Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Ayodeji Demuren
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Thermo/Fluids, Computational Method, Imperial College London, (1979)
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, (1975)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Demuren, A. O. "Insulin Occlusion Study " $10,000. - 2011
- Demuren, A. O. and Diawara, N. "Impaired Insulin Delivery During Continuous Insulin Infusion" $77,650. - 2009
- Demuren, A. O. "Insulin Pump Delivery System Occlusion Study" $20,000. February 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008
- Demuren, A. O. and Hou, G. J.W.. "High Performance Planning Hulls" $40,000. October 1, 2007 - December 31, 2008
- Demuren, A. O. "CAT Machine Dust Minimization CFD Analysis. January 1, 2005 - December 30, 2008
- Hou, G. J.W.. and Demuren, A. O. "Methodology for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of High Performance Planing Hull" $40,000. November 2007 - October 2008
- Demuren, A. O. "Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Flows. 1991 - 2000
- Demuren, A. O. "Computations of Turbulent Flows. 1990 - 2000
- Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. "Calculation of Complex Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets. 1992 - 1996
- Demuren, A. O. "Convergence Acceleration of the Proteus Computer Code with Multigrid Methods. 1992 - 1995
- Demuren, A. O. "Turbulence Modeling Canonical Flows. February 1994 - September 1994
- Demuren, A. O. "Computational Mechanics CFD. 1990 - 1992
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. "Development of a Model for the Calculation of Sediment Transport in Rivers. 1986 - 1989
- Demuren, A. O. "Investigation of the Prospects for Wind Energy Utilisation in Nigeria. 1987 - 1988
- Wang, B., Demuren, A. O., Gyuricsko, E. and Hui, H. (2011). An Experimental Study of Pulsed Micro Flows Pertinent to Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy. Experiments in Fluids 51 , pp. 65-74.
- Phairoh, T., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2011). Cellular Automata and State Space Representation Applied to Urban Land-use Modeling: Norfolk. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation 3 (1) , pp. 25-29.
- Demuren, A. O. and Grotjans, H. (2009). Buoyancy-Driven Flows—Beyond the Boussinesq Approximation. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 56 , pp. 1–22.
- Demuren, A. O., Wilson, R. V.. and Carpenter, M. (2001). Higher-Order Compact Schemes for Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows, Part I: Theoretical Development. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B 39 (3) , pp. 207-230.
- Wilson, R. V.., Demuren, A. O. and Carpenter, M. (2001). Higher-Order Compact Schemes for Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows, Part II: Applications. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B 39 (3) , pp. 231-255.
- Demuren, A. O. and Ibraheem, S. O.. (1998). Multigrid Method for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. AIAA Journal 36 (1) , pp. 31-37.
- Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1998). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets with Rectangular Cross-Section. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 120 , pp. 285-290.
- Wizman, V., Laurence, D., Kanniche, M., Durbin, P. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). Modeling Near Wall Effects in Second Moment Closures by Elliptic Relaxation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 17 , pp. 255-266.
- Ibraheem, S. O.. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). On Bi-grid Local Mode Analysis of Solution Techniques for 3--D Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal of Computational Physics 125 , pp. 354-377.
- Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). Two-Dimensional Spatially Developing Mixing Layers. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A , pp. 485-509.
- Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. (1994). Estimating Uncertainty in Computations of Two-Dimensional Separated Flows. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering 116.
- Demuren, A. O. and Ibraheem, S. O.. (1994). On the Stability Analysis of Approximate Factorization Methods for 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B 25 , pp. 97-117.
- Demuren, A. O. (1993). A Numerical Model for Flow in Meandering Channels with Natural Bed Topography. Water Resources Research 29 (4) , pp. 1269-1277.
- Demuren, A. O. (1993). Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets in Crossflow. International Journal of Engineering Science 31 (6) , pp. 899-913.
- Demuren, A. O. (1993). Influence of the Turbulence Model in Calculations of Flow over Obstacles with Second-Moment Closures. Journal of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics 46/47 , pp. 95-104.
- Demuren, A. O. and Sarkar, S. (1993). Perspective:Systematic Study of Reynolds Stress Closure Models in the Computations of Plane Channel Flows. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering 115 , pp. 5-12.
- Demuren, A. O. (1992). Multigrid Acceleration and Turbulence Models for Computations of 3D Turbulent Jets in Crossflow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 35 (11) , pp. 2783-2794.
- Demuren, A. O. (1991). Calculation of Turbulence-Driven Secondary Motion in Ducts with Arbitrary Cross-Section. AIAA Journal 29 (4) , pp. 531-537.
- Demuren, A. O. (1989). Application of Multigrid Methods for Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 203 , pp. 255-265.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1987). Three-Dimensional Calculation of Turbulent Duct Flow with Non-Uniform Inlet Conditions. Computers and Fluids 15 (1) , pp. 47-57.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1987). Three-Dimensional Numerical Calculations of Flow and Plume Spreading Past Cooling Towers. Transactions ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer 109 , pp. 113-119.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1986). Calculation of Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in Meandering Channels. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 172 , pp. 63-92.
- Demuren, A. O. and Ideriah, F. (1986). Pipe Network Analysis by Partial Pivoting Method. Trans ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 112 (5) , pp. 327-333.
- Demuren, A. O., Rodi, W. and Schonung, B. (1986). Systematic Study of Film-Cooling with a Three-Dimensional Calculation Procedure. Transactions ASME Journal of Turbomachinery 108 , pp. 124-130.
- Demuren, A. O. (1985). False Diffusion in Three-Dimensional Flow Calculations. Computers and Fluids 13 (4) , pp. 411-419.
- Demuren, A. O. (1985). Prediction of Steady Surface Thermal Plume in Cross Flow. Warme und Stoffubertragung 19 , pp. 41-46.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1984). Calculation of Turbulence-Driven Secondary Motion in Non-Circular Ducts. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 140 , pp. 189-222.
- Demuren, A. O. (1983). Numerical Calculations of Steady Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets in Cross Flow. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 37 (3) , pp. 309-328.
- Demuren, A. O. (1983). Prediction of the Steady Surface Thermal Plume. Warme und Stoffubertragung 17 , pp. 193-200.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1983). Side Discharges into Open Channels: Mathematical Model. Trans. ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 109 (12) , pp. 1707-1722.
Book Chapters
- Demuren, A. O. (1999). Modeling Jets in a Cross Flow John Wiley and Sons.
- Demuren, A. O. (1996). Modeling Jets in a Cross Flow John Wiley and Sons.
- Demuren, A. O. (1985). Modeling Turbulent Jets in Cross Flow Gulf Publishing Co.
Conference Proceeding
- DiCicco, J. and Demuren, A. O. (2013). Distal Placement of an End-To-Side Bypass Graft Anastomosis; A 3-D Computational Study ASME Publication, paper FEDSM2005-12356.
- Demuren, A. O. and Trehan, R. (2006). Computational Aerodynamics of the Ahmed Model Car Body Miami, Florida: Paper # FEDSM 2006-98285, Proceedings, 2006 ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting.
- Chien, T., Hou, G. J.W.. and Demuren, A. O. (2005). 3D Heat Transfer Analysis of a Moving Heat Source SAE Publication SP-1959, paper 2005-01-1246.
- Nagathil, R., Hou, G. J.W.., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2005). Modeling Experience on Friction Stir Welding Using FLUENT SAE Publication SP-1959, paper 2005-01-1245.
- Demuren, A. O. and Quinn, W. (2005). On Streamwise Vorticity Generation in Complex Turbulent Jets (pp. 611-615) Proc. 4th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena.
- Chien, T., Hou, G. J.W.., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2005). 3D Heat Transfer Analysis of a Moving Heat Source Detroit, MI: the SAE 2005 World Conference and Exhibition.
- Nagathil, R., Hou, G. J.W.., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2005). Modeling Experience on Friction Stir Welding Using FLUENT Detroit, MI: the SAE 2005 World Conference and Exhibition.
- Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1997). Large-Eddy Simulation of Complex Jets Vancouver BC: Proceedings, Forum on Turbulent Flows, ASME, FED Summer Meeting.
- Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets with Rectangular Cross-Section (pp. 121-127) San Diego, CA: Proceedings, Symposium on Vortex Flows and Vortex Methods, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.
- Demuren, A. O., Rogers, M. M.., Durbin, P. and Lele, S. K.. (1996). On Modeling Pressure Diffusion in Non-Homogeneous Shear Flows (pp. 63-72) Stanford, CA: Proceedings, Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research.
- Laurence, D., Durbin, P. and Demuren, A. O. (1995). Modeling Near-Wall Effects in Second-Moment Closures by Elliptic Relaxation (pp. 20-1-20-6) University Park, PA: Proceedings, 10th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows.
- Demuren, A. O. (1994). Elliptic Near-Wall Modeling for Turbulent Channel Flows (pp. 71-76) Lake Tahoe, NV: Proceedings, Forum 0n Turbulent Flows, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.
- Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. (1994). On Elliptic Relaxation Near Wall Models (pp. 61-71) Proceedings, ICASE/LaRC Workshop on Turbulence Transition and Combustion.
- Demuren, A. O., Lele, S. K.. and Durbin, P. (1994). Role of Pressure Diffusion in Non-Homogeneous Shear Flows (pp. 313-321) Stanford, CA: Proceedings, Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research.
- Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. (1993). Estimating Uncertainty in Computations of Two-Dimensional Separated Flows (pp. 9-18) Washington, D.C.: Proceedings, Symposium on Quantification of Uncertainty in CFD, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Spring Meeting.
- Demuren, A. O. and Sarkar, S. (1993). Study of Second-Moment Closure Models in Computations of Turbulent Shear Flows (pp. 53-62) Florence: Proceedings, 2nd Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements.
- Demuren, A. O. and Sarkar, S. (1992). Application of Second Moment Closure Models to Complex Flows: Part 1 Wall Bounded Flows (pp. 575-588) Proceedings, ICASE/NASA Langley Workshop on Instability, Transition and Turbulence, Springer Verlag.
- Demuren, A. O. (1992). Calculation of 3D Impinging Jets in Crossflow with Reynolds Stress Models Athens: Proceedings, ICHMT Symposium on Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery.
- Demuren, A. O. (1992). Influence of the Diffusion Model in Calculations of Flow over Obstacles with Second-Moment Closures (pp. 219-224) Tokyo: Proceedings, First International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering.
- Demuren, A. O. (1991). The Present Status and Future Direction of Algebraic Reynolds Stress Models (pp. 145-156) Cleveland, Ohio: Proceedings Workshop on Engineering Turbulence Modeling, NASA Lewis Research Center.
- Demuren, A. O. (1991). Turbulence and Stall in Plane Diffusers Computational Study (pp. 179-188) Stanford, California: Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Laminar and Turbulent Flows.
- Demuren, A. O. (1990). Characteristics of 3D Turbulent Jets in Crossflow (pp. B1:1-11) Rolla, Missouri: Proceedings, 12th Symposium on Turbulence.
- Demuren, A. O. (1990). Calculation of 3D Turbulent Jets in Crossflow with a Multigrid Method and a Second-Moment Closure Model (pp. 155-163) Dubrovnic: Proceedings International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements.
- Demuren, A. O. (1990). Calculation of Turbulent Flow in Complex Geometries with a Second-Moment Closure Model (pp. 163-167) Toronto: 1990 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference.
- Demuren, A. O. (1989). Calculation of Sediment Transport in Meandering Channels (pp. A323-329) Ottawa: Proceedings, 23rd Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research.
- Arakawa, C., Demuren, A. O., Schonung, B. and Rodi, W. (1988). Application of Multigrid Methods for the Coupled and Decoupled Solution of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (pp. 1-8) Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Verlag.
- Demuren, A. O. (1986). Prospects for Wind Energy Utilisation in Nigeria (pp. 61-72) Ilorin: Proceedings, International AMSE Conference "Modeling and Simulation.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1984). Three-Dimensional Calculation of Film Cooling by a Row of Jets (pp. 49-56) Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Verlag.
- Rodi, W., Celik, I., Demuren, A. O. and Keller, R. J.. (1983). New Developments in the Area of Computer Applications in Hydraulics and Water Resources (pp. 22-33) In Numerical Modelling in Hydraulics and Water Resources: Special Presentation of Recent Developments, IAHR.
- Demuren, A. O. (1983). Three-Dimensional Numerical Computation of Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in Meandering Channels (pp. B.a.1-8) Proceedings, 20th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research Moscow.
- Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1982). Calculation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow Around Car Bodies (pp. 1-22) Wolfsburg: Proceedings, International Symposium on Vehicle Aerodynamics.
- Demuren, A. O. (1982). Computation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets in Cross Flow (pp. 296-313) In Proceedings, Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Springer Verlag.
- Demuren, A. O. (1982). Numerical Computation of Supercritical and Subcritical Flows in Open Channels Finite Elements in Water Resources, Springer Verlag.
- Rodi, W., Celik, I., Demuren, A. O., Scheurer, G., Shirani, E., Leschziner, M. A.. and Rastogi, A. K.. (1981). Calculations for the 1980-1981 AFOSR-HTTM Stanford Conference on Complex Turbulent Flows (pp. 1495-1516) In Proceedings, The 1980--1981 AFOSR-HTTM Stanford Conference.
- Demuren, A. O. (December , 2006). CAT Dust Minimization Project Decatur, Ill.
- Demuren, A. O. (May , 2006). Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Motion Ocean Lakes High School, Virginia Beach, VA.
- Lewis F. Moody Award,
- W.F. James Professor of Pure and Applied Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
- 1997: Visiting Professor University of Tokyo,