
Ian Balitsky

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Russia), (1984)

M.S. in Theoretical Physics, St. Petersburg State University, (1977)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Balitsky, I., Dudek, J., Radyushkin, A., Schiavilla, R. and Van Orden, J. Wallace. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $430,000. Federal. August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2012
Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $65,411. Federal. July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $67,675. Federal. July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A., Schiavilla, R. and Van Orden, J. Wallace. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $210,000. Federal. August 1, 2006 - July 31, 2009
Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $66,367. Federal. July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $62,708. Federal. July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008
Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $60,752. Federal. July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Balitsky, I. "Jefferson Lab Contribution to Salary and Benefits" $57,406. Federal. July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
Van Orden, J. Wallace., Radyushkin, A., Balitsky, I., Schiavilla, R. and Roberts, W. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $151,000. Federal. 2001 - 2004

Research Interests

Deep inelastic scattering from nucleons and nuclei at small x. Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order in QCD and in N = 4 SYM. Scattering of shock waves in QCD.High-energy effective action for the heavy-ion collisions.


Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A. and Morris, W. (2022). Short-distance structure of unpolarized gluon pseudodistributions. 105 (1) , pp. 014008.
Balitsky, I. (2021). Drell-Yan angular lepton distributions at small x from TMD factorization.. JHEP 09 , pp. 022.
Balitsky, I. (2021). Gauge-invariant TMD factorization for Drell-Yan hadronic tensor at small x. JHEP 05 , pp. 046.
Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A. and Morris, W. (2020). Gluon Pseudo-Distributions at Short Distances: Forward Case. 808 , pp. 135621.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. (2019). Conformal invariance of transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions rapidity evolution. Physical Review D 100 (5) , pp. 05 1504.
Balitsky, I. (2019). Structure constants of twist-two light-ray operators in the triple Regge limit. JHEP 04 , pp. 042.
Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2017). Power corrections to TMD factorization for Z-boson production. JHEP 05 , pp. 150.
Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2017). Higher-twist corrections to gluon TMD factorization. JHEP 07 , pp. 095.
Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2016). Gluon TMD in particle production from low to moderatex. JHEP 06 , pp. 164.
Balitsky, I. (2016). Rapidity evolution of gluon TMD from low to moderate x. EPJ Web Conf. 112 , pp. 02002.
Balitsky, I., Kazakov, V. and Sobko, E. (2016). Structure constant of twist-2 light-ray operators in theRegge limit. Phys. Rev. D93 (6) , pp. 061701.
Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2015). Evolution of gluon TMD at low and moderate x. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 37 , pp. 1560058.
Balitsky, I. and Grabovsky, A. V.. (2015). NLO evolution of 3-quark Wilson-loop operator. JHEP 1501 (014013).
Balitsky, I. (2015). NLO Hierarchy of Wilson Lines Evolution. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 37 , pp. 1560056.
Balitsky, I. and Tarasov, A. (2015). Rapidity evolution of gluon TMD from low to moderate x. JHEP 10 , pp. 017.
Balitsky, I. (2015). Rapidity factorization and evolution of gluon TMDs. PoS QCDEV2015 , pp. 036.
Balitsky, I., Kazakov, V. and Sobko, E. (2015). Three-point correlator of twist-2 light-ray operators inN=4 SYM in BFKL approximation.
Angeles-Martinez, R. and Balitsky, I. (2015). Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distributionfunctions: status and prospects. Acta Phys. Polon. B46 (12) , pp. 2501-2534.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2013). Photon impact factor and kT factorization for DIS in the next-to-leading order. Phys. Rev. D87 (1) , pp. 014013.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2013). Rapidity evolution of Wilson lines at the next-to-leading order. Phys.Rev. D 88 (111501).
Balitsky, I., Kazakov, V. and Sobko, E. (2013). Two-point correlator of twist-2 light-ray operators inN=4 SYM in BFKL approximation.
Balitsky, I. (2012). Photon impact factor and $k_T$ factorization in thenext-to-leading order. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 20 , pp. 187-199.
Balitsky, I. (2012). Photon impact factor in the NLO. AIP Conf. Proc. 1523 , pp. 276-281.
Balitsky, I. (2011). Evolution of conformal color dipoles and high-energyamplitudes in N = 4 SYM. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 04 , pp. 9-19.
Balitsky, I. (2011). Mellin representation of the graviton bulk-to-bulkpropagator in AdS. Phys. Rev. D83 , pp. 087901.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2011). Photon Impact Factor in the Next-to-Leading Order. Phys.Rev. D 83 (031502).
Balitsky, I. (2011). Small-x DIS in the NLO. Nucl. Phys. A855 , pp. 490-493.
Balitsky, I. (2010). High-energy amplitudes in N = 4 SYM in thenext-to-leading order. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A25 , pp. 401-410.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2010). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leadingorder. Phys. Lett. B687 , pp. 204-213.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2009). Conformal kernel for NLO BFKL equation in N = 4 SYM. Phys. Rev. D79 (031502).
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2009). NLO evolution of color dipoles in W = 4 SYM. Nucl Phys B 822 , pp. 45.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A.. (2008). Next-to-leading order evolution of color dipoles. Phys. Rev. D77 , pp. 014019.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2008). NLO evolution of color dipole. Acta Phys. Polon B39 (2561).
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles. Phys. Rev D77 (014019).
Balitsky, I. (2007). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole. Phys. Rev. D75 (014001).
Balitsky, I. (2006). Scattering of shock waves in QCD. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 152 , pp. 275-278.
Balitsky, I. (2005). High-energy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves. Phys. Rev. D72 (074027).
Balitsky, I. (2004). Scattering of shock waves in QCD. Phys. Rev. D70 , pp. 114030.
Balitsky, I. and Babansky, A. (2003). Scattering of color dipoles: from low to high energies. Phys. Rev. D67 (054026).
Balitsky, I. and Balitsky, A. (2002). Nonlinear evolution in high density QCD. Nucl. Phys. B629 (290).
Balitsky, I. (2001). Effective field theory for the small x evolution. Phys. Lett. B518 , pp. 235-242.
Balitsky, I. and Kuchina, E. (2000). Deeply virtual Compton scattering at small x. Phys. Rev. D62 , pp. 074004.
Balitsky, I. and Babansky, A. (2000). Renormalons as dilatation modes in the functional space. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (4211).
Balitsky, I. (1999). Factorization and high-energy effective action. Phys. Rev. D60 , pp. 014020.
Balitsky, I. (1998). Factorization for high-energy scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 , pp. 2024-2027.
Balitsky, I. and Ji, X. (1997). How much of the nucleon spin is carried by glue?. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 , pp. 1225-1228.
Balitsky, I. and Radyushkin, A. (1997). Light ray evolution equations and leading twist partonhelicity dependent nonforward distributions. Phys. Lett. B413 , pp. 114-121.
Balitsky, I. (1997). Operator expansion for diffractive high-energyscattering.
Balitsky, I. (1996). Operator expansion for high-energy scattering. Nucl. Phys. B463 , pp. 99-160.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.., Koike, Y. and Tanaka, K. (1996). Q**2 evolution of chiral odd twist - three distributionsh(L) (x, Q**2) and e (x, Q**2) in the large N(c) limit. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 , pp. 3078-3081.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1995). Instanton induced production of jets with largetransverse momentum in QCD. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 39BC , pp. 166-168.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1995). Instanton induced production of QCD jets. Phys. Lett. B346 , pp. 143-148.
Balitsky, I., Beneke, M. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton contributions to the tau decay widths. Phys. Lett. B318 , pp. 371-381.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton induced contributions to structure functionsof deep inelastic scattering. Phys. Lett. B314 , pp. 237-245.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton-induced contributions of fractional twist inthe cross-section of hard gluon-gluon scattering in QCD. Phys. Rev. D47 , pp. 1879-1888.
Balitsky, I. and Ryskin, M. G.. (1993). The Possibility of experimental observation of the QCDinstanton. Phys. Atom. Nucl. 56 , pp. 1106-1109.
Balitsky, I. and Schafer, A. (1993). Valley method versus instanton induced effectiveLagrangian up to (E / E(sphaleron))**8/3. Nucl. Phys. B404 , pp. 639-683.
Balitsky, I. and Ryskin, M. G.. (1992). The Possibility to observe QCD instanton. Phys. Lett. B296 , pp. 185-190.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1992). Valleys in Minkowski space and instanton inducedcross-sections. Nucl. Phys. B380 , pp. 51-82.
Balitsky, I. (1991). Instanton induced asymptotics of perturbative series forR (e+ e- —> hadrons) and Lambda (QCD). Phys. Lett. B273 , pp. 282-291.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1991). The Nonlocal operator expansion for inclusive particleproduction in e+ e- annihilation. Nucl. Phys. B361 , pp. 93-140.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1991). Topological current K(mu) as a string operator. Phys. Lett. B267 , pp. 405-410.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1990). Power corrections 1 / Q**2 to parton sum rules for deepinelastic scattering from polarized targets. Phys. Lett. B242 , pp. 245-250.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1989). Evolution Equations for QCD String Operators. Nucl. Phys. B311 , pp. 541-584.
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1989). Nonlocal Operator Expansion for Structure Functions of$e+ e-$ Annihilation. Phys. Lett. B222 , pp. 123-131.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1989). Power law corrections to parton sum rules for deepinelastic scattering by polarized target. JETP Lett. 50 , pp. 61-64.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1989). Radiative Decay Sigma+ —> p gamma in QuantumChromodynamics. Nucl. Phys. B312 , pp. 509-550.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1988). On Strange Quark Scalar Condensate in the Nucleon. Z. Phys. C39 , pp. 225.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1988). QCD Sum rules for the decay sigma+ —> P Gamma. (in russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 48 , pp. 546-554.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1988). The decay Sigma+ —> p gamma in QCD: Bilocalcorrections in a variable magnetic field and the photonwave functions. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 48 , pp. 348-357.
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.. and Kolesnichenko, A. V.. (1986). + P γ Decay in QCD. (In Russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 44 , pp. 1028.
Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1986). Collective - Coordinate Method for Quasizero Modes. Phys. Lett. B168 , pp. 113-119.
Balitsky, I., Diakonov, D. and Yung, A. V.. (1986). Exotic Mesons With $J$ (Pc) = 1(-+), Strange and Nonstrange. Z. Phys. C33 , pp. 265-273.
Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1986). Instanton molecular vacuum in N = 1 supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Nucl. Phys. B274 , pp. 475.
Balitsky, I., Kolesnichenko, A. V.. and Yung, A. V.. (1985). Nucleon charge radius from QCD sum rules. Phys. Lett. B157 , pp. 309-316.
Balitsky, I., Kolesnichenko, A. V.. and Yung, A. V.. (1985). On vector domincance in sum rules for electromagnetichadron characteristics. (in Russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 41 , pp. 178.
Balitsky, I. (1985). Wilson loop for the stretched contours in vacuum fieldsand the small distance behavios of the interquarkpotential. Nucl. Phys. B254 , pp. 166-186.
Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1984). Baryon magnetic moments from QCD sum rules.
Balitsky, I. (1984). Sum rules for the cross-section of annihilation of virtual photons into hadrons. Yad. Fiz. 39 , pp. 163-179.
Balitsky, I. (1983). Power corrections to the forward scattering amplitude of virtual photons. (in Russian). Yad. Fiz. 37 , pp. 966-983.
Balitsky, I. and Yung, A. V.. (1983). Proton and Neutron Magnetic Moments from QCD Sum Rules. Phys. Lett. B129 , pp. 328-334.
Balitsky, I. (1983). String operator expansion of the T product of two currents near the light cone. Phys. Lett. B124 , pp. 230-236.
Balitsky, I., Diakonov, D. and Yung, A. V.. (1982). Exotic Meson J(PC) = 1(-+) from the QCD sum rules. (in Russian). Yad. Fiz. 35 , pp. 1300-1315.
Balitsky, I., Diakonov, D. and Yung, A. V.. (1982). Exotic mesons with J(PC) = (1-+) from QCD sum rules. Phys. Lett. B112 , pp. 71-75.
Balitsky, I. (1982). On the virtual gamma gamma annihilation to hadrons. Phys. Lett. B114 , pp. 53-57.
Balitsky, I. and Lipatov, L. N.. (1979). Calculation of meson meson interaction cross-section in quantum chromodynamics. (in Russian). JETP Lett. 30 , pp. 355.
Balitsky, I., Lipatov, L. N.. and Fadin, V. S.. (1979). Regge processes in nonabelian gauge theories. (in Russian).
Balitsky, I. (1978). Effective Electric Charge and Asymptotic Freedom. Yad. Fiz. 27 , pp. 1091-1097.
Balitsky, I. and Lipatov, L. N.. (1978). The Pomeranchuk Singularity in Quantum Chromodynamics. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 28 , pp. 822-829.

Book Chapters

Balitsky, I. and Diakonov, D. (2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order Subtleties in Quantum Field Theories (pp. 101-149 ) Gatchina: Lev Lipatov Festschrift.
Balitsky, I. (2001). Chapter 22: High-Energy QCD and Wilson Lines Boris Ioffe Festschrift (pp. 1237-1342) World Scientific Singapore.

Conference Proceeding

Balitsky, I. (2014). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators Int. Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series.
Aschenauer, E. and Balitsky, I. (2014). Pre-Town Meeting on Spin Physics at an Electron-IonCollider.
Balitsky, I. (2011). Proceedings, QCD Evolution Workshop on From Collinear toNon-Collinear Case Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (2008). NLO Evolution of Color Dipole (pp. 545-548) Acta Phys. Polon. Supp.
Balitsky, I. (2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles (pp. 3-13) World Scientific.
Balitsky, I. (2006). High-energy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves (pp. 315-320) The Gioi.
Balitsky, I. (2003). Small-x evolution of Wilson lines.
Babansky, A. and Balitsky, I. (2002). Renormalons as dilatation modes in the functionalspace Continuous advances in QCD. Proceedings, Conference,Minneapolis, USA, May 17-23, 2002 (pp. 177-185).
Balitsky, I. (1999). High-energy effective action from scattering of shockwaves in QCD QCD and multiparticle production. Proceedings, 29thInternational Symposium on multiparticle dynamics,ISMD’99, Providence, USA, August 9-13, 1999 (pp. 261-268).
Balitsky, I. (1998). Factorization and effective action for high-energyscattering in QCD Continuous advances in QCD. Proceedings, 3rd Workshop,QCD’98, Minneapolis, USA, April 16-19, 1998 (pp. 111-124).
Balitsky, I., Braun, V. M.., Koike, Y. and Tanaka, K. (1996). Q**2 evolution of chiral odd twist - three distributionsh(L) (x, Q**2) and e (x, Q**2) in the large N(c) limit High-energy spin physics. Proceedings, 12thInternational Symposium, SPIN 96, Amsterdam, Netherlands,September 10-14, 1996 (pp. 582-584).
Balitsky, I. (1994). Instanton induced production of gluon jets in QCD The Albuquerque meeting. Proceedings, 8th Meeting,Division of Particles and Fields of the American PhysicalSociety, Albuquerque, USA, August 2-6, 1994. Vol. 1,2 (pp. 1705-1708).
Balitsky, I. (1994). Instanton interactions and nonperturbative particleproduction in QCD Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis,Minnesota, February 18-20, 1994 (pp. 167-194).
Balitsky, I. (1993). Instanton induced particle production in deep inelasticscattering 23rd International Symposium on Ultra-High EnergyMultiparticle Phenomena Aspen, Colorado, September 12-17,1993 (pp. 0140-150).
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. M.. (1993). Instanton-induced contributions to structure functionsof deep inelastic scattering Workshop on Physics at Current Accelerators and theSupercollider Argonne, Illinois, June 2-5, 1993 (pp. 617-628).
Balitsky, I. and Braun, V. (1992). Instanton-induced effects in QCD cross-sections The Fermilab Meeting DPF 92. Proceedings, 7th Meeting ofthe American Physical Society, Division of Particles andFields, Batavia, USA, November 10-14, 1992. Vol. 1, 2 (pp. 1077-1081).


Balitsky, I. (October , 2013). High-Energy Amplitudes in the Next-to-Leading Order ASU, Tempe.
Balitsky, I. (July , 2013). High-energy scattering in QCD Regensburg, Germany.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators ECT Trento, Italy.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2013). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order XXI International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory St. Petersburg, Russia.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators International Workshop on Low-x Physics Rehovot-Eilat, Israel.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators QCD Evolution Workshop Jefferson Lab, Newport News VA.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2013). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators X International Workshop Minneapolis.
Balitsky, I. (March , 2013). High-energy amplitudes and Wilson lines Stockholm.
Balitsky, I. (September , 2012). Photon impact factor and kT -factorization for DIS in the next-to leading order International Conference Lanzarote, Spain.
Balitsky, I. (July , 2012). Hadron Structure and QCD: from Low to High Energies International Conference St. Petersburg, Russia.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2012). High-Energy Amplitudes in the Next-to-Leading Order InternationalWorkshop on Low-x Physics Paphos, Cyprus.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2012). NLO BFKL and anomalous dimensions of light-ray operators Oral Presentation JLab.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2012). Photon impact factor and kT -factorization in the next-to-leading order QCD Evolution Workshop JLab.
Balitsky, I. (July , 2011). \High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and N=4 SYM International Workshop on Low-x and Diractive Physics CERN, Geneva.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2011). \High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order International Workshop on Low-x and Diractive Physics Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2011). High-Energy Amplitudes in the Next-to-Leading Order Intnl Workshop \Standard and Novel QCD Phenomena at Hadron Colliders Trento, Italy,.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2011). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order Invited talk ECT Trento, Italy.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2011). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order' in N=4 SYM and QCD IX International Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis.
Balitsky, I. (April , 2011). Evolution of conformal dipoles and high-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM Invited talk JLab.
Balitsky, I. ( 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order CPT Ecole Polyktechnique (Particle Phenomenology Seminar) Paris.
Balitsky, I. ( 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and W =4 SYM LPTHE Jussieu (Particle Seminar) Paris.
Balitsky, I. (October 10, 2010). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order IVth International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of Eilat, Israel.
Balitsky, I. (October 7, 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and W =4 SYM International Symposium Levinfest'' Tel Aviv, Israel.
Balitsky, I. (July 5, 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order II International Conference St. Petersburg, russia.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2010). Small-x amplitudes in the next-to-leading order International workshop on Low-x Physics Kavala, Greece.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2010). High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order in QCD and W =4 SYM Particle Phenomenology Seminar (CPT Ecole Polytechnique) Paris.
Balitsky, I. ( 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order CEA Saclay (IPhT particle Phenomenology Seminar) Paris.
Balitsky, I. ( 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order Particle Group Seminar Penn State University.
Balitsky, I. (September , 2009). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order ESF Workshop on Application of AdS/CFT to QCD Porto, Portugal.
Balitsky, I. (September , 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order Particle Group Seminar penn State Univ., State Colege.
Balitsky, I. (September 9, 2009). High-energy amplitudes in W =4 SYM in the next-to-leading order ESF exploratory workshop on applications of AdS/CFT to QCD .
Balitsky, I. and Ghirilli, G. A. (July , 2009). NLO BK equations Int. Workshop Recent Advances in Perturbative QCD and Hadronic Physics Italy.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2009). High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order IX workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD Paris.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (June , 2009). NLO evolution of Color Dipole in QCD and N=4 SYM Nuclear Group Seminar BNL, Brookhaven.
Balitsky, I. (June 4, 2009). High=energy amplitudes in W=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order IX International workshop on non-perturbative QCD Paris.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (May , 2009). Small-x e volution of structure functions in the next-to leading order Int. Workshop "Photon 09 Hamburg, Germany.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2009). High-energy ampliltudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order VIII Intl Workshop "Gauge Dynamics at Strong Coupling Minneapolis.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (May , 2009). Small-x evolution iof structure functions in the next-to-leading order Xth Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics San Diego, California.
Balitsky, I. (April , 2009). High energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order" JTI Workshop on Symmetry Breaking .
Balitsky, I. (April , 2009). Small-x evolution in the next-to-leading order XVIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering Madrid.
Balitsky, I. and Chirilli, G. A. (January , 2009). NLO evolution of Color Dipole in QCd and N=4 SYM Particle Group Seminar Laboratorie de Physique Th\'eorique, Paris.
Balitsky, I. ( 2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles II International Conferene "Nadron Structure and QCD: from Low to High Energies St. Petersburg, Russia.
Balitsky, I. ( 2008). NLO evolution of color diiipoles THD PNPI Seminar St. Petersburg, russia.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles in QCD and N=4 SYM International Program "From Strings to Things" INT, Seattle.
Balitsky, I. (May 15, 2008). NLO evolution of color dipoles VIII International Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis.
Balitsky, I. ( 2007). NLO evolution of color dipoles Nuclear Theory Seminar .
Balitsky, I. ( 2007). NLO evolution of color dipoles particle Seminar Paris.
Balitsky, I. (August , 2007). NLO evolution of the color dipole International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics LBNL, Berkeley.
Balitsky, I. (March , 2007). Small-x the evolution of color dipole in the NLO and the argument of coupling constant in the BK equation International Workshop on Small-x and diffractive Physics Fermilab.
Balitsky, I. (February , 2007). Small-x the evolution of color dipole in the NLO and the argument of coupling constant in the BK equation International Program "High Density QcD" Florence, Italy.
Balitsky, I. ( 2006). Quark contribution to the LPTHE (Particle Seminar) Orsay, Paris.
Balitsky, I. ( 2006). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole and the argument of coupling constant in the BK equation SPhT Particle Phenomenology Seminar Paris.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2006). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole International conference International Workshop on Low-x and Diffractive Physics Lisbon, Portugal.
Balitsky, I. (June , 2006). Small-x evolution of color dipole in the next-to-leading order IX International Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD Paris.
Balitsky, I. (June 5, 2006). Quark contribution to the small-x evolution of color dipole International conference "Quarks and Nuclear Physics 2006 Madrid.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2006). High-energy effective action from scattering of qCD shock waves VII international Workshop on Continuous Advances in qcD Minneapolis.
Balitsky, I. ( 2005). High-energy eective action from scattering of QCD shock waves International Workshop on Low-x Physics Sinaia, Romania.
Balitsky, I. ( 2005). Scattering of shock waves in QCD International Workshop on Quantum and Classical Aspects of Color Glass Condensate (BNL) .
Balitsky, I. ( 2005). High-energy effective action in QCD LPTHE (Particle Seminar) Orsay, Paris .
Balitsky, I. ( 2005). High-energy QCD and Wilson lines PNPI, (Theory Seminar) St. Petersburg, Russia .
Balitsky, I. ( 2005). Small-x evolution of Wilson Lines Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs (Theory Group Seminar) .
Balitsky, I. (September , 2005). High-energy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves Intnl Conference HSQCD-05 \Hard Scattering in QCD: from Low to High Energies" St. Petersburg, Russia.
Balitsky, I. (May , 2005). Scattering of shock waves in QCD XI Intntl Blois Conference on Elastic and Diractive Scattering Blois, France.
  • 2017: Â鶹´«Ã½ Eminent Scholar, Â鶹´«Ã½
  • 2014: Â鶹´«Ã½ 30th Annual Research Award, Â鶹´«Ã½
  • 2010: Fellow of American Physical Society,
  • 2010: Outstanding Research Award, Â鶹´«Ã½ College of Sciences
  • 1988: St. Petersburg Young Scientist Award,