Faculty Contacts

Senior Lecturer
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
My research interest is very diverse and generally covers several fields of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Seismology, and Applied Statistics, emphasizing regional geo-hazard modeling and analysis, multi-hazards risk assessment, geospatial analysis, and statistical learning and modeling in civil engineering applications.
Lab Resources
The Geotechnical/Soil dynamics Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art routine geotechnical testing devices and a variety of unique research equipment. These include a:
- Resonant column/torsional triaxial shear device
- Cyclic torsional simple shear device, and others with a high-speed data acquisition system.
Research Highlights
Recent doctoral research includes:
- Behavior of Piled Raft Foundation in Partially Saturated Soil
- A Study of Passive Earth Pressure in Anisotropic Sand with Various Wall Movement Modes
- Use of EPS-Filled Tires as Lightweight Construction Materials
- Determination of Anisotropy of Granular Materials and Its Relation to Liquefaction Resistance under Cyclic Loading