Bill Judge

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Business Administration/Strategic Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (1989)

M.B.A. in General Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (1985)

B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University, (1978)

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Sponsoring Organization: Consulting Psychologists Press
Date Obtained: 1995-01-01

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Judge Jr., W. Q. "Competitive research SGRP grant" $5,000. Other. 2004 - 2005
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Fulbright Grant" $50,000. Private. 2001 - 2001
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Competitive research grant " $4,500. Private. 1998 - 1999
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Competitive research grant" $5,000. Private. 1996 - 1997
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Strategic Management in the Health Care Industry" $5,000. Private. 1995 - 1996
Judge Jr., W. Q., Miller, A., Gilbert , K. and Massingale, C. "Teaching grant " $50,000. Private. 1995 - 1996
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Innovative Teaching Award" $500. Private. 1995 - 1995
Judge Jr., W. Q., Fowler, D. and Miller, A. "Research grant " $50,000. Private. 1993 - 1994
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Fryxell, G. "Research grant" $40,000. 1992 - 1993
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Stahl, M. "Research grant" $30,000. 1990 - 1992
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Dissertation Research Award " $5,000. 1988 - 1988
Judge Jr., W. Q. "Research grant " $4,000. 1987 - 1987


Executive Development
Strategic Management Retreats & Planning Process
Organizational Development & Change

Research Interests

Strategic Leadership, Corporate Governance, Organizational Innovation & Change


Guldiken, O., Mallon, M., Fainshmidt, S. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2019). Beyond Tokenism: How Strategic Leaders Influence Meaningful Gender Diversity on Boards. Strategic Management Journal 40 (12) , pp. 2024-2046.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Fainshmidt, S. and Brown, J. Lee. Institutional Systems for Equitable Wealth Creation: An Update of Judge et al. (2014) . Management and Organization Review.
Aguilera, R. V., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Terjesen, S. A. (2018). Corporate governance deviance. Academy of Management Review 43 (1) , pp. 87--109.
Fainshmidt, S., Judge Jr., W. Q., Aguilera, R. V.. and Smith, A. (2018). Varieties of institutional systems: A contextual taxonomy of understudied countries. Journal of World Business 53 , pp. 307-322.
Zattoni, A., Witt, M. A.., Judge Jr., W. Q., Talaulicar, T., Chen, J. Jinghan., Lewellyn, K., Hu, H. Wei., Gabrielsson, J., Rivas, J. Luis., Puffer, S., Shukla, D., Lopez, F., Adegbite, E., Fassin, Y., Yamak, S., Fainshmidt, S. and van Ees, H. (2017). How does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system. Journal of World Business 52 (5) , pp. 628 - 639.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Talaulicar, T. (2017). The board's involvement in the strategic decision making process: A comprehensive review. Annals of Corporate Governance 2 (2) , pp. 51-169.
Lewellyn, K., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Smith, A. (2017). Exploring the questionable academic practice of conference paper double dipping. Academy of Management Learning & Education 16 (2) , pp. 217-236.
Erkan, A., Fainshmidt, S. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2016). Variance decomposition of the country, industry, firm, and firm-year effecfts on dividend policy. International Business Review 25 (6) , pp. 1309-1320.
Vracheva, V., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Madden, T. (2016). The Enterprise Strategy of the Firm: Concept, Measurement, and Validation. European Management Journal 34 , pp. 374-385.
Fainshmidt, S., Smith, A. and Judge, W. Q.. (2016). National competitiveness and the Porter Diamond Model. Global Strategy Journal 6 , pp. 81-104.
Smith, A., Judge Jr., W. Q., Pezeshkan, A. and Nair, A. (2016). Institutionalizing Entrepreneurial Expertise in Subsistence Markets. Journal of World Business 51 (6) , pp. 910-922.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Witt, M., Talaulicar, T., Zattoni, A. and Lewellyn, K. (2015). Corporate Governance and IPO Underpricing in a Cross-National Sample: A Knowledge-Based View. Strategic Management Journal/Wiley 36 (8) , pp. 1174-1185.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Hu, H. W.., Gabrielsson, J., Talaulicar, T., Witt, M. A.., Zattoni, A., Lopez-Iturragia, F., Chen, J., Shukla, D., Quttainah, M., Adegbite, E., Rivas, J. Luis. and Kibler, B. (2015). Configurations of capacity for change in entrepreneurial threshold firms: Imprinting and strategic choice perspectives. Journal of Management Studies 52 (4) , pp. 506-530.
Chung, H. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2015). Voluntary disclosure, excess executive compensation, and firm value. Journal of Corporate Finance 32 , pp. 64-90.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Liu-Thompkins, Y., Brown, J. Lee. and Pongpatipat, C. (2015). The Impact of Home Country Institutions on Corporate Technological Entrepreneurship via R&D Investments and Virtual World Presence. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice 39 (2) , pp. 237-266.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Fainshmidt, S. and Lee J.. (2014). Which model of capitalism best delivers both wealth and equality? . Journal of International Business Studies 45 (4) , pp. 363-386.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Douglas, T. (2013). Entrepreneurship as a Leap of Faith. Journal of Management Spirituality, and Religion 10 (1) , pp. 37-65.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (2012). Pioneering Research in Comparative Corporate Governance: The Role of Special Issues. Corporate Governance: An International Review 20 (1) , pp. 1-2.
Wang, L. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2012). Managerial Ownership and the role of privitization in transition economies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 29 (2) , pp. 479-498.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Li, S. (2012). Organization Design for Foreign Subsidiaries in Multinational Enterprises: A Contingency Perspective. International Journal of Business & Management 7 (3) , pp. 47-63.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Weber, T. and Muller-Kahle, M. (2012). What are the Correlates of Interdisciplinary Research Impact? The Case of Corporate Governance Research. Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (1) , pp. 82-98.
Sethi, D., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Sun, Q. (2011). FDI location decisions: An integrative conceptual framework. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 28 , pp. 325-352.
Judge Jr., W. Q., McNatt, D. Brian. and Xu, W. (2011). Antecedents and Effects of National Corruption: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of World Business 46 (1) , pp. 93-103.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Filatotchev, I. and Aguilera, R. (2010). Comparative corporate governance and international business. Corporate Governance: An International Review 18 (6) , pp. 493-495.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Muller, M. (2010). Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism: An International Perspective. Corporate Governance: An International Review 18 (4).
Judge Jr., W. Q., Li, S. and Pinsker, R. E. (2010). National Adoption of international accounting standards: An institutional perspective. Corporate Governance: An International Review 18 , pp. 161-174.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Gaur, A. S. and Muller-Kahle, M. (2010). Corporate governance and shareholder activism: An institutional perspective. Corporate Governance: An International Review 18 (3) , pp. 258-273.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Naoumova, I., Douglas, T. and Koutzevol, N. (2009). Organizational capacity for change and firm performance in Russia. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20 (8) , pp. 1737-1752.
Sethi, D. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2009). Reappraising Liabilities of Foreignness within An Integrated Perspective of the Costs and Benefits of Doing Business Abroad. International Business Review 18 , pp. 404-416.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Douglas (2009). The evolution of the organizational capacity for change construct. . Journal of Organizational Change Management 22 , pp. 635-649.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Blocker, C. (2008). Organizational capacity for change and strategic ambidexterity: Flying the plane while rewiring it. European Journal of Marketing 42 (9/10) , pp. 915-926.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Douglas and Kutan, A. (2008). Institutional antecedents of corporate governance legitimacy. Journal of Management 34 , pp. 765-785.
Bach, S., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Dean, T. (2008). Superior knowledge, isolating mechanisms, and IPO success: A knowledge-based view. Journal of Managerial Issues 20 (4) , pp. 507-525.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Elenkov, D. (2007). Antecedents of learning outcomes in strategic management courses. International Journal of Business Research 7 , pp. 80-86.
Bartley, S., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Judge, S. (2007). Antecedents of marital happiness and career satisfaction: An empirical study of dual-career managers. Journal of Business and Public Affairs 1 (1) , pp. 124-134.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Dooley, R. (2006). Strategic Alliance Outcomes: A Transaction Costs Perspective. British Journal of Management 16 , pp. 1-13.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Elenkov (2005). Organizational Capacity for Change and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Assessment of Bulgarian Firms. Journal of Business Research 58 , pp. 894-901.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Elenkov and Wright, P. (2005). Strategic Leadership Behaviors and Innovation Influence: An Empirical International Study. Strategic Management Journal 26 , pp. 665-682.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Naoumova (2004). Corporate Governance in Russia: What Model Will It Follow? . Corporate Governance: An International Review 12 (3) , pp. 302-315.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Miassodoev and Naoumova (2004). The Past, Present, and Future States of Russian Management Education. International Journal of Business & Management Education. 1 , pp. 1-20.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Naoumova and Koutzevol (2003). Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Russia: An Empirical Study. Journal of World Business 38 (4) , pp. 385-396.
Jones, K. A. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2002). CEO trustworthiness: A source of competitive advantage. Academy of Strategic Management Journal 1 , pp. 57.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (2001). Is a leader's character culture-bound or culture-free? An empirical comparison of the character traits of American and Taiwanese CEOs. Journal of Leadership Studies 8 (2) , pp. 63--78.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Ryman, J. A.. (2001). The shared leadership challenge in strategic alliances: Lessons from the U.S. healthcare industry. Academy of Management Perspectives 15 (2) , pp. 71-79.
Douglas, T. J.. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2001). Total Quality Management Implementation and Competitive Advantage: The Role of Structural Control and Exploration. Academy of Management Journal 44 (1) , pp. 158-169.
Dooley, R. S.., Fryxell, G. E.. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2000). Belaboring the not-so-obvious: consensus, commitment, and strategy implementation speed and success. Journal of Management 26 (6) , pp. 1237 - 1257.
Rogers, P., Miller, A. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (1999). Strategic Information Requirements and Planning Capacities: Process and Content Linked by Information. Strategic Management Journal 20 , pp. 567-577.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Douglas, T. J. (1998). Performance Implications of Incorporating Natural Environmental Issues into the Strategic Planning Process: An Empirical Assessment. Journal of Management Studies 35 (2) , pp. 241-262.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Cowell, J. (1997). The brave new world of executive coaching. Business Horizons 40 (4) , pp. 71--78.
Krishnan, H. A., Miller, A. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (1997). Top Management Team Complementarity's Impact on the Diversification-Performance Relationship.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Fowler, D. M.. (1996). Organizational Responses to Strategic Issues Posed by the Natural Environment: An Application of Miles and Snow's Strategic Types. Industrial \& Environmental Crisis Quarterly 9 (4) , pp. 419-447.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Miller, A. and Fowler, D. (1996). What Causes Corporate Environmental Responsiveness?. Corporate Environmental Strategy 3 (3) , pp. 43-48.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Dobbins, G. H.. (1995). Antecedents and Effects of Outside Director’s Awareness of CEO Decision Style. Journal of Management 21 (1) , pp. 43-64.
Fryxell, G. E.. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (1995). Individualism and teamwork: Synthesizing the dialectic in the management of R&D in biotechnology. The Journal of High Technology Management Research 6 (1) , pp. 33 - 54.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Stahl, M. J.. (1995). Middle-manager effort in strategy implementation: A multinational perspective. International Business Review 4 (1) , pp. 91 - 111.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (1995). Outside Director Responses to Organizational Decline: Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect. Corporate Governance: An International Review 3 (1) , pp. 9-20.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Speitzfaden, M. (1995). The Management of Strategic Time Horizons within Biotechnology Firms: The Impact of Cognitive Complexity on Time Horizon Diversity. Journal of Management Inquiry 4 (2) , pp. 179-196.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Krishnan, H. (1994). An Empirical Investigation of the Scope of a Firm's Enterprise Strategy. Business \& Society 33 (2) , pp. 167-190.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Fowler, D. M.. (1994). A configurational approach to Enterprise Strategy Scope: An Upper Echelons Perspective. International Journal of Value-Based Management 7 (2) , pp. 91--106.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (1994). Correlates of organizational effectiveness: A multilevel analysis of a multidimensional outcome. Journal of Business Ethics 13 (1) , pp. 1--10.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Zeithaml, C. P.. (1992). Institutional and Strategic Choice Perspectives on Board Involvement in the Strategic Decision Process. Academy of Management Journal 35 (4) , pp. 766-794.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Miller, A. (1991). Antecedents and Outcomes of Decision Speed in Different Environmental Context. Academy of Management Journal 34 (2) , pp. 449-463.


Zattoni, A. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2012). Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): An International Perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Justice, E. M. (2011). Building Organizational Capacity for Change: The Strategic Leader’s New Mandate. Business Expert Press.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (2011). Building Organizational Capacity for Change: The Strategic Leader’s New Mandate. Business Expert Press.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (1999). The Leader’s Shadow: Exploring and Developing the Character of Executive . Sage Publications.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (1992). The Board's Role in a Privately-Held Firm Facing a Crisis, in R.H. Ford (ed.) Boards of Directors and the Privately-held Firm: A Complete Guide for Owners, Officers, and Directors. Greenwood Press.

Book Chapters

Judge Jr., W. Q. and Terrell, S. (2013). Navigating the white waters of organizations change: Best practice principles for change management The Change Champions Field Guide (pp. 115-135) San Fancisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Terrell, S. (2013). Navigating the white waters of organizations change: Best practice principles for change management The change champions field guide (pp. 115-135) San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Kutan, Douglas, T. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (2009). Does corruption hurt economic development? Evidence from Middle Eastern and North African and Latin American countries (pp. 25-37) Routledge.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Zeithaml (2004). Institutional and strategic choice perspectives on board involvement in strategic decision making Theories of corporate governance: The philosophical foundations of corporate governance (pp. 149-158) New York: Routledge.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Zeithaml, C. (2004). Institutional and strategic choice perspectives on board involvement in strategic decision making. Theories of corporate governance: The philosophical foundations of corporate governance (pp. 149-158) Routledge.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (2004). Strategic Leadership, Strategic Management Process, Strategic Change, Collaborative Partnerships, Co-opetition The Encyclopedia of Healthcare Management Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (2004). Strategic Leadership, Strategic Management Process, Strategic Change” The Encyclopedia of Healthcare Management (pp. (1) “Strategic Leadership” (pp. 530-531), (2) “Strategic Management Process” (pp. 532-533), (3) “Strategic Change” (p. 525), (4) “Collaborative Partnerships” (p. 82), (5) “Co-opetition” (pp. 107-108)) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and McLaughlin, C. (2003). Dr. Johnson: Network Medical Director Cases in Health Services Management, Fourth Edition (pp. 163-176) Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (1999). Chapter 10: Strategic Leadership in the Health Care Industry The Business of Medicine: What Every Physician Leader Needs to Know (pp. 189-196) Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and McLaughlin, C. (1999). Dr. Johnson: Network Medical Director .) Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care, Second Edition (pp. 533-550) Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Stahl, M. J. (1991). Long-term Quality Improvement and Cost Reduction at Capsugel/Warner-Lambert Competing Globally Through Customer Value (pp. 703-709) Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Conference Proceeding

Judge Jr., W. Q., Bowler and Douglas, T. (2006). Preparing for Organizational Change: Evolution of the Organizational Capacity for Change Construct (pp. O1-O6) Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (2005). Adventures in Creating an Outdoor Leadership Challenge Course for an EMBA Program (pp. 95-101) Association for Business and Experiential Learning Proceedings.
Douglas, T. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (1995). Integrating Environmental Issues into the Strategic Planning Process: An Empirical Assessment (pp. 475-479) Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Stahl, M. J. (1990). Decision modeling managerial effort in strategy implementation: A multinational test (pp. 1312-1314) Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (1988). A longitudinal evaluation of corporate wellness programs' impact on health care costs (pp. 85-89) Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.


Judge Jr., W. Q., Guldiken, O. and Clark, C. (October , 2017). The Director Selection Process: A Field Study from the Candidates’ Perspective Paper Strategic Management Society Meetings Houston Texas.
Witt, M. A., Zattoni, A. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (August , 2017). How Does Board Independence Affect IPO Performance? The Role of the National Business System Paper Academy of Management Meetings Atlanta, GA.
Talaulicar, T., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Mallon, M. R. (August , 2017). What drives prespecriptions of board involvement in corporate governance codes? Paper Academy of Management Meetings Atlanta, GA.
Tupper, C. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (July , 2017). The Role of National Context in the Relationship between Founder CEOs and IPO Performance Paper Academy of International Business Dubai, UAE.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Guldiken, O., Fainshmidt, S. and Mallon, M. R. ( 2016). What Drives Board Gender Diversity Decisions? Comparing the Influence of Institutional and Agency Predictors Paper Strategic Management Society Meetings Berlin, Germany.
Mallon, M. R., Judge Jr., W. Q., Fainshmidt, S., Lanivich, S. E. and Markowski, E. P. (October , 2016). Many Paths to the Global Marketplace: Configurations of Venture Internationalization in Emerging and Developed Economies Lecture Southern Management Association Annual Meeting Charlotte, NC.
Lewellyn, K. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (August , 2016). Focusing on Upsides and Downplaying Downsides: CEO Power, Stock Options, and Strategic Risk Taking Oral Presentation Academy of Management Meetings Anaheim, CA.
Weber, T., Judge Jr., W. Q., Frazier, M. Lance. and Markowitz, E. (August , 2016). Strategic Caring Empirical Study Paper Academy of Management Meetings Anaheim, CA.
Fainshmidt, S., Judge Jr., W. Q., Aguilera, R. and Smith, A. (June , 2016). Varieties of Institutional Systems: A Contextual Taxonomy of the Understudied Regions of the Global Economy Keynote/Plenary Address Academy of International Business Meetings New Orleans, LA.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Withers, M., Zajac, E., Zhou, D. and Mysangyi, V. (October , 2015). New perspectives on the outside director selection process. Other Strategic Management Society Meetings Denver, CO.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Smith, A. and Fainshmidt, S. (October , 2015). Which board leadership structure works best? A fuzzy set analysis of corporate governance bundles Paper Strategic Management Society Meetings Denver, CO.
Weber, T., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Madden, T. (September , 2015). Towards understanding organizational relationships with stakeholders: Strategic caring construct Paper Academy of Management meetings Vancouver, British Columbia.
Aguilera, R. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (September , 2015). Governance deviance: A middle range theory Paper International Corporate Governance Society Meetings Copenhagen, Denmark.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (June , 2015). The outside director selection process: A field study Lecture New Ideas in Leadership Durham, NC.
Vracheva, V. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (March , 2015). Enterprise strategy of the firm: Construct, measurement and validation. Paper International Academy of Business & Society Papagauyo, Costa rica.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Becerra, M. (September 23, 2014). Enterprise- and corporate-level strategic change: The Case of Spain before and after the Great Recession Oral Presentation Strategic Management Society Meetings Madrid, Spain.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Fainshmidt, S. and Smith, A. (September 18, 2014). Was Porter right? The Diamond model revisited Oral Presentation Strategic Management Society Pre-Conference Madrid, Spain.
Moghaddam, K. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (August 8, 2014). Immigrant entrepreneurs’ liability of foreignness: Myth or reality? Oral Presentation Academy of Management Meetings Philadelphia, PA.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (July , 2014). Models of capitalism and equitable wealth creation Oral Presentation Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics Chicago, IL.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Talalulicar, T. (October , 2013). Not all IPOs are nimble: Configurations of organizational capacity for change in entrepreneurial threshold firms Poster QCA Conference Frankfurt, Germany.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Fainshmidt, S. and Brown, J. Lee. (August , 2013). National governance bundles and equitable wealth creation Paper Academy of Management Meetings Miami, Florida.
Aguilera, R. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (September , 2012). Firm-level governance discretion from a comparative perspective: Triggers of transition Paper Strategic Management Society Meetings Prague, Czech Republic.
Filatotchev, I. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (September , 2012). Strategy in transition: An editor’s panel Strategic Management Society Meetings Prague, Czech Republic.
Haxhi, I., Clarke, T., Judge Jr., W. Q., Ahmadjian, C., Gaur, A., Crespi, R. and Aguilera, R. (July , 2012). Panel Discussion: Current topics in comparative corporate governance Academy of International Business Annual Meetings Washington, DC.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Zattoni, A., Bell, R., Lewellyn, K. and Talaulicar, T. ( 2011). How do boards of directors contribute to IPO returns? An empirical examination of a multinational sample Paper Academy of Management Meetings San Antonio, Texas.
Xu, W., Nair, A., Gopinath, M. and Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2011). The effects of guilt on strategic decision-making: A China-US cross-cultural experimental study Paper Academy of Management Meetings San Antonio, Texas.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Liu-Thompkins, Y., Brown, J. and Pongpatipat, C. ( 2011). The national antecedents of corporate entrepreneurship: An empirical study of Fortune’s global 500 firms Paper Academy of Management Meetings San Antonio, Texas.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Talaulicar, T. and Zattoni, A. ( 2011). Conducting international comparative management research: The IPO corporate governance research project EIASM’s Second Workshop on Top Management Teams & Business Strategy Research: Contextualizing Top Management Teams Istanbul, Turkey.
Chen, J., Judge Jr., W. Q. and Zhang, H. ( 2011). The Application of Transaction Cost Economics to Corporate Governance under the Recent Financial Crisis Global Financial Crisis conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Talaulicar, T. and Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2011). An upper echelons perspective of organizational capacity for change: A cross-country analysis of IPO firms Paper International Strategic Management Society Meetings Miami, Florida.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Brown, J. Lee. ( 2011). Toward a global theory of corporate governance: The promise of national governance bundles Paper International Strategic Management Society Meetings Miami, Florida.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (July , 2011). Corporate governance and IPO underpricing throughout the world: Agency & institutional perspectives Paper Academy of International Business conference Nagoya, Japan.
Brown, J., Judge Jr., W. Q., Liu-Thompkins, Y. and Pongpatipat, C. (June , 2011). The national antecedents of corporate entrepreneurship: An empirical study of Fortune’s global 500 firms Academy of International Business conference Nagoya, Japan.
Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2010). Keynote/Plenary Address Asian Corporate Governance conference Hong Kong, China.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Stafsudd, A. and Ahmadjian, C. ( 2010). The 2008 Financial Crisis in the United States: Lessons Learned from Sweden and Japan Global Financial Crisis conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Bell, G., Talaulicar, T. and Zattoni, A. (August , 2010). International Corporate Governance Database Project II. IMD professional development workshop Academy of Management Meetings Montreal, Canada.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Filatotchev, I., Talaulicar, T. and Zattoni, A. ( 2009). International Corporate Governance Database project I, Academy of Management Meetings Chicago, IL.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Liu-Thompkins, Y. ( 2009). Loyalty Program Time Horizon: Effects of Policy Change on Consumer Behavior INFORMS 2009 Marketing Science Conference .
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Liu-Thompkins, Y. ( 2009). Antecedents of Corporate Innovation: The Case of Second Life Paper Strategic Management Society 2009 Annual International Conference .
Judge Jr., W. Q., McNatt, D. Brian. and Xu, W. ( 2008). Antecedents and effects of national corruption: A meta-analysis Paper Academy of International Business Meetings Milan, Italy.
Sethi, D. and Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2008). Towards a conceptual framework for more fine-grained analyses of FDI Locations: An illustrative empirical analysis of FDI distribution within China during 2000-06 Paper Academy of International Business Meetings Milan, Italy.
Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2008). Entrepreneurial start-ups as leaps of faith Paper Academy of Management Meetings Anaheim, CA.
Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2008). Board Involvement in the Strategic Decision Making Process Keynote/Plenary Address Asian Corporate Governance Conference Taipei, Taiwan.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Liu-Thompkins, Y. ( 2008). Assessing Loyalty Program Effects in a Competitive Setting: Impact of Market Saturation INFORMS 2008 Marketing Science Conference .
Sethi, D. and Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2007). Evolution of International Business (IB) and the IB Literature Paper Academy of International Business, Conference Indianapolis.
Sethi, D. and Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2007). Clarifying the Costs (and Benefits) of Doing Business Abroad: A Conceptual Integration Paper Academy of Management Conference Philadelphia.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Bach, S. ( 2007). Senior executives’ characteristics and firm performance: An empirical study in ten diverse countries. Paper Academy of Management Meetings International Management Division Philadelphia, PA. .
Elenkov, D., Ely, R., Judge Jr., W. Q., Meyerson, D., Puffer, S., Scandura, T. and Tung, R. ( 2007). Women leaders in government, business & academia: Doing well by doing good Paper All-Academy Symposium at the Academy of Management Meetings Philadelphia, PA.
Li, S. and Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2007). Effects of governance environment on organizational structure and process Paper Organization Science Winter Conference Steamboat Springs, CO.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Li, S. and Pinsker, R. E. ( 2007). National adoption of international accounting standards: An institutional perspective. Paper Strategic Management Society Conference San Diego, CA.
Sethi, D. and Judge Jr., W. Q. (October , 2007). Sustaining Competitive Advantage through Dynamic Adaptation Paper Strategic Management Society Conference San Diego.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Elenkov ( 2006). Antecedents of learning outcomes in a business policy course: An empirical study Paper Academy of Management Meetings Atlanta, GA.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Bowler, M. and Douglas, T. ( 2006). Understanding organizational change: Evolution of the organizational capacity for change inventory Paper Academy of Management Meetings Atlanta, GA.
Daniels, Early, Elenkov, Gibson, C., Judge Jr., W. Q., Luthans and Puffer (August , 2006). New perspectives on cross-cultural knowledge: In search of action plans to service the global economy. Paper All-Academy Symposium at the Academy of Management Meetings Atlanta, GA.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Bartley, S. and Judge, S. ( 2005). Antecedents of marital happiness and career satisfaction: An empirical study of dual-career managers Paper Academy of Management Meetings Honolulu, Hawaii.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Naoumova, Douglas, T. and Kouzevol ( 2005). Competitive advantage in transition economies: The antecedents and effects of organizational capacity for change. Paper Academy of Management Meetings Honolulu, Hawaii.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Boyd, B., Delbecq and Neal ( 2005). Stories about management teaching and research: Making sense of management in the 21st century. Paper Symposium presentation to Academy of Management Meetings Honolulu, Hawaii.
Naoumova and Judge Jr., W. Q. (November , 2005). The role of managerial education in SME development in transition economies. Paper Academy of International Business, Southeast Region Charleston, SC.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Blocker, C. (October , 2005). Organizational capacity for change and strategic ambidexterity: Flying the plane while rewiring it Paper Strategic Management Society Orlando, FL.
Judge Jr., W. Q. ( 2004). Admissions Trends in Executive MBA Programs: A Descriptive Study of EMBA Programs in Southeastern US Paper Southeast Regional Executive MBA Council Meeting Tampa, FL.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (November , 2004). Antecedents of National Corruption: An Institutional Perspective. Paper Southeast Regional Conference Knoxville, TN.
Judge Jr., W. Q. (August , 2004). Conducting Research in International Management Paper Academy of Management Meetings New Orleans, LA.
Bach, Judge Jr., W. Q. and Dean (August , 2004). Resources, networks, and the creation of entrepreneurial rents Paper Academy of Management Meetings New Orleans, LA.
Naoumova, Judge Jr., W. Q. and Koutzevol (April , 2004). The role of the state in the support of small enterprises in transition economies: Russian perspectives Paper United Nations: Expert Meeting on Good Governance for SMEs Geneva, Switzerland.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Elenkov, D. ( 2003). Organizational Capacity for Change and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Assessment Paper Academy of Management Meetings Seattle, Washington.
Judge Jr., W. Q. and Straw, R. (October , 2003). Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up EMBA Curriculum Integration Paper International Executive MBA Council Conference Atlanta, GA.
Judge Jr., W. Q., Naoumova and Koutzevol, N. (April , 2003). Corporate Governance in Russia: Views from Russian Middle Managers Paper International Conference on Corporate Governance and Investment in Transitioning Economies Boston, MA.
  • 2016: Faculty Research Award , Strome College of Business
  • 2016: Invited to serve a second term on the Editorial Review Board , Journal of Management Studies
  • 2015: 2015 SCHEV Award Nominee for Outstanding Faculty Award, 鶹ý
  • 2015: Invited to serve two-year term on the Editorial Review Board , Journal of International Business Studies
  • 2015: 2016 SCHEV Award Nominee, 鶹ý
  • 2013: CBPA’s Doctoral Mentoring Award , 鶹ý
  • 2013: Distinguished Visiting Professor, IE Business School (Madrid, Spain)
  • 2013: Invited to serve as Distinguished Visiting Professor, IE Business School in Madrid, Spain
  • 2013: Invited to serve on the Editorial Review Board, Strategic Management Journal
  • 2013: Doctoral Mentoring Award, CBPA
  • 2012: Invited to serve on the Editorial Review Board, Journal of Management Studies
  • 2011: Invited to serve as Collections Editor for the Strategic Management and Corporate Governance collections, Business Expert Press
  • 2010: Appointed to be the Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review , Wiley Publications
  • 2010: Delivered keynote address to scholars, governmental officials, and practitioners , Asian Corporate Governance
  • 2010: Elected to the Executive Committee of the Corporate Strategy & Governance interest group, Strategic Management Society
  • 2010: Invited to serve on Editorial Review Board , Journal of World Business
  • 2009: Appointed to Chair the International Awards Committee for the Business Policy & Strategy Division, Academy of Management
  • 2008: Delivered keynote address to scholars, governmental officials, and practitioners, Asian Corporate Governance
  • 2007: Selected to be the Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review , Blackwell Publications
  • 2006: Selected to be the first E.V. Williams Chair of Strategic Leadership , 鶹ý
  • 2004: 20 writings with biggest impact on corporate governance thinking , Academy of Management Journal
  • 2004: Awarded the Center for Executive Education Dean’s award for leadership excellence, 鶹ý
  • 2004: Awarded two-year Reagan Scholar distinction, College of Business Administration
  • 2003: Bank of America Faculty Leader award , Bank of America
  • 2003: Finalist for the John B. Ross Teaching Award , 鶹ý
  • 2001: Fulbright award winner, Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO)
  • 2001: Outstanding Teacher award , 鶹ý
  • 2000: Award for Exceptional Reviewing Excellence , Editorial Board of the Academy of Management Executive
  • 2000: “John R. Moore” Teaching award , College of Business Administration at the University of Tennessee
  • 1994: “Allan H. Keally” Teaching Award, College of Business at the University of Tennessee
  • 1991: Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society , Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
  • 1988: Best paper” honors, Academy of Management