Telework Policy

  • Responsible Oversight Executive:ÌýVice President for Human Resources, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Date of Current Revision or Creation:ÌýMarch 3, 2022
  • Download Policy PDF

The purpose of this policy is to establish the University's guidelines for telework as required by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.61, Teleworking. The policy permits management to designate employees to work at alternate work locations for all or part of their workweek as a means of achieving administrative efficiencies, reducing traffic congestion and transportation costs, supporting continuity of operations plans, meeting critical skill-based talent needs, and sustaining the hiring and retention of a highly qualified workforce by enhancing work/life balance.

, grants authority to the Board of Visitors to establish rules and regulations for the institution. Section 7.01(a)(6) of theÌýÌýgrants authority to the President to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

, State agencies to establish alternative work schedules; reporting requirement.


Alternate Work LocationÌý- Approved work sites other than the employee's central workplace where official State business is performed. Such locations may include, but not necessarily limited, to the employee's home and satellite offices.

Central WorkplaceÌý- An employer's place of work where employees normally are located.

Continuity of Operations (COOP) PlanÌý- A set of documented procedures developed to provide for the continuance of essential business functions during an emergency.

Full-Time TeleworkerÌý- An employee who, under formal pre-approved agreement with the University, teleworks their entire work schedule from the alternate work location(s) documented in the agreement.

Hybrid TeleworkerÌý- An employee who, under formal pre-approved agreement with the University, teleworks 32 hours or more per month, typically one or two days a week, from the alternate work location(s) documented in the agreement on a consistent and regular basis.

ManagerÌý- Employees with responsibility to oversee and direct the operation of a work unit including supervision of employee work and approving work schedules and leave.

Limited TeleworkerÌý- An employee who, under formal pre-approved agreement with the University, consistently teleworks less than 32 hours per month on a limited, sporadic, or task-driven basis in response to a specific agency need(s). Needs could include, but are not limited to, special projects, continuity of operations, emergency closings, and crisis management situations.

TeleworkÌý- A work arrangement in which management directs or permits employees to perform their usual job duties away intermittently or consistently from their central workplace, in accordance with a pre-approved written agreement.

Telework AgreementÌý- The written agreement between the employer and employee that details the terms and conditions of an employee's work away from their central workplace.

This policy applies to wage and classified employees and administrative and professional faculty. The scope of this policy may be expanded in support of continuity of operations plans.

The University promotes telework as a means of achieving administrative efficiencies (e.g., reducing office and parking space), reducing traffic congestion and transportation costs, supporting continuity of operations plans, and sustaining the recruitment and retention of a highly qualified workforce by enhancing work/life balance.

Management is responsible for managing the University's affairs and operations. Therefore, management, in consultation with the Department of Human Resources, has the discretion to:

  • designate positions for full-time, hybrid or limited telework;
  • designate and approve employees for telework; and
  • deny approval for telework.

Position Eligibility

In making decisions about which positions are appropriate to designate or approve for telework, management, in consultation with the Department of Human Resources, will analyze the duties of positions and how the work is performed. Generally, the following types of positions that may be appropriate for telework are those that:

  • require independent work;
  • require little in-person interaction;
  • require concentration;
  • result in specific, measurable work products; and
  • can be monitored by output.

The Department of Human Resources advises, in consultation with supervisors, determine whether their positions are eligible or ineligible for telework. In doing so, positions ineligible for telework are identified on the position description. For example, direct service and place-specific positions are typically ineligible.

Employee Eligibility

In making decisions about which employees are designated or approved for telework, managers, in consultation with the Department of Human Resources, will review the work qualities of employees in addition to ensuring that their positions are appropriate for telework. The manager has the discretion to approve, disapprove or rescind telework. Generally, employees who are successful in telework:

  • are able to work productively on their own;
  • are self-motivated and flexible;
  • are knowledgeable about the job;
  • are dependable and trustworthy;
  • have above average performance records;
  • are organized; and
  • have good communication skills.

Telework Agreements

The Telework Agreement must be completed before the employee may work from an alternate work site. The agreement must also be approved by the unit's budget unit director and the appropriate vice president and submitted to the Department of Human Resources for approval, recordkeeping and reporting to the Commonwealth's Department of Human Resource Management. Changes to the agreement must be reported to the Department of Human Resources.

Managers, in consultation with the Department of Human Resources, may terminate the telework agreement at their discretion and should give employees advance notice, when possible. Failure to follow policies, rules and procedures may result in the termination of the telework assignment and/or disciplinary action.

Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

In situations that require the activation of the University's COOP Plan, the supervisor should complete the telework memorandum for employees who are expected to telework for the duration of the emergency (e.g., extreme weather event, pandemic, act of terrorism, etc.) that do not already have an agreement on file.

General Provisions

  1. Telework is initiated by the completion of the telework agreement. Telework agreements are executed with signatures by the employee, supervisor, budget unit director, vice president, and the Department of Human Resources.

  2. An employee's compensation and benefits do not change as a result of telework.

  3. Telework assignments do not change the conditions of employment or required compliance with State and University policies, including the total number of hours that employees are expected to work. The employee must devote full effort to job responsibilities during scheduled work hours. Managers are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the work produced by the teleworking employee.

  4. Non-exempt employees should be given specific work products to complete and guidelines on how to verify time worked (e.g., an email to the supervisor when they begin work and when they complete the work, thereby setting "time stamps" on the beginning and end time of that work period).

  5. Telework for unplanned or temporary circumstances, such as school closings, family illness, etc., may be approved. The supervisor may exercise discretion in determining whether an employee can accomplish at least some part of his/her duties from the telework site in such a situation and when leave should be used. Unless a telework agreement is already on file, one must be initiated within one business day of the unplanned telework event. Telework is not intended to serve as a permanent substitute for child or adult care.

  6. Employees must receive approval from their supervisor to temporarily and/or permanently shift their telework site to a different location from the one approved in the telework agreement. Failure to comply with this provision may result in termination of the telework agreement and/or appropriate disciplinary action. The temporary change should be in writing and handled as an addendum to the telework agreement.

  7. In the event of an outage (e.g., cable, power, etc.), employees should report to their central work location (e.g., main campus, Tri-Cities, etc.) or use their leave.

  8. Employees are required, as requested by the manager, to report to the central work location as needed for work-related meetings or other events.

  9. Employees must forward their University phone to a reliable working contact number (e.g., Teams Calling, etc.), which will permit other University employees, customers, etc., to readily access them during scheduled work hours and be responsive to the internal and external customers.

  10. In rare instances where it is deemed appropriate for employees who supervise on-campus employees to telework full time, the supervisor approving the telework agreement should submit an addendum providing a justification for this arrangement. The justification should include a description of how supervisory responsibilities will be accomplished remotely.

  11. The University may be liable for job-related injuries or illnesses that occur during an employee's established work hours in their alternate work locations.

  12. Departments may provide University-owned equipment and materials needed by employees to effectively perform their duties off-site. When the department is unable to provide these resources, the employee should supply his/her own equipment to perform work duties off-site. The University is not responsible for the cost, repair, or service of the employee's personal equipment, unless otherwise specified herein. Teleworkers using their personal equipment must comply withÌý, and the security terms as stated in the Telework Agreement Form.

    Any employee who borrows University equipment agrees to protect such equipment in accordance with University guidelines. University-owned equipment cannot be used for any personal activities.

  13. The University is not responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, or other costs incurred by employees in the use of their homes as telework alternate work locations. Where appropriate and reasonable, the employee may be reimbursed for business-related costs associated with telework according to the policies and procedures for telework expenditures in theÌý.

  14. Employees must safeguard State and University information used or accessed while teleworking and comply with all related information technology policies and standards, including required training and records management policies and standards.

  15. Employees who use their homes as telework alternate work locations must ensure compliance with local zoning regulations.

  16. Teleworkers and supervisors of teleworkers should review the resources and training from theÌý.

Telework agreements must be filed in the employee's personnel file, which is retained for five years following separation, then destroyed in compliance with theÌý.

Human Resources Staffing and Operations Manager


Policy History

Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & Responsible Officer Approval to Proceed:

/s/ÌýPamela Harris

Responsible Officer

February 28, 2022


Policy Review Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ÌýDonna W. Meeks

Chair, Policy Review Committee (PRC)

February 8, 2022


Executive Policy Review Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ÌýSeptember Sanderlin

Responsible Oversight Executive

March 1, 2022


University Counsel Approval to Proceed:

/s/ÌýAllen T. Wilson

University Counsel

March 2, 2022


Presidential Approval:

/s/ÌýBrian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.


March 3, 2022


Previous Revisions: March 15, 2007; March 25, 2008; July 25, 2008; December 8, 2009; October 4, 2016; March 3, 2022

Scheduled Review Date: March 3, 2027