Kenneth FitzGerald
NORFOLK, 23529
Author of Volume: Writings on Graphic Design, Music, Art, and Culture, self-published The News of the Whirled, a novel in the form of a magazine, artist books in the Franklin Furnace/Museum of Modern Art/Artists Books collection.
M.F.A. in Design, Massachusetts College Of Art, (1996)
B.F.A. in Ceramics, Massachusetts College of Art, (1983)
Research Interests
Critical writing
- Fitzgerald, K. (2017). Singing the surface. Man ifesto featur e—design and text.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2017). Learning by numbers: eleven lessons taught only in design school. Design Observer.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2016). Laura Rossi Garcia: dialectic designer. AIGA Design Educators Community journal.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2016). Turn over. AIGA Design Educators Community journal.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2015). Thinking About Teaching. AIGA Design Educators Community journal.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2015). The team player. AIGA Design Educators Community journal.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2014). Yourselves: declaring ourselves. Design Observer.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2014). The great third grade juice pouch riot. AIGA Design Educators Community journal.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2011). I Believe in Design. Premsela, Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion 1 (3).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2009). Design's Just Dessert. Voice: AIGA Journal of Design.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2007). The resistance. Voice: AIGA Journal of Design .
- Fitzgerald, K. (2007). Visual culture reader. IDEA (322).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2006). I come to bury graphic design, not to praise it. IDEA (314).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2006). Seeing and reading. IDEA (314).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2005). . Four minutes to midnight (2).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2005). untitled article. Emigre (69).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2005). Martin Venezky's beautiful melancholy. Design Observer.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2005). An instructor of concern. Voice: AIGA Journal of Design .
- Fitzgerald, K. (2004). Buzz kill. Emigre (67).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2004). File under nowhere. Emigre catalog, "Various types".
- Fitzgerald, K. (2004). I come to bury graphic design not to praise it. Emigre (66).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2003). Quietude. Emigre (64).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2002). letter to the editor. Eye (42).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2002). What culture wants. Emigre (62).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2000). The last wave. Emigre (54).
- Fitzgerald, K. (1998). Fanfare for the common hack. Eye (27).
- Fitzgerald, K. (1998). letter to the editor. Critique (9).
- Fitzgerald, K. (1998). Skilling saws and absorbent catalogs. Emigre (48).
- Fitzgerald, K. (1997). On Creem magazine: 1970-1976. Emigre (41).
- Fitzgerald, K. (1996). letter to the editor. Eye (23).
- Fitzgerald, K. (1996). letter to the editor. Emigre (38).
- FitzGerald, K. (2021). Process Music: Songs, Stories and Studies of Graphic Culture. Onomatopee Projects.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2010). Volume: Writings on Graphic Design, Music, Art, and Culture. Princeton Architectural Press.
Book Chapters
- Fitzgerald, K. (2015). Fuck All Modes of Criticism 1 Critical Uncritical Post-critical (pp. 87–94) London: Modes of criticism.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2014). Chaos theories and uncertainty principles Thought experiments in graphic design education Books from the future.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2013). 12 views of 120 posters Graphic advocacy: International posters for the digital age 2001-2012 Massachusetts College of Art Foundation.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2009). Skilling Saws and Absorbent Catalogs; The Last Wave; What Culture Wants Emigre No. 70 the Look Back Issue: Selections from Emigre Magazine 1-69. Celebrating 25 Years of Graphic Design (pp. 512) San Francisco, CA: Gingko Press.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2006). About Time: design music and the play instinct, monograph of Robert Appleton (Graphis).
- Fitzgerald, K. (2005). An instructor of concern Allworth Press.
- Fitzgerald, K. (2000). Seen and not seen Allworth Press.
- Fitzgerald, K. (February 23, 2011). Implosure CAA 2011 Annual Conference New York, New York.
- Fitzgerald, K. (October 9, 2010). "Social economies: enterprise and a new cultural geography" New Contexts / New Practices Raleigh, NC.
- Fitzgerald, K. (June 3, 2010). "First, Class" UCDA Design Education Summit: Designing Designing: Examining how we do what we do University of Kansas.
- Fitzgerald, K. (January 22, 2010). "New kids, sell outs, and celebrity suicides" North Carolina State University College of Design biennial graduate symposium: Design, community, and the rhetoric of authenticity Raleigh, NC.
- Fitzgerald, K. ( 2008). Gettin' R-E-S-P-E-C-T in the academy: what constitutes graphic design research UCDA Design Educators Summit .
- Fitzgerald, K. ( 2007). The Graphic Equalizer Intent/Content: AIGA design education conference Nashville, TN.
- Fitzgerald, K. ( 2004). Indiscipline College Art Association Annual Conference Seattle, WA.
- Fitzgerald, K. ( 2004). not-design, not-art: Crafting and naming an interdisciplinary curriculum College Art Association Annual Conference Seattle, WA.
- Fitzgerald, K. ( 2003). Professional suicide Design: Refining our knowledge: International graphic design education conference Minneapolis MN.
- Fitzgerald, K. ( 2002). Dissolve/reveal College Art Association Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA.
- 2005: Greater Richmond Awards for Design Excellence, Best 1 or 2-color work, AIGA/Richmond
- 2002: Greater Richmond Awards for Design Excellence, Outstanding Merit Award, AIGA/Richmond
- 2000: News of the whirled #2 selected for 22nd annual "100 Show" , American Center for Design
- 1999: News of the whirled #2 selected for Design Show of Excellence , AIGA/Richmond