Want to learn more about the science behind climate change? To get better at communicating the danger it brings, or to discuss solutions from the individual to national level? Come on out to the Climate Fresk workshop in partnership with the Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences! Climate Fresk has already swept through France as a novel way to approach climate change communication, and it's now rapidly growing throughout the United States. Participants will assemble the web of interactions leading from human action to climate disaster, then come together to talk about what they've learned and what can be done to address it.


Where: Oceanography Building (OCNPS), Room 143

When: Wednesday, February 19th, 3:30 - 6:30 PM

Cost: Free! The registration page does list options for donations to the Climate Fresk organization, but all students can select "Free Entry" if preferred.


To sign up for the event, follow the link below:


For more information, contact Andrew Lindgren (alind010@odu.edu)