Associate Professor
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Krishnanand Kaipa
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, (2007)
- Kabir, A. M., Langsfeld, J. D., Kaipa, K. and Gupta, S. K. (2018). Identifying optimal trajectory parameters in robotic finishing operations using minimum number of physical experiments. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 25 (2) , pp. 111-135.
- Langsfeld, J. D., Kabir, A. M., Kaipa, K. and Gupta, S. K. (2018). Integration of planning and deformation model estimation for robotic cleaning of elastically deformable objects. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 31 (1) , pp. 352-359.
- Langsfeld, J. D., Kaipa, K. and Gupta, S. K. (2018). Selection of trajectory parameters for dynamic pouring tasks based on exploitation-driven updates of local metamodels. Robotica 36 (1) , pp. 141-166.
- Kaipa, K. (2017). Collaborative robotics and adaptive machines. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 172 (9-10) , pp. 728-730.
Conference Proceeding
- Kumbla, N. B., Thakar, S., Kaipa, K., Marvel, J. and Gupta, S. K. (2017). Simulation based on-line evaluation of singulation plans to handle perception uncertainty in robotic bin picking ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the JSME/ASME 2017 6th International Conference on Materials and Processing (pp. V003T04A002--V003T04A002) Los Angeles, California: ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2017 collocated with the JSME/ASME 2017 6th International Conference on Materials and Processing.
- Morato, C., Kaipa, K. and Gupta, S. K. (2017). System state monitoring to facilitate safe and efficient human-robot collaboration in hybrid assembly cells Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference.
- Kabir, A. M.., Langsfeld, J. D.., Zhuang, C., Kaipa, K. and Gupta, S. K.. (2017). A systematic approach for minimizing physical experiments to identify optimal trajectory parameters for robots 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 351-357) Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.