Associate Professor
Konstantin Cigularov
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Colorado State University, (2008)
M.S. in Psychological Services, East Central University, (2002)
B.S. in Banking and Finance, University of Economics Varna, (1998)
- Management Certificate
- Sponsoring Organization: European Business College
- Date Obtained: 1992-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Kravchenko, O., Cigularov, K., Bawab, S., Ghosh, D. and Hou, G. J.W.. "Opportunities in manufacturing of advanced materials for second career seeking students" $1,000,000. October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2023
- Cigularov, K. and Jovanovic, V. "Assessing and stimulating studentfaculty interactions in distance learning environments, Faculty Innovator Grant" $1,400. Â鶹´«Ã½. - 2018
- Cigularov, K. and Scerbo, M. W. "Training Needs Assessment and Evaluation of Residents and Chief Residents at Eastern Virginia Medical School" $74,757. Local. February 2016 - December 2017
- Major, D. A., Cigularov, K., Hu, X. and Landers, R. "Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program: Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology" $22,000. Â鶹´«Ã½. January 2016 - May 2016
- Major, D. A., Morganson, V. and Cigularov, K. "GSE/RES- Patching the STEM Pipeline between College and Work: Investigating Gender Issues in Embeddedness" $524,917. Federal. February 2013 - February 2016
- Major, D. A., Cigularov, K., Hu, X. and Landers, R. "Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program: Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology" $22,000. Â鶹´«Ã½. January 2015 - May 2015
- Cigularov, K. and Chen, P. Y.. "Enhancing Safety through Leadership" $750,000. 2009 - 2014
- Cigularov, K., Major, D. A. and Landers, R. "Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program: Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology" $22,000. Â鶹´«Ã½. August 2012 - July 2013
- Cigularov, K., Major, D. A. and Landers, R. "Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program: Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology" $22,000. Â鶹´«Ã½. August 2011 - July 2012
- Johnson, S. K.., Putter, S., Reichard, R. J.., Hoffmeister, K., Cigularov, K., Gibbons, A. M.., Chen, P. Y.. and Rosecrance, J. C.. (2017). Mastery Goal Orientation and Performance Affect the Development of Leader Efficacy During Leader Development. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 25 (1) , pp. 30-46.
- Kao, K., Spitzmueller, C., Cigularov, K. and Wu, H. (2016). Linking insomnia to workplace injuries: A moderated mediation model of supervisor safety priority and safety behavior. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 21 (1) , pp. 91-104.
- Bass, B., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Henry, K. L.., Tomazic, R. G.. and Li, Y. (2016). The effects of student violence against school employees on employee burnout and work engagement: The roles of perceived school unsafety and transformational leadership. International Journal of Stress Management 23 (3) , pp. 318-336.
- Ioerger, M., Henry, K. L.., Chen, P. Y.., Cigularov, K. and Tomazic, R. G.. (2015). Beyond same-sex attraction: Gender-variant-based victimization is associated with suicidal behavior and substance use for other-sex attracted adolescents. PLOS One 10 (6).
- Lancaster, P. G.., Moore, J. T.., Putter, S., Chen, P., Cigularov, K., Baker, A. and Quinett, P. (2014). Feasibility of a web-based gatekeeper training: Implications for suicide prevention. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 44 (5) , pp. 510-523.
- Kaufman, B., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Hoffmeister, K., Gibbons, A. M.. and Johnson, S. K.. (2014). Interactive effects of leader justice and support for safety on safety performance. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 1 (3) , pp. 296-315.
- Sawhney, G. and Cigularov, K. (2014). Measurement equivalence and latent mean differences of personality scores across different media and proctoring administration conditions. Computers in Human Behavior 36 , pp. 412-421.
- Hoffmeister, K., Gibbons, A. M., Johnson, S. K., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y. and Rosecrance, J. C. (2014). The differential effects of transformational leadership facets on employee safety. Safety Science 62 , pp. 68-78.
- Henry, K. L.., Lovegrove, P. J.., Steger, M. F.., Chen, P. Y.., Cigularov, K. and Tomazic, R. G.. (2014). The potential role of meaning in life in the relationship between bullying victimization and suicidal ideation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 43 (2) , pp. 221-232.
- Moore, J. T.., Cigularov, K., Sampson, J. M.., Rosecrance, J. C.. and Chen, P. Y. . (2013). Construction workers’ reasons for not reporting work-related injuries: An exploratory study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 19 (1) , pp. 97-105.
- Cigularov, K., Lancaster, P. G.., Chen, P. Y.., Gittleman, J. and Haile, E. (2013). Measurement equivalence of a safety climate measure among Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic construction workers. Safety Science 54 , pp. 58-68.
- Cigularov, K., Adams, S., Gittleman, J., Haile, E. and Chen, P. Y.. (2013). Measurement equivalence and mean comparisons of a safety climate measure across construction trades. Accident Analysis and Prevention 51 , pp. 68-77.
- Maynard, M. T.., Mathiew, J. E.., Gibson, L. L.., O'Boyle, E. and Cigularov, K. (2012). Drivers and outcomes of team psychological empowerment: A meta-analytic review and model test. Organizational Psychology Review 3 (2) , pp. 101-137.
- Hoffmeister, K., Cigularov, K., Sampson, J., Rosecrance, J. C.. and Chen, P. Y.. (2011). A perspective on effective mentoring in the construction industry. Leadership and Organization Development Journal 32 (7) , pp. 673-688.
- DeArmond, S., Smith, A., Wilson, C. L.., Chen, P. Y.. and Cigularov, K. (2011). Individual safety performance in the construction industry: Development and validation of two short scales. Accident Analysis and Prevention (43) , pp. 948-954.
- Moore, J. T.., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Martinez, J. and Hindman, J. (2011). The effects of situational obstacles and social support on suicide prevention gatekeeper behaviors. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 32 (5) , pp. 264-271.
- Gittleman, J., Gardner, P. C.., Haile, E., Sampson, J. M.., Cigularov, K., Ermann, E. D.., Stafford, P. and Chen, P. Y.. (2010). CityCenter and Cosmopolitan Construction Projects, Las Vegas, Nevada: Lessons learned from the use of multiple sources and mixed methods in a safety needs assessment. Journal of Safety Research 41 , pp. 263-281.
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.. and Rosecrance, J. (2010). The effects of error management climate and safety communication on safety: A multi-level study. Accident Analysis and Prevention 42 , pp. 1498-1506.
- Eurich, T., Krause, D. E.., Cigularov, K. and Thornton III, G. C.. (2009). Assessment Centers: Current practices in the United States. Journal of Business and Psychology 24 , pp. 387-407.
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.. and Stallones, L. (2009). Error communication in young farm workers: Its relationship to safety climate and safety locus of control. Work & Stress 23 , pp. 297-312.
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P., Thurber, B. W.. and Stallones, L. (2008). Investigation of the effectiveness of a school-based suicide education program using three methodological approaches. Psychological Services 5 , pp. 262-274.
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P., Thurber, B. W.. and Stallones, L. (2008). What prevents adolescents from seeking help after suicide education program?. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 38 , pp. 74-86.
- Huang, Y., Chen, J., DeArmond, S., Cigularov, K. and Chen, P. Y.. (2007). Roles of safety climate and shift work on perceived injury risk: A multi-level analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention 39 , pp. 1088-1096.
Book Chapters
- Brusso, R., Cigularov, K. and Callan, R. (2014). Longitudinal research in occupational stress: A review of methodological issues Wellbeing: A complete reference guide. Work and wellbeing (pp. 381-407) Wiley- Blackwell.
- Brusso, R., Cigularov, K. and Callan, R. (2014). Longitudinal research in occupational stress: A review of methodological issues Wellbeing: A complete reference guide. Work and wellbeing (pp. 381-407) Wiley-Blackwell.
- Chen, P. Y.., Li, Y., Tuckey, M. and Cigularov, K. (2014). Progress and challenges in occupational health and safety research Contemporary occupational health psychology: Global perspectives on research and practice Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Chen, P. Y.., Cigularov, K. and Menger, L. M.. (2013). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs in occupational health psychology Research methods in occupational health psychology: State of the art in measurement, design, and data analysis (pp. 180-207) New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
- Thornton, G. C.. and Cigularov, K. (2011). Structure and levels of facets of achievement motivation in several countries: The interplay of theory and measurement Potentials of personnel psychology. The effects of personnel assessment on job and organizational success (pp. 215-238).
- Thornton III, G. C. and Cigularov, K. (2011). Struktur und Formen von Facetten der Leistungsmotivation in verschiedenen Ländern: Wechselwirkungen von Theorie und Messung. [Structure and Levels of Facets of Achievement Motivation in Several Countries: The Interplay of Theory and Measurement] Potenziale der Personalpsychologie. Einfluss personaldiagnostischer Maßnahmen auf den Berufs- und Unternehmenserfolg [Potentials of personnel psychology. The effects of personnel assessment on job and organizational success] (pp. 215-238) Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Armstrong, B. T., Cigularova, D. K., Cigularov, K. and Armstrong, M. B. (October , 2018). A tale of two transfers: Comparing the stories of traditional and non-traditional transfer students Paper NACADA 2018 Annual Conference Phoenix, AZ.
- Dillulio, P., Collmus, A., Reynoldson, K. R., Jimenez, W. P., Kenneally, C., Cigularov, K. and Redman, J. (August , 2018). Training needs assessment of combat-wounded warriors: Challenges to reintegration and transition Poster 126th APA Annual Convention San Francisco, CA.
- Jovanovic, V., Sparkman, N., Cigularov, K., Cigularova, D. K. and Anthony, B. (June , 2018). Advancing the engineering field: Opportunities to support transfer students Paper 125th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Salt Lake City, UT.
- Parks-Savage, A., Newton, H. L., Cigularov, K., Dillulio, P. and Scerbo, M. W. (April , 2018). Leadership training needs and evaluation of residents and chief residents at Eastern Virginia Medical School Poster 2018 Continuum Connections Joint Meeting of the GSA, GRA, OSR, and ORR Orlando, FL.
- Bjornberg, N., Cigularov, K. and Davis, D. D. (April , 2018). Creativity and innovation through the job demands-resources model Poster 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Chicago, IL.
- Dillulio, P. and Cigularov, K. (April , 2018). The effect of rating source on training needs assessment ratings Poster 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Chicago, IL.
- Sawhney, G. and Cigularov, K. (April , 2017). A time-lagged examination of safety leadership and safety motivation Paper 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Orlando, FL.
- Cigularov, K., Kaufman, B., Bjornberg, N., Johnson, S. K., Hoffmeister, K. and Chen, P. Y. (April , 2017). Challenges in administering and evaluating a construction safety leadership training 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Orlando, FL.
- Bass, B. and Cigularov, K. (April , 2017). Investigation of intensified job demands and leadership within the JD-R Paper 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Orlando, FL.
- Cigularov, K. (October , 2016). Leadership: Challenges, responsibilities, and successes Oral Presentation 80th Anniversary Conference Varna, Bulgaria.
- Kao, K. Y., Spitzmueller, C., Serrano, S., Cigularov, K. and Thomas, C. (August , 2016). Supervisor safety attitudes moderating the effects of worker safety knowledge and safety attitudes on safety performance Paper 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
- Brown, S., Cigularov, K. P. ., Cabrera-Caban, E. and Cigularova, D. K. . (April , 2016). Academic performance, help seeking, and demographics of college transfer students Poster Virginia Association for Psychological Science Convention Newport News, VA.
- Brown, S., Cigularov, K. P.. and Cabrera-Caban, E. (February , 2016). Academic performance and help seeking among college transfer students Oral Presentation Undergraduate Research Symposium Norfolk, VA.
- Cigularov, K. and Bass, B. (July , 2015). Workplace violence and discrimination as predictors of work interference with family: Differential effects across gender and race Paper VI International Conference of Work and Family Barcelona, Spain.
- Cabrera-Caban, E., Cigularov, K. and Kaufman, B. (May , 2015). A taxonomy of effective leader behaviors in construction 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health .
- Sawhney, G. and Cigularov, K. (May , 2015). Examining the role of safety-specific leadership in the workplace Oral Presentation 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health Atlanta, GA.
- Litano, M., Streets, V. N., Myers, D., Major, D. A., Henson, J. M. and Cigularov, K. (May , 2015). Development and validation of a measure of university embeddedness Paper 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science New York, NY.
- Major, D. A., Streets, V. N., Landers, R., Cigularov, K. and Hu, X. (April , 2015). Building bridges in I/O via an undergraduate research apprentice program Paper 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Philadelphia, PA.
- Kaufman, B. R.., Phillips, Z., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Hoffmeister, K., Gibbons, A. M. and Johnson, S. K.. (April , 2015). Effects of leader support, communication, and trust on safety performance Paper 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Philadelphia, PA.
- Murphy, A. (April , 2015). Examining different perspectives in safety climate research Oral Presentation 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Philadelphia, PA.
- Scott, M. J.., Vensland, K., Davis, J., Kaufman, B., Cabrera-Caban, E., Bass, B. and Cigularov, K. (April , 2015). A taxonomy of college student stressors and their relationships with student strains and success Paper Annual L. Starling Reid Undergraduate Psychology Conference Charlottesville, VA.
- Cigularov, K., Bass, B., Chen, P. Y.., Henry, K., Tomazic, R. and Li, Y. (July , 2014). Prevalence and predictors of student sexual harassment against school employees Paper Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations Vienna, Austria.
- Krauss, A., Tristan, E., Cigularov, K., Bergman, M. and Ciezadlo, M. (May , 2014). Exploring the unique safety experiences of contractor employees 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Honolulu, HI.
- Chen, P. Y.., Li, Y. and Cigularov, K. (May , 2014). Hidden occupational fatalities in the construction industry Oral Presentation 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Honolulu, HI.
- Kao, K., Spitzmueller, C., Serrano, S., Sullivan, S., Wu, H. and Cigularov, K. (May , 2014). Linking sleep deficiency to workplace injuries: A moderated mediation model Paper 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Honolulu, HI.
- Ott-Holland, C. and Tetrick, L. (May , 2014). Making wellness work: Strategies for facilitating employee health Oral Presentation 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Honolulu, HI.
- Sawhney, G. and Cigularov, K. (May , 2014). Measurement equivalence of personality measures across different methods and cultures Oral Presentation 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Honolulu, HI.
- Kaufman, B., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Hoffmeister, K., Gibbons, A. M.. and Johnson, S. K.. (May , 2013). Leader justice and safety performance: Moderating effect of leader support for safety Paper 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Los Angeles, CA.
- Sawhney, G., Cigularov, K. and Kines, P. (May , 2013). Measurement equivalence and latent mean differences of safety climate measures across industries, positions, and gender Paper 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Los Angeles, CA.
- Bass, B., Cigularov, K., Mogan, T., Chen, P. Y.., Henry, K., Tomazic, R. and Li, Y. (May , 2013). School employee experiences of student violence: Risk and protective factors Paper 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Los Angeles, CA.
- Mogan, T., Cigularov, K. and Kaufman, B. (May , 2013). The role of leadership in occupational safety: A review of safety intervention literature 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Los Angeles, CA.
- Cigularov, K., Chen, p. Y.., Tomazic, R., Henry, K. and Li, Y. (May , 2013). What shapes self-efficacy of bullying prevention? Paper 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Los Angeles, CA.
- Cigularov, K., Sawhney, G., Chen, P. Y.., Tomazic, R., Henry, K., Kaufman, B. and Li, Y. (April , 2013). School safety and work-family conflict: The role of transformational leaders Paper 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Houston, TX.
- Cigularov, K. and Chen, P. Y.. (April , 2012). Chairs, The role of supervisors and leaders in managing work-family conflict Other 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology San Diego, California.
- Cigularov, K., Hoffmeister, K., Chen, P. Y.., Gibbons, A., Johnson, S. and Rosecrance, J. (April , 2012). Job stress and work-family conflict in construction: The moderating role of leadership.The role of supervisors and leaders in managing work-family conflict 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology San Diego, California.
- Shtivelband, A., Chen, P. Y.., Maertens, J., Cigularov, K., Hindman, J. and Moore, J. T.. (April , 2012). Sustaining the effect of gatekeeper training: An application of self-efficacy theory Paper 46th American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference Austin, Texas.
- Yaris, C., Sawhney, G. and Cigularov, K. (April , 2012). Safety climate: Current challenges and agenda for future research Poster Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Conference Norfolk, Virginia.
- Sawhney, G., Yaris, C., Cigularov, K. and Scharf, T. (April , 2012). Current gaps and directions in safety climate research Poster Virginia Psychological Association Convention Norfolk, Virginia.
- Gibbons, A. M.., Chen, P. Y. ., Cigularov, K., Hoffmeister, K., Johnson, S. K.. and Rosecrance, J. ( 2011). Changing leaders to change organizations: Project LeAD and safety climate Organizational psychology: people and risks: proceedings Saratov, Russia Saratov State University Press.
- Sawhney, G., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., DeJoy, D., Huang, Y., Kelloway, E. K.. and Scharf, T. (October , 2011). Safety climate research, intervention, and training: Establishing a five-year agenda Paper 5th National Occupational Injury Research Symposium Morgantown, West Virginia.
- Cigularov, K. (July , 2011). Developing leaders for safety Oral Presentation Presentation conducted in Varna, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria.
- Sawhney, G. and Cigularov, K. (May , 2011). Media and proctoring effects on measurement equivalence of personality measures 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science Washington, DC.
- Gelinas, L. A.., Cigularov, K., Hoffmeister, K., Chen, P. Y.., Gibbons, A. M.., Johnson, S. K.. and Rosecrance, J. (May , 2011). The relationship between work-family conflict and safety in construction 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science Washington, DC.
- Cigularov, K. (May , 2011). Chair, The measurement of safety climate across different industries Paper 9th International Conference Orlando, Florida.
- Cigularov, K. (May , 2011). Assessing safety climate: Group comparisons and measurement equivalence 9th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Orlando, Florida.
- Scharf, T., Cigularov, K., Cunningham, C., Hartley, D. and Ridenour, M. (May , 2011). Evaluating workplace safety and health interventions: A participatory workshop 9th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Orlando, Florida.
- Hoffmeister, K., Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Johnson, S. and Rosecrance, J. (May , 2011). Leadership behaviors critical to improving safety in construction: A qualitative study 9th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Orlando, Florida.
- Cigularov, K., Krauss, A. D.., Watson, J. B. ., Chen, P. and Rosecrance, J. (May , 2011). Multi-level investigation of the effects of safety communication and training transfer climate on construction safety 9th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health Orlando, Florida.
- Cigularov, K. and Thornton, G. (April , 2011). Achievement motivation in Bulgaria and United States: Cross-country comparison 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Chicago, IL.
- Cigularov, K. and Liu, L. (April , 2011). Chairs, Measurement equivalence of personality and leadership on four continents 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Chicago, IL.
- Neuhengen, J., Cigularov, K. and Morris, S. (April , 2011). Effectiveness of the internal referencing strategy design for training evaluation Paper 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Chicago, IL.
- Cigularov, K. and Hoffmeister, K. (March , 2011). Developing leaders for a safe construction industry Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety & Health Conference Portland, OR.
- Cigularov, K. and Adams, S. (April , 2010). Apples,oranges or tangarines? Measurement equivalence in safety climate assessment 25th Annual Conference Atlanta, GA.
- Cigularov, K. (April , 2010). Chair, 30 years of safety climate research: Evidence from high-risk industries 25th Annual Conference Atlanta, GA..
- Sampson, J. M.., Gardner, P., Cigularov, K., Ermann, E., Chen, P. Y.., Henry, M., Dougherty, J., Wilson, V. and Merrill, A. (April , 2010). Fit with nursing: A longitudinal study examining fit and health 25th Annual Conference Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Cigularov, K., Thornton, G. C.., Sawhney and Lanik, M. (April , 2010). Medium-of-administration and proctoring effects in personality assessments. In A. Mead & S. Murphy (Chairs), Practical and methodological considerations for medium-of-administration research 25th Annual Conference Atlanta, GA.
- Cigularov, K. and Chen, P. Y.. (April , 2010). Organizational assesment and development in construction safety and health 25th Annual Conference Atlanta, GA.
- Cigularov, K. (April , 2010). Safety climate and error communication: Perspectives from young farm workers. In K. P. Cigularov (Chair), 30 years of safety climate research: Evidence from high-risk industries 25th Annual Conference Atlanta, GA.
- Moore, J. T.., Cigularov, K., Carpenter, C., Hindman, J. and Williams, L. (April , 2010). Sustainability of suicide prevention efforts: Lessons learned from Garrett Lee Smith grantees 43rd Annual Conference Orlando, FL..
- Cigularov, K. (November , 2009). Chair, Why and how is leadership important to safety? 8th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico .
- Cigularov, K. (November , 2009). Developing effective leadership for safety and health 8th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A., Hoffmeister, K., O’Keefe, Rosecrance, J. and Barsotti, A. (November , 2009). Developing leadership skills related to safety in the construction industry. In K. P. Cigularov (Chair), Developing effective leadership for safety and health: Successes, challenges, and recommendations. 8th International Conference Puerto Rico.
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A., Chen, P. Y.., Barsotti, A., Adams, S. L.. and Rosecrance, J. (November , 2009). Effects of general and safety-specific leader practices on construction workers’ safety performance. In K. P. Cigularov (Chair), Why and how is leadership important to safety? 8th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico..
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Moore, J. T.., Quinnett, P., Ramsay, R., Martinez, J. M.., Hindman, J. and Brietzman, S. (November , 2009). Empirical examination of the core characteristics of gatekeepers at work: A job analysis approach 8th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Cigularov, K., Gittleman, J. L.., Chen, P. Y.., Haile, E., Gardner, P. and Gillen, M. (November , 2009). Measurement invariance of a safety climate measure across Caucasian and Hispanic construction workers. In V. J. Magley (Chair), Methodology in occupational health research, Part 2: Stepping forward into new methods. 8th International Conference Puerto Rico.
- Cigularov, K., Gardner, P. C.., Adams, S. L.., Ermann, E. D.., Sawhney, G., Shtivelband, G., Chen, A., Gittleman, J. and Haile, E. (November , 2009). Occupational health and safety on a large construction site: A qualitative approach. In A. D. Krauss (Chair), Safety Climate Methods and Models. 8th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico .
- Cigularov, K., Moore, j. T.., Sampson, J. M.., Rosecrance, J., Gober, J. and Chen, P. y.. (November , 2009). Under-reporting of injuries in the construction industry. In Y. Huang (Chair), Interventions targeted at disseminating safety messages in construction. 8th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Cigularov, K., Moore, J. T.., Chen, P. Y.., Martinez, J. M.., Hindman, J. and Brietzman, S. (April , 2009). A longitudinal Evaluation of Gatekeeper Training 42nd Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
- Cigularov, K., Gardner, P. C.., Moore, J. T.., Putter, S. E.., Sampson, J. M.., Maertens, J., Chen, P. Y.., Quinnett, P. and Baker, A. (April , 2009). Comparison of online and face-to-face gatekeeper training 42nd Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
- Cigularov, K., Moore, J. T.., Chen, P. Y.. and Linwood, S. (April , 2009). Is it my job to prevent suicide? Perspectives of health care professionals 42nd Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
- Cigularov, K., Gardner, P. C.., Sampson, J. M.., Chen, P. Y. ., Dougherty, J. P.., Henry, M., Merrill, A. and Wilson, V. (January , 2009). Personality and Need for Recovery as Predictors of Physical and Mental Health Annual Conference Littleton, CO.
- Cigularov, K., Gittleman, J., Haile, E., Stafford, P., Ellenberger, D., Chen, P., Gardner, P., Gillen, M., Kiefer, M., Fullen, M. and Lundstrom, W. (January , 2009). Executive summary – Worksite assessment team reports City Center and Cosmopolitan construction projects The Center for Construction Research and Training Silver Spring, MD.
- Cigularov, K., Gittleman, J., Haile, E., Stafford, P., Chen, P. and Gardner, P. (January , 2009). Workplace safety climate surveys for City Center and Cosmopolitan construction projects The Center for Construction Research and Training Silver Spring, MD.
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A., Chen, P. Y. . and Rosecrance, J. (October , 2008). Train-the-trainer training—A case study 4th National Pittsburgh, PA. .
- Cigularov, K., Moore, J. T.., Chen Y. . and Smith, A. (October , 2008). Proactive management: A multi-level communication intervention in the construction industry 4th National Conference Pittsburgh, PA.
- Cigularov, K. (October , 2008). Occupational safety and health management Research Forum Chicago, IL .
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A. E.., Wilson and Chen, P. Y. . (July , 2008). New tools for hard hats: Project safe talk National Occupational Denver, CO..
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A., Chen, P. Y.. and Rosecrance (July , 2008). Project Safe Talk: Safety communication training for construction workers National Occupational Denver, CO. .
- Cigularov, K., Grenfell, D., Dahl, N. and Gonzales, L. (May , 2008). Bridging the divide in Larimer county: A community story of hope. Summit Denver, CO..
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.. and Smith, A. (April , 2008). Safety training transfer climate and communication in predicting injury reports. In Y. Huang (Chair), Occupation/industry-focused studies of safety climate. 23rd Annual Conference San Francisco, CA.
- Cigularov, K. (April , 2008). Chair, How to connect the dots to prevent suicide? 41st American Association Boston, MA.
- Cigularov, K. (April , 2008). Chair, Who are suicide prevention gatekeepers? 41st American Association Boston, MA.
- Cigularov, K., Hoffmeister K.., Carey, A., Rohr, S., Gardner, P. C. ., Putter, S. E.., Gibbs-Long, J., Chen, P. Y.., Moore T. . and Martinez, J. M.. (April , 2008). Barriers to Suicide Prevention Training Transfer 41st Annual Conference Boston, MA..
- Cigularov, K., Moore, J. T. ., Hoffmeister, K. K.., Chen, P. y.., Rohr, s. and Martinez, J. M.. (April , 2008). Evaluation of a Community Gatekeeper Training: QPR. 41st Annual Conference Boston, MA..
- Cigularov, K., Gardner, P. C.., Putter, S. E. ., Chen, P. Y.., Moore T.., Hoffmeister, K. K.. and Martinez , J. M. . (April , 2008). Gatekeeper training: What constitutes success? 41st Annual Conference Boston, MA..
- Cigularov, K., Moore, J. T.., Hoffmeister, K. K.., Chen, P. Y.., Rohr, S. and Martinez, J. M.. (April , 2008). Two Approaches to Evaluate a Gatekeeper Training 41st Annual Conference Boston, MA..
- Cigularov, K., Dougherty, J., Burns, P., Fisher , M., Wilson, V., Sampson, J., Gardner, P., Chen, P., Merrill, A. and Henry, M. (April , 2008). Perceived and physiologic stress in traditional and second-degree nursing students 50th Annual Conference Garden Grove, CA .
- Cigularov, K., Sampson , J. M.., Gardner, P. C. ., Chen , P. Y.., Dougherty, J. P.., Henry, M., Merrill and Wilson, V. (April , 2008). Person-occupation fit and demand-ability fit as predictors of adjustment of nursing students 6th Annual Regional University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah .
- Sampson, J., Gardner, P., Chen, P. Y.., Dougherty, J., Henry, M., Wilson, V. and Merrill, A. (March , 2008). An investigation of personality determinants of person-occupation and demand-ability fit 7th International Conference Washington, DC.
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A., Moore , T. and Chen, P. Y.. (March , 2008). Communication about errors among construction workers: A two-study investigation 7th International Conference Washington, DC.
- Cigularov, K., Smith, A., Wilson, C. and Chen, P. Y.. (March , 2008). Project Safe Talk: Soft Skills for Hard Hats. In Y. Huang (Chair), Interventions to improve safety climate and safety behaviors. 7th International Conference Washington, DC..
- Cigularov, K., Hoffmeister, K., Sampson and Chen, P. (March , 2008). What constitutes a competent mentor in the construction industry? 7th International Conference Washington, DC.
- Cigularov, K., Sampson, J., Hoffmeister, K., O’Keefe, G., Chen, P. Y.., Rosecrance, J. and Smith, A. (February , 2008). New Tools for Hard Hats 18th Annual Conference Chicago, IL.
- Cigularov, K. and Chen, P. Y.. (January , 2008). Norms, item analyses, and validation of the Social Style Profile – Enhanced (SSP – E) Denver, CO.
- Cigularov, K. (October , 2007). Achievement motivation of the Bulgarian students at the College of Tourism: Preliminary results and conclusions College of Tourism Varna, Bulgaria.
- Cigularov, Smith, A., Chen, P. Y.. and Rosecrance, J. C.. (September , 2007). Improving Safety in the Construction Industry: A Collaborative Project with Community International Meeting Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
- Cigularov, K., Thornton, G. C., Rafailova, G. and Tsigularov, P. K.. (July , 2007). Challenges in translating and adapting English language personality measures in Bulgarian: A two case study demonstration 10th European Prague, Czech Republic .
- Cigularov, K., Thornton, G. C.., Rafailova, G. and Tsigularov, P. K.. (July , 2007). Challenges in translating and adapting English language personality measures in Bulgarian: A two case study demonstration 10th European Prague, Czech Republic .
- Cigularov, K., Lanik, M., Thornton, G. C.. and Singh, R. (July , 2007). Testing observed and latent mean differences of facets of achievement motivation between college students from the United States and Singapore 10th European Prague, Czech Republic.
- Cigularov, K., Huang, Y. H.., Chen, P. Y.., Chen, J. C.., DeArmond, S. and Sablynski, C. J.. (April , 2007). Safety climate and shift work on injury: A multi-level analysis 22nd Annual Conference New York, NY .
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y.., Thurber, B. W.., Hoffmeister, K. and Stallones, L. (March , 2007). The Effects of a Suicide Prevention Program on Adolescents’ Perceived Barrier to Help-Seeking For a Friend 5th Epidemiologic Research Exchange Denver, CO .
- Cigularov, K., Eurich, T., Krause, D. E.. and Thornton, G. C.. (September , 2006). Assessment Center: Acktuelle Trends in den USA [Assessment center: Current trends in the United States 45th Annual Conference Nurnberg, Germany .
- Cigularov, K., Mazurkiewicz, M. D.., Chen, P. Y.. and Rosecrance, J. (August , 2006). Safety communication and error management culture. In S. DeArmond (Chair), Occupational safety outcomes: Individual and organizational level predictors Annual Convention New Orleans, LA.
- Cigularov, K. and Thornton, G. C.. (May , 2006). An integration of two complex concepts of achievement motivation 21st Annual Conference Dallas, TX.
- Cigularov, K., Eurich, T. l.., Thornton, G. C.. and Krause, D. E.. (May , 2006). Assessment Centers: Current Practices in the United States 21st Annual Conference Dallas, TX.
- Cigularov, K., Thurber, B. W.., Wilson, C., Chen, P. Y.. and Stallones, L. (April , 2006). Barriers to utilizing a suicide prevention program 39th American Association Seattle, WA.
- Cigularov, K., Thurber, B. W.., Wilson, C., Chen, P. Y.. and Stallones, L. (April , 2006). Predictors of perceived barriers to help-seeking 39th American Association Seattle, WA.
- Cigularov, K. (April , 2006). Evaluation of suicide prevention in secondary schools Colorado Injury Control Research Fort Collins, CO .
- Cigularov, K. (December , 2005). Evaluation of a youth suicide prevention program Colorado Injury Control Research Fort Collins, CO .
- Cigularov, K. and Chen, P. Y.. (November , 2005). Evaluation of the RAPP program: Preliminary report for Suicide Resource Center of Larimer County Suicide Resource Center Loveland, CO.
- Cigularov, K., Chen, P., Thurber, B. W.. and Stallones, L. (May , 2005). Innovative approaches to dealing with practical constraints in evaluating a school-based suicide prevention program National Injury Prevention and Control Conference Denver, CO.
- Cigularov, K., Thurber, W. B.., Mazurkiewicz, M. D.., Neilson, R. J.., Chen, P. and Stallones, L. (April , 2005). An innovative evaluation of suicide prevention 38th American Association Broomfield, CO.
- 2016: Most Inspirational Faculty Member, Honor graduate, Sarah Brown
- 2016: Shining Star, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2015: Distinguished Teaching Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2015: Shining Star, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2015: You’re a Rock Star, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2010: Excellence in Teaching Award, Illinois Institute of Technology
- 2007: Travel Grant, Colorado State University
- 2005: Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Colorado State University
- 2004: Community Civility Award , City of Fort Collins, Colorado
- 2003: Certificate of Recognition, International Honorary for Leaders in University Apartment Communities
- 2003: Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Colorado State University
- 2001: Outstanding International Student Award, East Central University
- 2000: Graduate Scholarship for Excellent Academic Performance, East Central University