Succeed in Today's Global Environment

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A Major in International Business helps you succeed in today's global environment. The business arena in which the

College's graduates will be working is no longer local, regional or national in nature. It is global and requires and understanding of, and sensitivity to, different cultures and business environments. The program embraces three different levels of analysis.

Levels of Analysis

First, at the individual level, you learn to identify, comprehend, and manage cross-cultural differences between individuals. As global citizens, you learn how to build on these cultural differences and generate new business solutions.

Second, at the business discipline level, the program builds on the core knowledge of business subjects taught in the BSBA core. The IB major will advance your understanding by teaching you the intricacies of the global marketplace and how these affect respective business disciplines.

Finally, the international context helps you identify economic trends and policy shifts in the global landscape. You will be able to understand and respond to the changes of formal and informal institutions of nations and how these changes influence the way multinational enterprises do business abroad.

Academic Programs


International Business

International Business Experience


Schedule an advising appointment to speak with our international business advisor. 

Study Abroad

All International Business majors are expected to participate in a Study Abroad experience. 

Student Testimonials

Check out what your fellow students had to say about International Business. 


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