Professor & Eminent Scholar
Department of Finance

John Doukas

NORFOLK, 23529

Dr. John A. Doukas, earned his Ph.D in Financial Economics at Stern School of Business, New York University. He is Professor of Finance, William B. Spong, Jr., Chair of Finance and Eminent Scholar at 麻豆传媒, Virginia, USA. He is Finance Research Associate (Honorary) at the Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK. Dr. Doukas was visiting Professor of Finance at Stern School of Business, New York University 2001-2003. He has taught and given seminars at the MBA and Ph.D level in several North American and European Business Schools. He is the recipient of the Graham & Dodd Award 2004 for his article "Divergent Opinions and the Performance of Value Stocks" co-authored with C. Kim and C. Pantzalis.

Ph.D. in Finance, New York University, (1982)

M.Phil. in Financial Economics/International Finance, New York University, (1981)

M.Sc. in Finance, University of Stirling, (1977)

B.A. in Econometrics, National University of Athens, (1975)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Doukas, J. "Behavioral Biases in Trading of Institutional Investors: An Empirical Investigation of the Disposition Effect . July 2005 -
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $15,000. Other. - 2002
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $19,000. Other. - 2001
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $60,000. Other. - 1996
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $2,250. Other. - 1987
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $55,536. Other. - 1987
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $2,400. Other. - 1985
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $500. Other. - 1984
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $2,000. Other. - 1984
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $5,000. Other. - 1984
Doukas, J. "Research grant" $3,000. Other. - 1983


Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, the Role of Information in Capital Markets, International Financial Management, Foreign Investments, and Foreign Exchange Markets

Research Interests

My research interests include corporate finance, asset pricing, the role of information in capital markets, international financial management, foreign investments, and foreign exchange markets. Dr. Doukas has published over ninety scientific academic articles on a wide range of finance and business-related issues in many academic journals including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Investing, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, European Financial Management, Financial Management, and Financial Review.


Ahmed, M. S.. and Doukas, J. (2020). Revisiting disposition effect and momentum: a quantile regression perspective. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
Dong, F. and Doukas, J. (2020). When fund management skill is more valuable?. European Financial Management 26 (2) , pp. 455-502.
Doukas, J. and Zhang, R. (2020). Corporate managerial ability, earnings smoothing, and acquisitions. Journal of Corporate Finance 65.
Dong, F. (2020). Did Fund Managers Deliver Value During the Financial Crisis. Journal of Wealth Management.
Chen, C. and Doukas, J. (2020). Stock Price Synchronicity, Cognitive Biases, and Momentum. European Financial Management.
Alexandridis, G., Doukas, J. and Mavis, C. P. (2019). Does firing a CEO pay off?. Financial Management.
Andreou, P. C.., Doukas, J., Koursaros, D. and Louca, C. (2019). Valuation effects of overconfident CEOs on corporate diversification and refocusing decisions. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE 100 , pp. 182-204.
Doukas, J. and Dong, F. (2019). The Payback of Mutual Fund Selectivity in European Markets. European Financial Management 25 (1) , pp. 39.
Doukas, J. A. and Dong, F. (2018). Fund Management Skill and Noise Trading. The JOURNAL OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT.
Doukas, J. A. and Mandal, S. (2018). CEO Risk Preferences and Hedging Decisions: A Multiyear Analysis. Journal of International Money and Finance 86 , pp. 131-153.
Doukas, J. (2017). CEO Personal Investment Decisions and Firm Risk. European Financial Management 23 (5) , pp. 920-950.
Doukas, J. A. and Zhang, W. (2016). Envy-Motivated Merger Waves. European Financial Management 22 (1) , pp. 56.
Doukas, J. A. and Hoque, H. (2016). Why Firms Favour the AIM When They Can List on Main Market?. Journal of International Money and Finance 60 (Supplement C) , pp. 378 - 404.
Doukas, J. A., Antoniou, C. and Subrahmanyam, A. (2016). Investor Sentiment, Beta, and the Cost of Equity Capital. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE forthcoming.
Caliskan, D. and Doukas, J. A. (2015). CEO Risk Preferences and Dividend Policy Decisions. Journal of Corporate Finance 35 (Supplement C) , pp. 18 - 42.
Doukas, J. A. and Wenjia, Z. (2015). Do Equity Mispricing and Management Compensation Incentives Drive Bank Mergers?. Review of Behavioral Finance 7 (1) , pp. 2鈥41.
Abbey, B. S.. and Doukas, J. (2015). Do individual currency traders make money?. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE 56 , pp. 158-177.
Doukas, J. A. and Walter, A. (2015). European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meetings: a Retrospective Evaluation. European Financial Management 21 (4) , pp. 790鈥810.
Abbey, B. S. and Doukas, j. A. (2014). Do Currency Individual Traders Make Money?. Journal of International Money and Finance 56 , pp. 158鈥177.
Doukas, J. A. and Wang, L. (2014). Does the Bonding Effect Matter in a More Integrated Capital Market World?. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE 47 , pp. 162-184.
Doukas, J. (2013). Editorial: Another Euro Peril: EU Current Account Imbalances. EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 19 (1) , pp. 1-3.
Doukas, J. and Wang, L. (2013). Information asymmetry, price discovery, and the Chinese B-share discount puzzle. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 21 (1) , pp. 1116 - 1135.
Doukas, J. and Zhang, H. (2013). The Performance of NDF Carry Trades. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY and FINANCE 36 , pp. 172-190.
Antoniou, C., Doukas, J. A. and Subrahmanyam, A. (2013). Cognitive Dissonance, Sentiment, and Momentum. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48 (1) , pp. 245鈥275.
Raviprakash, K., Luke, T., Doukas, J., Danko, J., Porter, K., Burgess, T. and Kochel, T. (2012). A dengue DNA vaccine formulated with Vaxfectin (R) is well tolerated, and elicits strong neutralizing antibody responses to all four dengue serotypes in New Zealand white rabbits. HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS 8 (12) , pp. 1764-1768.
Doukas, J. and Boris, A. (2012). Is Technical Analysis Profitable for Individual Currency Traders?. JOURNAL OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 39 (1) , pp. 142-150.
Hartikka, J., Bozoukova, V., Morrow, J., Rusalov, D., Shlapobersky, M., Wei, Q., Boutsaboualoy, S., Ye, M., Wloch, M. K.., Doukas, J., Sullivan, S., Rolland, A. and Smith, L. R.. (2012). Preclinical evaluation of the immunogenicity and safety of plasmid DNA-based prophylactic vaccines for human cytomegalovirus. HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS 8 (11) , pp. 1595-1606.
Doukas, J., Gonenc, H. and Plantiga, A. (2012). Private Acquisition Gains: A Contingent Claims Explanation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FINANCE.
Doukas, J. (2011). "Hot" Debt Markets and Capital Structure. European Financial Management 17 , pp. 46-99.
Doukas, J., Croci, E. and Gonenc, H. (2011). Family Firms and Financing Decisions. EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT , pp. 17.
Doukas, J., Morrow, J., Bellinger, D., Hilgert, T., Martin, T., Jones, D., Mahajan, R., Rusalov, D., Sullivan, S. and Rolland, A. (2011). Nonclinical biodistribution, integration, and toxicology evaluations of an H5N1 pandemic influenza plasmid DNA vaccine formulated with Vaxfectin (R). VACCINE 29 (33) , pp. 5443-5452.
Doukas, J., Guo, J. Michael. and Zhou, B. (2011). 鈥楬ot鈥檇ebt markets and capital structure. European Financial Management 17 (1) , pp. 46鈥99.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. Francis. and Pantzalis, C. (2010). Arbitrage risk and stock mispricing. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 45 (4) , pp. 907鈥934.
Doukas, J., Kim, Chansog (Francis) and Pantzalis, C. (2010). Arbitrage Risk and Stock Mispricing. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 45 (4) , pp. 907-934.
Doukas, J., Guo, S. and Song, W. (2010). Share Repurchases as a Manipulation Tool: Evidence from Insider Trading. Citeseer.
Sullivan, S. M.., Doukas, J., Hartikka, J., Smith, L. and Rolland, A. (2010). Vaxfectin: a versatile adjuvant for plasmid DNA- and protein-based vaccines. EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY 7 (12) , pp. 1433-1446.
Doukas, J. (2009). Asset Mispricing as a Function of Arbitrage Risk. The Citibank Academic Research Digest.
Doukas, J. and Meng, L. (2009). Asymmetic Asset Price Reaction to News and Arbitrage Risk. Review of Behavioral Finance 1 , pp. 23-43.
Au, A. S.., Doukas, J. and Onayev, Z. (2009). Daily short interest, idiosyncratic risk, and stock returns. Journal of Financial Markets 12 (2) , pp. 290 - 316.
Doukas, J., Wiersema , M. F. . and Bowen, H. P. . (2008). Corporate Diversification: The Impact of Foreign Competition, Industry Globalization and Product Diversification. Strategic Management Journal.
Doukas, J., Kim, Chansog (Francis) and Pantzalis, C. (2008). Do Analysts Influence Corporate Financing and Investment?. Financial Management 37 (2) , pp. 303鈥339.
Doukas, J. and Kan, O. B. (2008). Investment decisions and internal capital markets: Evidence from acquisitions. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (8) , pp. 1484鈥1498.
Doukas, J. and Petmezas, D. (2007). Acquisitions, Overconfident Managers and Self-attribution Bias. European Financial Management 13 (3) , pp. 531鈥577.
Doukas, J. (2006). Can we learn from China?. European Financial Management 12 (3) , pp. 301鈥302.
Doukas, J., Kim, Chansog (Francis) and Pantzalis, C. (2006). Divergence of Opinion and Equity Returns. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41 (3) , pp. 573鈥606.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. and Pantzalis, C. (2006). Divergence of Opinion and Equity Returns under Different States of Earnings Expectations. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL MARKETS 9 , pp. 310-331.
Doukas, J. and Kan, O. B. (2006). Does global diversification destroy firm value?. Journal of International Business Studies 37 (3) , pp. 352鈥371.
Doukas, J. and McKnight, P. J. (2005). European momentum strategies, information diffusion, and investor conservatism. European Financial Management 11 (3) , pp. 313鈥338.
Doukas, J. and Gonenc, H. (2005). Long-term performance of new equity issuers, venture capital and reputation of investment bankers. Economic Notes 34 (1) , pp. 1鈥34.
Doukas, J., McKnight, P. J. and Pantzalis, C. (2005). Security analysis, agency costs, and UK firm characteristics. International Review of Financial Analysis 14 (5) , pp. 493鈥507.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. Francis. and Pantzalis, C. (2005). The two faces of analyst coverage. Financial Management 34 (2) , pp. 99鈥125.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. and Pantzalis, C. (2004). Divergent Opinions and the Performance of Value Stocks. Financial Analysts Journal 60 (6) , pp. 55鈥64.
Doukas, J. and Kan, O. B. (2004). Excess Cash Flows and Diversification Discount. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 33 (2) , pp. 71-88 .
Doukas, J. and Milonas, N. T. (2004). Investor Sentiment and the Closed-end Fund Puzzle: Out-of-sample Evidence. European Financial Management 10 (2) , pp. 235鈥266.
Doukas, J., Hall, P. H.. and Lang, L. H. P.. (2003). Exchange Rate Exposure at the Firm and Industry Level. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 12 (5) , pp. 291鈥346.
Doukas, J. and Lang, L. (2003). Foreign Direct Investment, Diversification and Firm Performance. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES.
Doukas, J. and Pantzalis, C. (2003). Geographic diversification and agency costs of debt of multinational firms. Journal of Corporate Finance 9 (1) , pp. 59鈥92.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. Francis. and Pantzalis, C. (2002). A Test of the Errors-in-Expectations Explanation of the Value/Glamour Stock Returns Performance: Evidence from Analysts鈥 Forecasts. The Journal of Finance 57 (5) , pp. 2143鈥2165.
Doukas, J., Holmen, M. and Travlos, N. G. (2002). Diversification, ownership and control of Swedish corporations. European Financial Management 8 (3) , pp. 281鈥314.
Doukas, J. (2002). Rationality of capital markets. EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 8 (2) , pp. 229-247.
Doukas, J. and Padmanabhan, P. (2002). The Operational Hedging Properties of Intangible Assets: the Case of Non鈥搗oluntary Foreign Asset Selloffs. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 13 (3) , pp. 183鈥213.
Doukas, J., Travlos, N. G. and Holmen, M. (2001). Corporate diversification and firm performance: Evidence from Swedish acquisitions.
Doukas, J., Holm茅n, M. and Travlos, N. G. (2001). Corporate Diversification and Performance: Evidence from Swedish Conglomerate and Non-Conglomerate Acquisitions. Department of Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University 53.
Doukas, J. (2001). European Financial Management Association: Round Table Discussion鈥揜ationality of Capital Markets. European Financial Management 8 (2) , pp. 229鈥247.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. Francis. and Pantzalis, C. (2001). The Value/Glamour Anomaly: Evidence from Analysts鈥 Forecasts.
Doukas, J. and Gonenc, H. (2000). Long-Term Performance of Initial Public Offerings: Venture Capitalists and Reputation of Investment Bankers.
Doukas, J., Kim, C. and Pantzalis, C. (2000). Security Analysis, Agency Costs, and Company Characteristics, 56 Fin. FINANCIAL ANALYSTS JOURNAL 54 , pp. 61.
Doukas, J., Pantzalis, C. and Kim, S. (1999). Intangible Assets and the Network Structure of MNCs. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING 10 (1) , pp. 1-23 .
Doukas, J., Hall, P. and Lang, L. (1999). The Pricing of Currency Risk in Japan. JOURNAL OF BANKING AND FINANCE 23 (1).
Doukas, J. (1998). Financial and Investment issues in Emerging markets. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Doukas, J., Arshanapalli, B. and Coggin, T. Daniel. (1998). Multifactor Asset Pricing Analysis of International Value Investment Strategies. JOURNAL OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT.
Doukas, J., Arshanapalli, B., Coggin, D. and Shea, D. (1998). The Dimensions of International Equity Style. JOURNAL OF INVESTING 7 (1) , pp. 15-30 .
Doukas, J., Arshanapalli, B. and Lang, L. (1997). Common Volatility in the Industrial Structure of Global Capital Markets. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE 16 (2) , pp. 189- 209.
Doukas, J. (1997). Main Issues in Financial Sector Reform amd Privatization in Transition Economies. Elsevier Science B.V.Publishers.
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1997). The Linkages of S&P Stock Index and S&P 500 Stock Index Futures Prices During October 1987. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS 49 (3) , pp. 253-266 .
Doukas, J., Hall, P. H. and Lang, L. HP. (1996). Exchange-Rate Exposure, Stock Returns and the Pricing of Currency Risk in Japan.
Doukas, J., Arshanapalli, B., Choi, J., Clagget, T. and Lee, I. (1996). Explaining Premiums and Discounts on Closed-End Equity Country Funds. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE.
Doukas, J. (1995). Overinvestment, Torbins Q and Gains from Foreign Acquisitions. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE 19 , pp. 1285-1303.
Doukas, J., Arshanapalli, B. and Lang, L. (1995). Pre and Post-October 1987 Stock Market Linkages Between U.S. and Asian Markets. PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL 3 , pp. 57-73 .
Doukas, J., Arshanapalli, B. and Lang, L. (1995). The Intertemporal Volatility Structure of Euro CD Rates. EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 (3) , pp. 317-329 .
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1994). Common Stochastic Trends in a System of Eurocurrency Rates. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE 18 , pp. 1047-1061 .
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1994). Common Volatility in S&P 500 Stock Index and S&P 500 Index Futures Prices During October 1987. JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS 14 , pp. 915-925 .
Doukas, J. (1994). European Foreign Exchange Movements and Financial Institutions. The Haworth Press Inc.
Doukas, J. and Lifland, S. (1994). Exchange Rates and the Role of the Trade Balance Account. MANAGERIAL FINANCE 20 (5/6) , pp. 66-78.
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1993). Asian Equity Markets and the Role of Japan. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES MARKETS 7 , pp. 165-172 .
Doukas, J. and Yung, K. (1993). Benefits of International Diversification: The Case of ADRs. International Review of Economics and Business 40 , pp. 865-880.
Doukas, J. (1993). European Equity Markets and Corporate Financial Decisions. The Haworth Press Inc.
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1993). Integration of Euro-Money Markets. JOURNAL OF MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2 , pp. 107-126 .
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1993). International Stock Market Linkages: Evidence from the Pre and Post-October 1987 Period. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE 17 , pp. 193-208.
Doukas, J. and Yung, K. (1993). Investor's Information and IPO Underpricing: The Case of ADRs. Journal of International Securities 6 , pp. 341-348.
Doukas, J. and Yung, K. (1992). ADRs, Investors' Information and Initial Public Equity Offerings (IPO) Underpricing. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES MARKETS 6 , pp. 341-348 .
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1992). Interest Rate Risk Management With Futures for Financial Intermediaries. APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 2 , pp. 179-185 .
Doukas, J. and Switzer, L. (1992). The stock market鈥檚 valuation of R&D spending and market concentration. Journal of Economics and Business 44 (2) , pp. 95鈥114.
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1991). DecisionRulesforCorporateManagementofForeignExchange Risk. JOURNAL OF MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 , pp. 39-48.
Doukas, J. and Switzer, L. (1991). Economies of Scale and Scope in Canadian Branch Banking. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS, INSTITUTIONS AND MONEY 1 , pp. 61-84 .
Doukas, J. and Switzer, L. (1991). R&D Announcements and the Market Value of the Firm. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.
Doukas, J. (1990). On Unit Roots, and the Persistent Dependence of Futures Prices. Jai Press Inc. 8.
Doukas, J. (1989). Syndicated Euro-Credit Sovereign Risk Assessments, Market Efficiency and Contagion Effects. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES , pp. 225-267.
Doukas, J. (1988). Contagion Effect on Sovereign Interest Rate Spreads. ECONOMICS LETTERS 29 , pp. 237-241.
Doukas, J. and Travlos, N. (1988). The Effect of Corporate Multinationalism on Shareholders' Wealth: Evidence from International Acquisitions. JOURNAL OF FINANCE 43 , pp. 1161-1175 .
Doukas, J. and Melhem, M. (1987). Canadian Banks: Risk Reduction by International Diversification. APPLIED ECONOMICS 19 , pp. 1561-1569 .
Doukas, J. (1987). Currency Substitution Under Different Exchange Rate Systems. American Economics and Finance Association.
Doukas, J. (1987). LDC Stabilization Policies, Price and Output Adjustment: Theory and Evidence, 1974-1983. APPLIED ECONOMICS 19 , pp. 447-458.
Doukas, J. and Jalilvand, J. (1987). Perceived Risk of Default and Banks' International Lending Decisions. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1 , pp. 323-333 .
Doukas, J. (1987). The Performance of Eurocurrency Report Hedging Recommendations. APPLIED ECONOMICS 19 , pp. 845-852.
Doukas, J. and Rahman, A. (1987). Unit Root Tests: Evidence from the Foreign Exchange Futures Markets. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 22 , pp. 101-108 .
Doukas, J. (1986). Bankers Versus Bankruptcy Prediction Models: An Empirical Investigation. APPLIED ECONOMICS 18 , pp. 479-493.
Doukas, J. and Rahman, A. (1986). Foreign Currency Futures and Monetary Policy Announcements: An Intervention Analysis. JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS 6 , pp. 343-373 .
Doukas, J. and Jalilvand, A. (1986). Sovereign Risk and International Lending: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. JOURNAL OF BANKING AND FINANCE SPECIAL STUDIES ON THE INTERNATIONAL DEBT PROBLEM 3 , pp. 131-145 .
Doukas, J. and Rahman, A. (1986). Stable Distributions, Futures Prices, and the Measurement of Trading Performance: A Comment. JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS 6 , pp. 505-506 .
Doukas, J. and Melhem, M. (1986). The Reaction of Spot and Forward Rates to New Information. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 30 , pp. 305-324 .
Doukas, J. (1985). Determinants of Foreign Portfolio Investment:AnotherApproach. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES 2 , pp. 264- 277.
Doukas, J. and Melhem, M. (1985). Overshooting in the Foreign Exchange Market: Evidence from the 1970s. ECONOMICS LETTERS 19 , pp. 267-270 .
Doukas, J. (1985). The Rationality of Money Supply Expectations and Canadian-U.S. Exchange Rate Response to Money Supply Announcements. THE FINANCIAL REVIEW 20 , pp. 180-194.


Doukas, J. (1998). Emerging Capital Markets: Financial and Investment Issues. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Doukas, J. (1998). Financial Sector Reform and Privatization in Transition Economies. Elsevier Science B.V. Publisher.
Doukas, J. (1996). Research in International Business and Finance:International Stock Market Interactions and Financial Issues in Emerging Markets. Annual Research Series, JAI Press Inc.
Doukas, J. (1995). Research in International Business and Finance . Annual Research Series, JAI Press Inc.
Doukas, J. (1993). Financial Management in Post-1992 Europe. The Haworth Press, Inc.

Conference Proceeding

Doukas, J. (2005). Two Faces of Security Analysts San Francisco: American Accounting Association (AAA), Proceedings.
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1993). Asian Equity Markets and the Role of Japan: A Study of Regional Capital Market Integration Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS).
Doukas, J. and Arshanapalli, B. (1992). International Stock Market Linkages: Evidence from the Pre and Post-October 1987 Period European Finance Association (EFA) Proceedings.
Doukas, J. (1987). Syndicated Euro-Credit Sovereign Risk Assessments, Market Efficiency and Contagion Effects Symposium on Money, Banking and Insurance.
Doukas, J. (1985). A Model for Banks' International Lending Decisions: Some Empirical Evidence on the U.S. and the Japanese Banking Systems (pp. 52-63) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Proceedings.
Doukas, J. (1984). The Information Content of Weekly Money Supply Announcements and the Term Structure of Exchange Rates 3rd Symposium on Money, Banking and Insurance, Proceedings.
Doukas, J. (1984). The Rationality of Money Supply Expectations and the Can. $/U.S. $ Exchange Rate Response to Money Supply Announcements (pp. 124-137) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Proceedings.
Doukas, J. (1983). Currency Substitution Under Difference Exchange Rate Systems Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Proceedings.


Dong, F. and Doukas, J. ( 2020). Does Corporate Managerial Ability Matter in M&A Performance? Oral Presentation European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Dublin, IRELAND.
Doukas, J. and Zhang, R. ( 2020). Corporate Managerial Ability, Earnings Smoothing, and Acquisitions Oral Presentation Financial Management Association (FMA) .
Chowdhury, R., Doukas, J. and Park, J. Chool. ( 2020). Stakeholder Orientation and the Value of Cash Holdings: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Oral Presentation Financial Management Association (FMA) .
Chen, C. and Doukas, J. ( 2020). Stock Price Synchronicity, Cognitive Biases, and Momentum Oral Presentation Financial Management Association (FMA) .
Doukas, J. A. (June , 2018). Is Fund Management Skill More Valuable in Noisy Times? European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Milan, Italy.
Doukas, J. A. (October , 2017). Does Corporate Managerial Ability Matter to Fund Managers? Financial Management Association (FMA) Boston, USA.
Doukas, J. (December 17, 2015). Catering Theory and Stock Price Reactions to Dividend Initiations and Omissions 28th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference Sydney, Australia.
Doukas, J. (November , 2014). Does CEO Turnover Improve Investment Performance? Keynote/Plenary Address Southern Financial Association (SFA) Key West, Florida USA.
Doukas, J. (August 4, 2014). Investor Sentiment, Beta, and the Cost of Equity Capital Center of Planning and Economic Research (CPER/螝螘螤螘) Athens, Greece.
Doukas, J. (June , 2014). Does CEO Turnover Improve Investment Performance? Keynote/Plenary Address European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Rome, Italy.
Doukas, J. (June , 2014). PhD Research Colloquium Keynote/Plenary Address European Financial Management Association (EFMA) University of Rome, ITALY.
Doukas, J. (December 17, 2013). CEO Deferred Compensation Investment Decisions, Firm Risk, and Performance Australasian Finance & Banking Conference Sydney, Australia.
Doukas, J. (June , 2013). CEO Risk Aversion, Firm Risk and Performance: Evidence from Deferred Compensation Returns around the 2008 Financial Crisis European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Reading, UK.
Doukas, J. (June , 2013). PhD Research Colloquium Keynote/Plenary Address European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Reading, UK.
Doukas, J. (June , 2012). Corporate Diversification and Managerial Overconfidence European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Barcelona, Spain.
Doukas, J. (June , 2011). CEO Overconfidence and Diversification European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Barga, Portugal.
Doukas, J. (October , 2010). Share Repurchases as a Manipulation Tool: Evidence from Insider Trading Financial Management Association (FMA) .
Doukas, J. (June , 2010). Family Control and Financing Decisions European Financial Management Symposium Aarhus, Denmark.
Doukas, J. (April , 2010). Family Control and Financing Decisions European Financial Management Symposium (EFM ) Cirano, Montreal Canada.
Doukas, J. ( 2009). Hot Debt Markets and Capital Structure European Financial Management Association .
Doukas, J. ( 2008). Short Selling Around Corporate Acquisitions European Financial Management Association Athens, Greece.
Doukas, J. ( 2007). Short Interest and Stock Returns in the UK Eastern Finance Association (EFA) New Orleans, Louisiana.
Doukas, J. ( 2007). Short Interest and Stock Returns in the UK Eastern Financial Management Association .
Doukas, J. ( 2007). Daily Short Interest, Idiosyncratic Risk and Stock Returns European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Vienna, Austria.
Doukas, J. (June , 2007). Short Interest and Stock Returns in the UK European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Vienna, Austria.
Doukas, J. (March , 2007). Acquisitions and Managerial Overconfidence EDHEC France.
Doukas, J. ( 2006). Acquisitions, Overconfidence & Self-Attribution Bias 2006 Hellenic Finance & Accounting Association (HFAA) Annual Meetings Thessaloniki, Greece.
Doukas, J. ( 2006). Disposition and Overconfidence Biases: Evidence from the Trades of Institutional Investors HONG KONG.
Doukas, J. ( 2006). Managerial Overconfidence and Self-attribution UK.
Doukas, J. (October , 2006). Overconfidence, Trading Volume, and the Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Trades of Institutional Investors CRSP Forum 2006 Chicago.
Doukas, J. (June , 2006). Behavioral Finance and Asset Prices Spain.
Doukas, J. (June , 2006). Acquisitions, Overconfident Managers and Self-Attribution Bias European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Madrid, Spain.
Doukas, J. (December , 2005). Q Anomalies UK.
Doukas, J. (August , 2005). Two Faces of Security Analysts American Accounting Association (AAA) San Francisco, USA.
Doukas, J. (June , 2005). Divergence of Opinion and Equity Returns European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Milan, Italy.
Doukas, J. (December , 2004). Differences of Opinion and the Performance of Value Stocks Greece.
Doukas, J. (June , 2004). Divergence of Opinion and Equity Returns European Financial Management Association (EFMA Basel, Switzerland.
Doukas, J. (June , 2004). Bi-National News Effects and Exchange Rate Futures: The Case of the Canadian Dollar Futures Contracts European Financial Management Association (EFMA) .
Doukas, J. (August , 2003). European Momentum Strategies, Information Diffusion, and Investor Conservatism European Finance Association (EFA) Glasgow, UK.
Doukas, J. (June , 2003). European Momentum Strategies, Information Diffusion, and Investor Conservatism European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Glasgow, UK.
Doukas, J. (June , 2003). European Momentum Strategies, Information Diffusion, and Investor Conservatism Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Helsinki, Finland.
Doukas, J. (June , 2003). Investor Sentiment and the Closed-end Fund Puzzle: Out-of-Sample Evidence Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Helsinki, Finland.
Doukas, J. (April , 2003). Analyst Coverage, Differences in Opinion and the Cross-Section of UK Stock Returns Paper European Accounting Association (EAA) Sevilla, SPAIN.
Doukas, J. (April , 2003). Security Analysis, Agency Costs and UK Firm Characteristics European Accounting Association (EAA) Athens, Greece.
Doukas, J. ( 2002). Cross-Borde Acquisitions and Firm Performance Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA London, UK.
Doukas, J. ( 2002). Analyst Coverage, External Financing, and Investment Opportunities Keynote/Plenary Address Southern Financial Association (SFA) Savannah, US.
Doukas, J. (June , 2002). Security Analysis, Agency Costs and Firm Characteristics Oral Presentation European Financial Management Association (EFMA London, UK.
Doukas, J. (June , 2001). Diversification, Cash Flows and Firm Value European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Lugano, SWITZERLAND.
Doukas, J. (April , 2001). Security Analysis, Agency Costs and Firm Characteristics Oral Presentation European Financial Management Association (EFMA Athens, Greece.
Doukas, J. ( 2000). The Implications of Layoff Announcements on CEO Pay: Evidence from the United Kingdom Paper European Accounting Association Munich, Germany.
Doukas, J. (November , 2000). Book-to-Market, Size and Analyst Coverage Characteristics: A Test of the Alternative Explanations of the Value Glamour Stocks Performance Keynote/Plenary Address Southern Financial Association (SFA) Savannah, US.
Doukas, J. (June , 2000). Long 鈥揟erm Performance of Initial Public Offerings: Venture Capitalists and Reputation of Investment Bankers Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Athens, Greece.
Doukas, J. (June , 2000). Security Analysis, Agency Costs and Firm Characteristics Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Athens, Greece.
Doukas, J. (June , 2000). A Test for the Alternative Explanations of the Value/Glamour Stock Returns Performance: Evidence from Analysts鈥 Forecasts Financial Management Association (FMA) Seattle, US.
Doukas, J. ( 1999). Short- and Long-term Performance of Forced Corporate re-Structuring: The Case of Non-Voluntary Foreign Asset Selloffs Paper 12th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference Sydney, Australia.
Doukas, J. ( 1999). The Agency cost of Debt of Multinational Firms Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Miami, FL.
Doukas, J. ( 1999). AShareholder Wealth Effects of International Listings and Delistings: Evidence for Foreign Stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Paris, France.
Doukas, J. ( 1999). Security Analysis, Agency costs, and Firm Characteristics Paper Financial Management Association (FMA) .
Doukas, J. ( 1999). Sherholder Wealth Effects of International Listings and Delistings: Evidence for Foreign Stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Paper Financial Management Association (FMA) .
Doukas, J. ( 1999). Hot Markets vs. Market Integration: Evidence for International Listings and Delistings on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Paper Northen Finance Association (NFA) Calgary, Canada.
Doukas, J. ( 1998). Multifactor Asset Pricing Analysis of International Value Investment Strategies Paper American Finance Association (AFA) Chicago,USA.
Doukas, J. ( 1998). Asset Pricing Analysis of International Value Investment Strategies Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Lisbon, Portugal.
Doukas, J. ( 1997). Exchange Rate Exposure, Stock Returns and the Pricing of Currency Risk in Japan Paper European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Istanbul, Turkey.
Doukas, J. ( 1997). Intangible Assets and the Network Structure of MNCs Paper Financial Management Association (FMA) Honolulu, USA.
Doukas, J. ( 1997). Multinational Firms= Agency Cost of Debt Financial Management Association (FMA) Honolulu, USA.
Doukas, J. ( 1997). The Corporate Effects of R&D Announcements: Evidence from Intra-Industry Analysis Paper Financial Management Association (FMA) Honolulu, USA.
Doukas, J. ( 1996). Currency Exposure of Japanese Firms and pricing of Exchange Rate Risk in the Japanese Equity Market 1996 APFA/PACAP Finance Conference/CFA Annual Meetings Taipei, Taiwan.
Doukas, J. ( 1996). Common Volatility in the Industrial Structure of Global Capital Markets European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Innsbruck, Austria.
Doukas, J. ( 1996). Currency Exposure of Japanese Firms and the Pricing of Exchange Rate Risk in the Japanese Equity Market Financial Management Association (FMA) New Orleans, USA .
Doukas, J. ( 1996). The Pricing of MNC鈥檚 Intangible Assets Financial Management Association (FMA) New Orleans, USA.
Doukas, J. ( 1996). 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues The Pricing of MNCs Intangible Assets Taipei, Taiwan.
Doukas, J. ( 1995). The Intertemporal Relationship Between European Country Funds and Stock Market Indices European Financial Management Association (EFMA) London, UK.
Doukas, J. ( 1994). Common Factor ARCH in the Term Structure of Euro CD Rates European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Maastricht, Netherlands.
Doukas, J. ( 1994). Forced Foreign Divestitures: Evidence form Complete and Partial Selloffs European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Maastricht, Netherlands.
Doukas, J. ( 1994). Pre and Post-October 1987 Stock Market Linkages Between U.S. and Asian Markets Sixth Annual PACAP Finance Conference Jakarta, Indonesia.
Doukas, J. ( 1993). Asian Equity Markets and the Role of Japan: A Study of Regional Capital Market Integration Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) New York, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1992). International Stock Market Linkages: Evidence from the Pre and Post-October 1987 Period European Finance Association Lisbon, Portugal.
Doukas, J. ( 1992). Integration of Euro-Money Markets European Financial Management Virginia Beach, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1991). International Portfolio Diversification and Capital Markets Integration-Segmentation: Evidence from ADRs Financial Management Association Chicago, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1990). Optimal Futures Hedging for Financial Intermediaries 5th Symposium on Money, Banking, Finance and Insurance Karlsruhe, Germany.
Doukas, J. ( 1990). Optimal Futures Contracts for Financial Intermediaries Eastern Finance Association Charleston, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1988). Economies of Scale in Branch Banking: Evidence from Canada European Economic Association Bologna, Italy.
Doukas, J. ( 1988). Market Structure and the Stock Market's Valuation of the R & D Programs of U.S. Firms European Finance Association Istanbul, Turkey.
Doukas, J. ( 1987). Syndicated Euro-Credit Sovereign Risk Assessments, Market Efficiency and Contagion Effects 4th Symposium on Money, Banking and Insurance Karlsruhe, W. Germany.
Doukas, J. ( 1987). Syndicated Euro- Credit Sovereign Risk Assessments and Market Efficiency Western Finance Association San Diego, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1986). Intraday Currency Futures Price Changes, Discount Rate Announcements, and Market Efficiency" Western Finance Association Colorado Springs, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1985). Sovereign Risk and International Lending Interactions American Economic Association New York, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1985). Perceived Risk of Default and Banks' International Lending Decisions North American Economics and Finance Association New York, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1985). Perceived Risk of Default and the Pattern of U.S. International Lending North American Economics and Finance Association New York, U.S.A., .
Doukas, J. ( 1985). A Model for Banks' International Lending: Some Empirical Evidence on the U.S. and the Japanese Banking System Western Finance Association Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1984). The Information Content of Weekly Supply Announcements and the Term Structure of Exchange Rates 3rd Symposium on Money Banking and Insurance Karlsruhe, W. Germany.
Doukas, J. ( 1984). The Rationality of Money Supply Expectations and the Can. $/U.S. $ Exchange Rate Response to Money Supply Announcements Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Guelph, Canada.
Doukas, J. ( 1984). The Rationality of Money Supply Expectations and Exchange Rate Responses to Money Supply Announcements American Economic Association Dallas, U.S.A.
Doukas, J. ( 1984). Determinants of Banks' International Lending: U.S. versus Japan Atlantic Economic Society Montreal, Canada.
Doukas, J. ( 1984). Exchange Rate Forecasting: A Time Series Analysis International Symposium on Forecasting London, U.K., .
Doukas, J. ( 1984). Exchange Rates and the Information Content of Money Supply Announcement International Symposium on Forecasting, London, U.K., July 1984 - "Exchange Rate Forecasting: A Time Series Analysis". Western Finance Association Vancouver, Canada.
Doukas, J. ( 1983). Currency Substitution Under Different Exchange Rate Systems Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Vancouver, Canada.
Doukas, J. ( 1983). A Comparative Analysis of Country Risk Assessment Systems: US vs. Japan Financial Management Association Atlanta, U.S.A.
  • 2016: 2015 Outstanding Paper Award: Emerald LiteratiNetwark, Emerald LiteratiNetwark
  • 2015: 2016 Review of Behavioral Finance Award, Review of Behavioral Finance
  • 2014: 2014 Outstanding Paper Award: Emerald LiteratiNetwark, Emerald LiteratiNetwark
  • 2013: 2014 Review of Behavioral Finance Award, Review of Behavioral Finance
  • 2009: Ranked 110thin the world among Finance Academics and Researchers ,
  • 2005: Ranked (176th) among the most prolific authors in finance, Journal of Finance Literature
  • 2004: Graham and Dodd Award , Financial Analysts Journal
  • 2002: Best Conference Paper Award 2002, Southern Finance Association (SFA)
  • 2002: CHF 15,000 research grant , The INQUIRE Institute for Quantitative Investment Research
  • 2002: Eminent Scholar, 麻豆传媒
  • 2001: $19,000 research grant from "The Leverhulme Trust', The Leverhulme Trust
  • 2001: Outstanding Faculty Research Award, 麻豆传媒
  • 2000: EFMA Service Award, The EFMA Board
  • 1999: ANBAR Citation of Excellence Award,
  • 1999: ANBAR Citation of Excellence Award,
  • 1999: Distinguished Senior Research Fellow, Cardiff Business School
  • 1999: Recipient of the FinanceWise Awards,
  • 1998: ANBAR Citation of Excellence Award,
  • 1998: Recipient of the FinanceWise Awards,
  • 1996: Best Conference Paper Award ,
  • 1994: Research Award, 麻豆传媒
  • 1986: Early promotion to the rank of Associate Professor of Finance, Concordia University (Canada)
  • 1978: Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantship , New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration
  • 1976: Graduate Fellowship , Central Bank of Greece
  • 1975: Graduated with honors and awarded a $5,000 , Athens University (Greece)