Professor & Eminent Scholar
Anatoly Radyushkin
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Physics, Moscow State University, (1978)
M.S. in Physics, Moscow State University, (1975)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Balitsky, I., Dudek, J., Radyushkin, A., Schiavilla, R. and Van Orden, J. Wallace. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $430,000. Federal. August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2012
- Radyushkin, A. "Jefferson Lab Contributions to Salary and Benefits" $101,869. Federal. July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
- Radyushkin, A. "Jefferson Lab Contributions to Salary and Benefits" $105,395. Federal. July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
- Balitsky, I., Radyushkin, A., Schiavilla, R. and Van Orden, J. Wallace. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $210,000. Federal. August 1, 2006 - July 31, 2009
- Radyushkin, A. "Jefferson Lab Contributions to Salary and Benefits" $103,357. Federal. July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
- Radyushkin, A. "Jefferson Lab Contributions to Salary and Benefits" $97,343. Federal. July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008
- Radyushkin, A. "Jefferson Lab Contributions to Salary and Benefits" $93,766. Federal. July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
- Radyushkin, A. "Jefferson Lab Contributions to Salary and Benefits" $90,018. Federal. July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
- Van Orden, J. Wallace., Radyushkin, A., Balitsky, I., Schiavilla, R. and Roberts, W. "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics" $151,000. Federal. 2001 - 2004
- Orginos, K., Radyushkin, A., Karpie, J. and Zafeiropoulos, S. (2017). Lattice qcd exploration of parton pseudo-distribution functions. Physical Review D 96 (9) , pp. 12.
- Radyushkin, A. (2017). Quasi-parton distribution functions, momentum distributions, and pseudo-parton distribution functions. Physical Review D 96 (3).
- Radyushkin, A. (2017). Target mass effects in parton quasi-distributions. Physics Letters B 770 , pp. 514 - 522.
- Radyushkin, A. (2016). Virtuality and transverse momentum dependence of thepion distribution amplitude. Phys. Rev. D93 (5) , pp. 056002.
- Radyushkin, A. (2015). Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in VirtualityDistribution Formalism. PoS QCDEV2015 , pp. 010.
- Radyushkin, A. (2015). Virtuality Distributions and $纬纬* 蟺0$ Transition Form Factor at Handbag Level!!!. Few Body Syst. 56 (6-9) , pp. 287-293.
- Radyushkin, A. (2015). Virtuality Distributions and Pion Transition FormFactor. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 37 , pp. 1560050.
- Radyushkin, A. and Tandogan, A. (2014). Analytic evolution of singular distribution amplitudesin QCD. Phys. Rev. D89 (7) , pp. 074003.
- Radyushkin, A. (2014). New model for nucleon generalized parton distributions. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 25 , pp. 1460034.
- Tandogan, A. and Radyushkin, A. (2014). Studies of analytic evolution of two-photon generalizeddistribution amplitude in QCD. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 25 , pp. 1460037.
- Radyushkin, A. (2014). Virtuality Distributions in Application to 纬纬* 蟺0 Transition Form Factor at HandbagLevel. Phys. Lett. B735 , pp. 417-425.
- Radyushkin, A. (2013). Modeling Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions. Phys. Rev. D87 (9) , pp. 096017.
- Radyushkin, A. (2013). Sum rules for nucleon generalized parton distributionsand border function formulation. Phys. Rev. D88 (5) , pp. 056010.
- Radyushkin, A. (2013). Topics in theory of generalized parton distributions. Phys. Part. Nucl. 44 , pp. 469-489.
- Radyushkin, A. (2012). Basics of generalized parton distributions. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 20 , pp. 238-250.
- Radyushkin, A. and Prokudin, A. (2012). Proceedings, QCD Evolution Workshop (QCD 2012). Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 20 , pp. pp.1-281.
- Efremov, A. V.., Ginzburg, I. F.. and Radyushkin, A. (2012). Regge trajectories in QCD.
- Radyushkin, A. (2012). Singularities of generalized parton distributions. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 20 , pp. 251-265.
- Radyushkin, A. and Guidal, M. (2011). Generalized Parton Distributions and Their Singularities. Phys. Rev D 83 , pp. 076006.
- Tandogan, A. and Radyushkin, A. (2011). Method of Analytic Evolution of Flat DistributionAmplitudes in QCD. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 04 , pp. 227-238.
- Radyushkin, A. (2011). Shape of pion distribution amplitude and transversemomentum in hard exclusive processes. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 04 , pp. 200-215.
- Hyde, C. E., Radyushkin, A. and Guidal, M. (2011). Deeply Virtual Exclusive Processes and Generalized Parton Distributions. J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 299 , pp. 012006-012029.
- Radyushkin, A. (2010). Quark Counting Rules: Old and New Approaches. Int. J. Mod. Physics A25 , pp. 502-512.
- Efremov, A. and Radyushkin, A. (2009). Perturbative QCD of Hard and Soft Processes. Mod. Phys. Lett. A24 , pp. 2803-2824.
- Radyushkin, A. (2009). Shape of Pion Distribution Amplitude. Phys Rev D 80 (094009).
- Grigoryan, H. R.. and Radyushkin, A. (2008). Amomalous form factor of the neutral pion in the extended AdS/QCD model with Chern-Simons term. Physical Review D 77 (115024).
- Grigoryan, H. R.. and Radyushkin, A. (2008). Anomalous Form Factor of the Neutral Pion in ExtendedAdS/QCD Model with Chern-Simons Term. Phys. Rev. D77 , pp. 115024.
- Grigoryan, H. R.. and Radyushkin, A. (2008). Pion in the holographic model with 5D Yang-Mills fields. Physical Review D 78 (115008).
- Danagoulian, A., Hayes, D., Hunyady, T., Hyde, C. E., McCormich, K., Radyushkin, A., Todor, L. and Weinstein, L. B. (2007). Compton Scattering Cross Section on the Proton at High Momentum Transfer. Phys Rev Lett 98 , pp. 152001.
- Grigoryan, H. R.. and Radyushkin, A. (2007). Form factors and wave functions of vector mesons in holographic QCD. Phys Lett B 650 , pp. 421-427.
- Radyushkin, A. (2007). Pion form factor in the chiral limit of a hard-wall AdS/QCD model. Physical Review D 76 (0115007).
- Grigoryan, H. R.. and Radyushkin, A. (2007). Pion form-factor in chiral limit of hard-wall AdS/QCDmodel. Phys. Rev. D76 , pp. 115007.
- Radyushkin, A. (2007). Structue of vector mesons in a holographic model with linear confinement. Physical Review D 76 (095007).
- Grigoryan, H. R.. and Radyushkin, A. (2007). Structure of vector mesons in holographic model withlinear confinement. Phys. Rev. D76 , pp. 095007.
- Psaker, A. S.. and Radyushkin, A. (2007). Weak deeply virtual compton scattering. Phys Rev D 75 (054001).
- Radyushkin, A. (2006). Higher fock-state contributions to the generalized parton distribution of pion. Physical Review D 73 (114013).
- Radyushkin, A. (2006). Holographic wave functions, meromorphization and counting rules. Phys Lett B 642 , pp. 459-468.
- Radyushkin, A. (2006). Light come sum rules for纬鈦篘鈫捨 transitation form factors. Physical Review D 73 (034020).
- Braun, V. M.., Lenz, A., Peters, G. and Radyushkin, A. (2006). Light cone sum rules for gamma* N 鈥> Delta transitionform-factors. Phys. Rev. D73 , pp. 034020.
- Roche, J. and Radyushkin, A. (2006). Measurements of the electron-helicity dependentcross-sections of deeply virtual compton scattering withCEBAF at 12-GeV.
- Radyushkin, A. (2005). Nucleon form factors from generalized parton distributions. Physical Review D 72 (054013).
- Hamilton, D. J.., Hayes, D., Hyde, C. E., Radyushkin, A. and Weinstein, L. B. (2005). Polarization transfer in proton compton scattering at high momentum transfer. Phys Rev Lett 94 (242001).
- Belitsky, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (2005). Unraveling hadron structure with generalized partondistributions. Phys. Rept. 418 , pp. 1-387.
- Radyushkin, A. (2004). QCD sum rules and models for generalized parton distributions. Annalen d. Physik 13 , pp. 718-730.
- Freund, A., Radyushkin, A., Schafer, A. and Weiss, C. (2003). Exclusive annihilation p anti-p 鈥> gamma gamma in ageneralized parton picture. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 , pp. 092001.
- Mukherjee, A., Musatov, I. V.., Pauli, H. C.. and Radyushkin, A. (2003). Power law wave functions and generalized partondistributions for pion. Phys. Rev. D67 , pp. 073014.
- Radyushkin, A. (2002). Hadron structure: The fundamental physics to access viaGPDs. Nucl. Phys. A711 , pp. 99-108.
- Schulte, E. C.. and Radyushkin, A. (2002). High energy angular distribution measurements of theexclusive deuteron photodisintegration reaction. Phys. Rev. C66 , pp. 042201.
- Radyushkin, A. and Weiss, C. (2001). DVCS amplitude at tree level: Transversality, twist -three, and factorization. Phys. Rev. D63 , pp. 114012.
- Radyushkin, A. and Weiss, C. (2001). Kinematical twist - three effects in DVCS as a quarkspin rotation. Phys. Rev. D64 , pp. 097504.
- Radyushkin, A. and Weiss, C. (2000). DVCS amplitude with kinematical twist - three terms. Phys. Lett. B493 , pp. 332-340.
- Musatov, I. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (2000). Evolution and models for skewed parton distributions. Phys. Rev. D61 , pp. 074027.
- Bakulev, A. P.., Radyushkin, A. and Stefanis, N. G.. (2000). Form-factors and QCD in space - like and time - likeregion. Phys. Rev. D62 , pp. 113001.
- Radyushkin, A. (2000). Generalized parton distributions. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 90 , pp. 113-116.
- Radyushkin, A. (2000). Skewed parton distributions. Nucl. Phys. A666 , pp. 225-233.
- Radyushkin, A. (1999). Double distributions and evolution equations. Phys. Rev. D59 , pp. 014030.
- Mankiewicz, L., Piller, G. and Radyushkin, A. (1999). Hard exclusive electroproduction of pions. Eur. Phys. J. C10 , pp. 307-312.
- Radyushkin, A. (1999). QCD sum rules and soft - hard interplay for hadronicform-factors. Few Body Syst. Suppl. 11 , pp. 57-65.
- Radyushkin, A. (1999). Skewed parton distributions. Acta Phys. Polon. B30 , pp. 3647-3678.
- Szczepaniak, A. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1999). Sudakov suppression in the soft heavy to light mesontransition form-factor. Phys. Rev. D59 , pp. 034017.
- Radyushkin, A. (1999). Symmetries and structure of skewed and doubledistributions. Phys. Lett. B449 , pp. 81-88.
- Szczepaniak, A., Radyushkin, A. and Ji, C. (1998). Consistent analysis of O (alpha-s) corrections to pionelastic form-factor. Phys. Rev. D57 , pp. 2813-2822.
- Radyushkin, A. (1998). Nonforward parton densities and soft mechanism forform-factors and wide angle Compton scattering in QCD. Phys. Rev. D58 , pp. 114008.
- Radyushkin, A. (1997). Asymmetric parton distributions.
- Radyushkin, A. (1997). Deeply virtual Compton scattering: Facing nonforwarddistributions.
- Frankfurt, L., Radyushkin, A. and Strikman, M. (1997). Interaction of small size wave packet with hadrontarget. Phys. Rev. D55 , pp. 98-104.
- Balitsky, I. and Radyushkin, A. (1997). Light ray evolution equations and leading twist partonhelicity dependent nonforward distributions. Phys. Lett. B413 , pp. 114-121.
- Radyushkin, A. (1997). Nonforward parton distributions. Phys. Rev. D56 , pp. 5524-5557.
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. (1997). QCD sum rule calculation of gamma gamma* 鈥> pi0transition form-factor. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 54A , pp. 327-332.
- Musatov, I. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1997). Transverse momentum and Sudakov effects in exclusive QCDprocesses: Gamma* gamma pi0 form-factor. Phys. Rev. D56 , pp. 2713-2735.
- Radyushkin, A. (1996). Asymmetric gluon distributions and hard diffractiveelectroproduction. Phys. Lett. B385 , pp. 333-342.
- Radyushkin, A. (1996). Optimized - Parametrization for the QCDRunning Coupling Constant in Space - Like and Time - LikeRegions!!!. JINR Rapid Commun. 78 , pp. 96-99.
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. (1996). QCD sum rule calculation of gamma gamma* to pi0transition form-factor. Phys. Lett. B374 , pp. 173-180.
- Radyushkin, A. (1996). Scaling limit of deeply virtual Compton scattering. Phys. Lett. B380 , pp. 417-425.
- Belyaev, V. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1996). Soft contribution to form-factors of gamma* p 鈥> delta+transition. Phys. Rev. D53 , pp. 6509-6521.
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. T.. (1996). Transition form-factor gamma gamma* 鈥> pi0 and QCD sumrules. Nucl. Phys. B481 , pp. 625-680.
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. (1995). Form-factor of the process gamma* gamma* 鈥> pi0 forsmall virtuality of one of the photons and QCD sum rules.2. Sum rule. Phys. Atom. Nucl. 58 , pp. 1356-1369.
- Belyaev, V. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1995). Quark - hadron duality and gamma* p 鈥> Deltaform-factors. Phys. Lett. B359 , pp. 194-200.
- Radyushkin, A. (1995). Quark - hadron duality and intrinsic transversemomentum. Acta Phys. Polon. B26 , pp. 2067-2096.
- Radyushkin, A. (1994). Nonperturbative QCD and elastic processes at CEBAFenergies.
- Coriano, C., Radyushkin, A. and Sterman, G. F.. (1993). QCD sum rules and Compton scattering. Nucl. Phys. B405 , pp. 481-506.
- Radyushkin, A. (1993). Qualitative and quantitative aspects of the QCD theoryof elastic form-factors.
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. (1993). The Form-factor of the process gamma* gamma* 鈥> pi0for small virtuality of one of the photons and QCD sumrules. 1: The Structure of the infrared singularities. Phys. Atom. Nucl. 56 , pp. 630-639.
- Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1992). Infrared factorization, Wilson lines and the heavy quarklimit. Phys. Lett. B279 , pp. 359-366.
- Radyushkin, A. (1992). QCD sum rule approach to decays of mesons containing oneheavy quark. AIP Conf. Proc. 243 , pp. 688-690.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1992). The Pion wave function and QCD sum rules with nonlocalcondensates. Phys. Rev. D45 , pp. 1754-1759.
- Radyushkin, A. (1991). Exclusive processes in perturbative QCD. Nucl. Phys. A527 , pp. 153C-163C.
- Radyushkin, A. (1991). Hadronic form-factors: Perturbative QCD versus QCD sumrules. Nucl. Phys. A532 , pp. 141-154.
- Bakulev, A. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1991). Nonlocal condensates and QCD sum rules for the pionform-factor. Phys. Lett. B271 , pp. 223-230.
- Radyushkin, A. (1991). QCD sum rule calculation of the Isgur-Wise form-factor. Phys. Lett. B271 , pp. 218-222.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1990). The Process 纬* 纬* 蟺0 and Nonlocality of Condensates. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 52 , pp. 697-703.
- Radyushkin, A. (1989). Asymptotic Behavior of the Pion Form-factor in QCD.(In Russian). Fiz. Elem. Chast. Atom. Yadra 20 , pp. 97-154.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1989). Quark Condensate Nonlocality and Pion Wave Function inQCD: General Formalism. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 49 , pp. 494.
- Beilin, V. A.., Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1988). KAON ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIUS. Mod. Phys. Lett. 3A , pp. 767.
- Beilin, V. A.., Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1988). Kaon Form-factor for Small Q2. (In Russian). Int. J. Mod. Phys. A3 , pp. 1183-1197.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1988). Nonlocality of quark condensates and pion wave functioning QCD: Model consideration. Yadernaya Fiz..
- Beilin, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1987). Borelized sum rules for the radiative decays of charmonium in QCD. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 45 , pp. 342.
- Beilin, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1987). Form-Factors of oscillator states from QCD sum rules.
- Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1987). Infrared Asymptotics of Perturbative QCD. Quark andGluon Propagators. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 45 , pp. 127.
- Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1987). Infrared Asymptotics of Perturbative QCD. VertexFunctions. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 45 , pp. 910.
- Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1987). Renormalization of the Wilson Loops Beyond the LeadingOrder. Nucl. Phys. B283 , pp. 342-364.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Evolution Kernel for the Pion Wave Function: Two LoopCalculation in Scalar 蠁3 in Six-dimensions Model. Theor. Math. Phys. 65 , pp. 999.
- Ivanov, S. V.., Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Infrared Asymptotics of Perturbative QCD: ContourGauges. Yad. Fiz. 44 , pp. 230-240.
- Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Infrared asymptotics of perturbative QCD: Renormalization properties of the Wilson loops in higher orders of Pertubation Theory. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 44 , pp. 877.
- Korchemsky, G. P.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Loop Space Formalism and Renormalization Group for theInfrared Asymptotics of QCD. Phys. Lett. B171 , pp. 459-467.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Nonlocal Condensates and QCD Sum Rules for Pion WaveFunction. JETP Lett. 43 , pp. 712.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Structure of Two Loop Evolution Kernels and Evolution ofthe Pion Wave Function in 蠁3 in Six-dimensions and QCD. Nucl. Phys. B273 , pp. 297-319.
- Kadantseva, E. P.., Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1986). Total 伪- s Corrections to Processes 纬*纬* 蟺0 and 纬* 蟺蟺 in aPerturbative QCD. Yad. Fiz. 44 , pp. 507-516.
- Radyushkin, A. (1985). Alpha representation and spectral properties of multiparton functions. Theor. Math. Phys. 61 , pp. 1144.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1985). Evolution Kernels in QCD: Two Loop Calculation inFeynman Gauge. Nucl. Phys. B254 , pp. 89-126.
- Khalmuradov, R. S.. and Radyushkin, A. (1985). One Loop Corrections to Pion Form-factor in QCD in aLightlike Gauge. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 42 , pp. 289.
- Radyushkin, A. and Khalmuradov, R. S.. (1985). One loop corrections to pion form-factor in QCD pseudoscalar contribution. Yadernaya Fiz..
- Beilin, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1985). Quantum Chromodynamic Sum Rules and J/蠄畏_c纬 Decay. Nucl. Phys. B260 , pp. 61-78.
- Radyushkin, A. and Khalmuradov, R. S.. (1984). One loop corrections to pion form-factor in QCD algorithm and algebraic transformations.
- Radyushkin, A. and Khalmuradov, R. S.. (1984). One loop corrections to pion form-factor in QCD Basicintegral calculations.
- Beilin, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). QCD Sum Rule Analysis of J/蠄畏_c 纬Decay. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 39 , pp. 800.
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). QCD Sum Rule Analysis of the Pion Form-factor Behaviorin Small Q2 Region. JETP Lett. 39 , pp. 707.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). Quantum chromodynamics today. (in Russian).
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). Quark - Hadron Duality and Nucleon Form-factors inQCD. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 39 , pp. 811.
- Radyushkin, A. (1984). Sum rules and exclusive processes in QCD. Acta Phys. Polon. B15 , pp. 403-417.
- Dittes, F. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). Two loop contribution to the evolution of the pion wavefunction. Phys. Lett. B134 , pp. 359-362.
- Nikolaev, S. N.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). Vacuum corrections to QCD charmonium sum rules. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 39 , pp. 91.
- Radyushkin, A. (1983). Analysis of the hard inclusive processes in quantumchromodynamics. (in Russian). Fiz. Elem. Chast. Atom. Yadra 14 , pp. 58-122.
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). Comparison of the QCD Sum Rule Approach and Perturbative QCD Analysis for 纬* 纬* 蟺0 Process. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 38 , pp. 284.
- Mikhailov, S. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). Evolution kernel for the pion wave function: Two loopcalculation in Feynman Gauge.
- Nikolaev, S. N.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). Large power corrections to QCD charmonium sum rules. JETP Lett. 37 , pp. 526.
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). Local Quark - Hadron Duality and Nucleon Form-factors inQCD. Phys. Lett. B128 , pp. 439-444.
- Radyushkin, A. (1983). On Spectral Properties of Parton Correlation Functionsand Multiparton Wave Functions. Phys. Lett. B131 , pp. 179-182.
- Efremov, A. V.., Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). Pion Form-factor in a Scalar Model. Nuovo Cim. A76 , pp. 122.
- Nikolaev, S. N.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). QCD charmonium sum rules up to O (G**4) order. (in Russian). Phys. Lett. B124 , pp. 243-246.
- Nikolaev, S. N.. and Radyushkin, A. (1983). Vacuum Corrections to QCD Charmonium Sum Rules: Basic Formalism and O (G3) Results. Nucl. Phys. B213 , pp. 285-304.
- Nikolaev, S. N.. and Radyushkin, A. (1982). Method for Computing Higher Gluonic Power Corrections toQCD Charmonium Sum Rules. Phys. Lett. B110 , pp. 476.
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1982). Pion Form-factor and QCD Sum Rules. JETP Lett. 35 , pp. 488-492.
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1982). Sum Rules and Pion Form-Factor in QCD. Phys. Lett. B115 , pp. 410.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1981). Field Theoretic Treatment of High Momentum TransferProcesses. 3. Gauge Theories. Theor. Math. Phys. 44 , pp. 774.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1981). Field theory approach to processes with large momemtum transfer II. production of massive Lepton Pairs. Theor. Math. Phys. 44 , pp. 664-673.
- Dittes, F. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1981). Radiative Corrections to the Pion Form-factor in QuantumChromodynamics. (In Russian). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 34 , pp. 293.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1980). Asymptotical Behavior of Pion ElectromagneticForm-Factor in QCD. Theor. Math. Phys. 42 , pp. 97-110.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1980). Factorization and Asymptotical Behavior of PionForm-Factor in QCD. Phys. Lett. B94 , pp. 245-250.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1980). Field Theoretic Treatment of High Momentum TransferProcesses. 1. Deep Inelastic Scattering. Theor. Math. Phys. 44 , pp. 573-584.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1980). Hard processes. parton model and QCD. Riv. Nuovo Cim. 3N2 , pp. 1-87.
- Radyushkin, A. (1980). Pion Form-factor in QCD. Submitted to: Phys. Lett. B.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1979). Factprozatopm and pion form-factor in QCD.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1977). Asymptotics of Pion Electromagnetic Form-Factor in ScaleInvariant Quark Model. Teor. Mat. Fiz. 30 , pp. 168-182.
- Radyushkin, A. (1977). Deep Elastic Processes of Composite Particles in FieldTheory and Asymptotic Freedom. Submitted to: Phys. Lett..
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1977). Light Cone Expansions and Parton Model. Lett. Nuovo Cim. 19 , pp. 83.
- Radyushkin, A. (1977). Massive Lepton Pair Production and Asymptotically FreeGauge Theories. Phys. Lett. B69 , pp. 245.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1976). Interacting Partons. Phys. Lett. B63 , pp. 449.
- Radyushkin, A. (1976). Nonelastic Scattering on a Compound Particle in theScale Invariant Quark Model. Izv. Vuz. Fiz. 12 , pp. 59-66.
Book Chapters
- Radyushkin, A. (2014). Editor of the Proceedings of the International Workshop (pp. 500) World Scientific.
Conference Proceeding
- Radyushkin, A. (2015). Proceedings, QCD Evolution Workshop (QCD 2014) Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser.
- Radyushkin, A. (2014). Proceedings, QCD Evolution Workshop Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser.
- Radyushkin, A. (2011). Proceedings, 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at HighMomentum Transfer Hackensack, USA: World Scientific.
- Radyushkin, A. (2011). Proceedings, QCD Evolution Workshop on From Collinear toNon-Collinear Case Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser.
- Efremov, A. and Radyushkin, A. (2009). "Perturbative QCD of hard and soft processes" Proceedings of International workshop "Recent Advances in Perturbative QCD and Hodronic Physics (pp. 2803-2824) Trento Italy: Mod Phys Lett A.
- Radyushkin, A. (2009). Recent advances in perturbative QCD and hadronic physics (pp. 2797-3061) Singapore: Mod Phys lett A.
- Radyushkin, A. and Stoler, P. (2008). Exclusive reactions at high momentum transfer (pp. 438) World Scientific.
- Radyushkin, A. (2006). Counting rules, holographic wave functions,meromorphization and quark-hadron duality Continuous advances in QCD. Proceedings, 7th Workshop,QCD 2006, Minneapolis, USA, May 11-14, 2006 (pp. 390-396).
- Radyushkin, A. (2006). Counting rules, holographic wave functions, meromorphization and quark-hadon duality, May 11-14, 2006 (pp. 390-396) Minneapolis, Minnesota: World Scientific Publishing Co.
- Radyushkin, A. (2004). Advances in generalized parton distribution study Continuous advances in QCD. Proceedings, Conference,Minneapolis, USA, May 13-16, 2004 (pp. 3-14).
- Radyushkin, A. (2002). Exclusive processes at high momentum transfer Proceedings, Newport News, USA, May 15-18, 2002 (pp. 401) River Edge, USA: World Scientific Publishing.
- Amarian, M. J.. and Radyushkin, A. (2002). Spontaneously broken chiral symmetry and hard QCDphenomena Workshop on Spontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetry andHard QCD Phenomena Bad Honnef, Germany, July 15-19, 2002.
- Radyushkin, A. (2001). QCD calculations of pion electromagnetic and transitionform-factors Chiral dynamics: Theory and experiment. Proceedings, 3rdWorkshop, Newport News, USA, July 17-22, 2000 (pp. 309-311).
- Radyushkin, A. (2000). Deeply virtual photon and meson electroproduction Excited nucleons and hadronic structure. Proceedings,Conference, NSTAR 2000, Newport News, USA, February 16-19,2000 (pp. 394-402).
- Radyushkin, A. (2000). Exclusive and semi-exclusive processes at high momentumtransfer Proceedings, Workshop, Newport News, USA, May19-22, 1999 (pp. 343) Singapore, Singapore:: World Scientific.
- Capstick, S. and Radyushkin, A. (2000). Key issues in hadronic physics APS Division of Nuclear Physics Town Meeting onElectromagnetic and Hadronic Physics Newport News,Virginia, December 1-4, 2000.
- Bijnens, J. and Radyushkin, A. (2000). Report of the working group on Goldstone bosons Chiral dynamics: Theory and experiment. Proceedings, 3rdWorkshop, Newport News, USA, July 17-22, 2000 (pp. 253-267).
- Radyushkin, A. (1998). Compton scattering and nonforward parton distributions Workshop on Jefferson Lab Physics and Instrumentationwith 6-12-GeV Beams and Beyond Newport News, Virginia,June 15-18, 1998.
- Radyushkin, A. (1998). Introduction into QCD sum rule approach Strong interactions at low and intermediate energies.Proceedings, 13th Annual Hampton University GraduateStudies, HUGS鈥98, Newport News, USA, May 26-June 12,1998.
- Radyushkin, A. (1997). Evolution equations for non-forward partondistributions Deep inelastic scattering off polarized targets: Theorymeets experiment. Physics with polarized protons at HERA.Proceedings, Workshops, SPIN鈥97, Zeuthen, Germany,September 1-5, 1997 and Hamburg, Germany, March-September1997 (pp. 186-195).
- Radyushkin, A. (1997). QCD sum rules: Form-factors and wave functions Perspectives in hadronic physics. Proceedings,Conference, Trieste, Italy, May 12-16, 1997 (pp. 382-391).
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. (1997). The Asymptotics of the transition form-factor gammagamma* 鈥> pi0 and QCD sum rules Photon 鈥97: International Conference on the Structureand the Interactions of the Photon, Including the 11thInternational Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions.
- Radyushkin, A. (1996). QCD sum rules and virtual Compton scattering Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering Clermont-Ferrand,France, June 26-29, 1996.
- Radyushkin, A. and Ruskov, R. (1995). Form-factor of the process gamma* gamma* 鈥> pi0 forsmall virtuality of one of the photons and QCD sum rules Photon 鈥95. Proceedings, 10th International Workshop onGamma Gamma Collisions and Related Processes, Sheffield,UK, April 8-13, 1995 (pp. 250-255).
- Belyaev, V. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1995). gamma* p 鈥> DELTA form-factors in QCD International Symposium on Particle Theory andPhenomenology Ames, Iowa, May 22-24, 1995.
- Radyushkin, A. (1994). Pion wave function from QCD sum rules with nonlocalcondensates Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD Minneapolis,Minnesota, February 18-20, 1994 (pp. 238-248).
- Radyushkin, A. (1993). Perturbative quantum chromodynamics. (In Russian) 8th International Conference on the Problems of QuantumField Theory Alushta, USSR, October 10-16, 1987 (pp. 75-83).
- Radyushkin, A. (1992). Once more on the applicability of perturbative QCD toelastic form-factors International Conference on the Structure of Baryons andRelated Mesons (Baryons 鈥92) New Haven, Connecticut, June1-4, 1992 (pp. 0366-375).
- Radyushkin, A. (1986). QCD OF THE FEW QUARK SYSTEMS European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics(EFB9) Tbilisi, USSR, August 25-31, 1984 (pp. 2-16).
- Radyushkin, A. (1985). Perturbative QCD 9th CERN - JINR School of Physics Urbino, Italy, September 1-14, 1985 (pp. 35-77).
- Dittes, F. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). Calculation of two loop nonforward anomalous dimensions in QCD Proceedings: International Symposium on Special Topicsin Gauge Field Theories, 17th, Ahrenshoop, Germany, Oct10-14, 1983 (pp. 180-189).
- Radyushkin, A. (1984). Hadron form-factors in quantum chromodynamics: Factorization and QCD sum rule method (in Russian) In *Dubna 1984, Proceedings, Problems of High Energyphysics and Quantum Field Theory, VOL. 2* 163-191.
- Nesterenko, V. A.. and Radyushkin, A. (1984). The pion form-factor at low Q**2. (in Russian) In *Tbilisi 1984, Proceedings, QUARKS 84, VOL. 2*64-68..
- Radyushkin, A. and Slepchenko, L. A.. (1982). Experimental status of QCD. (IN RUSSIAN) Proceedings: International School on High Energy Physicsfor Young Scientists, 15th, Dubna, USSR, Nov 23 - Dec 2,1982 (pp. 406-455).
- Bondarchenko, E., Radyushkin, A. and Dittes, F. M.. (1982). Production of Lepton pairs and direct photons with largeq-transverse beyond leading order in QCD Proceedings: International Symposium on Special Topicsin Gauge Field Theories, 16th, Ahrenshoop, Germany, Oct 28- 4 Nov 1982 (pp. 100-105).
- Radyushkin, A. (1981). Exclusive processes and higher twist effects inperturbative QCD Symposium on Particle Physics: Gauge Theories andLepton-Hadron Interactions Visegrad, Hungary, September1-4, 1981 (pp. 79-94).
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1981). High-Energy processes in quantum chromodynamics. (talk, in Russian) Problems of quantum field theory (pp. 37-56).
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1980). On Perturbative QCD of Hard and Soft Processes.
- Dittes, F. M.. and Radyushkin, A. (1980). Pion Form-factor Beyond the Leading Order of Perturbative QCD Proceedings: Symposium on Special Topics in Gauge FieldTheories, Ahrenshoop, East Germany, Nov 5-12, 1981 (pp. 116-121) Submitted to: Yadernaya Fiz.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1979). Partons in quantum chromodynamics. Theory and experiment. (in Russian) Quantum field theory problems (pp. 65-80).
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1978). High momentum transfer processes in QCD.
- Efremov, A. V.. and Radyushkin, A. (1976). Quantum Field Theory and Parton Model.
- Radyushkin, A. (May , 2012). Singularities of Generalized Parton Distributions Talk Jefferson Lab.
- Radyushkin, A. (September , 2011). 15 Years With GPDs Invited Talk Dubna, Russia.
- Radyushkin, A. (May , 2011). Recent Advances in Applying QCD to 蠏*蠏鈫捪鈦 Transition Form Factor Invited Talk Minneapolis, MN.
- Radyushkin, A. (April , 2011). Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects Newport News, VA.
- Radyushkin, A. (April , 2011). "QCD Evolution Workshop: from collinear to non collinear case Invited Talk Jefferson Lab.
- Radyushkin, A. (December , 2010). Generalized parton distributions and Regge behavior Invited Talk NCSU, Raleigh, NC.
- Radyushkin, A. (October , 2010). Regge behavior and GPDs at the border point x = \xi. Invited Talk Jefferson Lab.
- Bedir, I. and Radyushkin, A. (October , 2010). Spectral Densities of Three-point Correlators Invited Talk Jefferson Lab.
- Radyushkin, A. (September , 2010). Generalized parton distributions and Regge behavior Invited Talk Seattle, WA.
- Radyushkin, A. (October 15, 2009). Photon-pion transition form factor and pion distributin amplitude 3rd Joint meeting of the APS division of Nuclear Physics and Physicsl Society of Japan Waikola, Hawaii.
- Radyushkin, A. (September , 2009). pQCD and intrinsic transverse momentum in 蠏*蠏鈫捪鈦 The Jefferson Laboratory Upgrade to 12 GeV (INT-09-3) Seattle, WA.
- Radyushkin, A. (May 14, 2009). International Workshop: Crossing the boundaries: Gauge dynamics at strong coupling Minneapolis, MN.
- Radyushkin, A. (January , 2009). Solar Fusion Cross Section for the pp Chain and CNO Cycle University of Washington, Seattle.
- Radyushkin, A. (May 15, 2008). Hadronic form factors in AdS/QCD Internationa workshop: String theory methods in the real world Seattle, WA.
- Radyushkin, A. ( 2007). Nuclear Forces and Light Nuclei 19th Indian-Summer School on Few-Body Techniques and Effective Field Theories Rez/Prague Czech Republic.
- Radyushkin, A. (October , 2007). Correlations in Nuceli Annual meeting of the division of Nuclear Physics Newport News .
- Radyushkin, A. (October 10, 2007). Hard exclusive processes and GPD's DNP annual meeting Newport News , VA.
- Radyushkin, A. (August , 2007). Short-Range Structure of Nuclei Ghent University, Gent, Belgium.
- Radyushkin, A. (July , 2007). Light Nuclei from keV to GeV Energies Salva Regina University, Newport.
- Radyushkin, A. (May 14, 2007). Structure of Vector Mesons in Holograhic QCD Ohio State University.
- Radyushkin, A. (October 29, 2006). double Distributions and GPDs at 习 尉 University of Maryland College Park.
- Radyushkin, A. (June 13, 2006). Basic of generalized parton distribution theory and phenomenology Annual Jefferson Lab User meeting Newport News, VA.
- Radyushkin, A. (May , 2006). Holographic and Quark-Hadron Duality from Form Factors Minneapolis.
- 2011: Member of the CEBAF group board of directors, CEBAF user group
- 2010: First Annual Award of JINR-Dubna in Theoretical Physics,
- 2010: Most Inspiring Faculty Award, College of Sciences, 麻豆传媒
- 2008: Distinguished Research Award , College of Sciences
- 2008: Faculty Reseach Award, College of Sciences, Old Dominion Unviersity
- 2004: Virginia Outstanding Scientist of the Year,
- 2003: JINR-Dubna Award in theoretical physics,
- 2001: Alexander von Humboldt Award for Senior U.S. Scientist,
- 1998: Eminent Scholar, 麻豆传媒
- 1998: Faculty Research Award, 麻豆传媒
- 1996: Fellow of American Physical Society,
- 1980: Best young scientist of JINR-Dubna,
- 1979: First Award of JINR-Dubna in theoretical physics,