaday, K., Acompanado, G., Shepperson, J. and McCain, M. (October 18, 2024). Developing an Academic Library Undergraduate Internship Program: Student Perspectives and Recommendations Oral Presentation Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Wittkower, L. (September 28, 2023). Teaching Students How to Evaluate Sources Effectively Lecture Days of Teaching Norfolk, VA.
- Wittkower, L. and Kimmel, S. (August 4, 2023). Leading the Charge: Moving from Words to Action Oral Presentation Leading the Charge, Advancing the Recruitment and Retention of POC in LIS Hampton University, Hampton VA.
- Wittkower, L., Kimmel, S. and Hillery, L. B.. (March 17, 2023). Developing an Undergraduate Internship Program for BIPOC Students: An Undergraduate Approach Poster Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Pittsburgh, PA.
- Wittkower, L., McInnis, J., Jones, T. and Pope, D. (March 16, 2023). Student Perceptions of Learning and Long-term Application of Knowledge After Participating in Library Instruction Poster Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Pittsburgh, PA.
- Wittkower, L. and McInnis, J. (April 13, 2021). Strengthening Connections Between Library Instruction and Student Success: A Longitudinal Study Analyzing the Relationship Between Student Participation in Library Instruction and Academic Achievement Poster American College and Research Libraries (ACRL) .
- Wittkower, L., Brantly, A., Purohit, H. and Samoilenko, S. (February 26, 2021). Cybersecurity's Role in the Spread of Disinformation and Misinformation Other .
- Wittkower, L. R.., Agee, S. and Jackson, A. B.. (January 12, 2021). Innovative Programming and Services During COVID 19: Experiences from the Field (Panel Discussion) Other .
- Jones, T. and Wittkower, L. (June 18, 2020). Cross-Departmental Collaborations to Support Student Success, Health, and Well-Being: A Discussion Among Stakeholders Other Student Success Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Wittkower, L. Rush., Wittkower, D. and Sparkman-Key, N. (February 21, 2020). Making Connections Between General Education Information Literacy Classes and Upper-Level Writing Courses: An Exploration of Faculty and Student Perceptions Paper Georgia Conference on Information Literacy Savannah, GA.
- McInnis, J. and Wittkower, L. Rush. (November 13, 2019). Using Data Analytics Software to Facilitate an Examination of Correlations Between Participation in Library Instruction and Student Achievement Indicators Poster Virginia Assessment Group Conference Richmond, VA.
- Wittkower, L. Rush. (October 24, 2019). Wild Goose Chase or Effective Library Instruction? A Change of Approach to Library Instruction for First Year Students Poster Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Norfolk, VA.
- McInnis, J., Wittkower, L. and Lo, L. (September 26, 2018). Analytics Revolution! Using a Predictive Model to Measure the Libraries' Impact on Student Success Oral Presentation Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Williamsburg, VA.
- Wittkower, L., Erickson, S. and Showalter, P. (July 23, 2018). Libraries, Campus Partnerships, and Student Success Oral Presentation VLACRL Summer Program Norfolk, VA.
- Wittkower, L. and Parker, M. (July 11, 2018). From K12 to College: Mapping the National School Library Standards to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education Oral Presentation Â鶹´«Ã½ Library Summer Institute Norfolk, VA.
- McInnis, J., Wittkower, L. and Lo, L. (April 27, 2018). Using Advising Analytics Software to Track Impact and Value of Library Resources on Student Achievement Paper Concordia University Library Research Forum Montreal, Canada.
- Rush, L. A. (October 12, 2017). Don't Forget the Middle Child: What Graduate Students want from the University Libraries Poster Virginia Library Association Annual Conference VLA.
- Wittkower, L. and Lo, L. (October 12, 2017). Playing an active role in affordable course content: A step by step guide. Oral Presentation Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Wittkower, L. (May 17, 2017). Student views on textbooks, cost, and learning. Oral Presentation Â鶹´«Ã½ Center for Learning & Teaching Summer Institute Norfolk, VA.
- Rush, L. A.., Stott, R. A.., Bridges, M. and McInnis, J. (October 27, 2016). Finding the time to be Active in the Library Classroom Lecture Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Hot Springs, VA.
- Wittkower, L. (May 12, 2016). The biggest lies on the internet: Using real life examples to help students master information literacy concepts. Oral Presentation The Innovative Library Classroom Radford, VA.
- Wittkower, L. (October 26, 2015). Understanding Open Educational Resources Other Understanding Open Access Norfolk, VA.
- Brewer, A., Stott, R. and Rush, L. (October 23, 2015). Jargon-Free Librarianning: Speaking the Language of Our Patrons Poster Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Richmond, VA.
- Rush, L., Stott, R., Lawton, C. and Smith, M. (October 23, 2015). One minute tips: Take two! Faculty and student perceptions of videos used for teaching information literacy concepts. Lecture Virginia Library Association Annual Conference Richmond, VA.
- Brewer, A., Stott, R. and Wittkower, L. (September 25, 2015). Jargon-Free Librarianning: Speaking the Language of Our Patrons Poster Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy Savannah, GA.
- Wittkower, L. (September 25, 2015). Using What They Know to Teach Them What They Need to Know Paper Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy Savannah, GA.
- Stott, R. and Wittkower, L. (October 23, 2014). Best Practices for Creating Videos for Information Literacy Programming Poster Virginia Library Association Williamsburg, VA.
- Wittkower, L. (October 23, 2014). Learning Through Play, The Old School Way Poster Virginia Library Association Williamsburg, VA.
- Wittkower, L. (September 23, 2014). Invited Panelist Other Constitution Day/Banned Books Week Event Â鶹´«Ã½.
- Wittkower, D. and Wittkower, L. (May 21, 2014). Bridging the gap between SNS consumer training & education Oral Presentation CLT Summer Institute Â鶹´«Ã½, Norfolk, VA.
- Wittkower, L. and Stott, R. (May 13, 2014). Minute to learn it: Integrating one minute videos into information literacy programming Oral Presentation The Innovative Library Conference Radford University, Radford, VA.
- 2017: Top 20 Publications of 2016, ALA Library Instruction Round Table
- 2017: Librarian of the Year, Â鶹´«Ã½ Libraries
- 2015: 2016 ACRL Early Career Librarian Scholarship, American College Research Libraries