Structural Engineering

Faculty Contacts

Senior Lecturer Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
My research interest is very diverse and generally covers several fields of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Professor Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Structural Dynamics, Engineering Design Sensitivity Analysis & Optimization, Parallel Computing for FEA, Efficient Sparse/Dense Linear Solvers, Non-linear Solvers, Eigen-Solvers, Branch & Bound Mixed Real-Integer Linear Programming Problems, etc....

Lab Resources

Structural Engineering

The Structures/Earthquake Engineering Laboratory has a:

  • 5' x 4' shaking table
  • Reaction floor
  • Servo-controlled MTS dynamic testing system with actuator capacities varying from 500 lbs. to 100 kips
  • Vibration shakers
  • Long column and structural model testing frames
  • Compression-tension testing machines
  • High-speed data acquisition systems

Research Highlights

Structural Engineering Research Laboratory

The Structural Engineering Research Laboratory (SERL) is equipped with reaction frames and equipment for conducting various structural investigations.

  • Experimental and theoretical behavior and strength of steel, concrete, wood, and FRP structural members and systems subjected to multiaxial static and dynamic loads, impact loads, and high temperature;
  • Retrofitting studies involving GFRP, CFRP, and BFRP materials
  • Dynamic stability of structures;
  • Parallel computing methods for large structures;
  • Exploring effectiveness of innovative passive structural dampers.

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering