Professor & Eminent Scholar

Alex Gurevich

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Physics, Institute of High Temperatures, USSR Academy of Sciences, (1983)

M.S. in Physics, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, (1977)

B.S. in Physics, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, (1974)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Gurevich, A. and Delayen, J. "Investigation of New Superconducting Materials For The Next Generation High-Performance RF Superconducting Cavities For Particle Accelerators" $1,100,000. Federal. September 1, 2019 - March 31, 2023
Iavarone, M., Gurevich, A. and Delayen, J. "Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and RF investigations of the effect of strong currents on superconducting properties and surface resistance of high performance materials for accelerator cavities. " $250,000. Federal. September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020
Gurevich, A. "Theoretical Investigation of Ways to Weaken Pairbreaking Fluctuations in High-Temperature Superconductors" $305,665. Federal. July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020
Zeldov, E. and Gurevich, A. "Scanning SQUID dynamic microscopy of vortices in superconductors at nanoscale" $223,100. Other. October 1, 2015 - October 1, 2019
Ciovati, G., Gurevich, A. and Delayen, J. "Magnetic Field Mapping of Trapped Vortex Hotspots and Identifying the Sources of Losses in Superconducting Accelerating Cavities" $390,000. Federal. September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2019
Gurevich, A. and Delayen, J. "Investigation of new superconducting materials for the next generation high-gradient RF cavities for particle accelerators" $600,000. Federal. April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2019
Delayen, J. and Gurevich, A. "Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Fundamental Limits of Surface Resistance of Superconductors for Next Generation Particle Accelerators " $664,000. Federal. June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2017
Gurevich, A. and Delayen, J. "Investigation of New Superconducting Materials for the Next Generation of High Gradient RF Cavities for Particle Accelerators" $1,465,000. Federal. May 1, 2013 - April 1, 2016
Gurevich, A. "Theoretical Investigation of of Nonlinear Surface Resistance of Multilayer Superconducting Cavities" $264,000. Federal. February 20, 2011 - December 30, 2012


Condensed Matter theory, superconductivity, materials science, accelerator science

Research Interests

Theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity


Dhakal, P., Khanal, B. D., Gurevich, A. and Ciovati, G. (2024). Field, frequency and temperature dependencies of the surface resistance of nitrogen diffused niobium superconducting radio frequency cavities. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 27 , pp. 062001.
Parajuli, I., Ciovati, G. and Gurevich, A. (2024). Magneto-thermal limitations of high-field Q slope in superconducting cavities. Frontiers in Electronic Materials 4 , pp. 1339293 .
Gurevich, A. and Sheikhzada, A. (2024). Superradiant emission stimulated by vortex-antivortex pair production in layered superconductors. Physical Review B 110 , pp. 094501.
Lechner, E. M., Oli, B. D., Makita, J., Ciovati, G., Gurevich, A. and Iavarone, M. (2023). Characterization of dissipative regions of a N-doped superconducting radio-frequency cavity. Frontiers in Electronic Materials 3 , pp. 1235918.
Ciovati, G., Anderson, J., Balachandran, S., Cheng, G., Coriton, B., Daly, E., Dhakal, P., Gurevich, A., Hannon, F., Harding, K., Holland, L., Marhauser, F., McLaughlin, K., Packard, D., Powers, T., Pudasaini, U., Rathke, J., Rimmer, R., Schultheiss, T., Vennekate, H. and Vollmer, D. (2023). Development of a prototype superconducting radio-frequency cavity for conduction-cooled accelerators. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26 , pp. 044701.
Pathirana, M. and Gurevich, A. (2023). Superheating field in superconductors with nanostructured surfaces. Frontiers in Electronic Materials 3 , pp. 1246016.
Gurevich, A. (2023). Tuning microwave losses in superconducting resonators. Superconductor Science and Technology 36 , pp. 063002.
Senevirathne, I. H., Gurevich, A. and Delayen, J. (2022). Direct current magnetic Hall probe technique for measurement of field penetration in thin film superconductors for superconducting radio frequency resonators. Review of Scientific Instruments 93 , pp. 055104.
Makita, J., Sundahl, C., Ciovati, C., Eom, C. B. and Gurevich, A. (2022). Nonlinear Meissner effect in Nb3Sn coplanar resonators. Physical Review Research 4 , pp. 013156.
Sundahl, C., Makita, J., Welander, P. B., Su, Y., Kametani, F., Xiu, L., Zhang, H., Li, L., Gurevich, A. and Eom, C. (2021). Development and characterization of Nb3Sn/ Al2O3 superconducting multilayers for particle accelerators. Scientific Reports 11 , pp. 7770.
Pathirana, W. and Gurevich, A. (2021). Effect of random pinning on nonlinear dynamics and dissipation of a vortex driven by a strong microwave current . Physical Review B 103 , pp. 184518.
Sheikhzada, A. and Gurevich, A. (2020). Dynamic pair-breaking current, critical super铿倁id velocity, and nonlinear electromagnetic response of nonequilibrium superconductors. Physical Review B 102 , pp. 104507.
Lechner, E. M., Oli, B. D., Makita, J., Ciovati, G., Gurevich, A. and Iavarone, M. (2020). Electron Tunneling and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of the Superconducting Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Niobium Resonator Cavities. Physical Review Applied 13 , pp. 044044.
Dhakal, P., Ciovati, G. and Gurevich, A. (2020). Flux expulsion in niobium superconducting radio-frequency cavities of different purity and essential contributions to the flux sensitivity. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23 , pp. 023102.
Pathirana, W. and Gurevich, A. (2020). Nonlinear Dynamics and Dissipation of a Curvilinear Vortex Driven by a Strong Time-Dependent Meissner Current. Physical Review B 101 , pp. 064504.
Ok, J. M., Kwon, C. I., Kohama, Y., You, J. S., Park, S. K., Kim, J., Jo, Y. J., Choi, E. S., Kindo, K., Kang, W., Kim, K. S., Moon, E. G., Gurevich, A. and Kim, J. S. (2020). Observation of the in-plane magnetic feld-induced phase transitions in FeSe. Physical Review B 101 , pp. 224509.
Maiwald, J., Mazin, I. I., Gurevich, A. and Aronson, M. (2020). Superconductivity in La2Ni2In. Physical Review B 102 , pp. 165125.
Kubo, T. and Gurevich, A. (2019). Field-dependent nonlinear surface resistance and its optimization by surface nanostructuring in superconductors. Physical Review B 100 , pp. 064522.
Sheikhzada, A. and Gurevich, A. (2019). Instability of flux flow and production of vortex-antivortex pairs by current-driven Josephson vortices in layered superconductors. Physical Review B 99 , pp. 214512.
Esreles-Duart, F., Ortuno, M., Somoza, A. M., Vinokur, V. M. and Gurevich, A. (2018). Current-driven production of vortex-antivortex pairs in planar Josephson junction arrays and phase cracks in long-range order. Nature Scientific Reports 8 , pp. 15460.
Sung, Z. H., Lee, P. J., Gurevich, A. and Larbalestier, D. C. (2018). Evidence for preferential flux flow at the grain boundaries of superconducting RF-quality niobium. Superconductor Science and Technology 31 ( 045001).
Gurevich, A. (2018). Tuning vortex fluctuations and the resistive transition in superconducting films with a thin overayer. Physical Review B 98 , pp. 024506.
Sheikhzada, A. and Gurevich, A. (2017). Dynamic transition of vortices into phase slips and generation of vortex-antivortex pairs in thin film Josephson junctions under dc and ac currents. Physical Review B 95 , pp. 214507.
Embon, L., Anahory, Y., Jelic, Z. L., Lachman, E. O., Myasoedov, Y., Huber, M. E., Mikitik, G. P., Silhanek, A. V., Milosevic, M. V., Gurevich, A. and Zeldov, E. (2017). Imaging of super-fast dynamics and flow instabilities of superconducting vortices. Nature Communications 8 , pp. 85.
Gurevich, A. and Kubo, T. (2017). Surface impedance and optimum surface resistance of a superconductor with an imperfect surface. Physical Review B 96 (18) , pp. 17.
Gurevich, A. (2017). Theory of RF superconductivity for resonant cavities. Superconductor Science and Technology 30 , pp. 034004(25p).
Meier, W. R., Kong, T., Kaluarachchi, U. S., Taufour, V., Jo, N. H., Drachuck, G., Bohmer, A. E., Saunders, S. M., Sapkota, A., Kreyssig, A., Tanatar, M. A., Prozorov, R., Goldman, A. I., Balakirev, F. F., Gurevich, A., Bud'ko, S. L. and Canfield, P. C. (2016). Anisotropic thermodynamic and transport properties of single crystalline CaKFe4As4. Physical Review B 94 , pp. 064501.
Balakirev, F. F., Kong, T., Jaime, M., McDonald, R. D., Mielke, C. H., Gurevich, A., Canfield, P. C. and Bud'ko, S. L. (2015). Anisotropy reversal of the upper critical field at low temperatures and spin-locked superconductivity in K2Cr3As3. Physical Review B 91 , pp. 220505(R).
Kunchur, N. M.., Dean, C. L.., Moghadam, N. S.., Knight, J. M.., He, Q. L.., Liu, H., Wang, J., Lortz, R., Sou, I. K.. and Gurevich, A. (2015). Current-induced depairing in the Bi2Te3/FeTe interfacial superconductor. Physical Review B 92 , pp. 094502.
Sheikhzada, A. and Gurevich, A. (2015). Fragmentation of fast Josephson vortices and breakdown of ordered states by moving topological defects. Nature Scientific Reports 5 , pp. 17821.
Gurevich, A. (2015). Maximum screening fields of superconducting multilayer structures. AIP Advances 5 (1) , pp. 017112.
Embon, L., Anahory, Y., Suslov, A., Halbertal, D., Cuppens, J., Yakovenko, A., Uri, A., Myasoedov, Y., Rappaport, M. L.., Huber, M. E.., Gurevich, A. and Zeldov, E. (2015). Probing dynamics and pinning of single vortices in superconductors at nanometer scales. Nature Scientific Reports 5 , pp. 7598.
Gurevich, A. (2014). Challenges and opportunities of applications of unconventional superconductors. Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics 5 , pp. 35-56.
Ciovati, G., Dhakal, P. and Gurevich, A. (2014). Decrease of the surface resistance in superconducting niobium resonator cavities by the microwave field. Applied Physics Letters 104 (092601).
Sheikhzada, A. and Gurevich, A. (2014). Nonlinear dynamics of Josephson vortices in film screen under dc and ac magnetic fields. Physica C 506 , pp. 59-68.
Gurevich, A. (2014). Reduction of dissipative nonlinear conductivity of superconductors by static and microwave magnetic fields. Physical Review Letters 113 , pp. 087001.
Polyanskii, A. A.., Kametani, F., Abraimov, D., Gurevich, A., Yamamoto, A., Pallecci, I., Putti, M., Zhuang, C., Tan, T. and Xi, X. X.. (2014). Roles of intrinsic anisotropies and the pi band pairbreaking effect on the critical currents in tilted c-Axis MgB2 films probed by magneto-optical and transport measurements . Physical Review B 90 , pp. 214509.
Gurevich, A. and Ciovati, G. (2013). Effect of vortex hotspots on the radio-frequency surface resistance of superconductors. Physical Review B 87 (054502).
Ciovati, G., Anlage, S. M.. and Gurevich, A. (2013). Imaging of the Surface Resistance of an SRF Cavity by Low-Temperature Laser Scanning Microscopy. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23 (3) , pp. 3500506.
Gurevich, A. and Vinokur, V. M.. (2012). Comment on 鈥淰ortex-assisted photon counts and their magnetic field dependence in single-photon superconducting detectors. Physical Review B 86 (026501).
Lin, F. Pei-Jen. and Gurevich, A. (2012). Effect of impurities on the superheating field of type-II superconductors. Physical Review B 85 , pp. 054513.
Gurevich, A. (2012). Superconducting radio-frequency fundamentals for particle accelerators. Review of Accelerator Science and Technology. 5 , pp. 119-146.
Kunchur, M. N.., Liang, M. and Gurevich, A. (2012). Thermally activated dynamics of spontaneous perpendicular vortices tuned by parallel magnetic fields in thin superconducting films . Physical Review B 86 , pp. 024521.
Cho, K., Kim, H., Tanatar, M. A.., Song, Y. J.., Kwon, Y. S.., Coniglio, W. A.., Agosta, C. C.., Gurevich, A. and Prozorov, R. (2011). Anisotropic upper critical field and a possible Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a stoichiometric pnictide superconductor LiFeAs. Physical Review B 82 (060502 R).
Tarantini, C., Jaroszynski, J., Kametani, F., Zuev, Y. L.., Gurevich, A., Chen, Y., Selvanmanickam, V., Larbalestier, D. C.. and Christen, D. K. (2011). Anisotropy of the irreversibility field for rare-earth-doped YBa鈧侰u鈧僌鈧-x thin films. Physical Review B 84 (224514).
Gebre, T., Li, G., Whalen, J. B.., Conner, B. S.., Zhou, H. D.., Grissonanche, G., Kostov, M. K.., Gurevich, A., Siegrist, T. and Balicas, L. (2011). Disorder-dependent superconducting phase diagram at high magnetic fields in Fe鈧+ySexTe鈧-x, x 鈭 0.4. Physical Review B 84 (174571).
Tarantini, C. and Gurevich, A. (2011). High field properties of pure and doped MgB鈧 and Fe-based superconductors. MRS Bulletin 36 , pp. 626-630.
Dai, W., Ferrando, V., Pogrebnyakov, A. V.., Wilke, R. H.T.., Chen, K., Weng, X., Redwing, J., Qung Bark, C., Eom, C., Zhu, Y., Voyles, P. M.., Rickel, D., Betts, J. B.., Mielke, C. H.., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C.., Li, Q. and Xi, X. X.. (2011). High-field properties of carbon-doped MgB2 thin films by hybrid physical鈥揷hemical vapor deposition using different carbon sources . Superconductor Science and Technology 24 (125014).
Gurevich, A. (2011). Iron-based superconductors at high magnetic fields. Reports on Progress in Physics 74 , pp. 124501-12520.
Li, G., Grissonanche, G., Gurevich, A., Zhigadlo, N. D.., Katrych, S., Bukowski, Z., Karpinski, J. and Balicas, L. (2011). Multi-band superconductivity in LaFeAsO鈧.鈧塅鈧.鈧夆倎 single crystals probed by high-field vortex torque magnetometry. Physical Review B 83 (214505).
Tarantini, C., Gurevich, A., Jaroszynski, J., Balakirev, F., Bellingeri, E., Pallecchi, I., Ferdeghini, C., Shen, B., Wen, H. H.. and Larbalestier, D. C.. (2011). Significant enhancement of upper critical fields by doping and strain in Fe-based superconductors. Physical Review B 84 (184522).
Durrell, J. H.., Eom, C. B.., Gurevich, A., Hellstrom, E. E.., Tarantini, C., Yamamoto, A. and Larbalestier, D. C.. (2011). The behavior of grain boundaries in the Fe-based superconductors. Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (124511).
Gurevich, A. (2011). To use or not to use cool superconductors?. Nature Materials 10 , pp. 255-259.
Gurevich, A. (2010). Helical instability of charged vortices in layered superconductors. Physical Rev. B 81 (100505).
Groll, N., Gurevich, A. and Chiorescu, I. (2010). Measurements of the nonlinear Meissner effect in superconducting Nb films using resonant microwave cavity: A probe of unconventional order parameter. Physical Rev. B 81 (020504).
Putti, M., Pallecchi, I., Bellinger, E., Tropeano, M., Tarantini, C., Yamamoto, A., Jiang, J., Jaroszysnki, J., Kametani, F., Abraimov, D., Pollyanskii, A., Weiss, J. D.., Hellstrom, E. E.. and Gurevich, A. (2010). New Fe-based superconductors: properties relevant for applications.. Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (034003).
Tarantini, C., Lee, S., Zhang, Y., Bark, C. W.., Weiss, J. D.., Nelson, C. T.., Jang, H. W.., Folkman, C. M., Baek, S. H.., Pan, X. Q.., Gurevich, A., Hellstrom, E. E.., Eom, C. B.. and Larbalestier, D. C.. (2010). Strong vortex pinning in Co-doped BaFe鈧侫s鈧 single crystal thin films. Applied Physics Letters 96 (142510).
Tarantini, C., Putti, M., Gurevich, A., Shen, Y., Singh, R. K.., Rowell, J. M.., Newman, N., Larbalestier, D. C.., Cheng, P., Jia, Y. and Wen, H. H. (2010). Suppression of the critical temperature in NdFeAs(OF)single crystal by Kondo-like scattering induced by irradiation. Physical Review Letters 104 (087002).
Gurevich, A. (2010). Upper critical field and the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov transition in multiband superconductors . Physical Rev. B 82 (184504).
Patel, U., Xiao, Z. L.., Gurevich, A., Avci, S., Hua, J., Divan, R., Welp, U. and Kwok, W. K.. (2009). Granularity correlated dissipation in superconducting Niobium Nitride nanowires.. Physical Rev. B 80 (012504).
Jo, Y. J.., Jaroszysnki, J., Yamamoto, A., Gurevich, A., Riggs, C., Boebinger, G. S.., Larbalastier, D. and Wen, H. H.. (2009). High-field phase-diagram of Fe arsenide superconductors. Physica C 469 , pp. 566-574.
Kametani, F., Li, P., Abraimov, D., Ployanskii, A. A.., Yamamoto, A., Yamamoto, A., Jiang, J., Hellstrom, E. E.., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. c.., Ren, Z. A.., Yang, J., Dong, X. L.., Lu, W. and Zhao, Z. X.. (2009). Intergrain current flow in a randomly oriented polycrystalline SmFeAsO鈧:85 oxypnictide. Applied Physics Letters 95 (142502).
Riggs, S., Tarantini, C., Jaroszysnki, J., Gurevich, A., Palenzona, A., Putti, M., Nguen, T. D.. and Afronte, M. (2009). Magnetic ordering of Re lattice in ReFeAsO: the odd case of Sm. A specific heat investigation in high magneticfields . Physical Rev. B 80 (214404).
Lee, S., Jiang, J., Weiss, J. D.., Folkman, C. M.., Bark, C. W.., Tarantini, C., Xu, A., Abraimov, D. and Gurevich, A. (2009). Weak link behavior of grain boundaries in Co-dopedBaFe鈧侫s鈧 pnictide superconductors . Applied Physics Letters 958 (212505).
Jaroszynski, J., Riggs, S. G., Hunte, F., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C., Boebinger, G. S., Balakirev, F. F., Migliori, A., Ren, Z. A., Lu, W., Yang, J., Shen, Z. L., Dong, X. L., Zhao, Z. X., Jin, R., Sefat, A. S., McGuire, M. M., Sales, B. C., Christen, D. K. and Mandrus, D. (2008). Comparative high field magneto-transport of rare earth oxypnictides with maximum transition temperatures. Physical Review B 78 , pp. 064511.
Gurevich, A. and Ciovati, G. (2008). Dynamics of vortex penetration, jumpwise instabilities, and nonlinear surface resistance of type-II superconductors in high rf fields. Physical Review B 77 , pp. 104501.
Ciovati, G. and Gurevich, A. (2008). Evidence of high-field radio-frequency hot-spots due to trapped vortices in niobium cavities. Physical Review ST-AB 11 , pp. 122001.
Abraimov, D., Gurevich, A., Polyanskii, A., Cai, X. Y., Xu, A., Pamidi, S., Larbalestier, D. C. and Thieme, C. H. (2008). Significant reduction of ac losses in YBCO patterned coated conductors with transposed filaments. Superconductor Science and Technology 21 , pp. 082004 .
Gurevich, A. and Vinokur, V. M.. (2008). Size effects in the nonlinear resistance and flux creep in a virtual Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless state of superconducting films. Physical Review Letters 100 , pp. 227007.
Tarantini, C., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C., Ren, Z. A., Dong, X. L., Wu, W. and Zhao, Z. X. (2008). Superconductivity and antiferromagnetic ordering in the high-field paramagnetic oxypnictide NdFeAsO0.94F0.06. Physical Review B 78 , pp. 184501.
Hunte, F., Jaroszynski, J., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C.., Jin, R., Sefat, A. S.., McGuire, M. A.., Sales, B. S.., Christen, D. K.. and Mandrus, D. (2008). Two-band superconductivity in LaFeAs0.87F0.11 at very high magnetic fields. Nature 453 , pp. 903-905.
Jaroszynski, J., Balicas, L., Jo, Y. J., Hunte, F., Raicevic, I., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C., Balakirev, F. F., Jia, Y., Cheng, P., Fang, L., Luo, H., Yang, H., Ren, C., Shan, L., Gu, C. and Wen, H. H. (2008). Upper critical fields and thermally-activated transport of NdO0.7F0.3FeAs single crystal. Physical Review B 78 , pp. 174523 .
Gurevich, A. (2007). Limits of upper critical field in dirty two-gap superconductors. Physica C 456 , pp. 160-169.
Ciovati, G., Kneisel, P. and Gurevich, A. (2007). Measurements of high-field Q drop in high purity large-grain niobium cavity for different oxidation processes. Physical Review ST-AB 10 , pp. 062002.
Feldmann, D. M., Holesinger, T. G., Feenstra, R., Cantoni, C., Zhang, W., Rupich, M., Li, X., Durrell, J. H., Gurevich, A. and Larbalestier, D. C. (2007). Mechanisms for enhanced supercurrent across meandered grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics 102 , pp. 083912.
Kim, S. I., Kametani, F., Chen, Z., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C., Haugan, T. and Barnes, P. (2007). On the through-thickness critical current density of an YBa2Cu3O7-x film containing a high density of Insiulating, vortex pinning nanoprecipitates. Applied Physics Letters 90 , pp. 252502.
Gurevich, A. (2007). Pinning size effects in critical currents of superconducting films. Superconductor Science and Technology 20 , pp. S 128-135.
Gurevich, A. (2006). Enhancement of rf breakdown field of superconductors by multilayer coating. Applied Physics Letters 88 , pp. 012511.
Gurevich, A. (2006). Multiscale mechanisms of SRF breakdown. Physica C 456 , pp. 160-169 .
Gurevich, A. and Vinokur, V. M.. (2006). Phase textures induced by dc current pair breaking in weakly coupled multilayer structures and two-gap superconductors. Physical Review Letters 97 , pp. 137003.
Aranson, I. S.., Gurevich, A., Welling, M. S.., Wijngaarden, R. J.., Vlasko-Vlasov, V. K.., Vinokur, V. M.. and Welp, U. (2005). Dendritic flux avalanches and nonlocal electrodynamics in thin superconducting films. Physical Review Letters 94 , pp. 037002.
Song, X., Daniels, G., Feldmann, D. M., Gurevich, A. and Larbalestier, D. (2005). Electromagnetic, atomic-structure and chemistry changes induced by Ca-doping of low-angle YBCO grain boundaries. Nature Materials 4 , pp. 470-475.
Braccini, V., Gurevich, A., Giencke, J. E., Jewell, M. C., Eom, C. B., Larbalestier, D. C., Pogrebnyakov, A., Cui, Y., Liu, B. T., Hu, Y. F., Redwing, J. M., Li, Q., Xi, X. X., Singh, R. K., Gandikota, R., Kim, J., Wilkens, B., Newman, N., Rowell, J., Moeckly, B., Ferrando, V., Tarantini, C., Marr, D., Putti, M., Ferdeghini, C., Vaglio, R. and Haanappel, E. (2005). High-field superconductivity in alloyed MgB2 films. Physical Review B 71 , pp. 012504.
Yethiraj, M., Christen, D. K., Gapud, A. A., Paul, D. M., Crowe, S., Dewhurst, C. D., Cubitt, R., Porcar, L. and Gurevich, A. (2005). Temperature and field dependence of the flux-line lattice symmetry in V3Si. Physical Review B 72 , pp. R 060504.
Abraimov, D., Feldmann, D. M., Polyanskii, A. A., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C., Zhuravel, A. P. and Ustinov, A. V. (2004). Scanning laser imaging of dissipation in YBa2Cu3O7 coated conductors. Applied Physics Letters 85 , pp. 2568-2570.
Patnaik, S., Gurevich, A., Bu, S. D., Choi, J., Eom, C. B. and Larbalestier, D. C. (2004). Thermally-activated current transport in MgB2 films. Physical Review B 70 , pp. 0645031.
Gurevich, A., Patnaik, S., Braccini, V., Kim, K. H., Mielke, C., Song, X., Cooley, L. D., Bu, S. D., Kim, D. M., Choi, J. H., Belenky, J., Giencke, J., Lee, M. K., Tian, W., Pan, X. Q., Siri, A., Hellstrom, E. E., Eom, C. B. and Larbalestier, D. C. (2004). Very high upper critical field in the two-gap superconductor MgB2 produced by selective tuning of impurity scattering. Superconductor Science and Technology 17 , pp. 278-286.
Gurevich, A. (2003). Enhancement of the upper critical field by nonmagnetic impurities in dirty two-gap superconductors. Physical Review B 67 , pp. 184515.
Gurevich, A. and Vinokur, V. M.. (2003). Interband phase modes and nonequilibrium soliton structures in two-gap superconductors. Physical Review Letters 90 , pp. 047004.
Gurevich, A., Rzchowski, M. S., Daniels, G., Patnaik, S., Hinaus, B. M., Carillo, F., Tafuri, F. and Larbalestier, D. C. (2002). Flux flow of Abrikosov-Josephson vortices along grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors. Physical Review Letters 88 , pp. 097001.
Gurevich, A. (2002). Nonlinear dynamics of vortices in easy flow channels along grain boundaries in superconductors. Physical Review B 65 , pp. 214531.
Gurevich, A. and Kogan, V. G.. (2001). Effect of fluctuations on vortex lattice structural transitions in superconductors. Physical Review Letters 87 , pp. 177009.
Larbalestier, D. C.., Gurevich, A., Feldmann, D. M.. and Polyanskii, A. A.. (2001). High-Tc superconducting materials for electric power applications. Nature 414 , pp. 368-377.
Friesen, M. and Gurevich, A. (2001). Nonlinear current flow in superconductors with restricted geometries. Physical Review B 63 , pp. 064521.
Larbalestier, D. C., Cooley, L. D., Rikel, M. O., Polyanskii, A. A., Jiang, J., Patnaik, S., Cai, X. Y., Feldmann, D. M., Gurevich, A., Squitieri, A. A., Naus, M. T., Eom, C. B., Hellstrom, E. E., Cava, R. J., Regan, K. A., Rogado, N., Hayward, M. A., He, T., Slusky, J. E., Khalifah, P., Inumaru, K. and Haas, M. (2001). Strongly linked current flow in polycrystalline forms of the new superconductor MgB2. Nature 410 , pp. 186-189.
Gurevich, A. (2001). Thermal instability near planar defects in superconductors. Applied Physics Letters 78 , pp. 1891.
Eom, C. B., Lee, M. K., Choi, J. H., Belenky, L., Song, X., Cooley, L. D., Naus, M. T., Patnaik, S., Jiang, J., Rikel, M., Polyanskii, A. A., Gurevich, A., Cai, X. Y., Bu, S. D., Babcock, S. E., Hellstrom, E. E., Larbalestier, D. C., Rogado, N., Regan, K. A., Hayward, M. A., He, T., Slusky, J. S., Inumary, K., Haas, M. K. and Cava, R. J. (2001). Thin film magnesium boride superconductor with very high critical current density and enhanced irreversibility field. Nature 411 , pp. 558-560.
Aranson, I., Gurevich, A. and Vinokur, V. (2001). Vortex avalanches and magnetic flux fragmentation in superconductors. Physical Review Letters 87 , pp. 067003.
Daniels, G., Gurevich, A. and Larbalestier, D. C. (2000). Improved strong magnetic field performance of low angle grain boundaries of Calcium and Oxygen overdoped YBa2Cu3Ox. Applied Physics Letters 77 , pp. 3251.
Gurevich, A. and Friesen, M. (2000). Nonlinear transport current flow in superconductors with planar obstacles. Physical Review B 62 , pp. 4004.
Gurevich, A. and Tachiki, M. (1999). Charge effects and Josephson plasma resonance on planar defects in high-temperature superconductors. Physical Review Letters 83 , pp. 183-186.
Gurevich, A. and Vinokur, V. M.. (1999). Nonlinear electrodynamics of randomly inhomogeneous superconductors. Physical Review Letters 83 , pp. 3037-3040.
Gurevich, A. and Pashitskii, E. A. (1998). Current transport through low-angle grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors. Physical Review B 57 , pp. 13878.
Cai, X. Y., Gurevich, A., Tsu, I. F., Kaiser, D. L., Babcock, S. E. and Larbalestier, D. C. (1998). Large enhancement of the critical current due to vortex matching at periodic facet structure in YBa2Cu3O7 bicrystals. Physical Review B 57 , pp. 10951.
Gurevich, A. and McDonald, J. (1998). Nonlinear current flow around defects in superconductors. Physical Review Letters 81 , pp. 2546-2549.
Gurevich, A. and Brandt, E. H. (1997). AC response of thin superconductors in the flux-creep regime. Physical Review B 55 , pp. 12706.
Gurevich, A. and Pashitskii, E. A. (1997). Enhancement of superconductivity at structural defects in high-temperature superconductors. Physical Review B 55 , pp. 6213.
Pashitski, A. E., Gurevich, A., Polyanskii, A. A., Larbalestier, D. C., Goyal, A., Specht, E. D., Kroeger, D. M., DeLuca, J. A. and Tkaczyk, J. E. (1997). Reconstruction of current flow patterns and imaging of current-limiting defects in superconducting films. Science 275 , pp. 367.
Gurevich, A., Kadyrov, E. and Larbalestier, D. C.. (1996). Dynamic matching of vortex lattice in superconducting multilayers. Physical Review Letters 77 , pp. 4078-4081.
Kadyrov, E., Gurevich, A. and Larbalestier, D. C. (1996). High current densities in Nb47%Ti multilayers with planar copper flux pinning nanostructure. Applied Physics Letters 68 , pp. 1567-1569.
Gurevich, A. and Brandt, E. H.. (1996). Linear ac response of superconductors during flux creep. Physical Review Letters 76 , pp. 1723-1726.
Kogan, V. G., Gurevich, A., Cho, J. H., Johnston, D. C., Hu, M., Thompson, J. R. and Martynovich, A. (1996). Nonlocal electrodynamics and low temperature magnetization of clean high-kappa superconductors. Physical Review B 54 , pp. 12386.
Polyanskii, A. A., Gurevich, A., Pashitski, A. E., Heinig, N. F., Redwing, R. D., Nordman, J. E. and Larbalestier, D. C. (1996). Study of flux penetration across [001] grain boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7 thin film bicrystals. Physical Review B 54 , pp. 8687.
Gurevich, A., Benkraouda, M. and Clem, J. R. (1996). Vortices at planar defects in layered superconductors. Physical Review B 54 , pp. 13196.
Gurevich, A. (1995). Nonlinear dynamics of vortices in high-jc Josephson contacts. Physica C 243 , pp. 191-196.
Pashitskii, A. E., Polyanskii, A. A., Gurevich, A., Parrell, J. A. and Larbalestier, D. C. (1995). Suppression of magnetic granularity by current in a Bi1.8Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O8+x tape. Applied Physics Letters 67 , pp. 2720-2722.
Gurevich, A. and Cooley, L. (1994). Anisotropic flux pinning in a network of planar defects. Physical Review B 50 , pp. 13563.
Gurevich, A. and Brandt, E. H.. (1994). Flux creep in superconducting films: an exact solution. Physical Review Letters 73 , pp. 178-181.
Cai, X. Y., Gurevich, A., Larbalestier, D. C., Kelley, R., Onellion, M., Berger, H. and Margaritondo, G. (1994). Static and dynamic mechanisms of anomalous field dependence of magnetization in high-Tc superconductors. Physical Review B 60 , pp. R 16774.
Umezawa, A., Zhang, W., Gurevich, A., Feng, Y., Hellstrom, E. E. and Larbalestier, D. C. (1993). Flux pinning, granularity and the irreversibility line in HgBa2CuO4+x. Nature 364 , pp. 129-131.
Gurevich, A. (1993). Nonlinear viscous motion of vortices in Josephson contacts. Physical Review B 48 , pp. 12857.
Gurevich, A. and Kupfer, H. (1993). Time scales of the flux creep in superconductors. Physical Review B 48 , pp. 6477.
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Politis, C., Buntar, V., Krauss, W. and Gurevich, A. (1992). Magnetic properties of superconducting Rb3C60. Europhysics Letters 17 , pp. 175.
Gurevich, A. (1992). Nonlocal Josephson electrodynamics and pinning in superconductors. Physical Review B 46 , pp. R 3187.
Gurevich, A., Kupfer, H. and Keller, C. (1991). Percolation and flux creep in high-Tc superconductors. Europhysics Letters 15 , pp. 789-794.
Gurevich, A., Kupfer, H., Runtsch, B., Meier-Hirmer, R., Lee, D. and Salama, K. (1991). Transient regimes of flux creep in high-Tc superconductors. Physical Review B 44 , pp. 12090 (R) .
Gurevich, A. (1990). Distribution of pinning energies and the resistive transition in superconducting films. Physical Review B 42 , pp. R 4857.
Gurevich, A. (1990). Fragmentation of Magnetic Flux in Anisotropic Superconductors. Physical Review Letters 65 , pp. 3197-3140.
Gurevich, A. and Mints, R. G.. (1987). Self-heating in normal metals and superconductors. Reviews of Modern Physics 59 , pp. 941-999.

Book Chapters

(2023). Superconductivity: Critical Currents Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (pp. 82-88) Academic Press.


Gurevich, A. (September , 2019). Theoretical understanding of pinning in SRF cavities Oral Presentation European Conference on Applied Superconductivity Glasgow, UK.
Gurevich, A. (May 20, 2019). Tuning vortex fluctuations and superconducting transitions in a thin film bilayer Oral Presentation International VORTEX 2019 Workshop Antwerp, Belgium.
Gurevich, A. (November 8, 2018). Dissipation caused by oscillating vortices in the SRF cavities Oral Presentation TTC Workshop on Flux Trapping and Magnetic Shielding CERN, Switzerland.
Gurevich, A. (March 5, 2018). Nonlinear surface resistance and reduction of dissipation in superconductors in the Meissner state under RF field Oral Presentation March Meeting of the American Physical Society Los Angeles, CA.
Gurevich, A. (November 15, 2017). Prospective on ultimate gradient limitations in SRF cavities Oral Presentation TTC Topical Workshop - RF Superconductivity: Pushing Cavity Performance Limits Fermi National Laboratory.
Gurevich, A. (July 17, 2017). Current-blocking grain boundaries in SRF cavities and RF dissipation due to nonlinear dynamics of Josephson vortices under strong RF fields Oral Presentation 18-th International Conference on RF Superconductivity Lanzhou, China.
Gurevich, A. (July 9, 2017). Superconducting Thin Films and Multilayers for particle Accelerators Oral Presentation SEC/ICMC Madison, WI.
Gurevich, A. (May 28, 2017). Generation of vortex-antivortex pairs by moving vortices and dynamic phase slip transition in long Josephson junctions Oral Presentation 16-th International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors. VORTEX 2017 Natal, Brazil.
Gurevich, A. (January 18, 2017). Mechanisms of critical currents in high-Tc superconductors Oral Presentation Conference on Electronic Materials and Applications Orlando, FL.
Gurevich, A. (May 18, 2016). Dissipation in HTS under strong RF fields Oral Presentation Workshop on High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency and Fields Tiburon, CA.
Gurevich, A. (December 2, 2015). Mesoscopic vortex hotspots under rf field Oral Presentation International TESLA Collaboration Meeting SLAC, Stanford.
Gurevich, A. (December 2, 2015). Microwave suppression of nonlinear surface resistance and extended Q(H) rise in alloyed Nb cavities Oral Presentation International TESLA Collaboration Meeting SLAC, Stanford.
Gurevich, A. (September 13, 2015). Microwave suppression of nonlinear surface resistance and extended Q(H) rise in alloyed Nb cavities Oral Presentation 17-th International conference on RF superconductivity Whistler, Canada.
Gurevich, A. (May 10, 2015). Microwave suppression of nonlinear conductivity and dissipation limits in superconductors under strong electromagnetic RF fields Oral Presentation 15-th International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors. VORTEX 2015 El Escorial, Spain.
Gurevich, A. (October 6, 2014). Maximum screening field and the optimum parameters of superconductivity multilayers for resonator cavities Oral Presentation The Sixth International Workshop on Thin Films and New Ideas for SRF Legnaro National Laboratories, Padua, Italy.
Gurevich, A. (May 12, 2014). What it takes to make high-Tc superconductors useful Oral Presentation National Braziian Conference on Condensed Matter Physics Costa do Sauipe, Brazil.
Gurevich, A. (April 12, 2014). Materials Restrictions for Applications of Unconventional Superconductors Oral Presentation Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society San Francisco.
Gurevich, A. (November 12, 2013). New superconducting materials for resonator cavities Invited Conference Talk Argonne National Lab.
Gurevich, A. (September 15, 2013). Making unconventional superconductors useful鈥 Invited Conference Talk Genova, Italy.
Gurevich, A. (May 21, 2013). Mesoscopic vortex hotspots under strong rf fields Invited Conference Talk Nanjing, China.
Gurevich, A. (November 5, 2012). Challenges in understanding Q(Eacc) dependence Invited Conference Talk Jefferson Lab., Newport News.
Gurevich, A. (July 29, 2012). Fe-based superconductors: novel properties and potential applications Invited Conference Talk M2S. Washington DC.
Gurevich, A. (July 16, 2012). Calculation of hotspots caused by trapped vortices Invited Conference Talk Newport News, VA.
Lin, F. and Gurevich, A. (July 16, 2012). Tuning the superheating and RF breakdown fields in type-II superconductors by impurities Invited Conference Talk Newport News, VA.
Lin, F. and Gurevich, A. (April 27, 2012). Effect of impurities on superheating field of type II superconductor Seminar Presentation Ithaca.
Gurevich, A. (April 12, 2012). Tuning the upper critical fields in iron-based superconductors Invited Conference Talk San-Francisco, CA .
Lin, F. and Gurevich, A. (March 22, 2012). Effect of impurities on superheating field of type II superconductor Seminar Presentation Newport News, VA.
Lin, F. and Gurevich, A. (March 1, 2012). Effect of impurities on superheating field of type II superconductor Contributed Conference Talk Boston.
Gurevich, A. (October 26, 2011). Fe-based superconductors at high magnetic fields Herb Invited Seminar Wisconsin-Madison.
Gurevich, A. (October 19, 2011). New challenges and opportunities for high-Tc superconducting materials Invited Talk Roanoke, VA.
Gurevich, A. (October 2, 2011). Fe-based superconductors at high magnetic fields Invited Seminar Maryland.
Gurevich, A. (September 26, 2011). Fe-based superconductors at high magnetic fields Invited Seminar Wisconsin-Madison.
Gurevich, A. (August 1, 2011). Fe-based superconductors (FBS) at high magnetic fields Invited Talk Chicago.
Gurevich, A. (July 25, 2011). Multilayer coating of superconducting cavities: challenges and opportunities Invited Talk Chicago.
Lin, F. and Gurevich, A. (July 23, 2011). Effect of impurities on superheating field in superconductors Invited Seminar .
Gurevich, A. (March 21, 2011). Upper critical field and FFLO transition in multiband ferropnictides Contributed Talk Dallas.
Gurevich, A. (January 3, 2011). Multiband superconductivity at high magnetic fields and the FFLO instability in ferropnictides Invited Talk Sweden.
Gurevich, A. (October 4, 2010). Nonlinear Meissner Effect and Enhancement of the Field Onset of Penetration of Vortices in Dirty Nb Films Under RF and DC Fields Padova, Italy.
Gurevich, A. (July 19, 2010). Superconductivity in ferropnictides at very high magnetic fields Sweden.
Gurevich, A. (April 25, 2010). Impurity effects and current transport in oxypnictides at high magnetic fields Antalya, Turkey.
Gurevich, A. (March 16, 2010). Ferropnictides at high magnetic fields the role of pairing symmetry and impurity scattering Portland, OR.
Gurevich, A. (February 19, 2010). Effect of defects on the physics of SRF NHMFL, Tallahassee.
Gurevich, A. (October 14, 2009). High field superconductivity in ferropnictides High field superconductivity in ferropnic tides .
Gurevich, A. (September 28, 2009). Making cuprates and other new superconductors suitable for applications Gainsville.
Gurevich, A. (September 11, 2009). Making cuprates and other new superconductors suitable for applications Plenary talk Tokyo, Japan.
Gurevich, A. (August 12, 2009). Pnictides at high magnetic fields UCSB, Santa Barbara.
Gurevich, A. (August 7, 2009). Designing superconducting materials for applications UCSB, Santa Barbara.
Gurevich, A. (May 12, 2009). Tailoring designer superconductors for power applications Japan.
Gurevich, A. (April 14, 2009). Oxypnictide superconductors at high magnetic fields San Fransisco,.
Gurevich, A. (March 31, 2009). Superconductivity in oxypnictides Colloquium Norfolk, VA.
Gurevich, A., Tarantini, C., Larbalestier, D. C., Ren, Z. A.., Dong, X. L.., Lu, W. and Zhao, Z. X.. (June 28, 2008). Magnetism and superconductivity Tokyo, Japan.
Gurevich, A. (April 24, 2008). Phase textures and fractional vortices in two-gap superconductors .
Gurevich, A. (March 11, 2008). Exploring the limits of critical currents in realistic superconductors New Orleans.
Gurevich, A. (February 21, 2008). Current-limiting mechanisms in high-Tc superconductors; understanding nanoscale charging and dielectric precipitation on grain boundaries St. Simon Island.
Gurevich, A. (February 4, 2008). New effects of the phase coherence in superconductors: from SQUIDS to fractional vortices in high-Tc oxides and MgB鈧 Physics Colloquium .
Gurevich, A. (December 16, 2007). Phase textures and fractional vortices in two-gap superconductors Taiwan,.
Gurevich, A. (October 21, 2007). Breakdown of the phase-locked state and limits of Hc鈧 in two-gap superconductrors ITSNEM Workshop on multiband and mesoscopic superconductors Beijing, China.
Gurevich, A. (October 11, 2007). Dynamics of vortex penetration, jumpwise instabilities and high-field rf surface resistance Beijing, China.
Gurevich, A. (October 4, 2007). Can a superconductor be useful at room temperatures Physics Colloquium Florida State University.
Gurevich, A. (September 14, 2007). Current-induced phase textures in two- gap superconductors and multilayers London, UK.
Gurevich, A. (September 12, 2007). Critical currents in thin films and the ultimate limit of Jc in YBCO coated conductors. How much higher can Jc go? Campbell flux pinning workshop UK.
Gurevich, A. (June 17, 2007). High-field current transport at 300K. Can a compromise between vortex fluctuations, anisotropy competing orders and pairing symmetry be reached? Loen, Norway.
Gurevich, A. (May 23, 2007). High-field surface resistance and rf breakdown in multilayer coatings Fermi National Lab.
Gurevich, A. (April 27, 2007). Current-induced phase textures in two- gap superconductors and multilayers Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Gurevich, A. (March 2, 2007). Is MgB鈧 near the paramagnetic limit, and how far higher can Hc鈧 go?鈥 Washington DC.
Gurevich, A. (August 27, 2006). Limits of self-field critical currents in YBCO coated conductors Seattle.
Gurevich, A. (May 8, 2006). Limits of critical fields and currents in superconductors .
Gurevich, A. (May 2, 2006). 鈥漅F breakdown in multilayer coatings: a possibility to break the Nb monopoly Cornell University.
Gurevich, A. (May 1, 2006). Multiscale mechanisms of SRF breakdown Cornell University.
Gurevich, A. (April 19, 2006). 鈥滱nisotropic high-field superconductivity in MgB2 near the paramagnetic limit San-Francisco.
Gurevich, A. (March 6, 2006). Current-limiting mechanisms in highperformance YBCO coated conductorsconductors: How much conductors: How much higher can Jc go? Tokyo, Japan.
Gurevich, A., Kim, S. L. and Larbalestier, D. C.. (January 31, 2006). Strong Flux Pinning in Coated Conductors: How much higher can Jc go? St. Petersburg, FL.
Gurevich, A. (October 15, 2005). Anisotropic high-field superconductivity in MgB鈧 near the paramagnetic limit Lake Geneva, IL.
Gurevich, A., Song, X., Daniels, G., Feldmann, D. M.. and Larbalestier, D. C.. (October 2, 2005). Electromagnetic, atomic-structure and chemistry changes induced by Ca-doping of lowangle YBCO grain boundaries Cape Cod, .
Gurevich, A. (July 17, 2005). RF breakdown in multilayer coatings: a possibility to break the Nb monopoly .
Gurevich, A. (July 10, 2005). Theoretical advances in SRF Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Gurevich, A. (May 5, 2005). Multiscale current transport in superconductors in high magnetic fields Invited Seminar Arizona State University.
Gurevich, A. (January 9, 2005). Dendritic flux avalanches and nonocal electrodynamics of superconducting films Bombay India.
Gurevich, A. (January 9, 2005). Dendritic flux avalanches and nonocal electrodynamics of superconducting films Invited Seminar Bombay India.
  • 2022: Distinguished Teaching Award, 麻豆传媒, College of Science
  • 2021: Eminent Scholar, 麻豆传媒
  • 2021: Faculty research, scholarship and creative achievement award, 麻豆传媒
  • 2017: Faculty Excellence Award, 麻豆传媒 College of Science
  • 2016: Distinguished Research Award, 麻豆传媒, College of Science
  • 2016: Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, 麻豆传媒
  • 2015: Shining Star Award, 麻豆传媒
  • 2009: Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
  • 2008: Fellow of the American Physical Society, American Physical Society
  • 1989: Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany
  • 1986: State prize for young scientists in physics, USSR