Associate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
Ke Shi
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Minnesota, (2012)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Shi, K. "Multiscale hybridization Techniques for problems in heterogeneous media." $7,000. 2016 -
- Shi, K. "Multiscale hybridzation techniques for problems in heterogeneous media. 2015 -
- Efendiev, Y., Lazarov, R., Xiu, Y. and Shi, K. "Advanced Numerical Methods in the Mathematical Sciences" $30,000. 2014 -
Research Interests
Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin methods.
Finite element methods in Mechanics
Multiscale Finite Element Methods for fluid Mechanics
- Chung, E., Efendiev, Y., Shi, K. and Ye, S. (2017). A multiscale model reduction method for nonlinear monotone elliptic equations in heterogeneous media. Networks and Heterogeneous Media 12 (4) , pp. 619-642.
- Weifeng, Q. I., Jiguang, S. and Shi, K. (2017). An HDG method for linear elasticity with strong symmetric stresses. Mathematics of Computation 87 (309) , pp. 69-93.
- Shi, K. (2010). Hybridizable discontinous Galerkin methods for Timoshenko beams. J. Science Comput. , pp. 1-37.
- Shi, K. ( 2016). Applied mathematics seminar Changsha.
- Shi, K. ( 2016). Numerical Analysis and PDE SEMINAR China.
- Shi, K. ( 2016). Numerical Analysis seminar Chengdu, China.
- Shi, K. (June , 2016). 15th Conference on the Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications London, UK.
- Shi, K. ( 2015). Numerical Analysis and PDE Seminar Newark, DE..
- Shi, K. (August , 2015). The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics Beijing, China.
- Shi, K. (October , 2014). Finite Element Circus Minneaplois, MN..
- Shi, K. (April , 2014). PDE Seminar Riverside, CA..
- Shi, K. (March , 2014). Finite Element Circus Detriot.
- Shi, K. (July , 2013). 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics Raleigh, NC.
- Shi, K. (March , 2013). SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering Boston.
- Shi, K. (July , 2012). Oral Presentation International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Cmputation Xiamen University, China.
- Shi, K. (July , 2012). The 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Shi, K. (April , 2012). Oral Presentation Numerical Analysis Seminar Texas.
- Shi, K. (July , 2011). 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics Minneapolis, MN..
- Shi, K. (July , 2011). The 7th Internat'l Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vancouver.
- 2015: SIAM travel, ICIAM15
- 2014: Travel Award, IMA Workshop
- 2014: Travel Award, ICERM Workshop
- 2014: Travel Award, IPAM Workshop
- 2012: Travel Award, The 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
- 2012: Travel Award, John . Barrett Lectures
- 2012: Travel Award, John H. Barrett Lectures
- 2002: Freshmen Fellowship w/Honor,
- 2001: Bulgarian Internat'l Mathematics Olympiad Competition,
- 2001: Chinese Mathematics Olympiad,