John Adam

NORFOLK, 23529

For a current list of publications and other information, go to
Dr. John A. Adam has been Professor of Mathematics at 麻豆传媒 since 1984. His Ph.D. from the University of London was in theoretical astrophysics (an exceedingly long time ago). As an undergraduate he was exposed to a concentrated diet of Monty Python鈥檚 Flying Circus, and he has never fully recovered, even at his advanced age. His first introduction to the USA was through the humor of The Far Side cartoons by Gary Larson. He has broad interests in mathematical modeling and applied mathematics, ranging from mathematical biology to meteorological optics. He is a frequent contributor to Earth Science Picture of the Day (). In 2007 he was winner of an Outstanding Faculty Award for the State of Virginia. In 2012 he was a recipient of a Carl B. Allendoerfer Award from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). The Award is made to authors of expository articles published in the MAA journal Mathematics Magazine. He has published approximately 110 papers in mathematical and scientific journals, and given over 160 talks and presentations to professional and university/college groups. He has written several books (all published by Princeton University Press): Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World, X and the City: Modeling Aspects of Urban Life and A Mathematical Nature Walk. He is also co-author (with physicist Lawrence Weinstein) of Guesstimation: Solving the World鈥檚 Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin. His latest book, Rays, Waves and Scattering: Topics in Classical Mathematical Physics was published in June 2017.

Ph.D. in Theoretical Astrophysics/Applied Mathematics, University of London, University College, (1975)

B.S. in Theoretical Physics, Queen Elizabeth College, University of London, (1971)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Adam, J. A. and McKinney, S. "FIPSE " $29,861. 2002 - 2005
Adam, J. A. and Williamson, K. "鈥淭he Virginia Center for Urban Education at 麻豆传媒: Engineering Graduate Fellows and Master Teachers for Grades 4-5鈥 " $11,000. 2002 - 2005
Bowers, R. S.. ""Mathematics Institute for Pre-algebra and Algebra Inservice Teachers" $47,000. 1994 - 1995
Bowers, R. and Cardinale, L. ""Planning a Middle School Teacher Institute for Hampton Roads: Integrating" $48,000. 1993 - 1994
Bowers, R. S.. ""Mathematics Institute for Pre-algebra and algebra Inservice Teachers"." $50,000. 1992 - 1993
Bowers, R. S.. ""Reshaping Middle Grades Education to Connect the Classroom to the Community" $57,000. 1991 - 1992
Barranco, S. ""Diagnostic Tests That Can Predict Cancer Treatment Responses" $75,000. 1990 - 1991
Adam, J. A. ""Mathematical Models of Solid and Partially Solid Tumor Growth by Diffusion" $50,000. 1989 - 1991
Adam, J. A. "Waves in Magnetic Flux Tubes: A Mathematical Study of Certain Direct and Inverse Problems" $51,000. - 1986
Adam, J. A. ""Linear Wave Motion and stability Theory in Solar Physics" $30,000. 1980 - 1983

Research Interests

Mathematical Theory of Waves; Magnetohydrodynamic Waves and Stability in Astrophysics; Spectral Theory of Singular Ordinary Differential Equations Arising in Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, especially in the context of cancer biology, and wound healing in bone, Meteorological Optics


Adam, J. A. (2017). . Virginia Mathematics Teacher 44 (1) , pp. 12-19.
Adam, J. A. and Nuntaplook, U. Morphology-dependent resonances in two concentric spheres with variable refractive index in the outer layer: analytic solutions. International journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics.
Adam, J. A. (2017). Mountain shadows revisited. Applied Optics 56 (19) , pp. G26鈥揋35.
Adam, J. A. Review of 鈥淭he Beauty of Numbers in Nature鈥 by Ian Stewart. SIAM Review.
Adam, J. A. (2017). An Example of Nature鈥檚 Mathematics: The Rainbow. The Virginia Mathematics Teacher 44 (1) , pp. 12-19.
Adam, J. A. and Pohrivchak, M. (2016). Evaluation of Ray - Path Integrals in Geometrical Optics. Int'l Journal of Applied and Experimental Mathematics 1 (108) , pp. 7.
Lock, J. A., Laven, P. and Adam, J. A. (2015). Scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave by a generalized Luneburg sphere鈥揚art 1: Ray scattering. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 162 , pp. 154鈥163.
Laven, P., Lock, J. A. and Adam, J. A. (2015). Scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave by a generalized Luneburg sphere鈥揚art 2: Wave scattering and time-domain scattering. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 162 , pp. 164鈥174.
Nuntaplook, U. and Adam, J. A. (2014). Scalar wave scattering by two-layer radial inhomogeneities. Applied Mathematics E-Notes 14 , pp. 185鈥192.
Adam, J. A. and Nuntaplook, U. (2013). Electromagnetic and Potential Scattering from a Radially Inhomogeneous Sphere.
Adam, J. A. (2011). Zero-order bows in radially inhomogeneous spheres: direct and inverse problems. Applied Optics 50 , pp. F50-F59.
Adam, J. A., Sokolowski, J. A. and Banks, C. M. (2009). A two-population insurgency in Colombia: Quasi-predator-prey models - A trend towards simplicity. Mathematical & Computer Modeling 49 , pp. 1115-1126.
Adam, J. A. (2008). Geometric optics and rainbows: generalization of a result by Huygens. Applied optics 47 (34) , pp. H11鈥揌13.
Adam, J. A. (2008). Rainbow, geometrical optics, and a generalization of a result of Huygens. Applied Optics 47 , pp. H11-H13.
Adam, J. A. and Laven, P. (2007). On rainbows from inhomogeneous transparent spheres: A ray-theoretic approach. Applied Optics 46 , pp. 922-929.
Adam, J. A. and Laven, P. (2007). Rainbows from inhomogeneous transparent spheres: a ray-theoretic approach. Applied optics 46 (6) , pp. 922鈥929.
Adam, J. A., Vermolen, F. and van Baaren, E. (2006). A simplified model for growth factor induced healing of circular wounds. Mathematical & Computer Modeling 44 , pp. 887-898.
Adam, J. A. (2005). Flowers of Ice聴Beauty, Symmetry, and Complexity: A Review of The Snowflake: Winter聮s Secret Beauty. Notices Amer. Math. Soc 52 , pp. 402-416 .
Adam, J. A. (2005). Mathematics in nature. modeling patterns in the natural world. The Mathematical Intelligencer 27 (2) , pp. 81鈥82.
Adam, J. A. (2004). Inside mathematical modeling: building models in the context of wound healing in bone. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 4 (1) , pp. 1鈥24.
Adam, J. A. (2003). Mathematical models of tumors and their remote metastases.. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Adam, J. A. (2002). Healing times for circular wounds on plane and spherical bone surfaces. Applied mathematics letters 15 (1) , pp. 55鈥58.
Adam, J. A. (2002). Like a Bridge over Colored Water: A Mathematical Review of The Rainbow Bridge: Rainbows in Art, Myth, and Science. Notices of the AMS 49 (11).
Bellomo, C. and Adam, J. A. (2002). Mathematical models of tumors and their remote metastases.. Kluwer Press.
Adam, J. A. (2002). The effect of surface curvature on wound healing in bone. Applied Mathematics Letters 15 (1) , pp. 59-62.
Adam, J. A. (2002). The effect of surface curvature on wound healing in bone: II. The critical size defect. Mathematical and Computer Modelling (35) , pp. 1085-1094.
Adam, J. A. (2002). The mathematical physics of rainbows and glories. Physics reports 356 (4) , pp. 229鈥365.
Adam, J. A. (1999). A simplified model of wound healing (with particular reference to the critical size defect). Mathematical and computer modelling 30 (5-6) , pp. 23鈥32.
Arnold, J. and Adam, J. A. (1999). A simplified model of wound healing II: The critical size defect in two dimensions. Mathematical and computer modelling 30 (11-12) , pp. 47鈥60.
Bellomo, C. and Adam, J. A. (1999). Post-surgical passive response of local environment to primary tumor removal II: Heterogeneous model. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 9 (04) , pp. 617鈥626.
Adam, J. A. (1998). (A note on) 2 the shape of the erythrocyte. Mathematical and computer modelling 27 (7) , pp. 73鈥77.
Adam, J. A. (1998). The Pekeris Waveguide: A Case Study in Classical Applied Mathematics. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 8 (01) , pp. 157鈥186.
Adam, J. A. and Ward, K. (1997). Limiting spheroid size as a function of growth factor source location. Applied Mathematics Letters 10 (3) , pp. 43鈥46.
Adam, J. A. and Bellomo, C. (1997). Post-surgical passive response of local environment to primary tumor removal. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 25 (6) , pp. 7鈥17.
Adam, J. A. and McKaig, I. (1997). Scattering from stellar acoustic-gravity potentials: II. Phase shifts via the first Born approximation. Applied Mathematics Letters 10 (3) , pp. 39鈥42.
Adam, J. A. (1996). Effects of vascularization on lymphocyte/tumor cell dynamics: Qualitative features. Mathematical and computer modelling 23 (6) , pp. 1鈥10.
Adam, J. A. (1996). Mathematical Models of Spheroid Growth and Catastrophe-Theoretic Description of Rapid Metastatic Growth/Remission. Invasion & metastasis 16 (4-5) , pp. 247鈥267.
Adam, J. A. (1996). N-Space, Dimensional Interface Phenomena and an Adventure in Flatland. Hyper space 5 (3) , pp. 10--23.
Panetta, J. Carl. and Adam, J. A. (1995). A mathematical model of cycle-specific chemotherapy. Mathematical and computer modelling 22 (2) , pp. 67鈥82.
Adam, J. A. and Panetta, J. (1995). A simple mathematical model and alternative paradigm for certain chemotherapeutic regimens. Mathematical and Computer modelling 22 (8) , pp. 49鈥60.
Adam, J. A. (1995). Educated Guesses. Quantum . Journal of Mathematics and Science.
Adam, J. A. (1994). Non-radial stellar oscillations: a perspective from potential scattering (I). Astrophysics and Space Science 220 (2) , pp. 179鈥233.
Adam, J. A. and Noren, R. (1993). Equilibrium model of a vascularized spherical carcinoma with central necrosis聴Some properties of the solution. Journal of mathematical biology 31 (7) , pp. 735鈥745.
McKaig, I. and Adam, J. A. (1993). Propagation of magnetoacoustic-gravity waves in a horizontally-stratified medium: IV. kinematics. Astrophysics and space science 202 (2) , pp. 259鈥271.
Adam, J. A. (1993). Scattering parameters for an Epstein profile in a half-space. Applied Mathematics Letters 6 (4) , pp. 13 - 15.
Adam, J. A. (1993). The dynamics of growth-factor-modified immune response to cancer growth: One dimensional models. Mathematical and Computer modelling 17 (3) , pp. 83鈥106.
Adam, J. A. (1993). The scattering potential for a polytrope of degree 5. Applied mathematics letters 6 (4) , pp. 9鈥11.
Adam, J. A. (1992). Solution uniqueness and stability criteria for a model of growth factor production. Applied mathematics letters 5 (2) , pp. 89鈥92.
Adam, J. A. (1991). Activator鈥揑nhibitor Control of Tissue Growth. SIAM Review 33 (3) , pp. 462鈥466.
Adam, J. A. (1991). Diffusion models of prevascular and vascular tumor growth. A review. Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math 131 , pp. 625--652.
Adam, J. A. (1991). Self Activation and Inhibition: Simple Nonlinear Model. Applied Mathematics Letters 4 (2) , pp. 85 87.
Adam, J. A. (1991). Self-activation and inhibition: The effect of a zero-flux boundary. Applied Mathematics Letters 4 (3) , pp. 45鈥47.
DeRise, G. and Adam, J. A. (1990). A generalisation of a solvable model in population dynamics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23 (14) , pp. L727S.
Adam, J. A. (1990). An initial value problem for magnetoatmospheric waves: I. Theory. Wave Motion 12 (4) , pp. 385鈥399.
Adam, J. A. and Maggelakis, S. (1990). Diffusion regulated growth characteristics of a spherical prevascular carcinoma. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 52 (4) , pp. 549鈥582.
Maggelakis, S. and Adam, J. A. (1990). Mathematical model of prevascular growth of a spherical carcinoma. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 13 (5) , pp. 23鈥38.
Maggelakis, S. A. and Adam, J. A. (1990). Note on a diffusion model of tissue growth. Applied Mathematics Letters 3 (1) , pp. 27鈥31.
Adam, J. A. and Maggelakis, S. A. (1989). A Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth. IV. Effects of a Necrotic Core. Mathematical Biosci (97) , pp. 121 136.
Adam, J. A. (1989). A nonlinear eigenvalue problem in astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics: Some properties of the spectrum. Journal of mathematical physics 30 (3) , pp. 744鈥756.
Adam, J. A. (1989). Mathematical computer and modelling reports. Mathematical and Computer Modelling: An International Journal 12 (7) , pp. 911.
Maggelakis, S. and Adam, J. A. (1989). Note on a class of nonlinear time independent diffusion equations. Applied Mathematics Letters 2 (2) , pp. 141鈥145.
Adam, J. A. (1989). Some results on the spectrum of a magnetoatmospheric wave operator. Applied Mathematics Letters 2 (1) , pp. 11鈥14.
Adam, J. A. (1988). A mathematical model of tumor growth by diffusion. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 11 , pp. 455鈥456.
Adam, J. A. (1988). Complementary levels of description in applied mathematics. III. Equilibrium models of cities. Math. Comput. Modelling (10) , pp. 321 339.
Adam, J. A. (1988). Integral invariants and complex eigenvalue bounds. Applied Mathematics Letters 1 (3) , pp. 203鈥206.
Adam, J. A. (1988). On complementary levels of description in applied mathematics II. Mathematical models in cancer biology. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 19 (4) , pp. 519鈥535.
Adam, J. A. (1988). On Liouville鈥檚 equation and its occurrence in mathematical astrophysics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 19 (6) , pp. 881鈥890.
Adam, J. A. (1987). A linear scattering problem in magnetohydrodynamics: Transmission resonances in a magnetic slab. Astrophysics and space science 133 (2) , pp. 317鈥337.
Adam, J. A. (1987). A mathematical model of tumor growth. II. Effects of geometry and spatial nonuniformity on stability. Mathematical Biosciences 86 (2) , pp. 183鈥211.
Adam, J. A. (1987). A mathematical model of tumor growth: III. Comparison with experiment. Mathematical Biosciences 86 , pp. 213 227.
Adam, J. A. (1986). A simplified mathematical model of tumor growth. Mathematical biosciences 81 (2) , pp. 229鈥244.
Adam, J. A. (1986). Critical layer singularities and complex eigenvalues in some differential equations of mathematical physics. Physics Reports 142 (5) , pp. 263鈥356.
Sedl谩cek, Z., Adam, J. A. and Roberts, B. (1986). Initial-value problem for the 1-D wave equation in an inhomogeneous medium. Institute of Plasma Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Report IPPCZ-268.
Adam, J. A. (1986). Spectral theory and stability in astrophysics. I. Ideal MHD. Astrophysics and space science 127 (1) , pp. 163鈥178.
Adam, J. A. (1986). Spectral theory and stability in astrophysics. II. Rotating stars. Astrophysics and space science 127 (1) , pp. 309 320.
Adam, J. A. (1985). On the spectrum of some singular equations in magnetohydrodynamics. Astrophysics and space science 114 (2) , pp. 249鈥258.
Adam, J. A. and Thomas, J. H. (1984). Magneto-atmospheric waves from a localized source. Astrophysics and space science 106 (1) , pp. 125鈥150.
Adam, J. A. (1984). On complementary levels of description in applied mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 15 (5) , pp. 667鈥673.
Adam, J. A. (1984). Some mathematical aspects of wave motion. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 15 (6) , pp. 719鈥725.
Adam, J. A. (1984). The critical layers and other singular regions in ideal hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics. Astrophysics and space science 105 (2) , pp. 401鈥412.
Cally, P. and Adam, J. A. (1983). Complex eigenvalue bounds in magnetoatmospheric shear flow. II. Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 23 (1) , pp. 57鈥67.
Cally, P. and Adam, J. A. (1983). On photospheric and chromospheric penumbral waves. Solar Physics 85 (1) , pp. 97鈥111.
Adam, J. A. (1982). A note on sigma-stability in hydromagnetics. Astrophysics and Space Science 82 (1) , pp. 115鈥121.
Adam, J. A. (1982). Asymptotic solutions and spectral theory of linear wave equations. Physics Reports 86 (5) , pp. 217鈥316.
Adam, J. A. (1982). Mathematical methods in linear inviscid hydrodynamic stability theory. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 13 (4) , pp. 405鈥422.
Adam, J. A. (1981). Mechanical wave-energy fluxin magnetoatmospheres: Discrete and continuous spectra. Astrophysics and Space Science 78 (2) , pp. 293鈥350.
Adam, J. A. (1980). Eigenvalue bounds in magnetoatmospheric shear flow. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 (10) , pp. 3325.
Adam, J. A. (1980). Maximum growth rate of magnetoatmospheric instabilities. II. A Hilbert space approach. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 (1) , pp. 373.
Adam, J. A. (1980). Some wave reflection problems in solar physics. Irish Astronomical Journal 14 , pp. 133鈥137.
Craik, A. D. D.. and Adam, J. A. (1979). 鈥楨xplosive鈥 resonant wave interactions in a three-layer fluid flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 92 (1) , pp. 15鈥33.
Adam, J. A. (1978). Evolution in space and time of resonant wave triads - I. The \textquoterightpump-wave approximation\textquoteright. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 363 (1713) , pp. 243--255.
Adam, J. A. (1978). Magnetohydrodynamic wave-energy flux in a stratified compressible atmosphere with shear. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 31 (1) , pp. 77鈥98.
Adam, J. A. (1978). Stability of aligned magnetoatmospheric flow. Journal of Plasma Physics 19 (1) , pp. 77鈥86.
Adam, J. A. (1977). Hydrodynamic instability of convectively unstable atmospheres in shear flow. Astrophysics and Space Science 50 (2) , pp. 493鈥514.
Adam, J. A. (1977). Maximum growth rates of magnetoatmospheric instabilities. Astrophysics and Space Science 47 (1) , pp. L5鈥揕7.
Adam, J. A. (1977). On the occurrence of critical levels in solar magnetohydrodynamics. Solar Physics 52 (2) , pp. 293鈥307.
Adam, J. A. (1977). Solar magnetoatmospheric waves-A simplified mathematical treatment. Astronomy and Astrophysics 60 , pp. 171鈥179.
Adam, J. A. (1977). Solutions of the inhomogeneous acoustic-gravity wave equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 10 (9) , pp. L169.
Adam, J. A. (1976). Alfven wave reflection at a density transition region. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 9 (12) , pp. L193.
Adam, J. A. (1975). Steady magnetogravity flow. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 28 (4) , pp. 397鈥403.
Adam, J. A. (1975). Viscous damping of nonlinear magneto-acoustic waves. Astrophysics and Space Science 36 (2) , pp. 479鈥487.


Adam, J. A. (2017). Rays, Waves, and Scattering: Topics in Classical Mathematical Physics. Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2012). A mathematical nature walk-Slovenian translation. Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2012). X and the City: Modeling Aspects of Urban Life. Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2011). A mathematical nature walk-Paperback Edition. Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2009). A Mathematical Nature Walk. Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2003). Mathematics in nature. modeling patterns in the natural world. Princeton University Press.
Bellomo, N. and Adam, J. A. (1997). A Survey of Models for Tumor Immune Systems Dynamics. Birkh盲user.

Book Chapters

Nuntaplook, U., Adam, J. A. and Pohrivchak, M. (2016). Some Wave-Theoretic Problems in Radially Inhomogeneous Media Light Scattering Reviews, Volume 11 (pp. 339鈥361) Springer.
Pohrivchak, M., Nuntaplook, U. and Adam, J. A. (2016). 鈥淩ay- and wave-theoretic problems in radially inhomogeneous media鈥 (pp. 339 鈥 361) Springer.
Pohrivchak, M., Nuntaplook, U. and Adam, J. A. (2016). 鈥淪cattering of Plane Electromagnetic Waves by Radially Inhomogeneous Spheres: Asymptotics and Special Functions鈥 Mathematical & Statistical Research with Applications to Physical & Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology (pp. 383 鈥 417) Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics.
Adam, J. A. (2015). Scattering of electromagnetic plane waves in radially inhomogeneous media: ray theory, exact solutions and connections with potential scattering theory Light Scattering Reviews 9 (pp. 101鈥132) Springer.
Adam, J. A. (2013). Rainbows in Homogeneous and Radially Inhomogeneous Spheres: Connections with Ray, Wave, and Potential Scattering Theory Advances in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Research (pp. 57鈥97) Springer.
Adam, J. A. (2009). A Mathematical City Walk Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2008). Mathematics in Nature, Readings in Mathematics Springer.
Adam, J. A. and Weinstein, L. B. (2008). Guesstimation - Solving the World's Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin Princeton University Press.
Vermolen, F., van Rossum, M. WG., Perez, E. Javierre. and Adam, J. A. (2007). Modeling of Self Healing of Skin Tissue Self Healing Materials (pp. 337鈥363) Springer.
Vermolen, F. J., van Rossum, W. G., Javierre, E. and Adam, J. A. (2007). Modeling of self-healing of skin tissue. In:Self-healing materials: An alternative approach to 20 centuries of materials science Springer.
Adam, J. A. (2006). Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2005). Instructor's Manual for Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World Princeton University Press.
Adam, J. A. (2003). Mathematical models of tumor growth: from empirical description to biological mechanism Mathematical Modeling in Nutrition and the Health Sciences (pp. 287鈥300) Springer.
Adam, J. A. (1997). General aspects of modeling tumor growth and immune response A survey of models for tumor-immune system dynamics (pp. 15鈥87) Springer.

Conference Proceeding

LOCK, J. A., LAVEN, P. and Adam, J. A. (2014). Scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave by a radially inhomogeneous generalized Luneburg lens LIP2014 conference contribution.
Vermolen, F. J. and Adam, J. A. (2007). A finite element model for epidermal wound healing International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 70鈥77).
Vermolen, F. J. and Adam, J. A. (2007). A finite element model for epidermal wound healing involving angiogenesis. In: Proceedings Part 1, of the ICCS Conference Beijing: Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
Vermolen, F. J., van Rossum, W. G., Javierre, E. and Adam, J. A. (2007). A numerical model for epidermal wound healing Ibiza: Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Conference on Coupled Problems.
Adam, J. A. (2000). A mathematical model of wound healing in bone Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS 鈥00) (pp. 97-103).
Adam, J. A. (2000). Nutrient concentration in and around a vascularized tumor with a necrotic core Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS 鈥00) (pp. 105-110) Las Vegas:.
Panetta, J. Carl., Chaplain, M. and Adam, J. A. (1999). The mathematical modelling of cancer: a review Paper presented at the 1997鈥橧nternational Conference on Mathematical Models in Medical and Health Sciences鈥 Nashville, 28th-31st, May 1997 (pp. 281-310) Vanderbilt University Press.
Adam, J. A. and Cally, P. (1983). Photospheric and Chromospheric Penumbral Waves (pp. 706) Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society.


Adam, J. A. (April 21, 2018). Mountain Shadows and Glitter Paths Revisited Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒 Mathematics Awareness Conference Norfolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (September , 2017). Patterns in Nature: A Treasure Trove for the Curious Keynote/Plenary Address Modern Technology and Management Institute Conference Virginia Beach.
Adam, J. A. (July , 2017). Patterns in Nature: A Treasure Trove for the Curious Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒 Science Club Caf茅 Norfolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2017). Patterns in Nature: A Treasure Trove for the Curious Keynote/Plenary Address "Claim Your Curiosity" Conference Macon, GA.
Adam, J. A. ( 2016). Rays, Waves and Rainbows: A brief tour through some mathematical history Paper Regional Mathematical Association of America Meeting .
Adam, J. A. (March 18, 2016). Teaching Mathematical Science from Nature鈥檚 鈥楤ook鈥 in a Secular Environment Paper Faith & Science Conference Virginia Beach.
(July 30, 2015). Natural Mathematics: Can we 鈥榰se鈥 Nature to interest Students in Mathematical Patterns?鈥 Keynote/Plenary Address Kempsville High School.
(April , 2015). "Mathematical Patterns in Nature: A Talk Your Mother Would Love Coleraine Campus, N. Ireland.
(March , 2014). 鈥淕uesstimation, Fermi problems and the geometric mean鈥 Oral Presentation Norfolk, Campus.
Adam, J. A. (December , 2013). Rays, Waves and Rainbows Oral Presentation University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Adam, J. A. (December , 2013). Rays, Waves and Rainbows Oral Presentation University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Adam, J. A. (October , 2013). Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation Annual Conference of the Association for Constructivist Teaching National Museum of Mathematics, NYC.
Adam, J. A. (October , 2013). X and the City: "Arithmetic" Oral Presentation Science Evenings with IDEAS Hofstra University.
Adam, J. A. (August , 2013). The Heiligenschein Oral Presentation International Light and Color in Nature Fairbanks, AK.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2013). The Mathematical Basis of a Universal 鈥楲aw of Quarter Powers鈥 for Critters, Large and Small Oral Presentation Petersburg, VA.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2013). X and the City: Modeling Aspects of Urban Life Oral Presentation Fairfield University, CT.
Adam, J. A. (January , 2013). X and the City Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒-VBHEC .
Adam, J. A. (October , 2012). Rainbows鈥 in homogeneous and radially inhomogeneous spheres: connections with ray, wave and potential scattering theory Oral Presentation South-Eastern Regional Conference on Differential Equations Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Adam, J. A. (August , 2012). Zero-order 'rainbows', electromagnetic wave equations and poles of the scattering matrix: what's all that about? Oral Presentation Mathematical Association of America Madison, WI.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2012). X and the City: The mathematics of urban life Oral Presentation RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) John Adam Street in London.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2012). X and the City: The mathematics of urban life Oral Presentation The World Today program .
Adam, J. A. (April , 2012). Noticing Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation 0th Annual Colonial Academic Alliance U/G Research Conference 麻豆传媒.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2012). Noticing Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation Hampden-Sydney University, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2012). Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematical Modeling at the Undergraduate Level Oral Presentation University of Washington.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2012). Using Humor in the Classroom: Does it Aid Understanding? Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2012). Using Humor in the Classroom: Does it Aid Understanding? Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2012). Direct and Inverse problems for Radially Inhomogeneous Spheres, with applications to Rainbow Refractometry and Optical Fiber studies Oral Presentation Virginia State University.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2012). Guesstimation: 鈥楤allpark鈥 Numbers, the Geometric Mean and the Goldilocks Principle Oral Presentation 30th Anniversary Conference of the National Institute for Learning Development Orlando, FL.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2012). Noticing Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation 30th Anniversary Conference of the National Institute for Learning Development Orlando, FL.
Adams Tufts, K. (June , 2011). Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation 4th Annual Summer Mathematics Institute School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2011). Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation Pacific Northwest Section of the Mathematical Association of America University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2010). Waves" of healing, the critical size defect and keloid scars: some speculation Oral Presentation 1065th meeting of the American Mathematical Society University of Richmond, VA.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2010). Ballpark" Numbers, the Geometric Mean and the Goldilocks Principle Oral Presentation ASCI (Association of Christian Schools International) New England Educator Convention in Sturbridge, MA.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2010). Majestic Themes in Nature and Scripture: Mathematical Patterns in Nature Oral Presentation ASCI (Association of Christian Schools International) New England Educator Convention in Sturbridge, MA.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2010). "Guestimation, Fermi Problems and the Goldilocks Principle, and Mathematical Patterns in Nature Richmond, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2010). "On the existence of single and twin primary zero-order rainbows in radially inhomogeneous spheres 10th International Conference on Light and Color in Atmosphere St. Mary's City, MD.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2010). "A Mathematical Nature Walk 26th Anja S. Greer Conference on Mathematics, Science & Technology Exeter, NH.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2010). Fermi problems and estimation: The power of arithmetic: the Goldilocks Principle and the geometric mean Falls Church.
(March , 2010). "A Mathematical Nature Walk" Oren, Utah.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2010). Mathematical Paterns in Nature Newport News.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2010). Mathematical patterns in nature Mu Alpha Theta Induction Ceremony Richmond, VA.
Adam, J. A. (December , 2009). Noticing mathematical patterns in nature 2009 Northeast Regional Conference Lancaster, PA.
Adam, J. A. ( 2009). Fermi problems, guesstimation and the Goldilocks principle Amerigroup Corporation Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2009). Noticing nature's wonderful patterns Norfolk Chapter of the American Association of University Women Meeting Nofolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (October , 2009). "Waves" of healing, the critical size defect and keloid scars: Some speculation Delft Symposium on Mathematical Models for Wound Healing Netherlands.
Adam, J. A. (October , 2009). A mathematical nature walk Greater Richmond Council of Teachers of Mathematics Midlothian, VA.
Adam, J. A. (September , 2009). Mathematical patterns in nature Noblis Organization Falls Church, VA.
Adam, J. A. (August , 2009). Guesstimation, fermi problems and the Goldilocks principle Engineer's Club of the Virginia Peninsula Newport News, VA.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2009). Guesstimation Math Awareness Week Davie, Florida.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2009). Guesstimation Math Department Pi Mu Epsilon induction ceremony .
Adam, J. A. (March , 2009). Mathematical models of bird eggs: a case study for Calculus III students Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 30th Annual Mathematics Conference Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2009). Using mathematical models of bird eggs as a 'case study' across the Calculus syllabus (I,II,III) 2009 Joint Meeting of the Florida Section of the Mathematical Association of American and the Florida Two-Year College Mathematics Association Meeting Ft. Myers, FL.
Adam, J. A. (January , 2009). Guesstimation, fermi problems and the Goldilocks principle Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory A.I. Mahan Colloquium .
Adam, J. A. (November , 2008). Mathematical patterns in nature 34th Annual Conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Washington, DC.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2008). A "toy" ODE model for the onset of cancer, and guesstimation: Orders of magnitude and the Goldilock's principle Mathematics Undergraduate Lecture Series Charlottesville, VA.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2008). Patterns in nature Scientific Colloquium Series Greenbelt, MD.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2008). Mathematical patterns in nature Williamsburg, VA.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2008). Mathematical patterns in nature Richmond, VA.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2008). Mathematical models for wound healing on a hemi-spherical calvarium: The critical size defect Spring South East Meeting of the American Mathematical Society at LSU Baton Rouge, LA.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2007). Noah's arc: Asin in the sky 9th International Meeting on Light and Color in Nature Bozeman, Montana.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2007). Mathematics in nature 2007 Virginia Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges Conference Hampton, VA.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2007). The rainbow: Portraits in art, culture and science New Hampshire.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2007). Patterns in nature Springdale, Utah.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2007). Patterns in nature University of Nevada Forum Las Vegas, Nevada.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2006). Mathematics in nature Fall meeting of the Tidewater Council of Teachers of Mathematics .
Adam, J. A. (November , 2006). Mathematics in nature Fall meeting of the Tidewater Council of Teachers of Mathematics .
Adam, J. A. (November , 2006). Mathematics - its beauty, power and applicability: Elementary examples from nature and life Norfolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2006). Mathematics - its beauty, power and applicability: Elementary examples from nature and life Anja S. Greer Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Exeter, NH.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2006). A simplified mathematical model for growth factor induced wound healing 麻豆传媒/NSU/EVMS Research Expo 2006 Constant Convocation Center, Norfolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2006). On rainbows from inhomogeneous transparent spheres: A ray-theoretic approach 麻豆传媒/NSU/EVMS Research Expo 2006 Constant Convocation Center, Norfolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2006). Nature's beauty: Some reflections and refractions Natural Science and Mathematics Colloquium Series .
Adam, J. A. (February , 2006). Patterns in nature Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the National Institute for Learning Disabilities Portsmouth, VA.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2006). Patterns in nature Norfolk, VA.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2005). Rainbows, halos and glories Hampton, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2005). Patterns around us - life at the base of the atmosphere Hourly and Classified Employees 29th Annual Luncheon .
Adam, J. A. (May , 2005). Mathematical models in cancer biology: Philosophy, methodology, utility and limitations Integrative Cancer Biology Program Minisymposium Berkeley, CA.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2005). Modeling nature's patterns PenCTM annual dinner (Peninsula Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Newport News, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2005). Mathematical patterns in nature: Some general notions Spring Arts Festival (Theme: The Art in Science) .
Adam, J. A. (April , 2005). Mathematical patterns in nature: Some theoretical concepts Spring Arts Festival (Theme: The Art in Science) .
Adam, J. A. (February , 2005). "Patterns in Nature" Virginia Beach Higher Ed Center.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2004). A Simple Mathematical Model of the Rainbow Oral Presentation Norfolk Public School.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2004). Mathematics in Nature: Some Thoughts on Course Development Oral Presentation 327th WE-Heraeus Seminar Bonn/Germany.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2004). The Rainbow: a Historico-Mathematical Synopsis Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒 Photonics Conference .
Adam, J. A. (April , 2004). Developing Mathematical Models in Cancer Biology: Some Personal Reflections Oral Presentation Mathematical Oncology at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences University of Toronto.
Adam, J. A. (October , 2003). Can "Tunneling" Occur Between Cancer-Free and Cancerous States? Oral Presentation American Mathematical Society Special Session on Mathematical Modeling Physiology and Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill.
Adam, J. A. (October , 2003). Patterns, Principles and Poetry in Nature: Some Observations Oral Presentation Math and Science Colloquium of St. Mary's College, MD.
Adam, J. A. (April , 2003). Patterns, Principles and Poetry in Nature: Some Observations Paper Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at 麻豆传媒.
Adam, J. A. (March , 2003). Mathematics in Nature Oral Presentation Norfolk State University.
Adam, J. A. (December , 2002). Introductory Applied Mathematics I & II Oral Presentation Douglass Park Elementary School.
Adam, J. A. (November , 2002). 鈥淢ath in Nature鈥 at the Friends of the Library Fall Forum Oral Presentation .
Adam, J. A. (October , 2002). Mathematics in Nature鈥 at the CHROME Oral Presentation Math & Science Across the Curriculum NSU.
Adam, J. A. (September , 2002). Inside Mathematical Modeling: Building Models in the Context of Wound Healing in Bone Oral Presentation Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 麻豆传媒.
Adam, J. A. (May , 2002). The effect of surface curvature on wound healing in bone: II. The critical size defect Oral Presentation Mathematical Models in Cancer Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2001). Human blood, melting ice and rainfall: the arithmetic of fluidity and the fluidity of arithmetic Oral Presentation Thomas nelson Community College, Hampton, VA.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2001). Mathematical models of tumor growth: from empirical description to biological mechanism Oral Presentation Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Georgia Southern University.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2001). Paper folding, growth of bacteria and other simple applications of exponential functions Oral Presentation Bayside Middle School.
Adam, J. A. (February , 2001). The mathematical physics of rainbows and glories Oral Presentation Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Georgia Southern University.
Adam, J. A. (January , 2001). Human blood, melting ice and rainfall: the arithmetic of fluidity and the fluidity of arithmetic Oral Presentation Virginia Beach Higher Education Center.
Adam, J. A. (January , 2001). Meteor impacts and hurricanes: how to waste a lot of energy Oral Presentation Virginia Beach Higher Education Center.
Adam, J. A. (July , 2000). A mathematical model of wound healing in bone Oral Presentation 2000 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS 鈥00) Las Vegas.
Adam, J. A. (July , 2000). Mathematical models of tumor growth: from empirical description to biological mechanism Oral Presentation 7th workshop on Mathematical Modeling in Nutrition and Health Sciences Penn State.
Adam, J. A. (June , 2000). A mathematical model of wound healing in bone Oral Presentation Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS 鈥00), Las Vegas.
Adam, J. A. (November , 1999). The Mathematical Physics of Rainbows Oral Presentation Richard Barry Mathematics Colloquium High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado.
(October , 1999). The Mathematical Physics of Rainbows Oral Presentation High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado.
Adam, J. A. (March , 1999). Model Building in Cancer Biology: Are Conceptual Models Useful? Oral Presentation Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.
Adam, J. A. (March , 1999). Model Building in Cancer Biology: Are Conceptual Models Useful? Oral Presentation Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.
Adam, J. A. (February , 1999). Modeling Cancer Progression Oral Presentation Mathematical Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany.
Adam, J. A. (February , 1999). Modeling Cancer Progression Oral Presentation Mathematical Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany.
Adam, J. A. (November , 1998). Mathematical models of tumor growth: from empirical description to biological mechanism Oral Presentation Cancer Minisymposium University of Minnesota Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, MN.
Adam, J. A. (November , 1998). School of Science, Pennsylvania State University, Erie Campus Oral Presentation Cancer Minisymposium University of Minnesota Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, MN.
Adam, J. A. (May , 1998). A Simple Mathematical Model with Profound Consequences Oral Presentation School of Science, Pennsylvania State University, Erie Campus.
Adam, J. A. (February , 1998). Estimation: Its Importance and Methods Oral Presentation Tallwood HS, Va. Beach.
Adam, J. A. (October , 1997). A Simple Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation Model of Rapid Tumor Growth/Remission via a Cusp Catastrophe Oral Presentation Annual Ocean Lakes HS Conference on 鈥淢athematical Connections鈥 Va. Beach.
Adam, J. A. (August , 1997). A Cusp-Catastrophe Model of Rapid Metastatic Tumor Growth/Remission Oral Presentation Society for Mathematical Biology UNC Raleigh.
Adam, J. A. (May , 1997). A Cusp-Catastrophe Model of Rapid Metastatic Tumor Growth/Remission Oral Presentation International Conference on Mathematical Models in Medicine and the Health Sciences Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Adam, J. A. (April , 1997). A Cusp-Catastrophe Model of Rapid Metastatic Tumor Growth/Remission Oral Presentation MD/DC/VA Section of the MAA Spring Meeting College of William and Mary.
Adam, J. A. ( 1996). workshops on Mathematical Modeling Other Norfolk Public H.S..
Adam, J. A. (August , 1996). Mathematical Models and Metaphors in Cancer Biology Oral Presentation Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting U. of W., Seattle, WA.
Adam, J. A. (July , 1996). Modeling with Difference Equations, and How I Came to Love Them Oral Presentation Ocean Lakes High School Math Teachers' Workshop, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. (April , 1996). Mathematical Models and Metaphors in Cancer Research Oral Presentation Department of Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn..
Adam, J. A. (April , 1996). Quantity, Uncertainty and Change Oral Presentation Keynote Speaker at the Peninsular NCTM Spring Banquet.
Adam, J. A. (November , 1995). Catastrophe and Chaos - The Mathematicians Contribution to Biology 麻豆传媒 Biology Dept. Seminar.
Adam, J. A. (April , 1995). Mathematical Models and Metaphors of Tumor Growth and Vascularization Oral Presentation M.A.A. Regional Meeting Thomas Nelson Community College, Hampton, Va.
Adam, J. A. (February , 1995). Mathematical Models and Metaphors of Tumor Growth: A Speculative Overview Oral Presentation .
Adam, J. A. (January , 1995). Some Aspects of Wave Motion in Astrophysics Oral Presentation .
Adam, J. A. (April , 1994). Teaching for a World of Technology Oral Presentation Maury High School, Airport Hilton, Norfolk.
Adam, J. A. (January , 1994). Dimensional Analysis in Mathematical Modeling: The Buckingham Pi Theorem and some of its Applications Oral Presentation Making Math Connections II" Conference, Thomas Nelson Community College.
Adam, J. A. (February , 1993). Making Math Connections Lecture Thomas Nelson Community College, Hampton, Va..
Adam, J. A. (February , 1993). V-QUEST Second Annual Conference Oral Presentation Second Annual Conference Norfolk, Va..
Adam, J. A. (November , 1992). Estimation, Critical Thinking, and the Teaching of Mathematical Modellng Oral Presentation Conference on Post-Secondary Pedagogy Albany, N.Y..
Adam, J. A. (March , 1992). Non-Radial Stellar Oscillations: A Quantum Mechanical Approach Oral Presentation International Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Georgia Tech.
Adam, J. A. (July , 1991). Self Activation and Inhibition of Tissue Growth Oral Presentation ICIAM, Washington D.C..
(January , 1991). Mangasarian's Multisurface Method of Pattern Separation for Medical Diagnosis applied to Breast Cytology Oral Presentation Clinical Cancer Research Group, 麻豆传媒.
Adam, J. A. (January , 1991). Mathematical Modeling in Biology with Applications to Cancer Research Oral Presentation Stanford Research Institute.
Adam, J. A. (November , 1990). Nonlinear Model of Self-Activation and Inhibition Oral Presentation 10th S.E. Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations Virginia Tech.
Adam, J. A. (October , 1990). Magnetoacoustic-Gravity Waves and their (Ir)relevance to Solar Physics: an overview Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒 Department of Physics Colloquium.
Adam, J. A. (July , 1990). Modeling Growth Inhibitory/Stimulatory Factors in Cancerous/Normal Tissue Oral Presentation SIAM Annual Meeting Chicago.
Adam, J. A. ( 1989). Nonlinear Diffusion Problem in Cancer Biology Oral Presentation 9th S.E. Atlantic Conference on Differential Equations UNC Charlotte.
Adam, J. A. (May , 1989). Diffusion Models of Prevascular and Vascular Tumor Growth - Review Oral Presentation 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics Rutgers University.
Adam, J. A. ( 1988). Acoustic-Gravity Waves in a Spherically Stratified Atmosphere: Generalized Schrodinger Equation Oral Presentation 8th Regional Conference on Differential Equations University of Georgia.
Adam, J. A. (October , 1987). Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth by Diffusion Oral Presentation Combined Mid-West-SouthEast Conference on Differential Equations Vanderbilt University.
Adam, J. A. (October , 1987). Some Properties of the Spectrum of a Differential Operator in Solar Magnetohydrodynamics Oral Presentation Combined Mid-West-SouthEast Conference on Differential Equations Vanderbilt University.
Adam, J. A. (August , 1987). Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth by Diffusion Oral Presentation 6th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling St. Louis.
Adam, J. A. ( 1986). A nonlinear eigenvalue problem in astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics Oral Presentation International Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics University of Alabama, Birmingham.
Adam, J. A. (October , 1986). Some singular differential equations in plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics Oral Presentation Mathematics Department, Virginia Tech.
Adam, J. A. (January , 1985). Mathematical models of solid tumor growth by diffusion Oral Presentation University of Rochester Cancer Center.
Adam, J. A. (June , 1984). Magnetoatmospheric waves from a localized source Oral Presentation SIAM National Meeting University of Washington.
Adam, J. A. (May , 1984). Mathematical models of solid tumor growth by diffusion Oral Presentation Eastern Virginia Medical School.
Adam, J. A. ( 1983). Photospheric and chromospheric penumbral waves Oral Presentation American Astronomical Society Meeting, Pasadena, California.
Adam, J. A. ( 1983). Singular differential equations and complex eigenvalues in hydrodynamics Oral Presentation 麻豆传媒, Norfolk, Virginia.
Adam, J. A. ( 1983). Singular differential equations and complex eigenvalues in hydrodynamics Oral Presentation Department of Mathematics, University of Rochester.
Adam, J. A. ( 1983). Singular differential equations and critical levels Oral Presentation Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester.
Adam, J. A. ( 1983). Some mathematical aspects of wave motion Oral Presentation Department of Mathematics, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Adam, J. A. ( 1983). Some singular differential equations in magentohydrodynamics Oral Presentation Department of Mathematics, Clarkson College, New York.
Adam, J. A. ( 1981). Some comments of magnetoatmospheric critical levels Oral Presentation University of St. Andrew.
Adam, J. A. (April , 1981). Mechanical wave energy flux in magnetoatmospheres Oral Presentation University of Bradford.
Adam, J. A. ( 1980). On the nature of mathematical statements Oral Presentation Dept. of Mathematics, Ulster Polytechnic, Belfast.
Adam, J. A. (March , 1980). Yet another paper on Howard's semicircle theorem: a semidumbell theorem Oral Presentation University of Cambridge.
Adam, J. A. ( 1979). Wave reflection and stability in astrophysics Oral Presentation Dept. Applied Mathematics, Queen's University, Belfast.
Adam, J. A. ( 1978). Asymptotic solutions of astrophysical wave equations Oral Presentation University College Dublin, Dept. of Mathematical Physics..
Adam, J. A. (May , 1978). Mathematical theory of Alfven wave reflection Oral Presentation Irish Astronomical Society Meeting New University of Ulster.
Adam, J. A. (April , 1978). The space-time evolution of resonant wave triads - the pump wave approximation Oral Presentation University of Sheffield.
Adam, J. A. (September , 1977). Magnetoatmospheric wave heating of a chromospheric plasma Oral Presentation Royal Society meeting (London) on Solar Physics .
Adam, J. A. (September , 1977). Shear instabilities in chromospheric flow systems Oral Presentation Royal Society meeting (London) on Solar Physics .
Adam, J. A. (April , 1977). Magnetohydrodynamic wave energy flux Oral Presentation Symposium, University of Edinburgh.
(March , 1977). Some results in magnetoatmospheric stability theory Oral Presentation University of Hull.
Adam, J. A. ( 1975). Asymptotic solutions of a magnetoatmospheric wave equation Oral Presentation University of St. Andrews, Dept. of Applied Mathematics.
Adam, J. A. ( 1974). Wave propagation problems in solar physics University of Sussex, Department of Astronomy..
Adam, J. A. ( 1973). Magnetoacoustic-gravity waves in the presence of a horizontal magnetic field Oral Presentation Symposium on Solar Physics, University College London.
  • Mathematics and Statistics Professional/Scholarly Award, Association of American Publishers
  • 2012: Carl B. Allendoerfer Award , Mathematical Association of America
  • 2009: Outstanding Faculty Members, 麻豆传媒
  • 2007: Outstanding Faculty Award for the State of Virginia, Commonwealth of Virginia
  • 2004: Outstanding Academic Title (Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World), Choice
  • 1999: Designated University Professor, 麻豆传媒
  • 1990: Gene W. Hirschfeld Award for Faculty Excellence in Teaching, Research and Service, 麻豆传媒
  • 1989: Listed in "American Men and Women of Science",
  • 1983: Fullbright Scholar,