Anti-Racism in Academia: A Learning Journey (ARiA) was created by a small group of community leaders from multiple academic institutions to promote anti-racism in higher education. The ARiA series framework is organized into five parts: Reach Out, Listen, Learn, Act, and Persist. This five-part series is an action-oriented approach to dismantling racism through deliberate and intentional actions executed through small group discussions between August 2020 and January 2021.
The next part in the series, Learn, will cover areas of implicit bias, allyship, intersectionality, and systemic racism. The event begins with a kick-off webinar on October 1, 2020, from 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM to introduce the topic. After the kick-off individuals will be able to enroll in small breakout discussion groups facilitated by volunteers trained to enable open, frank, and compassionate discussions that will promote personal and professional growth through awareness and expanded perspectives that take place throughout the month.
Please visit their website for more information on the series and to register for their upcoming events.