Ian Balitsky
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Russia), (1984)
M.S. in Theoretical Physics, St. Petersburg State University, (1977)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Balitsky, I., Dudek, J., Radyushkin, A., Schiavilla, R. and Van Orden, J. Wallace. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $430,000. Federal. August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2012
- Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $65,411. Federal. July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
- Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $67,675. Federal. July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
- Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A., Schiavilla, R. and Van Orden, J. Wallace. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $210,000. Federal. August 1, 2006 - July 31, 2009
- Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $66,367. Federal. July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
- Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $62,708. Federal. July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008
- Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $60,752. Federal. July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
- Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $57,406. Federal. July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
- Van Orden, J. Wallace., Radyushkin, A., Balitsky, I., Schiavilla, R. and Roberts, W. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $151,000. Federal. 2001 - 2004
Research Interests
Deep inelastic scattering from nucleons and nuclei at small x. Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order in QCD and in N = 4 SYM. Scattering of shock waves in QCD.High-energy effective action for the heavy-ion collisions.
- Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A. and Morris, W. (2022). Short-distance structure of unpolarized gluon pseudodistributions. 105 (1) , pp. 014008.
- Balitsky, I. (2021). Drell-Yan angular lepton distributions at small x from TMD factorization.. JHEP 09 , pp. 022.
- Balitsky, I. (2021). Gauge-invariant TMD factorization for Drell-Yan hadronic tensor at small x. JHEP 05 , pp. 046.
- Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A. and Morris, W. (2020). Gluon Pseudo-Distributions at Short Distances: Forward Case. 808 , pp. 135621.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. (2019). Conformal invariance of transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions rapidity evolution. Physical Review D 100 (5) , pp. 05 1504.
- Balitsky, I. (2019). Structure constants of twist-two light-ray operators in the triple Regge limit. JHEP 04 , pp. 042.
- Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2017). Power corrections to TMD factorization for Z-boson production. JHEP 05 , pp. 150.
- Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2017). Higher-twist corrections to gluon TMD factorization. JHEP 07 , pp. 095.
- Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2016). Gluon TMD in particle production from low to moderatex. JHEP 06 , pp. 164.
- Balitsky, I. (2016). Rapidity evolution of gluon TMD from low to moderate x. EPJ Web Conf. 112 , pp. 02002.
- Balitsky, I., Kazakov, V. and Sobko, E. (2016). Structure constant of twist-2 light-ray operators in theRegge limit. Phys. Rev. D93 (6) , pp. 061701.
- Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2015). Evolution of gluon TMD at low and moderate x. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 37 , pp. 1560058.
- Balitsky, I. and Grabovsky, A. V.. (2015). NLO evolution of 3-quark Wilson-loop operator. JHEP 1501 (014013).
- Balitsky, I. (2015). NLO Hierarchy of Wilson Lines Evolution. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 37 , pp. 1560056.
- Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2015). Rapidity evolution of gluon TMD from low to moderate x. JHEP 10 , pp. 017.
- Balitsky, I. (2015). Rapidity factorization and evolution of gluon TMDs. PoS QCDEV2015 , pp. 036.
- Balitsky, I., Kazakov, V. and Sobko, E. (2015). Three-point correlator of twist-2 light-ray operators inN=4 SYM in BFKL approximation.
- Angeles-Martinez, R. and Balitsky, I. (2015). Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distributionfunctions: status and prospects. Acta Phys. Polon. B46 (12) , pp. 2501-2534.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2013). Photon impact factor and kT factorization for DIS in the next-to-leading order. Phys. Rev. D87 (1) , pp. 014013.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2013). Rapidity evolution of Wilson lines at the next-to-leading order. Phys.Rev. D 88 (111501).
- Balitsky, I., Kazakov, V. and Sobko, E. (2013). Two-point correlator of twist-2 light-ray operators inN=4 SYM in BFKL approximation.
- Balitsky, I. (2012). Photon impact factor and $k_T$ factorization in thenext-to-leading order. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 20 , pp. 187-199.
- Balitsky, I. (2012). Photon impact factor in the NLO. AIP Conf. Proc. 1523 , pp. 276-281.
- Balitsky, I. (2011). Evolution of conformal color dipoles and high-energyamplitudes in N = 4 SYM. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 04 , pp. 9-19.
- Balitsky, I. (2011). Mellin representation of the graviton bulk-to-bulkpropagator in AdS. Phys. Rev. D83 , pp. 087901.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2011). Photon Impact Factor in the Next-to-Leading Order. Phys.Rev. D 83 (031502).
- Balitsky, I. (2011). Small-x DIS in the NLO. Nucl. Phys. A855 , pp. 490-493.
- Balitsky, I. (2010). High-energy amplitudes in N = 4 SYM in thenext-to-leading order. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A25 , pp. 401-410.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2010). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leadingorder. Phys. Lett. B687 , pp. 204-213.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2009). Conformal kernel for NLO BFKL equation in N = 4 SYM. Phys. Rev. D79 (031502).
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2009). NLO evolution of color dipoles in W = 4 SYM. Nucl Phys B 822 , pp. 45.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2008). Next-to-leading order evolution of color dipoles. Phys. Rev. D77 , pp. 014019.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2008). NLO evolution of color dipole. Acta Phys. Polon B39 (2561).
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles. Phys. Rev D77 (014019).
- Balitsky, I. (2007). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole. Phys. Rev. D75 (014001).
- Balitsky, I. (2006). Scattering of shock waves in QCD. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 152 , pp. 275-278.
- Balitsky, I. (2005). High-energy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves. Phys. Rev. D72 (074027).
- Balitsky, I. (2004). Scattering of shock waves in QCD. Phys. Rev. D70 , pp. 114030.
- Balitsky, I. and Babansky, A. (2003). Scattering of color dipoles: from low to high energies. Phys. Rev. D67 (054026).
- Balitsky, I. and Balitsky, A. (2002). Nonlinear evolution in high density QCD. Nucl. Phys. B629 (290).
- Balitsky, I. (2001). Effective field theory for the small x evolution. Phys. Lett. B518 , pp. 235-242.
- Balitsky, I. and Kuchina, E. (2000). Deeply virtual Compton scattering at small x. Phys. Rev. D62 , pp. 074004.
- Balitsky, I. and Babansky, A. (2000). Renormalons as dilatation modes in the functional space. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (4211).
- Balitsky, I. (1999). Factorization and high-energy effective action. Phys. Rev. D60 , pp. 014020.
- Balitsky, I. (1998). Factorization for high-energy scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 , pp. 2024-2027.
- Balitsky, I. and Ji, X. (1997). How much of the nucleon spin is carried by glue?. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 , pp. 1225-1228.
- Balitsky, I. and Radyushkin, A. (1997). Light ray evolution equations and leading twist partonhelicity dependent nonforward distributions. Phys. Lett. B413 , pp. 114-121.
- Balitsky, I. (1997). Operator expansion for diffractive high-energyscattering.
- Balitsky, I. (1996). Operator expansion for high-energy scattering. Nucl. Phys. B463 , pp. 99-160.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.., Koike, Y. and Tanaka, K. (1996). Q**2 evolution of chiral odd twist - three distributionsh(L) (x, Q**2) and e (x, Q**2) in the large N(c) limit. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 , pp. 3078-3081.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1995). Instanton induced production of jets with largetransverse momentum in QCD. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 39BC , pp. 166-168.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1995). Instanton induced production of QCD jets. Phys. Lett. B346 , pp. 143-148.
- Balitsky, I., Beneke, M. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton contributions to the tau decay widths. Phys. Lett. B318 , pp. 371-381.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton induced contributions to structure functionsof deep inelastic scattering. Phys. Lett. B314 , pp. 237-245.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton-induced contributions of fractional twist inthe cross-section of hard gluon-gluon scattering in QCD. Phys. Rev. D47 , pp. 1879-1888.
- Balitsky, I. and Ryskin, M. G.. (1993). The Possibility of experimental observation of the QCDinstanton. Phys. Atom. Nucl. 56 , pp. 1106-1109.
- Balitsky, I. and Schafer, A. (1993). Valley method versus instanton induced effectiveLagrangian up to (E / E(sphaleron))**8/3. Nucl. Phys. B404 , pp. 639-683.
- Balitsky, I. and Ryskin, M. G.. (1992). The Possibility to observe QCD instanton. Phys. Lett. B296 , pp. 185-190.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1992). Valleys in Minkowski space and instanton inducedcross-sections. Nucl. Phys. B380 , pp. 51-82.
- Balitsky, I. (1991). Instanton induced asymptotics of perturbative series forR (e+ e- —> hadrons) and Lambda (QCD). Phys. Lett. B273 , pp. 282-291.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1991). The Nonlocal operator expansion for inclusive particleproduction in e+ e- annihilation. Nucl. Phys. B361 , pp. 93-140.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1991). Topological current K(mu) as a string operator. Phys. Lett. B267 , pp. 405-410.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1990). Power corrections 1 / Q**2 to parton sum rules for deepinelastic scattering from polarized targets. Phys. Lett. B242 , pp. 245-250.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1989). Evolution Equations for QCD String Operators. Nucl. Phys. B311 , pp. 541-584.
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1989). Nonlocal Operator Expansion for Structure Functions of$e+ e-$ Annihilation. Phys. Lett. B222 , pp. 123-131.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1989). Power law corrections to parton sum rules for deepinelastic scattering by polarized target. JETP Lett. 50 , pp. 61-64.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1989). Radiative Decay Sigma+ —> p gamma in QuantumChromodynamics. Nucl. Phys. B312 , pp. 509-550.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1988). On Strange Quark Scalar Condensate in the Nucleon. Z. Phys. C39 , pp. 225.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1988). QCD Sum rules for the decay sigma+ —> P Gamma. (in russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 48 , pp. 546-554.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1988). The decay Sigma+ —> p gamma in QCD: Bilocalcorrections in a variable magnetic field and the photonwave functions. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 48 , pp. 348-357.
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1986). + P γ Decay in QCD. (In Russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 44 , pp. 1028.
- Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1986). Collective - Coordinate Method for Quasizero Modes. Phys. Lett. B168 , pp. 113-119.
- Balitsky, I., Diakonov, D. and Yung, A. V.. (1986). Exotic Mesons With $J$ (Pc) = 1(-+), Strange and Nonstrange. Z. Phys. C33 , pp. 265-273.
- Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1986). Instanton molecular vacuum in N = 1 supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Nucl. Phys. B274 , pp. 475.
- Balitsky, I., Kolesnichenko, A. V.. and Yung, A. V.. (1985). Nucleon charge radius from QCD sum rules. Phys. Lett. B157 , pp. 309-316.
- Balitsky, I., Kolesnichenko, A. V.. and Yung, A. V.. (1985). On vector domincance in sum rules for electromagnetichadron characteristics. (in Russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 41 , pp. 178.
- Balitsky, I. (1985). Wilson loop for the stretched contours in vacuum fieldsand the small distance behavios of the interquarkpotential. Nucl. Phys. B254 , pp. 166-186.
- Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1984). Baryon magnetic moments from QCD sum rules.
- Balitsky, I. (1984). Sum rules for the cross-section of annihilation of virtual photons into hadrons. Yad. Fiz. 39 , pp. 163-179.
- Balitsky, I. (1983). Power corrections to the forward scattering amplitude of virtual photons. (in Russian). Yad. Fiz. 37 , pp. 966-983.
- Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1983). Proton and Neutron Magnetic Moments from QCD Sum Rules. Phys. Lett. B129 , pp. 328-334.
- Balitsky, I. (1983). String operator expansion of the T product of two currents near the light cone. Phys. Lett. B124 , pp. 230-236.
- Balitsky, I., Diakonov, D. and Yung, A. V.. (1982). Exotic Meson J(PC) = 1(-+) from the QCD sum rules. (in Russian). Yad. Fiz. 35 , pp. 1300-1315.
- Balitsky, I., Diakonov, D. and Yung, A. V.. (1982). Exotic mesons with J(PC) = (1-+) from QCD sum rules. Phys. Lett. B112 , pp. 71-75.
- Balitsky, I. (1982). On the virtual gamma gamma annihilation to hadrons. Phys. Lett. B114 , pp. 53-57.
- Balitsky, I. and Lipatov, L. N.. (1979). Calculation of meson meson interaction cross-section in quantum chromodynamics. (in Russian). JETP Lett. 30 , pp. 355.
- Balitsky, I., Lipatov, L. N.. and Fadin, V. S.. (1979). Regge processes in nonabelian gauge theories. (in Russian).
- Balitsky, I. (1978). Effective Electric Charge and Asymptotic Freedom. Yad. Fiz. 27 , pp. 1091-1097.
- Balitsky, I. and Lipatov, L. N.. (1978). The Pomeranchuk Singularity in Quantum Chromodynamics. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 28 , pp. 822-829.
Book Chapters
- Balitsky, I. and Diakonov, D. (2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order Subtleties in Quantum Field Theories (pp. 101-149 ) Gatchina: Lev Lipatov Festschrift.
- Balitsky, I. (2001). Chapter 22: High-Energy QCD and Wilson Lines Boris Ioffe Festschrift (pp. 1237-1342) World Scientific Singapore.
Conference Proceeding
- Balitsky, I. (2014). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators Int. Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series.
- Aschenauer, E. and Balitsky, I. (2014). Pre-Town Meeting on Spin Physics at an Electron-IonCollider.
- Balitsky, I. (2011). Proceedings, QCD Evolution Workshop on From Collinear toNon-Collinear Case Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2008). NLO Evolution of Color Dipole (pp. 545-548) Acta Phys. Polon. Supp.
- Balitsky, I. (2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles (pp. 3-13) World Scientific.
- Balitsky, I. (2006). High-energy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves (pp. 315-320) The Gioi.
- Balitsky, I. (2003). Small-x evolution of Wilson lines.
- Babansky, A. and Balitsky, I. (2002). Renormalons as dilatation modes in the functionalspace Continuous advances in QCD. Proceedings, Conference,Minneapolis, USA, May 17-23, 2002 (pp. 177-185).
- Balitsky, I. (1999). High-energy effective action from scattering of shockwaves in QCD QCD and multiparticle production. Proceedings, 29thInternational Symposium on multiparticle dynamics,ISMD’99, Providence, USA, August 9-13, 1999 (pp. 261-268).
- Balitsky, I. (1998). Factorization and effective action for high-energyscattering in QCD Continuous advances in QCD. Proceedings, 3rd Workshop,QCD’98, Minneapolis, USA, April 16-19, 1998 (pp. 111-124).
- Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.., Koike, Y. and Tanaka, K. (1996). Q**2 evolution of chiral odd twist - three distributionsh(L) (x, Q**2) and e (x, Q**2) in the large N(c) limit High-energy spin physics. Proceedings, 12thInternational Symposium, SPIN 96, Amsterdam, Netherlands,September 10-14, 1996 (pp. 582-584).
- Balitsky, I. (1994). Instanton induced production of gluon jets in QCD The Albuquerque meeting. Proceedings, 8th Meeting,Division of Particles and Fields of the American PhysicalSociety, Albuquerque, USA, August 2-6, 1994. Vol. 1,2 (pp. 1705-1708).
- Balitsky, I. (1994). Instanton interactions and nonperturbative particleproduction in QCD Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis,Minnesota, February 18-20, 1994 (pp. 167-194).
- Balitsky, I. (1993). Instanton induced particle production in deep inelasticscattering 23rd International Symposium on Ultra-High EnergyMultiparticle Phenomena Aspen, Colorado, September 12-17,1993 (pp. 0140-150).
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton-induced contributions to structure functionsof deep inelastic scattering Workshop on Physics at Current Accelerators and theSupercollider Argonne, Illinois, June 2-5, 1993 (pp. 617-628).
- Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. (1992). Instanton-induced effects in QCD cross-sections The Fermilab Meeting DPF 92. Proceedings, 7th Meeting ofthe American Physical Society, Division of Particles andFields, Batavia, USA, November 10-14, 1992. Vol. 1, 2 (pp. 1077-1081).
- Balitsky, I. (October , 2013). High-Energy Amplitudes in the Next-to-Leading Order ASU, Tempe.
- Balitsky, I. (July , 2013). High-energy scattering in QCD Regensburg, Germany.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators ECT Trento, Italy.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2013). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order XXI International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators International Workshop on Low-x Physics Rehovot-Eilat, Israel.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators QCD Evolution Workshop Jefferson Lab, Newport News VA.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators X International Workshop Minneapolis.
- Balitsky, I. (March , 2013). High-energy amplitudes and Wilson lines Stockholm.
- Balitsky, I. (September , 2012). Photon impact factor and kT -factorization for DIS in the next-to leading order International Conference Lanzarote, Spain.
- Balitsky, I. (July , 2012). Hadron Structure and QCD: from Low to High Energies International Conference St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2012). High-Energy Amplitudes in the Next-to-Leading Order InternationalWorkshop on Low-x Physics Paphos, Cyprus.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2012). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators Oral Presentation JLab.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2012). Photon impact factor and kT -factorization in the next-to-leading order QCD Evolution Workshop JLab.
- Balitsky, I. (July , 2011). \High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and N=4 SYM International Workshop on Low-x and Diractive Physics CERN, Geneva.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2011). \High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order International Workshop on Low-x and Diractive Physics Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2011). High-Energy Amplitudes in the Next-to-Leading Order Intnl Workshop \Standard and Novel QCD Phenomena at Hadron Colliders Trento, Italy,.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2011). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order Invited talk ECT Trento, Italy.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2011). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order' in N=4 SYM and QCD IX International Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis.
- Balitsky, I. (April , 2011). Evolution of conformal dipoles and high-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM Invited talk JLab.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order CPT Ecole Polyktechnique (Particle Phenomenology Seminar) Paris.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and W =4 SYM LPTHE Jussieu (Particle Seminar) Paris.
- Balitsky, I. (October 10, 2010). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order IVth International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of Eilat, Israel.
- Balitsky, I. (October 7, 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and W =4 SYM International Symposium Levinfest'' Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Balitsky, I. (July 5, 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order II International Conference St. Petersburg, russia.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2010). Small-x amplitudes in the next-to-leading order International workshop on Low-x Physics Kavala, Greece.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and W =4 SYM Particle Phenomenology Seminar (CPT Ecole Polytechnique) Paris.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order CEA Saclay (IPhT particle Phenomenology Seminar) Paris.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order Particle Group Seminar Penn State University.
- Balitsky, I. (September , 2009). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order ESF Workshop on Application of AdS/CFT to QCD Porto, Portugal.
- Balitsky, I. (September , 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order Particle Group Seminar penn State Univ., State Colege.
- Balitsky, I. (September 9, 2009). High-energy amplitudes in W =4 SYM in the next-to-leading order ESF exploratory workshop on applications of AdS/CFT to QCD .
- Balitsky, I. and Ghirilli, G. A. (July , 2009). NLO BK equations Int. Workshop Recent Advances in Perturbative QCD and Hadronic Physics Italy.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2009). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order IX workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD Paris.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (June , 2009). NLO evolution of Color Dipole in QCD and N=4 SYM Nuclear Group Seminar BNL, Brookhaven.
- Balitsky, I. (June 4, 2009). High=energy amplitudes in W=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order IX International workshop on non-perturbative QCD Paris.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (May , 2009). Small-x e volution of structure functions in the next-to leading order Int. Workshop "Photon 09 Hamburg, Germany.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2009). High-energy ampliltudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order VIII Intl Workshop "Gauge Dynamics at Strong Coupling Minneapolis.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (May , 2009). Small-x evolution iof structure functions in the next-to-leading order Xth Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics San Diego, California.
- Balitsky, I. (April , 2009). High energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order" JTI Workshop on Symmetry Breaking .
- Balitsky, I. (April , 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order XVIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering Madrid.
- Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (January , 2009). NLO evolution of Color Dipole in QCd and N=4 SYM Particle Group Seminar Laboratorie de Physique Th\'eorique, Paris.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles II International Conferene "Nadron Structure and QCD: from Low to High Energies St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2008). NLO evolution of color diiipoles THD PNPI Seminar St. Petersburg, russia.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles in QCD and N=4 SYM International Program "From Strings to Things" INT, Seattle.
- Balitsky, I. (May 15, 2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles VIII International Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2007). NLO evolution of color dipoles Nuclear Theory Seminar .
- Balitsky, I. ( 2007). NLO evolution of color dipoles particle Seminar Paris.
- Balitsky, I. (August , 2007). NLO evolution of the color dipole International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics LBNL, Berkeley.
- Balitsky, I. (March , 2007). Small-x the evolution of color dipole in the NLO and the argument of coupling constant in the BK equation International Workshop on Small-x and diffractive Physics Fermilab.
- Balitsky, I. (February , 2007). Small-x the evolution of color dipole in the NLO and the argument of coupling constant in the BK equation International Program "High Density QcD" Florence, Italy.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2006). Quark contribution to the LPTHE (Particle Seminar) Orsay, Paris.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2006). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole and the argument of coupling constant in the BK equation SPhT Particle Phenomenology Seminar Paris.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2006). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole International conference International Workshop on Low-x and Diffractive Physics Lisbon, Portugal.
- Balitsky, I. (June , 2006). Small-x evolution of color dipole in the next-to-leading order IX International Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD Paris.
- Balitsky, I. (June 5, 2006). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole International conference "Quarks and Nuclear Physics 2006 Madrid.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2006). High-energy effective action from scattering of qCD shock waves VII international Workshop on Continuous Advances in qcD Minneapolis.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2005). High-energy eective action from scattering of QCD shock waves International Workshop on Low-x Physics Sinaia, Romania.
- Balitsky, I. ( 2005). Scattering of shock waves in QCD International Workshop on Quantum and Classical Aspects of Color Glass Condensate (BNL) .
- Balitsky, I. ( 2005). High-energy effective action in QCD LPTHE (Particle Seminar) Orsay, Paris .
- Balitsky, I. ( 2005). High-energy QCD and Wilson lines PNPI, (Theory Seminar) St. Petersburg, Russia .
- Balitsky, I. ( 2005). Small-x evolution of Wilson Lines Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs (Theory Group Seminar) .
- Balitsky, I. (September , 2005). High-energy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves Intnl Conference HSQCD-05 \Hard Scattering in QCD: from Low to High Energies" St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Balitsky, I. (May , 2005). Scattering of shock waves in QCD XI Intntl Blois Conference on Elastic and Diractive Scattering Blois, France.
- 2017: Â鶹´«Ã½ Eminent Scholar, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2014: Â鶹´«Ã½ 30th Annual Research Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
- 2010: Fellow of American Physical Society,
- 2010: Outstanding Research Award, Â鶹´«Ã½ College of Sciences
- 1988: St. Petersburg Young Scientist Award,