Professor & Eminent Scholar
Biological Sciences

Kent Carpenter

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Zoology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, (1985)

B.S. in Biology, Florida Institute of Technology, (1975)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Carpenter, K. E. "Partnerships for International Research and Education: Centennial Genetic and Species Transformations in the Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity" $4,606,918. 2017 - 2022
Carpenter, K. E. "Global Assessment of Clupeiform Fishes" $193,140. Foreign. October 4, 2016 - April 30, 2018
Carpenter, K. E. "Peer 2-7 Supplement: Advanced Genomic Support For Management Decisions In The 3-S River Basin" $60,315. Other. December 1, 2016 - January 31, 2018
Carpenter, K. E. "Core Support for the Global Marine Species Assessment. New Cost extension" $67,098. 2016 - 2017
Carpenter, K. E.. "Advanced Genomics for Management Decision in the 3-S Mekong River Basin" $60,315. Federal. November 2016 - October 2017
Carpenter, K. E.. "Clupeiformes Global Red List Assessments" $193,140. Other. November 2016 - March 2017
Carpenter, K. E. "Core Support for the Global Marine Species Assessment. New Cost extension" $35,900. 2015 - 2016
Carpenter, K. E. "Documenting Diversity in the Apex of the Coral Triangle: Inventory of Philippine Marine Biodiversity" $89,320. Federal. 2013 - 2016
Carpenter, K. E. "Documenting Diversity in the Apex of the Coral Triangle: Inventory of Philippine Marine Biodiversity" $89,320. Federal. 2013 - 2016
Carpenter, K. E. "Global Marine Species Assessment Extension" $604,692. 2010 - 2016
Carpenter, K. E. "Core Support For Global Marine Species Assessment (Iucn Additional Funding)" $18,000. Foreign. January 1, 2016 - June 1, 2016
Carpenter, K. E. "Marine Biodiversity And Ecological Threat Patterns In The Arabian Gulf: Applied Research For Marine Conservation" $10,868. Foreign. November 23, 2015 - December 31, 2015
Carpenter, K. E. "Global Marine Species Assessment Added Core Support" $124,000. 2014 - 2015
Carpenter, K. E. "Thomas W. Haas Foundation for Marine Conservation" $50,000. Other. 2014 - 2015
Carpenter, K. E. "Qatar University" $54,038. Other. 2013 - 2015
Carpenter, K. E. "IUCN Gulf of Mexico Species Spatial Analyses" $71,944. Other. 2013 - 2014
Carpenter, K. E. "Thomas W. Haas Foundation for Marine Conservation" $95,000. Other. 2013 - 2014
Carpenter, K. E. "Pan-Pacific Advanced Study Institute" $98,993. Federal. 2012 - 2014
Carpenter, K. E. "Dimensions of Biodiversity Extinctions Philippines" $110,419. Federal. -
Carpenter, K. E. "GoLife Euteleost Tree of Life" $135,215. Federal. -
Carpenter, K. E. "Determining the effects of cultured pearl farming on shorefish biodiversity in lagoon environments of French Polynesia" $14,796. Other. 2012 - 2013
Carpenter, K. E. "Thomas W. Haas Foundation for Marine Conservation" $95,000. Other. 2012 - 2013
Carpenter, K. E. "Catalyzing New International Collaborations: Broadening PIRE Success in Southeast Asia to Test Hypotheses of the Origins of Coral Triangle and Sunda Shelf Marine Biodiversity and Build Collaborations in Vietnam and Thailand" $25,000. Federal. 2011 - 2013
Carpenter, K. E. "GMSA Assessment of Habitat Forming Bivalves" $40,000. 麻豆传媒. 2011 - 2012
Carpenter, K. E. "Assembling the Euteleost Tree of Life" $382,955. Federal. 2008 - 2012
Carpenter, K. E. "PIRE: Origins of High Marine Biodiversity in the Indo-Malay-Philippine Archipelago: Transforming a Biodiversity Hotspot into a Research and Education Hotspot" $2,500,000. Federal. 2007 - 2012
Carpenter, K. E. "Global Marine Species Assessment" $1,053,956. Other. 2007 - 2011
Carpenter, K. E. "Global Marine Species Assessment" $217,930. Other. 2005 - 2006
Carpenter, K. E. "Revision of FAO identification guide for the Eastern Central Atlantic" $30,000. Other. 2004 - 2005
Carpenter, K. E. "Marine Protected Area (MPA) Gap Analysis: Caribbean GIS Database" $10,000. Other. 2004 - 2004
Carpenter, K. E. "Species Identification Field Guide to Angola" $34,000. Other. 2003 - 2004
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $54,000. State. January 2003 - December 2003
Dauer, D., Marshall, H., Carpenter, K. E. and Donat, J. R. "Update of status and trends in water quality and living resources in the Virginia Cheseapeake Bay through 2002" $15,000. Local. 2003 - 2003
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $144,025. State. January 2002 - December 2002
Carpenter, K. E. "FAO of the United Nations project to revise the Species Identification Guide to Living Marine Resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic" $5,000. Other. 2002 - 2002
Carpenter, K. E. "Species Identification Guide to Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic" $18,500. Other. 2002 - 2002
Dauer, D., Marshall, H., Carpenter, K. E. and Donat, J. R. "Update of status and trends in water quality and living resources in the Virginia Cheseapeake Bay through 2001" $15,000. State. 2002 - 2002
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $117,966. State. January 2001 - December 2001
Carpenter, K. E. "Species Identification Guide to Living Marine Resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic" $30,000. Other. 2001 - 2001
Dauer, D., Marshall, H., Carpenter, K. E. and Donat, J. R. "Update of status and trends in water quality and living resources in the Virginia Cheseapeake Bay through 2000" $15,000. State. 2001 - 2001
Carpenter, K. E. "FAO of the United Nations project to revise the Species Identification Guide to Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic" $15,000. Other. 2000 - 2001
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $103,834. State. January 2000 - December 2000
Carpenter, K. E. "Plankton Field Sampling Coordination" $16,000. State. 2000 - 2000
Carpenter, K. E. and Marshall, H. "Plankton split sampling program" $3,000. State. 2000 - 2000
Dauer, D., Lane, M., Marshall, H. and Carpenter, K. E. "Update of status and trends in water quality and living resources in the Virginia Cheseapeake Bay through 1999" $50,000. State. 2000 - 2000
Carpenter, K. E. "Zooplankton Data Analysis" $3,600. State. 2000 - 2000
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $101,006. State. January 1999 - December 1999
Carpenter, K. E. and Marshall, H. "Plankton sampling Enhancement" $6,176. State. 1999 - 1999
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $97,878. State. January 1998 - December 1998
Carpenter, K. E. "Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia" $20,000. Other. 1998 - 1998
Carpenter, K. E. "Plankton split sampling for the Maryland and Virginia monitoring programs" $14,537. State. 1998 - 1998
Dauer, D., Marshall, H., Carpenter, K. E. and Messing, A. "Update of status and trends in water quality and living resources in the Virginia Cheseapeake Bay through 1998" $50,000. State. 1998 - 1998
Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Zooplankton Monitoring Component" $95,491. State. January 1997 - December 1997
Dauer, D., Alden, Carpenter, K. E. and Marshall, H. "Development of a Real-Time Data Interpretation System for Special Reports and Presentations for the Chesapeake Bay Program" $25,383. State. 1997 - 1997
Dauer, D., Alden, Carpenter, K. E. and Marshall, H. "Participation in Conference Calls and Meetings in Support of the 1997 Reevaluation" $15,000. State. 1997 - 1997
Dauer, D., A, Carpenter, K. E., Jones, Marshall, H., Messing and Lane, M. "Representation of Virginia Monitoring Program at Chesapeake Bay Program Subcommittee and workshop Meetings" $13,638. State. 1997 - 1997
Carpenter, K. E. "Development of a Uniform Bay-Wide Zooplankton Diversity Index" $4,844. State. July 1997 - October 1997
Carpenter, K. E. "Implement Collection of Zooplankton Community Ash Free Dry Weight Biomass Estimates" $10,950. State. July 1997 - October 1997
Marshall, H., Alden, R. and Carpenter, K. E. "Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program - Plankton Monitoring Component" $185,000. State. January 1996 - December 1996

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in marine conservation biology, the systematics and evolution of marine fishes, and marine biogeography. My research in marine conservation biology centers on the assessment of extinction risk using the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Criteria. For this purpose, I have assumed the role of Manager of the IUCN Global Marine Species Assessment (GMSA).The GMSA is completing the first global review of every marine vertebrate species, and of selected marine invertebrates and plants, to determine their conservation status and extinction risk. The project involves compiling and analyzing relevant data on approximately 20,000 marine species. As a de facto member of the IUCN Species Programme, I am manager of their Marine Biodiversity Unit. In systematics I have a wide range of interests including alpha taxonomy of fishes, phylogenetic inference, and theory of classification. I prefer to use both morphological and molecular characters for reciprocal illumination in phylogenetic inference. I am most interested in sparoid (porgies, emperor snappers, and threadfin breams), lutjanoid (snappers and fusiliers), haemuloid (grunts), and carangoid (jacks) fishes. My marine biogeographic interests concentrate on the origins of biodiversity in the Indo-West Pacific, with a special interest in the Philippines and the wider Coral Triangle. This has led to studies in comparative marine phylogeography and an NSF funded Partnerships for International Research and Education project () . This project has led me to become interested in the use of Next Generation Sequencing and Advanced Genomics to understand fine-scale population genetic structure and marine connectivity that will be useful for marine conservation purposes. In addition, I intend to use these new methods to investigate adaptive genomics and anthropogenic induced eco-evolutionary processes.


G, F. P., M, R. G., A, N., G, C. M., P, V., D, M. C., M, C. R., A, P. R., M, K., D, F. E. and Carpenter, K. E. (2017). Coherent assessments of Europe鈥檚 marine fishes show regional divergence and megafauna loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Polidoro, B. A., Ralph, G. M., Strongin, K., Harvey, M. S.., Carpenter, K. E., Arnold, R., Buchanan, J. R., Comeros-Raynal, M. T. and Linardich, C. (2017). The status of Marine Biodiversity in the Eastern Central Atlantic (West and Central Africa). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (5) , pp. 1021-1034.
Juffe-Bignoli, D., Brooks, T. M.., Butchart, S. H.., Jenkins, R. B.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2016). Assessing the Cost of Global Biodiversity and Conservation Knowledge. PLoS One 11 (8).
Comeros-Raynal, M. T., Polidoro, B. A., Broatch, J., Mann, B. Q.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2016). Key predictors of extinction risk in sea breams and porgies (Family: Sparidae). Biological Conservation 202 , pp. 88-98.
Buchanan, J. R., Krupp, F., Burt, J. A., Feary, D. A., Ralph, G. M. and Carpenter, K. E. (2016). Living on the edge: Vulnerability of coral-dependent fishes in the Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 105 (2) , pp. 480-488.
Stockwell, B. L., Larson, W. A., Waples, R. K., Abesamis, R. A., Seeb, L. W. and Carpenter, K. E. (2016). The application of genomics to inform conservation of a functionally important reef fish (Scarus niger) in the Philippines. Conservation Genetics (17) , pp. 239-249.
Sanciangco, M. D., Carpenter, K. E. and Betancur, R. (2016). Phylogenetic placement of enigmatic percomorph families (Teleostei: Percomorphaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94 , pp. 565-576.
Chao, L. N., Fedou, F. L., Peres, M. B., Polidoro, B., Raseira, M., Subira, R. and Carpenter, K. E. (2015). A popular and potentially sustainable fishery resource under pressure- extinction risk and conservation of Brazilian Sciaenidae (Teleostei: Perciformes). Global Ecology and Conservation 4 , pp. 117-126.
Williams, J. T.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2015). A new species of the subfamily Serraninae (Perciformes, Serranidae) from the Philippines. Zootaxa 3911 (2) , pp. 287-293.
Sembiring, A. and Carpenter, K. E. (2015). DNA barcoding reveals targeted fisheries for endangered sharks in Indonesia. Fisheries Research 164 , pp. 130-134.
Raynal, J. M., Crandall, E. D., Barber, P. H., Mahardika, G. N. and Carpenter, K. E. (2014). Basin isolation and oceanographic features influencing lineage divergence in the humbug damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in the Coral Triangle. Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1).
DeBoer, T. S., Naguit, M. R., Erdmann, M. V., Ablan, M. and Carpenter, K. E. (2014). Concordance between phylogeographic and biogeographic boundaries in the Coral Triangle: conservation implications based on comparative analyses of multiple giant clam species. Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1).
DeBoer, T. S., Naguit, M. R., Erdmann, M. V., Alban, M. and Carpenter, K. E. (2014). Concordant phylogenetic patterns inferred from mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA in the giant clam Tridacna crocea. Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1).
Willette, D. A., Carpenter, K. E. and Santos, M. D. (2014). Evolution of the freshwater sardinella, Sardinella tawilis (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae), in Lake Taal, Philippines and phylogeography of its sister-species, Sardinella hualiensis. Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1).
Selig, E. R., Turner, W. R., Troeng, S., Wallace, B. P. and Carpenter, K. E. (2014). Global priorities for marine biodiversity conservation. PLoSOne 9 (1) , pp. e82898: 1-11.
Bowen, B. W., Shanker, K., Yasuda, N., Malay, M., Carpenter, K. E. and Crandall, E. D. (2014). Phylogeography Unplugged: Comparative geographic surveys in the genomic era. Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1).
Willette, D. A., Allendorf, F. W., Barber, P. H., Barshis, D. J., Carpenter, K. E. and Crandall, E. D. (2014). So, you want to use next-generation sequencing in marine systems? : Insight from the Pan-Pacific Advanced Studies Institute. Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1).
Rocha, L. A.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2014). Specimen collection: An essential tool. Science 344 (6186) , pp. 814-815.
Cartier, L. E. and Carpenter, K. E. (2014). The influence of pearl oyster farming on reef fish abundance and diversity in Ahe, French Polynesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Thomas, Jr., R. C., Willette, D. A., Carpenter, K. E. and Santos, M. D. (2014). Hidden Diversity in Sardines: Genetic and Morphological Evidence for Cryptic Species in the Goldstripe Sardinella, Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker, 1849). PLoS ONE 9 (1) , pp. e84719.
Dulvy, N. K., Fowler, S. L., Musick, J. A., Cavanaugh, R. D., Carpenter, K. E., Livingstone, S. R . and Sanciangco, J. C. (2014). Extinction risk and conservation of the world's sharks and rays. eLife.
Peters, H., O'Leary, B. C., Hawkins, J. P., Carpenter, K. E. and Roberts, C. M. (2013). Conus: First Comprehensive Conservation Red List Assessment of a Marine Gastropod Mollusc Genus. PLoSOne 8 (2) , pp. e83353: 1-12.
Borsa, P., Hsiao, D. R., Carpenter, K. E. and Chen, W. J. (2013). Cranial morphometrics and mitochondrial DNA sequences distinguish cryptic species of the longface emperor (Lethrinus olivaceus), an emblematic fish of Indo-West Pacific coral reefs. Comptes Rendus Biologies 336 , pp. 505-514.
Elfes, C. T., Livingstone, S. R., Lane, A., Lukosche, V., Carpenter, K. E. and Sanciangco, J. (2013). Fascinating and forgotten: the conservation status of Marine elapid snakes. Herpetelogical Conservation and Biology 8 (1) , pp. 37-52.
Adams, A. J., Horodysky, A. Z., McBride, R. S., Guindon, K. and Carpenter, K. E. (2013). Global conservation status and research needs for tarpons (Megalopidae), ladyfishes (Elopidae) and bonefishes (Albulidae). Fish and Fisheries.
Sanciangco, J. C., Carpenter, K. E., Etnoyer, P. J. and Moretzsohn, F. (2013). Habitat availability and Heterogeneity and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool as Predictors of Marine Species Richness in the Tropical Indo-Pacific. PLoS One 8 (2) , pp. 1-18.
Ackiss, A. A., Pardede, S., Crandall, E. D., Ambariyanto, Ablan-Lagman, M. C.A.., Romena, N., Barber, P. H. and Carpenter, K. E. (2013). Pronounced genetic structure in a highly mobile coral reef fish, Caesio cuning, in the Coral Triangle. Marine Ecology Progress Series 480 , pp. 185-197.
Betancur, R. R., Broughton, R. E., Wiley, E. O., Carpenter, K. E., Lopez, J. A. and Sanciangco, M. (2013). The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes. PLOS Currents Tree of Life , pp. 1-45.
Polidoro, B. A. and Carpenter, K. E. (2013). Dynamics of coral reef recovery. Science 340 , pp. 34-35.
Collette, B. B.., Polidoro, B. and Carpenter, K. E. (2013). Correspondance: Corrected numbers for fish on Red List. Nature 495 (7 March 2013) , pp. 47.
Crandall, E. D., Sbrocco, E. J., DeBoer, T. S., Barber, P. H. and Carpenter, K. E. (2012). Expansion Dating: Calibrating Molecular Clocks in Marine Species from Expansions onto the Sunda Shelf Following the Last Glacial Maximum. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (2) , pp. 707-719.
Sadovy de Mitcheson, Y., Craig, M. T., Bertoncini, A. A., Carpenter, K. E. and Cheung, W. (2012). Fishing groupers towards extinction: A global assessment of threats and extinction risk in a billion dollar fishery. Fish and Fisheries.
Knapp, L., Mincarone, M. M.., Harwell, H., Polidoro, B. A.., Sanciangco, J. and Carpenter, K. E. (2011). Conservation Status of the World鈥檚 Hagfish Species and the Loss of Phylogenetic Diversity and Ecosystem Function. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21 , pp. 401-411.
Hoffman, M., Hilton-Taylor, C., Angulo, A., B枚hm, M., Brooks, T. M.., Butchart, S. H.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2011). The Impact of Conservation on the Status of the World鈥檚 Vertebrates. Science 330 , pp. 1503-1509.
Collette, B. B.., Carpenter, K. E., Polidoro, B. A.., Juan-Jord谩, M. J. ., Boustany, A., Die, D. J.., Elfes, C. T.., Fox, W., Graves, J., Harrison, L. and McManus, R. (2011). High Value and Long Life鈥擠ouble Jeopardy for Tunas and Billfishes. Science 333 (15 July 2011) , pp. 291-292.
Campagna, C., Short, F. T.., Polidoro, B. A.., McManus, R., Collette, B. B.., Pilcher, N. J.., Sadovy, Y., Stuart, S. N.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2011). Gulf of Mexico oil blowout increases risks to globally threatened species. Bioscience 61 (5) , pp. 393-397.
Polidoro, B. A.., Elfes, C. T.., Sanciangco, J. C.., Pippard, H. and Carpenter, K. E. (2011). Conservation Status of Marine Biodiversity in Oceania: an Analysis of Marine Species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Journal of Marine Biology doi:10.1155/2011/247030 , pp. 1-14.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P. H.., Crandall, E. D.., Ablan-Lagman, M. A.., Ambariyanto, A., Mahardika, G. Ngurah., Manjaji-Matsumoto, B. M.., Juinio鈥怣e帽ez, M. A.., Santos, M. D.., Starger, C. J.. and Toha, A. H.A.. (2011). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle and Implications for Marine Management. Journal of Marine Biology doi:10.1155/2011/396982.
Butchart, S., Walpole, M., Collen, B., Van Strien, A. and Carpenter, K. E. (2010). Global Biodiversity: Indicators of Recent Declines. Science 328 , pp. 1164-1168.
Na帽ola, C. L.., Ali帽o, P. M.. and Carpenter, K. E. (2010). Exploitation-related reef fish species richness depletion in the epicenter of marine biodiversity. Environmental Biology of Fishes 90 , pp. 405-420.
Williams, J. T., Carpenter, K. E., Van Tassell, J. L., Hotejes, P., Toller, W., Etnoyer, P. and Smith, M. (2010). Biodiversity Assessment of the Fishes of Saba Bank Atoll, Netherlands Antilles. PLoS1 5 (5) , pp. 1-37.
Hoetjes, P. C. and Carpenter, K. E. (2010). Saving Saba Bank: Policy Implications of Biodiversity Studies. PLoS1 5 (5) , pp. 1-6.
Polidoro, B. A., Carpenter, K. E., Collins, L., Duke, N. C., Ellison, A. M., Ellison, J. C., Farnsworth, E. J., Fernando, E. S., Kathiresan, K., Koedam, N. E., Livingstone, S. R., Miyagi, T., Moore, G. E., Nam, V. N., Ong, J. E., Primavera, J. H., Salmo III, S. G., Sanciangco, J. C., Sukardjo, S., Wang, Y. and Hong Yong, J. W. (2010). The Loss of Species: Mangrove Extinction Risk and Geographic Areas of Global Concern. PLoS1 5 (4) , pp. 1-10.
Carpenter, K. E. and Iwatsuki, Y. (2009). Acanthopagrus randalli (Perciformes: Sparidae), a new black seabream from the Persian Gulf. Zootaxa 2267 , pp. 43-54.
Carpenter, K. E., Muhammad, A., Aeby, G., Aronson, R. B., Banks, S., Bruckner, A., Chiriboga, A. L., Cort茅s, J., Delbeek, J. C., DeVantier, L., Edgar, G. J., Edwards, A. J., Fenner, D., Guzm谩n, H. M., Hoeksema, B. W., Hodgson, G., Johan, O., Licuanan, W. Y., Livingstone, S. R., Lovell, E. R., Moore, J. A., Obura, D. O., Ochavillo, D., Polidoro, B. A., Precht, W. F., Quibilan, M. C., Reboton, C., Richards, Z. T., Rogers, A. D., Sanciangco, J., Sheppard, A., Sheppard, C., Smith, J., Stuart, S., Turak, E., Veron, J. E.N.., Wallace, C. C., Weil, E. and Wood, E. (2008). One third of reef building corals face extinction from climate change and local impacts. Science 321 , pp. 560-563.
Carpenter, K. E. (2007). A short biography of Peter Bleeker. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 14 , pp. 5-6.
Smith-Vaniz, W. F. and Carpenter, K. E. (2007). Review of the crevalle jacks, Caranx hippos complex (teleosti: Carangidae), with description of a new species from West Africa . Fishery Bulletin 105 , pp. 207-233.
Iwatsuki, Y. and Carpenter, K. E. (2006). Acanthopagrus taiwanensis, a new sparid fish (perciformes), with comparisons to Acanthopagrus berda (Forssk氓l, 1775) and other nominal species of Acanthopagrus. Zootaxa 1202 , pp. 1-19.
Carpenter, K. E., Buchanan, C. and Johnson, J. M. (2006). An index of biotic integrity based on the summer polyhaline zooplankton community of the Chesapeake Bay. Marine Environmental Research 62 , pp. 165-180.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (2005). The center of the center of marine shorefish biodiversity: the Philippine Islands. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72 , pp. 467-480.
Orrel, T. M. and Carpenter, K. E. (2004). A phylogeny of fishes from the family Sparidae (Perciformes: Percoidei) inferred from mitochondrial sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32 , pp. 425-434.
Carpenter, K. E., Berra, T. M. and Humphries, J. M. (2004). The Swim Bladder and Posterior Lateral Nerve of the Nurseryfish, Kurtus gulliveri (Periformes: Kurtidae). Journal of Morphology 260 , pp. 193-200.
Carpenter, K. E. and Randall, J. E. (2003). Lethrinus ravus, a new species of emperor fish (Perciformes: Lethrinidae) from the western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans. Zootaxa 240 , pp. 1-8.
Carpenter, K. E., Musik, J. A. and Graves, J. E. (2002). A Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Analysis of the Sparidae (Perciformes: Percoidei) Based on Cytochrome b Sequences. Copeia 2002 (3) , pp. 618-631.
LoGalbo, A. and Carpenter, K. E. (2002). A phylogeny of emperor snappers based on the Cytochrome b gene. Journal of Molecular Evolution 54 , pp. 754-762.
Carpenter, K. E. and Johnson, G. D. (2002). A phylogeny of sparoid fishes (Perciformes: Percoidei) based on morphology. Ichthyological Research 49 , pp. 114-127.
Reed, D. S. and Carpenter, K. E. (2002). Molecular systematics of the jacks (Perciformes: Carangidae) based mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian approaches. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 23 , pp. 513-524.
Reed, D. L., deGravelle, M. J. and Carpenter, K. E. (2001). Molecular systematics of Selene (Perciformes: Carangidae) based on cytochrome b sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 21 (3) , pp. 486-475.
Hodgson, G. and Carpenter, K. E. (1995). Scleractinian corals of Kuwait. Pacific Science 49 , pp. 227-246.
Carpenter, K. E., Collette, B. B. and Russo, J. L. (1995). Unstable and stable classifications of Scombroid fishes. Bull. Mar. Sci. 56 (2) , pp. 379-405.
Almatar, S. M., Carpenter, K. E., Jackson, R., Alhazeem, S. H. and Al-Saffar, A. H. (1993). Observation on the pearl oyster fishery of Kuwait. Jour. Shellfish Res. 12 (1) , pp. 35-40.
Carpenter, K. E. (1993). Optimal cladistic and quantitative evolutionary classifications as illustrated by fusilier fishes (Teleostei: Caesionidae). Syst. Biol. 42 (2) , pp. 142-154.
Carpenter, K. E. (1992). Preliminary observations on the effects of the 1991 Gulf War on fisheries. Marine Pollution Bull 24 (5) , pp. 273-275.
McCain, J. C., Tarr, A. B., Carpenter, K. E. and Coles, S. J. (1984). A survey of coral reefs and reef fishes in the northern area, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 6 , pp. 102-126.
Randall, J. E. and Carpenter, K. E. (1980). Three new Labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from the Philippines. Rev. Franc. d'Aquar. Rev. Franc. d'Aquar 7 (1) , pp. 17-26.
Carpenter, K. E. (1977). Philippine coral reef fisheries resources. Phil. J. Fish 15 (1) , pp. 95-125.
Carpenter, K. E. and Alcala, A. C. (1977). Philippine coral reef fisheries resources II: The muro ami and kayakas reef fisheries, benefit or bane? . Phil. J. Fish 15 (2) , pp. 217-235.


Alava, M., Carpenter, K. E., Palomar, M., Quicho, R. and Polidoro, B. A. (2010). Red List Status of Marine Endemic Teleosts (Bony Fishes) of the Philippines. Global Marine Species Assessment for the Coral Triangle - First Philippine Conservation Inc.
Carpenter, K. E., Harrison, P. L., Hodgson, G., Alsaffar, A. H. and Alhazeem, S. H. (1997). The Corals and Coral Reef Fishes of Kuwait. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait.
Carpenter, K. E. and Doulman, D. J. (1985). Tuna Fisheries of the Pacific Island Region: A bibliography. East West Center Press.

Book Chapters

Tandstad, M., Caramelo, A. M., Carocci, F., Carpenter, K. E. and Sanciangco, J. C. (2014). Volume 1: Introduction, crustaceans, chitons, and cephalopods Oceanography, Geology, Biogeography, and Fisheries of the Eastern Central Atlantic (pp. 1-16) Rome: The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic.
Kemp, R., Peters, R. H., Allcock, L., Carpenter, K. E. and Obura, D. (2012). Spineless: status and trends of the world鈥檚 invertebrates Marine Invertebrate Life. (pp. 34-44) United Kingdom: Zoological Society of London.
Kells, V. and Carpenter, K. E. (2011). A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes from Maine to Texas (pp. 448) Baltimore: John Hopkins Press.
Carpenter, K. E., Harwell, H., Sanciangco, J. and Polidoro, B. A. (2011). Oceans. Heart of Our Blue Planet Ocean Biodiversity (pp. 67-84) Arlington, Virginia: Earth in Focus Editions.
Polidoro, B. A., Livingstone, S. R., Carpenter, K. E., Hutchinson, B. and Mast, R. B. (2009). Wildlife in a Changing World. An analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Status of the world鈥檚 marine species. (pp. 55-65).
Carpenter, K. E. (1999). A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea (pp. Supplement No. 7: 1-99) The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology.
Carpenter, K. E., Sommer III., H. J. and Marcus, L. F. (1996). Converting truss interlandmark distances to cartesian coordinates Advances in Morphometrics (pp. 103-111) NATO Advanced Science Series.
Carpenter, K. E. (1996). Morphometric pattern and feeding mode in emperor fishes (Lethrinidae, Perciformes) Advances in Morphometrics (pp. 479-487) NATO Advanced Science Series.
Kornfield, I. and Carpenter, K. E. (1984). The cyprinids of Lake Lanao, Philippines: Taxonomic validity, evolutionary rates and speciation scenarios Evolution of Fish Species Flocks (pp. 69-84) Oklahoma: Oklahoma State Univ. Press.

Conference Proceeding

Carpenter, K. E. and Paxton, J. (1999). The future of ichthyological research in the tropical Indo-Pacific Proc. 5th Indo-Pac. Fish Conf. Noumea 1997 (pp. 683-693) Paris, Soc. Fr. Ichtyol.
Carpenter, K. E., Fast, A. W., Corre, V. L., Woessner, J. W. and Janeo, R. L. (1986). The effects of water depth and circulation on the water quality and production of Penaeus monodon in earthen ponds (pp. 21-24) Proc. First Asian Fisheries Forum.
Sanares, R. A., Katase, S. A., Fast, A. W. and Carpenter, K. E. (1986). Water quality dynamics in brackishwater shrimp ponds with artificial aeration and circulation (pp. 83-86) Proc. First Asian Fisheries forum.
Bi帽a, R. and Carpenter, K. E. (1978). Remote sensing of coral reefs using LANDSAT: follow up studies Proc. 12th Int'l. Symp. Remote Sensing.


Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2017). Environmental Atrocities in the South China Sea: The Science Behind Conservation Recourse Oral Presentation Outstanding Young Scientists International Annual Meeting (Keynote), National Academy of Science & Technology Annual Conference (Plenary) Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E. (September , 2016). Ten Years After: Progress and Application of Marine Red Listing Oral Presentation Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2016). Environmental damage to coral reefs in the South China Sea and international arbitration Oral Presentation United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kent, C. (December , 2015). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the Global Marine Species Assessment Oral Presentation British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Conference Bath, England.
Krupp, F., Abdulrahman, A., Kent, C., Jack, B. and Gina, R. (December , 2015). How do Arabian Gulf鈥檚 fish assemblages respond to multiple stressors? Oral Presentation Qatar University Life Science Symposium Doha, Qatar.
Linardich, C. and Kent, C. (November , 2015). Identifying hotspots of threatened endemic marine bony shorefishes in the greater Caribbean to inform area-specific conservation planning priorities Oral Presentation Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Panama.
Buchanan, J., Kent, C., Fareed, K., Abdulrahman, A. and Gina, R. (February , 2015). Conservation status of the coral reef fishes in the Gulf. Oral Presentation Coral Reefs of Arabia Abu Dhabi.
Carpenter, K. E. (June , 2014). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle: PIRE to PACASI and beyond Oral Presentation PIRE Advanced Genomics Training De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E. (March , 2014). The use of IUCN Red List Assessments as Biodiversity Metrics and the BioGoMx Platform for Implementing Conservation and Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico Oral Presentation .
Carpenter, K. E., Sanciangco, J. C., Etnoyer, P. J. and Moretzsohn, F. (July , 2013). Habitat Availability and Heterogeneity and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool as Predictors of Marine Species Richness in the Tropical Indo-Pacific Oral Presentation Ninth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference Okinawa, Japan.
Carpenter, K. E. (March , 2013). Philippine Habitat Richness as an Explanation for its Global Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity Oral Presentation Invited Talk .
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Juinio-Me帽ez, M. A., Crandall, E., Starger, C., Ackiss, A., DeBoer, T., Lourdes Docoy, M., Hanson, A. and Jones, E. (January , 2013). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒 Biology Department Seminar Norfolk, VA.
Carpenter, K. E., Harwell, H., Polidoro, B., Comeros-Raynal, M., Defex, T., Hines, A., Linardich, C., Stump, E., Goodpaster, A., Buchanan, J., Gorman, C., Harvey, M., Harrison, J. and Peters, R. (October , 2012). The Global Marine Species Assessment So Far: 2005-2012 Oral Presentation World Conservation Congress Jeju, Korea.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Juinio-Me帽ez, M. A., Crandall, E., Starger, C., Ackiss, A., DeBoer, T., Lourdes Docoy, M., Laya Casilagan, I. and Ibarra, S. (September , 2012). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle and Implications for Marine Management Oral Presentation Invited Biology Department Seminar Melbourne, Florida.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Juinio-Me帽ez, M. A., Crandall, E., Starger, C., Ackiss, A., DeBoer, T., Lourdes Docoy, M., Laya Casilagan, I. and Ibarra, S. (September , 2012). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle and Implications for Marine Management Oral Presentation Invited Biology Department Seminar Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Carpenter, K. E., Harwell, H., Polidoro, B., Comeros-Raynal, M., Defex, T., Hines, A. and Stump, E. (August , 2012). Extinction Risk in the Marine Realm: Shattering the Myth and Paving the Way for Improved Marine Biodiversity Conservation Oral Presentation Global Marine Species Assessment Workshop Kingston, Jamaica.
Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2012). Advanced Genomic Applications to Marine Science and Resource Management in Southeast Asia Oral Presentation Pan-Pacific Advanced Study Institute Dumaguete, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2012). Origins of Marine Biodiversity in the Coral Triangle Oral Presentation PIRE Synthesis Meeting Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Juinio-Me帽ez, M., Crandall, E., Starger, C., Ackiss, A., DeBoer, T., Lourdes Docoy, M., Laya Casilagan, I. and Ibarra, S. (April , 2012). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle and Implications for Marine Management Oral Presentation Invited Departmental Seminar Vienam.
Carpenter, K. E., Harwell, H., Polidoro, B., Sanciangco, J., Comeros-Raynal, M. and Hines, A. (January , 2012). Developing a Regional Red List of Threatened Species and its Use for Management of Coral Reefs Oral Presentation Coral Reefs of the Gulf Conference Abu Dhabi.
Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2011). Scientific Discovery and the Urgent Need for Conservation at the Philippine Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity Keynote/Plenary Address Jewelmer Invited Lecture Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Juinio-Menez, M. A. and Cranall, E. (June , 2011). Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle Lecture Special Invited Lecture Xiamen, China.
Carpenter, K. E., Harwell, H., Polidoro, B., Sanciangco, J., Comeros-Raynal, M., Hines, A., Knapp, L., Calhoun, A. and Stump, E. (January , 2011). Extinction Risk and the Global Marine Species Assessment Oral Presentation Biological Sciences Seminar Series 麻豆传媒, Norfolk, VA.
Carpenter, K. E. (October , 2010). Scientific Discovery and the Urgent Need for Conservation at the Philippine Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity (Keynote) Keynote/Plenary Address Cebu Go Green Event Cebu, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E. (October , 2010). Scientific Discovery and the Urgent Need for Conservation at the Philippine Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity (Keynote) Keynote/Plenary Address Fish Conservation Week Conference Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Junio-Me帽ez, M. A.., Crandall, E. ., Starger, C., Ackiss, A., DeBoer, T., Docoy, M., Casilagan, I. and Ibarra, S. (July , 2010). Concordant Marine Phylogeographic Pattern In The Philippines Keynote/Plenary Address Asian Tropical Biology Conference Bali, Indonesia.
Carpenter, K. E., Barber, P., Ablan-Lagman, C., Juinio-Me帽ez, M. A., Crandall, E., Starger, C., Ackiss, A., DeBoer, T., Docoy, M. Lourdes., Casilagan, I. Laya., Ibarra, S., Hanson, A., Jones, E., Mamauag, S., Olivares, M., Raynal, J., Romena, N. and Womack, E. (May , 2009). Comparative Phylogeny of the Coral Triangle Keynote/Plenary Address Eighth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference Freemantle, Western Australia.
Carpenter, K. E. and Livingstone, S. L. (July , 2008). The Global Marine Species Assessment: Laying the Foundation for Marine Conservation Poster American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Montreal, Canada.
Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2008). One third of reef building corals face extinction from climate change and local impacts Oral Presentation International Coral Reef Symposium Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Carpenter, K. E. and Livingstone, S. L. (September , 2007). The Global Marine Species Assessment: Laying the Foundation for Marine Conservation Poster European Ichthyological Congress Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (September , 2007). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Invited Seminar Rome, Italy.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (November , 2006). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Biodiversity Conference, Presided by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Verde Islands, Batangas.
Carpenter, K. E. and Stuart, S. N. (February , 2006). The Global Marine Species Assessment Initiative, Biodiversity Hotspots and Key Biodiversity Areas Poster Ocean Sciences Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii.
Mahon, A. R. and Carpenter, K. E. (July , 2005). A molecular phylogeny of the percoid superfamily Sparoidea based on the RAG1 gene Oral Presentation American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Tampa, Florida.
Carpenter, K. E., Mahon, A. R., Martin, J. M. and Romena-Regis, L. B. (July , 2005). Phylogeography of the shortfin scad, Decapterus macrosoma (Perciformes, Carangidae) from the Philippines Oral Presentation American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Tampa, Florida.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (May , 2005). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version (Plenary address) Keynote/Plenary Address Seventh Indo-Pacific Fish Conference Taipei, Taiwan.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (February , 2005). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Invited Seminar .
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (October , 2004). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands Oral Presentation Invited Seminar Norfolk, VA.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (September , 2004). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Invited Seminar The National Museum, Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (September , 2004). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Invited Seminar University of the Philippines, Diliman.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (September , 2004). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Invited Seminar Cebu, Philippines.
Smith-Vaniz, W. F. and Carpenter, K. E. (May , 2004). Review of the jack crevalles, Caranx hippos complex (teleostei: Carangidae) Oral Presentation American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Norman, Oklahoma.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (May , 2004). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands Oral Presentation American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Norman, Oklahoma.
Carpenter, K. E. and Springer, V. G. (November , 2003). The center of the center of marine biodiversity: the Philippine Islands; 50 minute version Oral Presentation Invited Seminar Washington, DC.
Carpenter, K. E., Savitzky, A. H., Townsend Jr., V. R. and Berra, T. M. (June 27, 2003). Does the lateral line nerve play a role in the auditory function of the swim bladder in the nurseryfish, Kurtus gulliveri (Perciformes: Kurtidae)? Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Manaus, Brazil.
Smith, M. L. and Carpenter, K. E. (June 27, 2003). Species richness and endemism are concentrated on plate boundaries in the Western Central Atlantic Ocean Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Manaus, Brazil.
Berra, T. M., Carpenter, K. E. and Humphries, J. M. (June 27, 2003). The unique swim bladder of the nurseryfish, Kurtus gulliveri, (Perciformes) and its potential role in hearing Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting Manaus, Brazil.
Carpenter, K. E. and Orrell, T. M. (May , 2001). Molecular versus morphological evidence: Phylogenetic pattern in sparoid fishes Oral Presentation 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference Durban, South Africa.
Carpenter, K. E. and Orrell, T. M. (September , 2000). Molecular versus morphological evidence: Phylogenetic pattern in sparoid fishes Oral Presentation Biology Department Seminar Series Norfolk, VA.
Carpenter, K. E. (June 14, 2000). A phylogeny of sparoid genera (Perciformes, Percoidei) based on morphology Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting La Paz, Mexico.
Carpenter, K. E. (February 24, 2000). Molecular versus morphological evidence: Phylogenetic pattern in sparoid fishes. International Symposium on Diversity of Fishes held in Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of His Majesty The Emperor鈥檚 Accesssion to the Throne Oral Presentation Tokyo, Japan.
LoGalbo, A. M. and Carpenter, K. E. ( 1999). Osteological comparison of the percoid families Lethrinidae and Sparidae Oral Presentation .
DeGravelle, M. J. and Carpenter, K. E. ( 1999). Systematics of the genus Selene (Perciformes: Carangidae) Oral Presentation .
Carpenter, K. E. and Orrell, T. M. (June 24, 1999). Congruence between osteological and molecular phylogenies of the genera of Sparidae (Percoidei; Perciformes) Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting .
Carpenter, K. E. (May , 1999). A phylogeny of the genera of Sparidae based on osteology Oral Presentation Virginia Academy of Sciences Annual Meetings Norfolk, VA.
Carpenter, K. E. (November 3, 1997). The future of ichthyological research in the tropical Indo-Pacific Keynote/Plenary Address Fifth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference Noumea, New Caledonia.
Orrell, T. M. and Carpenter, K. E. (June 26, 1997). Phylogenetic relationships of the family Sparidae (Perciformes: Percoidei) Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Seattle.
Carpenter, K. E. (March 13, 1997). The status of systematic ichthyology in the Western Central Pacific Ocean Oral Presentation Census of Fishes Workshop .
Carpenter, K. E. (June 2, 1994). Geometric morphometrics of emperor snappers (Perciformes): characters for phylogenetic inference? Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Los Angeles.
Carpenter, K. E. (January 13, 1993). Unstable and stable classifications of fishes Oral Presentation Workshop on Deepsea Fishes of the Red Sea Eilat, Israel.
Carpenter, K. E. (June 17, 1992). A method for choosing optimal cladistic and quantitative evolutionary systematic Linnaean classifications of fusilier fishes (Perciformes:Caesionidae) Oral Presentation Society of Systematic Biologists .
Carpenter, K. E., Collette, B. B. and Russo, J. L. (June 4, 1992). Stable and unstable classifications of scombroid fishes Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Urbana-Champaign.
Carpenter, K. E. (June 14, 1990). Optimal phylogenetic Linnaean classifications of the Caesionidae (Perciformes: Lutjanoidea) Oral Presentation American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists South Carolina.
Carpenter, K. E. (July 12, 1987). Optimal quantitative evolutionary, cladistic, and phenetic classifications of fusilier fishes (Perciformes, Percoidei) Oral Presentation American Museum of Natural History Seminar Series New York.
Carpenter, K. E., Fast, A. W., Corre, V. L., Woessner, J. W. and Janeo, R. L. ( 1985). The effects of water depth and circulation on the water quality and production of Penaeus monodon in earthen ponds Oral Presentation First Asian Fisheries Forum Manila, Philippines.
Carpenter, K. E. ( 1984). Paradigm clash in the systematic triumvirate: classifications of the Caesionidae (Pisces, Lutjanoidea) Oral Presentation Tester Symposium .
Carpenter, K. E., Miclat, R. I., Albalejedo, V. D. and Corpuz, V. T. ( 1981). The influence of substrate structure on the local abundance and diversity of Philippine reef fishes Oral Presentation Fourth Intl. Coral Reef Symp. Manila, Philippines.
  • 2017: Faculty Research Award, 麻豆传媒
  • 2015: Species Survival Commission Chair鈥檚 Citation of Excellence,
  • 2013: College of Sciences Distinguished Research Award, 麻豆传媒
  • 2011: Fellow, California Academy of Sciences
  • 2011: Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Fulbright
  • 2008: Provost鈥檚 Award for Leadership in International Education, 麻豆传媒
  • 2001: Research Associate, Division of Fishes, Department of Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
  • 2000: Research Collaborator, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
  • 1999: Visiting Scientist Award, Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.
  • 1998: Visiting Scientist Award, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
  • 1997: Delta Sigma Lambda Favorite Professor,
  • 1981: Conference Travel Grant, Graduate Student Organization, University of Hawaii
  • 1979: 4.0 GPA at graduation for Graduate School (40 hours structured course work), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
  • 1979: East-West Center Degree Participant Grant,
  • 1975: High Honors, (Magna Cum Laude) B.S., Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), Melbourne, Florida
  • 1972: Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant,