Jaewan Yoon
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, North Dakota State University, (1993)
M.S. in Civil Engineering, North Dakota State University, (1990)
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Dongguk University, (1984)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Yoon, J. "SDI/HRxME Update Project" $4,250. January 1, 2009 - May 15, 2009
- Yoon, J., Chaturvedi, S. K., Akan, O. and zahorian, S. "Simulation and Visualization Enhanced Engineering Education" $100,000. Federal. January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2008
- Yoon, J. "Calibration of a Three-Dimensional, Numerical Hydrodynamic Model of the Mattaponi Tidal Estuary, Virginia" $15,231. Local. September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008
- Yoon, J. "Development of InterConnectivity Enhancement (ICE) in VDOT GDBMS Framework," $80,000. State. July 1, 2007 - May 15, 2008
- Schafran, G. and Yoon, J. "Reservoir Control and Maintenance to Meet Production/Water Quality Goals" $437,500. July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2007
- Yoon, J. "Development of InterConnectivity Enhancement (ICE) in VDOT GDBMS Framework" $80,000. State. July 1, 2006 - May 15, 2007
- Erten-Unal, M., Yoon, J. and Bao, H. P. "Pollution Prevention Information Network" $127,461. Federal. January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006
- Yoon, J. "Development of Bilateral Data Transferability (BDT) in VDOT GDBMS Framework" $75,000. State. July 1, 2005 - May 30, 2006
- Pinto, C. Ariel., Erten-Unal, M., Yoon, J. and Louis, G. "Community Partnership Towards Understanding and Prioritization of Risks from Toxic Pollutants in the Elizabeth River Watershed" $89,997. Federal. -
- Yoon, J. "Development of Geotechnical Analysis and Design Modules (ADM) for VDOT Geotechnical Database (GDBMS)" $117,231. July 20, 2004 - May 15, 2005
- Yoon, J. "VDOT Statewide Geotechnical Database Management System (GDBMS) Framework for Woodrow Wilson Bridge and Route 1 Interchange (WWB)" $78,138. State. June 20, 2003 - May 15, 2004
- Erten-Unal, M., Yoon, J. and Kaufman, P. "Center for Sustainable Development" $30,136. State. July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2003
- Erten-Unal, M., Yoon, J. and Kaufman, P. "鈥淐enter for Sustainable Development,鈥" $30,136. State. July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2003
- Yoon, J. and Basco, D. R. "Numerical Modeling" $4,131. Private. August 16, 2002 - December 31, 2002
- Ishibashi, I. and Yoon, J. "Pilot Study of VDOT Geotechnical Database Management System (GDBMS) " $72,837. 2002 - 2002
- Yoon, J. "Pilot Study of VDOT Geotechnical Database Management System (GDBMS) Framework for Third Hampton Roads Crossing Project (HR3X)" $73,337. State. July 1, 2002 - December 7, 2002
- Schafran, G. and Yoon, J. "鈥淓valuate Pilot and Full Scale Treatment Processes to Remove TBT from Industrial Waste Water,鈥" $1,280,000. August 31, 2001 - September 1, 2002
- Yoon, J. and Basco, D. R. "Beach Renourishment Dam Neck" $6,500. Private. January 15, 2002 - August 15, 2002
- Schafran, G., Yoon, J. and Fox, T. "鈥淧roposal to Evaluate Pilot and Full-Scale Treatment Processes to Remove TBT from Industrial Wastewater,鈥" $61,214. Federal. May 1, 2001 - July 1, 2002
- Ishibashi, I. and Yoon, J. "Feasibility Study of VDOT Geotechnical Database Management System (GDBMS) " $15,236. 2001 - 2001
- Ishibashi, I. and Yoon, J. "鈥淔easibility Study of VDOT Geotechnical Database Management System (GDBMS),鈥" $15,236. August 16, 2001 - November 15, 2001
- Yoon, J. "Development of a Base Geographic Information System (GIS)-based Facility Management/Automated Mapping (FM/AM) System for the Virginia Port Authority (VPA)" $61,214. State. July 1, 1999 - November 1, 2000
- Yoon, J. "City of Portsmouth Water Distribution Network Uni-Directional Flushing Field Procedure Protocols Development Using Geographic Information System, 2nd Phase" $12,815. June 1998 - October 1998
Research Interests
Stochasticity in Water ResourcesWater Quality Management and ModelingDiffusive/Dispersive Substance Fate and TransportMacro- and Meso-scale Spatiotemporal SimulationStatistical Characterization and Optimization
- Hoppe, E., Yoon, J. and Whitehouse, D. (2011). Geotechnical Data Management at the Virginia Department of Transportation. Transportation Research Bullentin.
- Yoon, J. and Wright, N. (2007). Application of GIS Technologies in Port Facilities and Operations Management. ASCE Ports and Harbors Committee/CORPRI Committee, GIS Subcommittees.
- Yoon, J., Brebbia, C. and Pascolo, P. (2004). "Development of a Dynamic, Distributed Transportation Geotechnical Database Management System Framework,". Fourth International conference on MIS2004,.
- Yoon, J. (2000). "Spatiotemporal Waste Load Allocation (WLA) Protocols for Regulatory Water Quality,". Computational Mechanics Publications.
- Yoon, J. (1998). "Watershed-Scale Nonpoint Source Pollution Management based on Spatiotempotal Distributed Parameter Model and GIS Linkage,". Computational Mechanics Publications.
Book Chapters
- Yoon, J. (2007). Chapter I. Introduction, Application of GIS Technologies in Port Facilities andOperations Management ASCE Technical White Paper,ASCE Ports and Harbors Committee/COPRI Committee, GIS Subcommittee, American Society of Civil Engineers Reston: ASCE Technical White Paper.
- Yoon, J. and Wright, N. (2007). Chapter III. Implementation of Port Facility GIS Systems, Application of GIS Technologies in Port Facilities and Operations Management, ASCE Technical White Paper, ASCE Ports and Harbors Committee/COPRI Committee, GIS Subcommittee, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston: ASCE Technical White Paper.
Conference Proceeding
- Turner, J., Cole, K. and Yoon, J. (2011). Assessment of the Mummichog (Fundulus Heteroclitus) as an Indicator of Environmental Contamination Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA).
- Long, S., Seelenbinder, E. and Yoon, J. (2011). Evaluating Site Selection, Monitoring Guidelines and Alternative Substrates for Oyster Reef Restoration Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA).
- Shahvari, A., Damalie, R. and Yoon, J. (2011). Numerical Dispersive Flux Modeling Study for RO Brine Waste Discharge under Tidal Currents Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA).
- Walker, R., Price, N. and Yoon, J. (2010). Probabilistic Analysis of Dispersive Estuarine F. Enterococcus Transport and Fate along Banks Channel in Wrightsville Beach, NC, Session 2D: Water Quality, Water Conference 2010, Richmond: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA),.
- 17.Regmi, P., Whitelaw, J. and Yoon, J. (2010). Modeling Total Nitrogen Concentration in Surface Water Runoff using SWMM from the Eastern Shore of the Elizabeth River from Lambert's Point to the Navy Station Norfolk Sewage Treatment Plant, Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA).
- Yoon, J., Luitel, A. and Joshi, K. (2010). Finite Segment Approach of Determining Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficients for Total Phosphorous Loading Characterization in the Phewa Lake, Pokhara, Nepal, Session 2D: Water Quality Water Conference 2010, Richmond: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA),.
- Coles, K., Shahvari, A., Damalie, R. and Yoon, J. (2010). Modeling a Dissolved Oxygen-Total Dissolved Nitrogen Relationship in the Lower Reach of the Elizabeth River Using Finite Segment Method, Session 1D: Water Quality Water Conference 2010, Richmond: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA),.
- Yoon, J. and Nguyen, K. (2009). Monte Carlo Ray Trace Model: A New Approach in Determining Fluence Rates in UV Systems, IOA/IUVA 2009 North American Joint Boston:.
- Lynn, M. and Yoon, J. (2009). Esturine Dispersion Coefficient Characterization of the Elizabeth River Segment, Session A1: Engineering and the Environment, Norfolk: 麻豆传媒 Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Yoon, J. and Tracy, B. (2009). Dispersive Flux in the Lower Reaches of the Elizabeth River Estuary, Water Conference 2009 Richmond: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA), Session 2D: Water Quality 2,.
- Bass, L., Yoon, J., Malone, M. and Perkins, K. (2009). Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Strategies: Are They Working? Water Conference 2009 Richmond: Watershed Association (VLWA), Session 3D: Water Quality 3.
- Yoon, J. (2008). Nutrient Loading Model and BMP Planning in the Mattaponi River Watershed Water Conference 2008 Richmond, VA: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA), Session 1A: Watershed Planning 1,.
- Yoon, J., Bell, W. and Hollcraft, Z. (2008). PCB Transport and Fate in Stormwater Discharges from a Facility in Pennsylvania, Water Conference 2008, Richmond, VA: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA), Session 1B: Water Quality,.
- Schafran, G., Engebrigtsen, P., Yoon, J., Sherman, B. and Brown, J. (2007). Influence of Surface Circulators on Reservoir/Lake Water Composition: Observations and Theoretical Considerations, the 27th NALMS Symposium Orlando:.
- Yoon, J. and Yu, K. P. (2007). Developing a Monitoring Support Model for Chlorophyll a Concentration in the James River Estuary using MODIS Images, Session: Watershed Management and Restoration, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, Tampa: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),.
- Yoon, J., Muhammad, B. K. and Yu, K. P. (2007). Developing a Monitoring Support Model for Chlorophyll a Concentration in the James River Estuary using MODIS Images, Technical Chlorophyll a Concentration in the James River Estuary using MODIS Images, Session: Interdisciplinary Watershed Management and Planning I, Track: Watershed Management and Restoration May 18, 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa: EWRI, ASCE.
- Yu, K. P., Yoon, J. and Zhang, L. (2007). Development of Spatiotemporal Source-Sink, Stratified Nitrogen Water Quality Model, Technical Session: Watershed Modeling 2, Track: Watershed Management and Restoration, May 18, 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa: ASCE.
- Yu, K. P. and Yoon, J. (2007). MODIS-based Assessment of Esturine Chlorophyll a Water Quality Indicator in the Multihaline Reaches of the James River, Virginia, TUGIS 2007 20th Annual Geographic Information Sciences Conference Towson: Towson University.
- Yoon, J. (2007). Ambient Assessment of Chlorophyll a and Turbidity/TSS Data from the Lower James River and Their Impact on the Availability of Light for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Richmond, VA: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA), Virginia, Water Conference 2007.
- Song, C. and Yoon, J. (2007). Development of a Massive Spatiotemporal Watershed Hydrological Storm Event Response Model (MHSERM), Virginia, Water Conference 2007, Richmond: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA),.
- Yoon, J. (2007). National Assessment of Reservoir Operational Strategies Employed by Water Utilities: AwwaRF/UKWIR Project 3037, Richmond, VA: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA), Water Conference 2007.
- Dyer, C., Howarad, S. and Yoon, J. (2007). Recommendations on the Control of Endocrine Disruptors for Publicly Owned Treatment Work Virginia, Water Conference 2007, Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA), Richmond:.
- Hoppe, E. J. and Yoon, J. (2006). VDOT Geotechnical Database, the 48th annual International Highway Engineering Exchange Program (HEEP) Conference Williamsburg:.
- Zhang, J. and Yoon, J. (2006). 2-Dimensional Finite Segment Reservoir Nitrogen Water Quality Modeling Framework Approach Water Conference 2006 Richmond: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA),.
- Yoon, J. and Yu, K. P. (2006). Comparative Feasibility Study of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Image-based Chlorophyll a Concentration Estimation Model in the James River Estuary, Virginia, Virginia, Water Conference 2006, Richmond, VA: Virginia Lake and Watershed Association (VLWA),.
- Yoon, J. and Padmanabhan, G. (1995). Heuristic Knowledge-based Tool for Rainfall Synthesis, Runoff Estimation and Hydrograph Generation Transaction of ASAE, Soil and Water Division ASAE 38(5) (pp. 1393-1403) Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Soil and Water Division.
- Yoon, J. and Padmanabhan, G. (1993). Parameter Estimation of Linear and Nonlinear Muskingum Models Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, ASCE (pp. 600-610) Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management.
- Yoon, J. (September 13, 2004). " Statewide adaptive translative geotechnical DBMS (GDBMS) framework for Virginia, USA," Fourth International conference on MIS2004, Malaga, Spain.
- Yoon, J. (June 14, 2000). " Development of Spatiotemporal Waste Load Allocation (WLA) Protocols for Regulatory Water Quality Planning and Management," Second International GIS 2000 conference, Lisbon, Portugal,.
- Yoon, J. (July 6, 1998). "Watershed-Scale Nonpoint Source Pollution Management based on Spatiotempotal Distributed Parameter Model and GIS Linkage," the First International Conference : GIS for the 21st Century, Udine, Italy..
- Yoon, J. ( 1997). "Watershed-Scale Nonpoint Source Pollution Decision Support System Based On Model-GIS-RDBMS Linkage," H09, Modeling of Integrated Water Management Systems at the Watershed Level, Baltimore, MD..
- Yoon, J. (May 23, 1994). "Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling for Runoff and Sediment Controls using Cascade Routing Formulation," Workshop on ComputerApplications in Water Management, .
- 2014: University Professor Designation, 麻豆传媒
- 2012: Best Paper Award , Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning Through Laboratory Experiences, Am. Soc. Engineering Education (ASEE)
- 2011: Recipient, 2009, Most Inspiring Faculty by top graduate, 麻豆传媒
- 2011: Recipient, 2011, Most Inspiring Faculty by top graduate, 麻豆传媒
- 2009: Recipient, 2009, Most Inspiring Faculty by top graduate, 麻豆传媒
- 2003: Recipient, 2003, Commissioner's Award for Excellence, Innovation & Qualitiy Improvement, Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
- 2000: Recipient, 2000, Excellence in Faculty Advising Award, College of Engineering and Technology
- 2000: Recipient, 2000, Faculty Innovator Grant Award, 麻豆传媒 Teletechnet Distance Learning Services
- 1998: Final Nominee, 1998 College of Engineering and Technology for the "Technology Instructional Award, Old Dominion Univerity
- 1997: Recipient, 1997, Web-based Instruction courses Development Award, 麻豆传媒
- 1996: Final Nominee, 1996 College of Engineering and Technology for the annual "Technology Instructional Award", 麻豆传媒
- 1990: Recipient, 1990, Graduate Student Research Award, North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute, Fargo, ND