Mathematics & Statistics
Fang Hu
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Florida State University, (1990)
M.S. in Engineering, Zhejiang University, (1985)
B.S. in Mathematics, Zhejiang University, (1982)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Hu, F. Q. "TD-FAST (Time Domain Fast Acoustic Scattering Toolkit)" $82,400. Other. May 5, 2017 - March 31, 2018
- Hu, F. Q. "Fast and efficient computing of acoustic scattering and its application to aircraft noise prediction. Federal. June 10, 2011 - March 30, 2015
- Hu, F. Q. "Supperssion of instability waves for linear aeroacoustics computations in time domain. State. June 1, 2009 - December 31, 2012
- Hu, F. Q. "Analysis and implementation of accurate numerical boundary conditions for Large Eddy Simulations and the Boltzmann equation" $146,000. Federal. September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2011
- Hu, F. Q. "Study of dispersive waves and development of accurate non-reflecting boundary conditions" $120,846. Federal. September 1, 2004 - August 31, 2008
- Hu, F. Q. "Investigation of airframe noise based on steady RANS simulations" $148,737. Federal. August 25, 2003 - August 24, 2006
- Hu, F. Q. "An investigation of wave propagations in Discontinuous Galerkin Method. Federal. March 1, 2001 - February 28, 2004
- Hu, F. Q., Pizzo, M. E.. and Nark, D. M.. (2017). On a time domain boundary integral equation formulation for acoustic scattering by rigid bodies in uniform mean flow. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (6) , pp. 3624-3636.
- Kocaogul, I., Hu, F. Q. and Li, X. (2014). Adjoint problem in duct acoustics and its reciprocity to forward problem by the Time Domain Wave Packet method. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
- Fernando, A. M. and Hu, F. Q. (2014). Computationally-inferred numerical wave number for non-uniform grids.
- Hu, F. Q. (2014). Further Development of a Time Domain Boundary Integral Equation Method for Aeroacoustic Scattering Computations.
- Hu, F. Q., Li, X., Li, X. and Jiang, M. (2014). Time Domain Wave Packet method and suppression of instability waves in aeroacoustic computations. Journal of Fluids Engineering 136 (6) , pp. 060905.
- Hu, F. Q. (2013). An efficient solution of time domain boundary integral equations for acoustic scattering and its acceleration by Graphics Processing Units.
- Hu, F. Q., Kocaogul, I. and Li, X. (2012). On the adjoint problem in duct acoustics and its solution by the Time Domain Wave Packet method. AIAA paper (2012-2247).
- Lin, D., Li, X. and Hu, F. Q. (2011). Absorbing boundary condition for nonlinear Euler equations in primitive variables based on the Perfectly Matched Layer technique. Computers & Fluids 40 (1) , pp. 333鈥337.
- Fernando, A. M. and Hu, F. Q. (2011). DGM-FD: A finite difference scheme based on the discontinuous Galerkin method applied to wave propagation. Journal of Computational Physics 230 (12) , pp. 4871鈥4898.
- Liu, L., Li, X. and Hu, F. Q. (2010). Nonuniform time-step Runge鈥揔utta discontinuous Galerkin method for computational aeroacoustics. Journal of Computational Physics 229 (19) , pp. 6874鈥6897.
- Craig, E. and Hu, F. Q. (2010). On the Perfectly Matched Layer for the Boltzmann-BGK Equation and its Application to Computational Aeroacoustics. & Proceedings 鞝雱 頂勲鞁滊敥歃坾 旮办垹氤搓碃靹渱 頃挫櫢鞐瓣惮齑堧| Reference DB| 瓿淀暀靹り硠| 攵頀堦窚瓴﹟ 頃车鞖办<韸鬼棃| 雲茧鞀ろ伂霝﹟ 鞐瓣惮鞛 DB 頃挫櫢臧滊皽| 甑偞臧滊皽| 鞖办<旮办垹鞝勲灥歆霃剕 AIAA 鞐办皑氤搓碃靹渱 鞝雱愲矆鞐瓅 鞚茧掣頃车鞖办<| 甑偞鞐瓣惮靹标臣| IP 鞝滉车鞝曤炒| 攵頀堦皽氚滍槃頇 ARIC 鞖╈柎靷爠| 甑愳湣霃勳劀| 鞚鸽靷贝| Web Link| 頃车 鞖办< Spec 頃车鞖办<旮办偓| 頃欖垹頄夓偓鞎堧偞| 瓿检牅 旮瓣磤靻岇嫕| 頃挫櫢臧滊皽 靻岇嫕| 雺挫姢霠堩劙 鞛愳湢瓴岇嫓韺恷 鞓ろ敿雼堨柛| 鞁ろ棙鞁/鞐呾泊 頇嶋炒| 臧る煬毽.
- Lin, D., Li, X. and Hu, F. Q. (2009). PML Absorbing Boundary Condition for Nonlinear Euler Equations in Primitive Variables. & Proceedings 鞝雱 頂勲鞁滊敥歃坾 旮办垹氤搓碃靹渱 頃挫櫢鞐瓣惮齑堧| Reference DB| 瓿淀暀靹り硠| 攵頀堦窚瓴﹟ 頃车鞖办<韸鬼棃| 雲茧鞀ろ伂霝﹟ 鞐瓣惮鞛 DB 頃挫櫢臧滊皽| 甑偞臧滊皽| 鞖办<旮办垹鞝勲灥歆霃剕 AIAA 鞐办皑氤搓碃靹渱 鞝雱愲矆鞐瓅 鞚茧掣頃车鞖办<| 甑偞鞐瓣惮靹标臣| IP 鞝滉车鞝曤炒| 攵頀堦皽氚滍槃頇 ARIC 鞖╈柎靷爠| 甑愳湣霃勳劀| 鞚鸽靷贝| Web Link| 頃车 鞖办< Spec 頃车鞖办<旮办偓| 頃欖垹頄夓偓鞎堧偞| 瓿检牅 旮瓣磤靻岇嫕| 頃挫櫢臧滊皽 靻岇嫕| 雺挫姢霠堩劙 鞛愳湢瓴岇嫓韺恷 鞓ろ敿雼堨柛| 鞁ろ棙鞁/鞐呾泊 頇嶋炒| 臧る煬毽.
- Parrish, S. A. and Hu, F. Q. (2009). PML absorbing boundary conditions for the linearized and nonlinear Euler equations in the case of oblique mean flow. International journal for numerical methods in fluids 60 (5) , pp. 565鈥589.
- Fernando, A. and Hu, F. Q. (2008). a finite difference scheme based on the discontinuous Galerkin method applied to wave propagation. AIAA.
- Parrish, S. A. and Hu, F. Q. (2008). A survey of PML absorbing boundary conditions for the Euler equations in cylindrical coordinates. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2008 (4) , pp. 5196鈥5214.
- Hu, F. Q., Li, X. D. and Lin, D. K. (2008). Absorbing boundary conditions for nonlinear Euler and Navier-Stokes equations based on the perfectly matched layer technique. Journal of Computational Physics 227 , pp. 4398-4424.
- Hu, F. Q. (2008). Development of PML absorbing boundary conditions for computational aeroacoustics: A progress review. Computers & Fluids 37 , pp. 336-348.
- Parrish, S. A. and Hu, F. Q. (2008). PML absorbing boundary conditions for the linearized and nonlinear Euler equations in the case of oblique mean flow. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids.
- Jones, A. and Hu, F. Q. (2007). A Three-dimensional Time-domain Boundary Element Method for the Computation of Exact Green鈥檚 Functions in Acoustic Analogy. 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics , pp. 3479.
- Parrish, S. A. and Hu, F. Q. (2007). Application of PML absorbing boundary condition to aeroacoustics problems with an oblique mean flow. AIAA Paper 3509 , pp. 2007.
- Hu, F. Q. and Parrish, S. A. (2006). On developing a PML absorbing boundary condition for computational aeroacoustics with oblique mean flow. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2006 (6) , pp. 1690鈥1699.
- Hu, F. Q. (2006). On the construction of PML absorbing boundary condition for the non-linear Euler equations. AIAA.
- Hu, F. Q., Li, X. D. and Lin, D. K. (2006). PML absorbing boundary condition for non-linear aeroacoustics problems. AIAA 2521.
- Hu, F. Q. (2005). A perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition for linearized Euler equations with a non-uniform mean flow. Journal of Computational Physics 208 , pp. 469-492.
- Jones, A. and Hu, F. Q. (2005). An Investigation of Spectral Collocation Boundary Element Method for the Computation of Exact Green鈥檚 Function in Acoustic Analogy. AIAA paper 2636 , pp. 2006.
- Hu, F. Q., Guo, Y. P. and Jones, A. D. (2005). On the computation and application of exact Green's function in acoustic analogy. AIAA 2986.
- Hu, F. Q. (2004). Absorbing boundary conditions. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 18 (6) , pp. 513鈥522.
- Hu, F. Q. (2004). An Investigation of Wave Propagations in Discontinuous Galerkin Method.
- Tam, C. KW. and Hu, F. Q. (2004). An optimized multi-dimensional interpolation scheme for computational aeroacoustics applications using overset grids. AIAA paper 2812 , pp. 2004.
- Hu, F. Q. (2004). On using Perfectly Matched Layer for the Euler equations with a non-uniform mean flow. AIAA-Paper 2966 , pp. 2004.
- Hu, F. Q. (2004). Solution of aeroacoustic benchmark problems by discontinuous Galerkin method and Perfectly Matched Layer for nonuniform mean flows. the Proceedings of the 4th CAA Workshop on Benchmark Problems, NASA/CP-2004-212954.
- Hu, F. Q. and Atkins, H. L. (2003). A discrete analysis of non-reflecting boundary conditions for discontinuous Galerkin method. AIAA paper 3301.
- Hu, F. Q. and Atkins, H. L. (2002). Eigensolution analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method with nonuniform grids: I. one space dimension. Journal of Computational Physics 182 (2) , pp. 516鈥545.
- Hu, F. Q. (2002). On constructing stable perfectly matched layers as an absorbing boundary condition for Euler equations. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Paper 227.
- Hu, F. Q. and Atkins, H. L. (2002). Two-dimensional wave analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method with non-uniform grids and boundary conditions. Proceedings of the 8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
- Hu, F. Q. (2001). A stable, perfectly matched layer for linearized Euler equations in unsplit physical variables. Journal of Computational Physics 173 (2) , pp. 455鈥480.
- Zhu, C., Hu, F. Q. and Burden, D. S. (2001). Multi-component reactive transport modeling of natural attenuation of an acid groundwater plume at a uranium mill tailings site. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 52 (1) , pp. 85鈥108.
- Hu, F. Q. (2000). Results of Benchmark Problems for the Third Computational Aeroacoustics Workshop. Third Computational Aeroacoustics(CAA) Workshop on Benchmark Problems 1.
- Hu, F. Q., Hussaini, M. and Rasetarinera, P. (1999). An analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation problems. Journal of Computational Physics 151 (2) , pp. 921鈥946.
- Hu, F. Q. (1999). Application of discontinuous Galerkin method to computational acoustics. AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 14 th, Norfolk, VA.
- Hayder, M. Ehtesham., Hu, F. Q. and Hussaini, M. Yousuff. (1999). Toward perfectly absorbing boundary conditions for Euler equations. AIAA journal 37 (8) , pp. 912鈥918.
- Hu, F. Q. and Manthey, J. L. (1997). Application of PML absorbing boundary conditions to the benchmark problems of computational aeroacoustics. NASA Conference Publication , pp. 119鈥152.
- An, On Perfectly Matched Layer As and Hu, F. Q. (1996). 2nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference May 6-8, 1996/State College, PA.
- Hu, F. Q., Hussaini, M. Yousuff. and Manthey, J. (1996). Low-dissipation and low-dispersion Runge鈥揔utta schemes for computational acoustics. Journal of Computational Physics 124 (1) , pp. 177鈥191.
- Hu, F. Q. (1996). On absorbing boundary conditions for linearized Euler equations by a perfectly matched layer. Journal of Computational Physics 129 (1) , pp. 201鈥219.
- Hu, F. Q., Martin, J. and Hussaini, M. (1996). On computing sound radiation of a temporally evolving mixing layer by vortex method and matched asymptotic expansions. AIAA paper , pp. 96鈥0875.
- Hu, F. Q. (1996). On perfectly matched layer as an absorbing boundary condition. AIAA paper , pp. 96鈥1664.
- Otto, SR, Jackson, T. and Hu, F. Q. (1996). On the spatial evolution of centrifugal instabilities within curved incompressible mixing layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 315 , pp. 85鈥103.
- Hu, F. Q. (1995). The acoustic and instability waves of jets confined inside an acoustically lined rectangular duct. Journal of sound and vibration 183 (5) , pp. 841鈥856.
- Hu, F. Q. (1994). A fast numerical solution of scattering by a cylinder: Spectral method for the boundary integral equations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 96 (6) , pp. 3693鈥3703.
- Otto, SR, Jackson, T. Luther. and Hu, F. Q. (1994). On the evolution of centrifugal instabilities within curved incompressible mixing layers. Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE).
- Hu, F. Q. (1993). A numerical study of wave propagation in a confined mixing layer by eigenfunction expansions. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 5 (6) , pp. 1420鈥1426.
- Hu, F. Q., Jackson, T., Lasseigne, D. and Grosch, C. E. (1993). Absolute鈥揷onvective instabilities and their associated wave packets in a compressible reacting mixing layer. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 5 (4) , pp. 901鈥915.
- Hu, F. Q., Jackson, T., Lasseigne, D. and Grosch, C. E. (1993). Induced Mach wave鈥揻lame interactions in laminar supersonic fuel jets. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 5 (2) , pp. 422鈥427.
- Lasseigne, D., Jackson, T. and Hu, F. Q. (1992). Temperature and suction effects on the instability of an infinite swept attachment line. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 4 (9) , pp. 2008鈥2012.
- Hu, F. Q. and Tam, C. KW. (1991). Parametric instability of supersonic shear layers induced by periodic Mach waves. Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 3 (6) , pp. 1645鈥1656.
- Tam, C. KW. and Hu, F. Q. (1991). Resonant instability of ducted free supersonic mixing layers induced by periodic Mach waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 229 , pp. 65鈥85.
- Tam, C. KW. and Hu, F. Q. (1989). On the three families of instability waves of high-speed jets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 201 , pp. 447鈥483.
- Tam, C. KW. and Hu, F. Q. (1989). The instability and acoustic wave modes of supersonic mixing layers inside a rectangular channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 203 , pp. 51鈥76.
- Tam, C. and Hu, F. Q. (1988). Instabilities of supersonic mixing layers inside a rectangular channel. AIAA Paper , pp. 88鈥3675.
- Hu, F. Q. and Atkins, H. L. (2001). Eigensolution analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method with non-uniform grids. na.
Book Chapters
- Hu, F. Q. (2007). Boundary conditions for acoustics Large Eddy Simulation for Acoustics Cambridge Press.
- Rasetarinera, P., Hussaini, M. and Hu, F. Q. (2000). Some remarks on the accuracy of a discontinuous Galerkin method Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (pp. 407鈥412) Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Hu, F. Q., Otto, SR and Jackson, T. (1994). On the stability of a curved mixing layer Transition, Turbulence and Combustion (pp. 107鈥116) Springer Netherlands.
Conference Proceeding
- Parrish, S. and Hu, F. Q. (2007). Construction of Perfectly Matched Layer in cylindrical coordinates with non-zero mean flow APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts.
- Hu, F. Q., Hussaini, M. and Manthey, J. A. (1995). Application of low dissipation and dispersion Runge-Kutta schemes to benchmark problems in computational aeroacoustics ICASE/LaRC workshop on benchmark problems in computational aeroacoustics (CAA) (pp. 73鈥98).
- Hu, F. Q. (1995). On absorbing boundary conditions for linearized Euler equations by a perfectly matched layer J. Comput. Phys.
- Fernando, A. and Hu, F. Q. (May , 2008). A finite difference scheme based on the discontinuous Galerkin 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Jones, A. and Hu, F. Q. (May , 2007). A three-dimensional time-domain boundary element method for the computation of exact Green's functions in acoustic analogy 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Rome, Italy.
- Parrish, S. A. and Hu, F. Q. (May , 2007). Application of PML absorbing boundary condition to aeroacoustics problems with an oblique mean flow 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Rome, Italy.
- Hu, F. Q. and Parrish, S. A. (December , 2006). PML absorbing boundary condition for oblique mean flows INTER-NOISE 2006 Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Jones, A. and Hu, F. Q. (May , 2006). An investigation of spectral collocation boundary element method for the computation of exact Green's functions in acoustic analogy 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Hu, F. Q., Li, X. D. and Lin, D. K. (May , 2006). PML absorbing boundary condition for non-linear aeroacoustics problems 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Cambridge, MA.
- Hu, F. Q. (January , 2006). On the construction of PML absorbin boundary condition for the non-linear Euler equations 44th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit Reno, NV.
- Hu, F. Q. ( 2005). A survey of numerical schemes for computational aeroacoustics, I & II Marseille, France.
- Hu, F. Q. (December 5, 2005). Non-reflecting boundary conditions for computational aeroacoustics Beijing, China.
- Hu, F. Q. (July , 2005). Non-reflecting boundary conditions for computational aeroacoustics Euromech:Turbulent Flow and Noise Generation Marseille, France.
- Hu, F. Q., Guo, Y. P. and Jones, A. D. (May , 2005). On the computation and application of exact Green's function in acoustic analogy 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Monterey, CA.