Board of Visitors Policy: 1104

Pursuant to ," the Board establishes the following principles and regulations relating to the appointment and service of a Student Representative to the Board:

  1. Status

    The student shall be a non-voting, advisory representative to the Board and shall be excluded from any discussion of issues such as any recommendation or appeal concerning a specific faculty, staff, or administrative member's appointment, salary, promotion, grievance, disciplinary or tenure status, held in a closed meeting or may be excluded from discussion of other closed meeting matters at the discretion of the Rector or Committee Chair. The incumbent shall be a Non-Board Advisor to Board of Visitors Committees (§4,05 of the Board of Visitors Bylaws)

  2. Term of Service

    The term of service of the Student Board Representative and alternate representatives shall be one year, beginning on the May commencement date of each year. The Student Board Representative may be reappointed for no more than one additional consecutive term in accordance with the procedures contained in subparagraphs (c) through (e) of this section.

  3. Eligibility

    To be eligible to serve, a student must have successfully completed at least 15 semester hours of course work at Old Dominion and possess and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. He/she must be registered for at least six hours per semester during the regular academic year in which he/she serves.

  4. Appointment

    The Board shall appoint the Student Representative from among at least three candidates provided by a selection committee consisting of the Vice President for Student Engagement and Enrollment Services, the current student representative to the Board, the Director of Student Engagement and Traditions, and the President or designee. The President or designee shall forward information about the nominees to the Board of Visitors with the April meeting agenda.

  5. Application for Appointment and Selection

    In March of each year, the President or his/her designee will call for applications from students who wish to be considered for the student representative position. Applicants must submit a letter of application indicating why they wish to serve and the nature of their qualifications, a résumé, and two letters of recommendation. The selection committee shall interview the most outstanding candidates and recommend, via the President, at least three nominees to the Board of Visitors for its action at its regular Spring meeting. The Board shall interview the finalists and approve the appointment of the student representative.

  6. Alternate Representatives

    The Board may remove any Student Board Representative that it has appointed at any time by an affirmative vote of at least nine of its voting members. The remainder of the term shall be filled by one of the two alternate Student Board Representatives and approved by the Board.

  7. Removal

    The Board may remove any Student Board Representative that it has appointed at any time by an affirmative vote of at least nine of its voting members. The remainder of the term shall be filled by one of the two alternate Student Board Representatives as recommended by the Student Advancement Committee and approved by the Board.

  8. Responsibilities

    The Student Board Representative shall participate in all Board activities, including standing and special committees to which he/she may have been appointed consistent with subparagraph a., above. The two alternate representatives shall serve as the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) student representative and the representative to the Student Enhancement and Engagement Student Leadership Council as designated by the Board and are encouraged to attend those Board Standing Committee meetings as Non-Board Advisors (§4.05. of the Board of Visitors Bylaws) when the Student Board Representative cannot attend.

By resolution of the Board of Visitors on June 17, 2003, one faculty member shall serve as a non-voting representative to each of the following standing committees of the Board of Visitors: Academic and Research Advancement Committee, Administration and Finance Committee, Athletics Committee, Audit & Compliance Committee, Student Enhancement & Engagement Committee, and University Advancement Committee. The faculty representatives will serve two-year terms and will participate in all public sessions of the Committees. The selection process shall be as follows:

  1. On June 1 of each year, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will provide the President a list of names of two possible candidates for each committee. The list will be drawn up taking into account the need for Board representation of colleges, disciplines, race, gender, and expertise. The list will include a brief biographical sketch of each candidate.

  2. At the June meeting of the Board of Visitors, the President will present the list of possible candidates to the Academic and Research Advancement Committee which will, in closed session, select one candidate per committee to recommend to the Board. This recommendation will then be considered at the full Board meeting.