Arthur Taylor
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng., Thermo/Fluids, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (1989)
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (1986)
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Â鶹´«Ã½, (1985)
B.S. in Natural Science with emphasis in Chemistry, Washington and Lee University, (1976)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Taylor, A. "Advanced Applications of ADIFOR 3.0 for Efficient Calculation of First- and Second-Order CFD Sensitivity Derivatives" $62,562. January 1, 2001 - September 30, 2002
- Taylor, A. "Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization on Parallel Computers Using Automatic Differentiations" $38,047. January 1998 - June 1998
- Taylor, A. and Newman, J. "Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Fluid/Structure Interaction" $66,000. July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1997
- Taylor, A. and Hou, G. "Methodology For Sensitivity Analysis, Approximate Analysis, and Design Optimization in CFD For Multidisciplinary Applications" $306,360. April 15, 1991 - December 31, 1995
- Taylor, A. "Automatic Differentiation of Advanced Flow-Analysis Codes in Incremental Form for Multidiscplinary Applications" $20,000. May 1, 1995 - September 30, 1995
- Hou, G. J.W.. and Taylor, A. "Methodology for Sensitivity Analysis, Approximate Analysis, and Design Optimization in CFD" $306,360. June 1, 1991 - April 14, 1995
- Taylor, A., Green, L., Newman, P. and Putko, M. (2003). Some Advanced Concepts in Discrete Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis. AIAA Journal 41 (7) , pp. 1224-1229.
- Putko, M., Newman, P., Taylor, A. and Green, L. (2002). Approach for Uncertainty Propogation and Robust Design in CFD Using Sensitivity Derivatives. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 124 (1) , pp. 60-69 .
- Newman, J., Taylor, A., Barnwell, R., Newman, P. and Hou, G. (1999). Overview of Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization for Complex Aerodynamic Configurations. AIAA Journal of Aircraft 36 (1) , pp. 87-96 .
- Newman, J., Newman, P., Taylor, A. and Hou, G. (1999). Efficient Nonlinear Static Aeroelastic Wing Analysis. International Journal of Computers and Fluids 28 , pp. 615-628.
- Taylor, A. and Oloso, A. (1998). Aerodynamics Design Optimization Using Advanced CFD Codes, Automatic Differentiation, and Parallel Computing. Computational Fluid Dynamics Review 1998, World Scientific Publishing Co. 1 (31) , pp. 560-571.
- Korivi, V., Newman, P. and Taylor, A. (1998). Aerodynamic Optimization Using Sensitivity Derivatives from a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Euler Code. AIAA Journal of Aircraft 35 (3) , pp. 405-411.
- Sherman, L., Taylor, A., Green, L., Newman, P., Hou, G. and Korivi, V. (1996). First- and Second-Order Aerodynamic Sensitivity Derivatives Via Automatic Differentiation with Incremental Iterative Method. Journal of Computational Physics 129 , pp. 307-331.
- Taylor, A., Newman, P., Hou, G. and Jones, H. (1995). Recent Advances in Steady Compressible Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis. Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Springer-Verlag 68 , pp. 341-356.
- Hou, G., Taylor, A. and Korivi, V. (1994). Discrete Shape-Sensitivity Analysis For Aerodynamic Problems. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering 37 , pp. 2251-2266.
- Korivi, V., Taylor, A., Newman, P., Hou, G. and Jones, H. (1994). An Approximately-Factored Incremental Strategy For Calculating Consistent Discrete Aerodynamic Sensitivity Derivatives. Journal of Computational Physics 113 (2) , pp. 336-346.
- Korivi, V., Taylor, A., Hou, G., Newman, P. and Jones, H. (1994). Sensitivity Derivatives For Three-Dimensional Supersonic Euler Code Using Incremental Iterative Strategy. AIAA Journal 32 (6) , pp. 1319-1321.
- Taylor, A., Hou, G. and Korivi, V. (1992). A Methodology for Calculating Aerodynamic Sensitivity Derivatives. AIAA Journal 30 (10) , pp. 2411-2419.
- Taylor, A., Korivi, V. and Hou, G. (1992). A Taylor's Series Approximation of Geometric Shape Variation For the Euler Equations. AIAA Journal 30 (8) , pp. 2163-2165.
- Taylor, A., Ng, W. and Walters, R. (1992). An Improved Upwind Finite Volume Relaxation Method for High Speed Viscous Flows. Journal of Computational Physics 99 (1) , pp. 159-168.
- Taylor, A., Ng, W. and Walters, R. (1992). Upwind Relaxation Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations Using Inner Iterations. Journal of Computational Physics 99 (1) , pp. 68-78.
- Ng, W., Ajmani, K. and Taylor, A. (1989). Turbulence Modeling in Hypersonic Inlets. AIAA Journal 27 (10) , pp. 1354-1360.
Conference Proceeding
- Putko, M., Newman, P., Taylor, A. and Green, L. (2001). Approach for Uncertainty Propagation and Robust Design in CFD Using Sensitivity Derivatives Anaheim CA: Proceedings of the 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Taylor, A., Green, L., Newman, P. and Putko, M. (2001). Some Advanced Concepts In Discrete Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis Anaheim CA: Proceedings of the 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Taylor, A. and Oloso, A. (1998). Aerodynamic Design Sensitivities by Automatic Differentiation AIAA Paper 98-2536.
- Newman, J. and Taylor, A. (1997). Aerodynamic Shape Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization of Complex Configurations Using Unstructured Grids AIAA Paper 97-2275.
- Oloso, A. and Taylor, A. (1997). Aerodynamic Shape-Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization on the IBM-SP2 (pp. 481-488) Atlanta, GA: Proceedings of the 15th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference.
- Taylor, A., Oloso, A. and Newman, J. (1997). CFL3D.ADII (v.2.0): An Efficient, Accurate General-Purpose Code for Flow Shape-Sensitivity Analysis (pp. 12-16) Atlanta, GA: Proceedings of the 15th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference.
- Newman, J., Newman, P., Taylor, A. and Hou, G. (1996). Nonlinear Aerodynamic Design Optimization of a Flexible Wing (pp. 1088-1090) Bellevue, WA: Proceedings of the Sixth AIAA/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Newman, J. and Taylor, A. (1996). Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Shape Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization Using the Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids (pp. 675-681) New Orleans, LA: Proceedings of the 14th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference.
- Hou, G., Korivi, V., Taylor, A., Maroju, V. and Newman, P. (1996). Simultaneous Aerodynamic Analysis and Design Optimization (SAADO) of a Turbulent Transonic Airfoil Using a Navier-Stokes Code with Automatic Differentiation (ADIFOR) (pp. 82-85) Moffett Field, CA: Proceedings of the 1995 NASA-Ames Workshop on Computational Aerosciences.
- Hou, G., Venkateshwarlu, M., Taylor, A., Korivi, V. and Newman, P. (1995). Transonic Turbulent Airfoil Design Optimization Using Automation Differentiation in Incremental Interative Forms San Diego, California: Proceedings of the AIAA 12th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Newman, J., Taylor, A. and Burgreen, G. (1995). An Unstructured-Grid Approach to Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization Using the Euler Equations (pp. 1-10) San Diego, California: Proceedings of the AIAA 12th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Korivi, V., Newman, P. and Taylor, A. (1994). Aerodynamic Optimization Studies Using a 3-D Euler Code with Efficient Calculation of Sensitivity Derivatives (pp. 170-194) Panama City, Florida: Proceedings of the Fifth AIAA/NASA/USAF/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Sherman, L., Taylor, A., Green, L., Newman, P., Hou, G. and Korivi, V. (1994). First- and Second-Order Aerodynamic Sensitivity Derivatives Via Automatic Differentiation with Incremental Iterative Methods (pp. 87-120) Panama City, Florida: Proceedings of the Fifth AIAA/NASA/USAF/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Ajmani, K. and Taylor, A. (1994). Discrete Sensitivity Derivatives of the Navier-Stokes Equations With A Parallel Krylov Solver AIAA Paper 94-0091.
- Korivi, V., Taylor, A., Hou, G., Newman, P. and Jones, H. (1993). Sensitivity Derivatives For A 3D Supersonic Euler Code Using The Incremental Iterative Strategy (pp. 1053-1054) Orlando, Florida: Proceedings of the AIAA 11th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Korivi, V., Taylor, A., Newman, P., Hou, G. and Jones, H. (1992). An Approximately Factored Incremental Strategy For Calculating Consistent Discrete Aerodynamic Sensitivity Derivatives (pp. 465-478) Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the Fourth AIAA/USAF/NASA/OAI Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Jones, H., Hou, G., Newman, P., Taylor, A. and Korivi, V. (1992). Multidisciplinary Design Sensitivity Analysis For a Helicopter Blade in Hover (pp. 63-86) Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the Fourth AIAA/USAF/NASA/OAI Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Newman, P., Hou, G., Jones, H., Taylor, A. and Korivi, V. (1992). Observations on Computational Methodologies For Use In Large-Scale Gradient-Based Multidisciplinary Design Incorporating Advanced CFD Codes (pp. 531-542) Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the Fourth AIAA/USAF/NASA/OAI Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization.
- Taylor, A., Hou, G. and Korivi, V. (1991). Sensitivity Analysis, Approximate Analysis, and Design Optimization For Internal and External Viscous Flows AIAA Paper 91-3083.
- Taylor, A., Hou, G. and Korivi, V. (1991). An Efficient Method For Estimating Neighboring Steady-State Numerical Solutions to the Euler Equations AIAA Paper 91-1680.
- Hou, G., Taylor, A. and Korivi, V. (1991). Discrete Shape Sensitivity Equations For Aerodynamic Problems AIAA Paper 91-2259.
- Taylor, A., Korivi, V. and Hou, G. (1991). Approximate Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis Methods For Viscous Flow Involving Variation of Geometric Shape (pp. 456-475) Honolulu, Hawaii: Proceedings of the AIAA 10th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Taylor, A., Hou, G. and Korivi, V. (1991). A Methodology For Determining Aerodynamic Sensitivity Derivatives With Respect to Variation of Geometric Shape (pp. 477-489) Baltimore, MD: Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 32nd Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference.
- Taylor, A., Korivi, V. and Hou, G. (1991). Sensitivity Analysis Applied to the Euler Equations: A Feasibility Study With Emphasis on Variation of Geometric Shape AIAA Paper 91-0173.
- Chwalowski, P. and Taylor, A. (1991). Use of a Generalized Set of Field Variables in Fluid Flow Calculations AIAA Paper 91-0240.
- Taylor, A., Ng, W. and Walters, R. (1989). Upwind Relaxation Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations Using Inner Iterations (pp. 261-269) Buffalo, NY: Proceedings of the AIAA 9th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Taylor, A., Ng, W. and Walters, R. (1989). An Improved Upwind Finite Volume Relaxation Method for High-Speed Viscous Flows AIAA Paper 89-0549.
- Ng, W., Mitchell, C., Ajmani, K., Taylor, A. and Brock, J. (1989). Viscous Analysis of High Speed Flows Using An Upwind Finite Volume Technique AIAA Paper 89-0001.
- Ng, W., Ajmani, K. and Taylor, A. (1988). Turbulence Modeling in a Hypersonic Inlet AIAA Paper 88-2957.
- Taylor, A. and Ng, W. (1987). Analytical Prediction of the Unsteady Lift on a Rotor Caused by Downstream Struts ASME Paper 87 GT-145.
- Kunik, W., Benson, T., Ng, W. and Taylor, A. (1987). Two- and Three-Dimensional Viscous Computations of a Hypersonic Inlet AIAA Paper 87-0283.
- Taylor, A. (June , 1998). Aerodynamic Design Sensitivities Using Automatic Differentiation 1998 AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference Albuquerque, NM.
- Taylor, A. (November 17, 1992). Recent Advances in Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Taylor, A. (March 6, 1992). Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis in `Delta-Form' for Multidisciplinary Applications Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Eagle Scout,
- EIT,
- Gordon C. Oates Air Breathing Propulsion Award, AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE 23rd Joint Propulsion Conference
- Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi,
- Kovner Scholarship, Â鶹´«Ã½
- Master's Degree Research Award, Virginia Tech Chapter of Sigma XI, The Scientific Research Society
- Most Inspirational Faculty Award, College of Engineering, Â鶹´«Ã½
- Pi Tau Sigma,
- scholarship for academic achievement, Engineer's Club of Hampton Roads of Norfolk
- Summer Faculty Fellow of ASEE-NASA, NASA-Lewis Research Center
- Tau Beta Pi ,
- 1986: NASA graduate student research fellowship,
- 1985: Pratt Fellowships, Virginia Tech.